f Cardinals Win League Basketball Tournament By LORRAINE BALL I una uon the Vrtrrn'tHlloa Umatilla ' Morrow County Lraeua tltl by downing Sun field 64 43 Friday nlcht on th Stanflrld court. . With lone limiting In tx-Ucr than half of thrlr ahuts on 24 of 44 attempt, SunflelJ couldn't atay In the game. Crabtree of lone waa hljjh acoirr with 31 fiolnta, followed by Rea with 20. Swanon wai lone'a main backboard atrenjth In con trolling the board. IONE Rea Crum Swanson T. Martin Crabtree Reserves: 64 20 6 10 7 21 STANFlrXD Maynard Anrell Vosa Clark Banker lone Ekstrom. llama. Padbcrg, Marlck, Hunger. J. Martin. Stanfleld: Krauae 4. Ellenherg er. Glfford. Herrick. Selbel. The Junior varsity of Stanfleld beat lone JVa 33 19 In the pre liminary. Defeat Arlington lone traveled to Arlington Sat urday night to take Arlington by 49-31. lone, with Swanson con trolling the boards, took a big first quarter lead J 9-7. Hudson benched his regular for a big part of the game after the first quarter, although his barters scored all the points ex cept 5. Swanson was high for the game with 18 points. IONE 49 ARLINGTN 31 Rea 6 Wheelhouse 7 Crabtree 11 Pope 6 Swanson 18 Welp 4 Crum 6 Davis 9 Hams 3 Jolllff 0 Reserves: lone Marrlck, T. amice at HARDMAN FEB. 25 Music by Roy's Band Supper Served Martin 5. S- Martin. ITWrotn Kllnerf. Tadbeftf. Arlington: Ottl 5. Cram. lone'a Junu Vriiy al-4 oer Arilnston a JV 40 -2. Norman Netn ntt.-nd.Nl t'ie MHxitut annual reunion t.f the Veteran of the FirM Sval Bat talion at IV Molnr Ul week. Over 50 member of the orlgln.il group met and talked over M time, l'lan were made fr an other reunion next year. Mr. and Mr. Bill Rletmann and Mr. Victor Rletmann wt re in Portland for tlie weekend to see Mr. Rletmann. He U report ed coming along fine. Topic club wit held Frid.iy, Feb. 10. at the home of y.ulW Cotter with a 1:45 dewsert. M Fannie Griffith gv a book re- view, and Mr. Omar Rletmann gave review of an article from the National Geographic Maga zine on Africa. Mr. Roy Llndsirom and Susan were In Portland last week. They brought Mr. J. W. Hawk of Troutdale home with them to visit with her sister. Mrs. Fan nie Griffith over the weekend. Donald Eubanks broke his an kle last Sunday while playing basketball at Condon. He has a walking cast on his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice were hosts for a dinner party on Sat urday evening. Among guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Brls tow, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mor gan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and family, Ar leta McCabe and Judy Sherer. Mrs. Joe Hauslcr was an over night patient at Tioneer Memor ial Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice were In Pendleton on business on Monday. Clyde Crawford was home vis iting for a few days the last of the week. Mr. Crawford is em ployed by the Standard Oil Co. in Portland. Arnica Club members are re minded that Arnica club Has been postponed until Wednes day, Feb. 22. It will be at tne home of Mrs. Dick McElllgott. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gaars land spent several days in Port land last week, returning to lone Friday. Mr. and Mr. Don Ball rr .oi Sunday for a iot luck din wt, Mr, arid Mr. Bill NlchoU and family. Lrstntn, Ky and Dalt Munker if Hnner nl Mr and Mr. Lewi Ball and El mer Peterson were guest. Mr. and Mr. Roger Petersen and Robin of Portland are via Iting Mr. Peterson' family. Mr tml Mr. Ralph Crum. Mr. Pet .non' mother and family, Mr r d Mm. A mo Peterson, of Hralnerd, Minn., are aUo visiting with Mr. and Mr. Crum. Betty Lleuallen of HermUton visited at the home of her dauchter and family. Mr. and Mr. Bob DeSpaln. over the week end. Pearl Devlne. Mary Wright and Be Huddclww of Heppner were afiernoon visitor of Mr. nnd Mr. Ernest Heliker on Sun day. Jim Gorhm, fiance, of Shar on Cutsforth, who recently sustained a broken elbow In an accident, spent several day at the ranch home of Mr. and Mr. Donald Heliker. last week. Shar on spent the week end with her family and took Mr. Gorhm back to c-e hi doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Harlln Devln of Condon visited with her mother, Lann Padberg, on Sunday. A nice gathering was held at the Rebekah Lodge on Sunday evening for their pot-luck din ner. Cards were played In the evening. A free will offering for the UN Pilgrimage waa given. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holtz. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holtz and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtz at tended a funeral in Grandvlew, Wash., on Thursday for Clar ence Holtz's uncle, Fred Schroe- der. Mr. Schroeder worked here in harvest several years. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCabe and Mr. and Mrs. James Llndsey were in ine Danes visiting on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson and family were in Portland over the week end. Mrs. Rod Kvistad and children of Beavcrton visited with rela tives for a few days last week. Mrs. Kvistad is the former Eu nice Peterson. The city has purchased a trac tor with a back hoe and loader BUY YOUR COMBINE NOW... GET YOUR - MASSEY-FERGUSON EMIY (7 for future city work and the r placing of water main. Mr. Robert Jeptrn a ht cm for (he brUte flub m lay evening at hrl hme, ilr. Wal ter Jacotui re rived high. Mr. Bob IVSpaln second M.-h and Mr. Walter Cofley received low. Wan Ball. Keith !?. John How ton. Dall K Kenney Jone motored to Itedintiml to play baketball on Sunday. The afternoon game between lone and Redmond aaw Radnumd on top (il 5U. The night game put lone'a five on top ovrr Condon. 40 33. Mr. Fred Hermann Ulted In Oswego and Portland wnn Ir. and Mr. Ilelmuth Hermann Mt week. She sbw attended the Rob ert Shaw Chorale with the Her-manni Mr. and Mr. Joel Lngelman are the proud parent of a baby boy. Frank Blaine. 8 poun.i w ounce, born at Fioneer Memor ial Saturday. Feb. 11. Th lunlor auxiliary met at the Legion hall Friday night for, their Valentine parly. After a1 short buslneaa meeting. It wa decided to make leather Coin purses at their next meeting, ; March 18 at the home of Fran McLeod. Mrs. Joe Gaarsland and Mr. ! Eldon Tucker were hostcs.se for four tables of bridge Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ball. Jay ana Marsha visited with Mr. ana Mr. Bill Nichols of Lexington Friday evening In honor of Mrs. Nichols birthday. Other guests. were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kooti ana , Mr. and Mrs. Don Munkers and. family of Heppner. I Fred Ely returned home on , Sunday after an extended visit. In the valley with relatives. He also visited his daughter, Ellen. Hoaks, of Seattle. Mrs. Oscar Lundell and Mary, Swanson were hostesses Monday afternoon for a bingo party at Mrs. Swanson's home, inineen. ladies were present. A donation of $6.05 was given by the ladles , to be given to Mrs. Cecil Thome, rflstrirt chairman for the Heart Fund. Gordon. Edythe and Dale White and Mr. and Mrs. Tom White were In Hood River on Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Tom Whites granuiatner, Ray Creson. Mrs. Gordon White and daugh ter Lona spent the weekend in Arlincton visiting at the home of Lewis Wetherall's. Mrs. Roland Bergstrom was hostess for a birthday dinner In honor of Mrs. Carl Bergstrom on Friday evening. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom Sr., Roland Bergstrom and their fam ily, i Werk end gueu if Mr M.i tail Bcfgtrom wet and Mr. R.y Janin vt Portland and Mr. and Mr I'cte Jnln and children. MM. ell. Jaml. and M.ke i f IN -rt lant Mr. R y Jar.m and J'rte Janin are ter and ncj hew if Mr Bergttrom. Saturday evening Mr. and Mi. n4 ThuidT. rtny 14. IM1 Mr rltrrMKR OAXCTTt TIMtl ttiy Janln vrre h! at Sirlar.l t f.r a d nrer In hrur f Mm fail BersstK'm birthday The guru Imluded Mr, ant Mrv Ait !?ie f.l Jr and family. Mr and Mr IVte Janln and fmil. R--Und fc.-Ufcti.-sv. Carl rVvi'" The I r. Jji-I Mjn cUm m t at tf e ffnmi ti on riunday. flivtUn if i-fUx-r w hell. Af ter t'e n eetlng IHecUfc wer.l tJ !( t.r( U lb rM-uif g how, Mr. t-rU laUorrn and Gary TuUn t""k the eroup. Ch d rrr Ch od ta. - fay Ch and fT Ch and Sate - Thomas S. and Mildred Howell'. Home-Owned WESSON OIL qt. 55c For eaiy weight control UM MAYFLOWER Mlnvatlne formula. Chocolate er Vanilla flavor 2 LBS. $13J 1 LB. 69' BeautiluL red. ripe TOMATOES . . . 2 LBS. 25 Crispy, firm head CABBAGE POUND POWDER BOOM FACIAL TISSUE 5 FOR I.OO 1 r FROZEN SONNY B0T ORANGE O for JUICE, 12 oz. 2 ,or 69c BEEF STEW DINTY MOORE 2 ,or 95i LOCKER 3 Vc8TTc CUT AND WRAPPED WHOLE OR HALF TOTS LB. S2YVB beifer SAUSAGE 3 -lb. rolls $jQQ OLD FASHIONED FRANKS mm lb. pkg. gQc FROM ECONOMY Tjcjp lmp.lt V8 Sport Sedan lmp.la V8 Sport Coup. Impal. V8 2 Door Sedan Bel Air V8 4 Door Sedan I JET-SMOOTH i i CHEVROLETS Bel Air V8 2 Door Sedan Biwayne V8 4 Ooor Sedan COMPARE I Thla is the best combine deal yet! rn S O CTf cash direct from Massey-Ferguson 350 if you buy the Super 92 SP Oat y(f cashL direct 'rona Massey-Ferguson OUU if you buy the MF 92 or 82 SP Get $ O f cash direct from Massey-Ferguson AUU if you buy the MF 72 SP PLUS. ..you get better-than-ever trade-ins and other savings this time of year! No interest to pay till 30 days prior to season of use! Check, compare . . . you'll find the M-F Early Buyer Bonus the best pre-season combine offer by far! Hurry in and get full details this offer is for a limited time only! So see us today. YOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON ozalir Padberg MachineryCo. Phone 6-3145 Lexington, Oregon KmIL WW Umm Mm f B.K.yn. V8 2 Door Sed.n Nom.d V8 4-Door 9 P.iseng.r Station Wagon M M V I titan competitive ! models!!! ! Ev.ry on of th II Chevrolet you : hr I priced lowr than comparabl j j eomp.tltlv modal. Proof of how ay J I It Is to fit a Chvy Into your budget. And I wry model give you Chevy' Jet- j : tmooth rid and dozen j of other engineering and ' atvlina advantage you riT-smZM can't find in anything : el lling ai inywntri a? CHCyK0I.KTl : near the money. -Bated on a eomp.rison of m.nufactur.r.' 5 tuggett.d r.t.il pric. (including F.d.r.l tax) for i mod ell with 1 18 inch wh.elb... or .bov. Nomad Six 4 Door 9 Passenger Station Waon Nom.d Six 4 Door 6 Passenger Station Wagon Nomad V8 4 Door 6 Passenger Station Wagon Parkwood Si 4 Door 9 Passenger Station Wagon '"mylZ 1 Parkwood Six 4 Doer 6 Passe.-.jsr Station Wgon A P.rkood V8 4 Door 9 Passenger Station Wagon Parkood V9 4- Door 6 Passenger Station Wagon Brook wood Six 4-Door 6-Png.r Station Wagon Brooxwood V8 4 Door 6 Passenger Station Wagon 'Stherw Chevrolet cars, aexfCorxmrs and the rmvCaiy FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY May Main U Kppn. Or.. I-W21