4 Hcrrwr cAicm TWtt. nrdT. r.Nuorr Additional Social and Club News Dinner Party At Graham Home Mr. and Mr. I'l'U'l G'rtrn were tor a dinner party ul their home Saturday t;ueti f the rvrnlr-K were Mr and Mr. K1 Murray, Mr. mn! Mr. Cr 5puMlng. Mr. and Mr J"in I'foltfiT. Mr. ana Mr. Frink, Mr. end Mr. Jim Thornton. tr. and Mr. W. II WoJff. and Kay Ferguson. Young People Enjoy Chinese Party Fourteen hlj;h whool younc lople vt the ChrlHtian thurrh were greeted by the Charles Knox family last Thursday even ing. In Chinese fashion. A they entered the home, they li ft their shoe and coat at the front door. The group sat about table on pillows and enjoyed Chicken Chow Mcln. Chinese noodles, pure ribs, and Ice cream for dessert. Those in attendance were. Doris Morris. Kern Albert. San dra Jones. Llbby Van Sholack. Sandra Harshman, F-ffic Lane. Le.la Lane. Rod Ayers, Doug Dubuoue, Tom Green. Larry Tib bies, Mary Slocum. Gayle Hi king and Diana Fulleton. The Mann class party will be at the home of Sandra Harsh man with Irish stew as the main course. Vbtft family's pro r w I For tection and your peace of mind, consult us about a complete insur ance program . at moderate cost Insurance can assure a brighter future for you and your family. Let us advise you about endowment policies, an nuities, life policies. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED C. W. "Bill" Lovine Agency Phone 6-9923 Heppner Hotel Bldg. Love Is Spelled L'aimant Because she llkos Delightful BROWN & HALEY CHOCOLATES In Fancy Heart Boxes $1.10 to $6.00 Colorful Rhinestone Dinner Rings $1.00 each Pinochle Party At Collins Home Mr. Bu.l Cllln entertained tw table of pin hie at her home on Turkday ruling. At th mni-lunloq 'f the pin- hie came. Mr Collins M-rved lemon 'le and r.if.e Mr. Harlan M urdy. wi Mur.ker. Mr. 1JMU Munram. Mr. Merritt Gray. Mr. Glenn Smith. Mr. Nl Se, k. and Mr Lrroy Gardner. O.E.S. Social Club The OF.S, nx-lal flub, with Mr. Fred 1'arrUh and Mr. Kd na Turner a htes.es. entt-r-talned at a card party Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Floyd Worden won high for bridge and Mrs. Wavel Wilk inson received high In pinochle. Mrs. Allan Case Wins High At Club Tho What's Tniino Bridge club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Claude Graham Wednes- day afternoon with three tobies of bridge following the dessert luncheon. Mrs. Allan Case won high, Mrs. P. W. Mahoney. second; Mrs. Lowell Cribble, third; and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall received low. So they'll be secure, it's wise to insure By Coty to be lovelier for you! SPRAY MIST COLOGNE DUSTING POWDER EAU DE TOILETTE by Deltah World's finest simulated pearls from $ 6.50 CALENDAR Of IVtWTl rniDAY, Teh. 10 thea Cree Graoee, orange hall. 1:30 P m to.t.in Star. Ude bU. pjn. akttbalL Bum here. ( p-m. SATURDAY, fst. II Ustngtoa Ciang. orange halt :00 p.m. Card fojty. Oddfellow hall i:00 p.m. BatketoalL Bum here, IM pjn. SUNDAY, feb, 12 Mthodist Men meeting, church basement 1:00 am. MONDAY. Teb, 13 Chamber of Commerce. Wagoo Wheel noon. School Board meeting. Court house. 1:00 P-m. TUESDAY. Teb. 14 Co-op Annual meeting. Lexing ton grange halL 10:00 cun. St Patricks Altar meeting. Pailsh halL 1:00 P-m. Degree of Honor. Christian Church, 8:00 p-m. Heppner Extension Unit Nora Turner. Ii30 p-m. WEDNESDAY. Feb. IS Oddfellows. Lodge halt 8:00 pan. Great Discussions class, high schooL 7:30 p-m. THURSDAY. Feb. 18 Soroptimlsts. Wagon Wheel, noon. Rhea Creek H.E.C, grange halL Oregon Federation Of Women's Clubs Meet In Boardman The spring board meeting of the 4th district of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs was held at the Hltchln' Post Cafe in Boardman Monday. Mrs. W. A. Burnap, Powell Butte, state president, was In chnrfje. A coffee hour was held nt 9:30 a.m.. with Mrs. Ronald Black and Mrs. Dewey West of the Boardman Tlllicum Club as hostesses. A no-host luncheon was held at noon. Officers reported on work for the year. Discussions on depart mental work were held for edu cation, fine arts, public affairs. community development, conser vation, home lire, international affairs and International clubs. Proiect reports were made on the Vogue sewing contest, music scholarship. Penny art and Hall mark fund, Sadie Orr Dunbar nursinn fund. Tillamook burn, Pan-American scholarship, CARE and endowment fund. State convention plans were discussed, which will be held In Pendleton May 8-9. The spring convention of the 4th District will be held at Milton -Freewater March 21. Mrs. Joe Tatone of the Tllli cum Club was elected first vice president of the state. Announcement was made of the western states conference of club women to be held In Port land, March 14 16. Following the session the Stanfield Women's Club was hos tess for a tea hour. Mr. Lundell Has 85th Birthday Mrs. Ernest Lundell honored her husband on his 85th birth day with a party at their home. Present for the occasion were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell, sisters, Mary Swanson and Anne Lindstrom, and two daughters, Mrs. Paul Petyjohn and Mrs. Cleo Drake, all of lone. Gene Pierce was in Portland this week on business. Roses are red Violets oto blue Save for your sweetheart; She'll truly love you. Savings e- wN THIS IS YOUR HOSPITAL This it on f ''" written by the aJminUirst" vt Pioneer JdemrUl II" pit at. and publLned by the Caret! Time publle service. By w l omarra ll has often b-en said that rule are mad to b broken. In twt.iiMi hrttrr savlni: would b. "Ruin are made f -r a reason. W have about the normal number ut rule and rrgulatl.n snd. I suppose, about tV normal number of complaint abt-ut them. Tli on thine that makes this hospital different from mu-l huspitaU Is the type of commu nity w live In. It I cum' mon to have two. three, or even more patients In the ho.pltal ... .iii iit her bv blood or marriage. It can be quite gathering if the clan, when all of the relatives decide to come visit at the same time. We have a little pamphlet about the hospital that Is avail able to all visitors and patients. The following regulations on vis iting are irom tnai pani Visiting hours In the hospital, are: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., and 7:00i to 8:30 p.m. Maternity. 2:30 to . .n i r rsn t H-.TO D.m. ' AMJ ll-lll. will y7yJ j It Is requested that you do not . bring children under 16 years of( age to visit patients. The preva-. lonm r,f mmmunlcable diseases among children, with the conse quent danger of Infection, makes this regulation of the State Board of Health essential. vuitlntr rofulatlons are neces sary If you are to receive the rest and care you need in the hospi tal. Lengthy visits are exhaust ing to the patient ana ine pres ence of more than two persons . a iima la n.-irtipularlv tiring. UK W " J . Therefore, visitors are asked to make their visits .-hort and nionsnnt. Loud conversation ana unnecessary noise In rooms and in the corridors is annoying ana Kitchen Space Topic At Rhea Creek Unit "Better Kitchen Storage" was the project lesson which Miss Esther Kirmis, extension agent, presented to the Rhea Creek ex tension unit on Feb. 1 at the Grange hall. Miss Kirmis dls nl.ivod various ways of storing kitchen utensils and those "hard- to-store" Items. She also showed different types of portable shelves which can be taken out at any time and accessories which can be purchased to make more and better use of those cupboard shelves. Then she pointed out the dif ferent centers most used In the kitchen, mixing center, cooking and serving center, clean-up area and planning center. This was a very interesting and informative demonstration which was thoroughly enjoyed hv 15 members and 1 guest. Aftpr a Dotluck lunch, there w9 a business meeting. The floor nrizp was won by Mrs. Em ma White. The next meeting will be on March 1 at the Rhea Creek Grance hall. The project will be "Managing Your Money Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilm Farley spent a few days in Portland attend ing to some business. Robert Abrams and P. W. Ma honey were in Condon Monday on a business trip. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS Cr LOAN ASSOCIATION df lament a! to the tevcr if patterns. VUiiu are rr:hrr tit n place their cl-thing ujn the bed t a jatlrnt N litirs are allnvked in nuu'eiy. the re-cm-ry room or the rmergenO' r'm patients g-lng t urgery may m the Jmnediat family for a f.-w minute tnf..re surfc-eo'. N visitors will b allowed In the recovery r.m Aftrr surgery vis itors will be allowed in the pa tient" r'm fr a few minutes. It Is muih better fr the patient and hater.s his recovery If vis itors are kept at a minimum lm mediately following aurgery. Vis.ltori will net be allowed t May all r.lihl with relatives un ites the patient H on the criti cal list. For the protection tf maternity patients, visitors are akcd not to visit other patients and then go see maternity patients. Please do not bring food or liquids from outside to any pa tient. All patients are placed on a diet by their doctor. The diet deends on the patient's condi tion and. usually. Is part of the treatment. The patient's prime purpose In romliiL' to the hospital has been to get well. It Is unfair to the patient and the hospital to wan der In and out. visiting at all hours of the day. The patient does not net his proper rest and the hospital Is unable to give the patient adequate care vhen vis itors are present continually. You are asked to limit the number of visitors per patient to two. If the patient you are vis iting requests that you do some thing for him, ask the nurse first, especially if you have any doubts about the consequences of your doing the chore. If the reasons are sufficient, these regulations can be bent a little but ask first! In a later article I will write about visiting the nursing home patients. Valentine Party Set For Feb. 16 The men of the First Christian Church are meeting for a work night Monday evening. Feb ruary 13, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. A post Valentine party Is also being sponsored by the men of the church, February 16, from 7:00 to 8:30. This is a family night party and cherry pie will be served as dessert. The men are to bake the pie, and a judg ing contest, for the best pie, will be held. This family night party is for every member, and friends of the church are also Invited to attend. IP mm Is o o V I New Babies Arrive Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Wotdn are the parent of a on born January 29 at St. Anthony' bo pltal In Pendleton. Tl ir.z man ha been named Randall J.rph. He join two i44er brother. Bobby. 7 and David 2. Th grandparent are Mr. and Mr. Floyd Worden of Heppner. SHOP IN HEPPNER Fop Youp Best Girl Berkshire DRESS SHEERS lull fashioned beauty plus Berks hire 'flattery With Seam $1.00 Without Seam $1.15 l.'l -. : . e HEW spRma BAGS . Erenl&ff bag, faille beaded satin Brand New Convertibles . . . still in factory cartons TV Not a budget-priced model, actually Hoover's best I Triple cleaning action, big motor, strong suction. TT See It today . . . It' tho buy of the year. NOW Model 66 Only 7950 $13.95 TOOLS ONLY 10 00 W-Above Double Guarantee By L. E. Dick and by the L E. DICK Mr. and Mr Inld former &r.W Huun. t-f ivrt land are the parent 4 a b. y. tknalJ Rjy. Un lb. J tio bed 1U-J 5' WiRwa. The young frllim- Join older aUter. nunlta lte and Tcrra Kay. Urndparfi are Mr, and Mr, Rty Cttmt of lllltstxro. Oregon and Xtr. and Mr. Orlln lluton of Heppner, SAVE MONEY Gloves - TeKtured, Pig-Nylon Just wash 'em and wear 'em I . . too. HOOVER SteamDry Iron The only iron with a stainless steel soleplate. Glides easier. Stain and scratch resistant. M O D E L 87 Only $69.50 HOOVER PIXIE The portable cleaner that goes every i where dirt Hoover Company life Cm. m $39.95 Now T Earn m PHIL'S PHARMACY Pendleton 6 9923 HEPPNER Phil Blakney. R- Ph. Phones 6 9962 or 6 9605 229 N. Main