JO rCTTTJOHN Beta Omega Chapter Has Card Party At Donald Heliker Home The niffflb if f-t Omt-na Chapter of Epl!on Sigma Alpha and their hubanu enet card party at the home of Mr and Mrs. fn llehker January 2H, Bill Rlctmann un hliih for men and Joe ltuU-r won law prize for men. Mr Harold Snider won hljih prize for women and Mra. Sam Crawford won low. Mr. Robert Ilosklns won the door prize. The regular February business 'meeting was held at the home of Mrs. David Mr Lout February 1. with Mra. Robert iloskins as Co -host ens. Members of Beta Omega voted to aoliclte for 'he Heart Fund In the rural lone area. The chap ter will also head the Faster Seal drive for lone. After the business meeting. Mrs. Sam Crawford and Mrs. Charles Doherty gave a very In teresting talk and demonstra tion on making party and table decorations. The next meeting will be a candy making party February 15 at the home of Mrs. Bob Itlctmann. CALL 6 SUa 91 24 Gcraldine Swaggart Feted At Shower (U-raldine St;rl a guet if honor at a bridal stumer ctven her Jan, W by Shirley (Jalnes at the IMibs home Many tf her cUsumates and ffler.di attended and presented Miut Swai-cart with lovely and UMful gifts. The group played games and were served refreshments after the opening of the fins with background piano muxlc played throughout the exenlrg by Lor alne Ixonnlg. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones spent Wednesday thru Saturday last week In Portland. EMMY LOU SAYS, 7 ThS V A a-Nj am fie h3v OiK 7 A' SVNG AT Turner, Van Marter fir Bryant INSURANCE AGENCY 183 Main Phone 6-9652 Ladies Night Winners Named Mrs. Max Rusrhke, Mrs. Joe Wright, and Mrs. Carey Hitting were hostesses for ladles night card party at the Elks last Thursday following the chlrken dinner served at 6:30 p.m. There were six tables of bridge with Mrs. Lowell Cribble re ceiving high and Mrs. Loyal rorker. low. Eight tables of pin ochle were in play and Mrs. Charles Beckett won high, Mrs. Judy Totlleben, low, and Mrs. Cerald Rea won the door prize. The hostesses served cookies and coffee during the evening. Sons Souci Notes United Pilgrimage Essoy Contests Sans Sour! Rrbrkah Mt met Pri,i,y uiih 27 mrmer present. Card were sent tn the mem bers who were 111 and to tnei families. Th annual Itebrkah cara oartv for wtn linage ami inn othle is scheduled for Saturday Feb. 11 at the lodge hall. n was announced that the Triple Link meetini! will be held Feb. 20 at the home or Mrs. Frank E. Parker starting at 8;00 p m. A 1m i an Important date to re member Is the United rilgrlmage lsav contest to le held March 5 at 2 Ort p.m. In the Oddfellows hall In Pendleton. This content is oix-n to the public ana co rhalrmen. Mrs. Altha Mrk and R. C. MrMurtry urge everyone to attend and see the contestant from Heppner. Laura Lee Sum ner, participate. Refreshments were served by Mrs. L. L. Robblns and Mrs. R. G. McMurtry and a birthday cake In honor of Ellen Moore's birth day. Paul Browns Surprised On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown were surprised on their fifteenth wed ding anniversary at their ranch home with a family potiuck din ner and reunion. Guests taking part In the cele bration were Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Edger, Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Spurlock, and Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Brown all of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gentry, Deb bie and Denise of Milton-Free-water, Chris and Mark Brown. A lovely Valentine cake, made by Mrs. Ron Haguewood, was presented to the Browns and served to the guests. Housewarming Given The Dick Bormans A surprise housewarming was given Mr. and Mrs. Dick Borman at their home Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Case, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin as hosts. Many friends and relatives at tended and enjoyed pinochle dur ing the evening, and refresh ments of sandwiches, cookies and coffee. The Bormans were pre sented a gift of a pull-down light for their living room. Swaggart-Dolven Vows Exchanged Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swaggart Heppner, announce the marriage their dauchtcr. Gcraldine to Russell Dolven. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dolven of Lexington. The young couple were mar ried Jan. 28 In Couer d' Alene, Idaho, and are now making their home In Kennewlck. Mr. Dolven Is a 1960 graduate of lone high school and Mrs, Dolven attended Heppner high school. She was princess of the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo In I960. Marilyn Calvin Sorority Treasurer PACIFIC l.MVl T-srrV. Forest Grw. Oregon Manhn Cahln. daughter t'f Mr. and Mr. IH CalMn, formerly of tlrppnrr, now llvine In Almk. ! Wa rJtv led treaurrf of her .rvrity Kappa Ielta. M.irl!n I a wphi-nnie m4'r Inn In physical education. She Is a graduate of Heppner High Sellout. Co-op Biddies Make Pillows The Lexington Co-op Biddies met at the home of Mrs. Ray Drake Monday afternoon. The afternoon was spent mak ing round smocked pillows. Mrs, Irene Nolan assisted with the refreshments and served to Ruth McCabe, Flossie Watklns, Mary ann Peck, Fay Ferguson, Cleo Van Winkle, Genla Huston, Helen Baker, Edna Turner, Annie Keene. May Gilliam, Laura Richards, Claudine Warren. The March meeting will be at the home of Fay terguson, An interesting meeting Is scheduled for Feb. 14 at the Lexington Grange hall with a film showing in the afternoon bv Helen King from Walla Walla. Mrs. Phil Blakney and Mrs. Bob Brindle spent Tuesday in Walla Walla. CIEATOM OF FAMOUI FEATURE lOCK DIAMOND 1NG$ WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS P She'll leva any one you choose from our large selection All pendants are solid 14 karat gold with 14 kt gold chaint The cultured pearls and brilliant diamonds have been selected by us for kiauty. autality and riluel eterson s JEWELERS Stor hours 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P-M-177 N. Main Phone 6-9200 "Something From the Jeweler's Is Always Something Special" lone Girl Invited To "Smarty Party" UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene One -hundred and eighty-seven freshman coeds with the highest grades In their class, have been honored by in vitation to the "Smarty Party' of Mortar Board, senior women's national honorary. The "Smarty Party," an annual affair, honors all freshman wo men who have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or higher durinc their first term In the University. Smarty Party-goers from lone include Karen Lundell, majoring in physics. Karen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lun dell. Mrs. Larkin Speaks At Soroptimist Meet Margaret Larkin, district dir ector, spoke at the Soroptimist meeting held Thursday noon at the Wagon Wheel Cafe. A senior girl from Heppner high school, Margery Graves, al so viewed the business meeting and enjoyed the noon meal as guest of the Soroptimists. Methodist Men To Hold Meeting The Methodist Men's group will hold their breakfast ana meeting on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 8:00 a.m. in the church basement. Rev. Rod MacKenzie, pastor of the lone Community church will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Spencer Hosts Nine Tricks Club The Nine Tricks bridge club met last week at tne ipencer home with Mrs. Spencer as hos tess for two tables In play. Mrs. Rita Wolff won high and Mrs. Charles Collins won low for the evening. Other guests were Mrs. Robert Abrams, Mrs. Bob Jones. Mrs. Harold Laird, Mrs. Rod Murray, Mrs. Bill Seiwert. and Mrs. Dick Wilkinson. Mrs. Gav Harshman and daughters from Alaska are here for a stay with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Everett Harshman. Shannon Farley Has Sixth B.irthday Party Shannon Farley celebrated her sixth birthday on Saturday with several of her playmates coming to her home for the party. The thllilren played games and had refreshment with a brlthday cake. The tables were attractively decorated with a birthday motif. The little guests present were Shelley and Kelley Wolff. Marie Van Marter, Bobctte Jones. Judy Pratt. Mary Abrsm. Trlcla Frock. Connie Flatt, and Christy Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake and family spent Sunday in Walla Walla. Mrs. Lobhort Wins High At Renegers tr , .. i. . . . . ....... V..-.U-J! msi n ur inn table if btdte l.t Wednesday at hrr fume Bill Lanhart. e.nd, Mrs utrrne tn Muter, low. Mrs. Jim lrruiie. n,l J.k won by Mr. Paul Webb tiner eueM Mere Mr On Hall. Mr Jlni Failev. Mrs. frank Ander.n. Mr, lull Bar ran, Mr, nuj piake. Mrs. pt,k Meador. Mrs, Bert Huff, and Mrs. Boh Jones Mrs, Ptatt ered delirious fnen salad and ivffee a the after card refreshments. HlffNtH CCTTC TIMCI. ThwidJT. fUum f f IHI I Mr and Mrs, Paul llrimUhai uinr.i hrr wuh t.rf t : u f IVTiIand Irft Monday after m. l l;. Kr.r.r!i lUke Bother Tours ft Trervol 8trlc NO SKRVICE CHARGE For Ilvvrvatlons and Tlikets Business or Pleasure All Major AUUnes-Staasnshlpa-Railroads-Hotels We plan your trip World wide or Just Sell You a Tltket to the Next Stop 12 S.E. Dorion At. Pendleton CR 6-4821 t7 in v j I tVI 1 m II Ml II 1 Enla9 ANNOUNCING... onothtr new epratoi. Jl AN GRAY, a r.. turtle fi "it 1ih Sh.d tf IW-auty at Salem, will l wot iated with the Lois Pesuty ShJ tegliinlng this week. Call for the iperator choice: Dot. Glend. Jean it your CUT CERTinCATtS AVAILA4LC Appointments Welcomed LOIS' BEAUTY SHOP Wione 6-0(Wt 1Z WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS OR CKINAWARE COUPONS MARKET Money-saving bargains from Central to llrlll TO ill lS0UP )sX. h&Al " CAMPBELL'S MAT f or yp 29c LIMIT. PLEASE Sfandbi) PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 FOR 85e FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 FOR $1.00 303 Size ROYAL HAWAIIAN mm FOR $1.00 FLA V-R-P AC Frozen LEAF SPINACH PEAS 4 CARROTS CHOPPED BROCOLLI FOR 43c Garden Fresh Produce RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS Lge. Crispy LETTUCE 2 BUN. 15c 2 Kds. 25c SPUDS 50 LB. No. $1.49 MARKET Phones 6-9614 Meat Dept. 6-9288 O USDA CHOICE MEATS Eump Loast 73c lb- Valentine "Saver" Specials for' you - , Swanson T.V. UlNrN tKi Lound Cube Bonel Steak 85c 'b. Steak 93c lb- Stew 65c lb. k 59eeo' a f Tip Top 1 Tip Top FROZEN ORANGE DRINK 4 FOR $1 nn m LADIES ROOM PROVIDED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE W Chicken of the Sea 1 I TUNA PIES J 1 4 FOR 89c n