HZTtttt CAXCTTC-TIMta. Tluf&ay. rabrvort It ! tfjrjijmrr (Basrttp-iyimrfl MOKIIOW COONTTS NEWSPAPER Th nppnt UuilM, e.tablUhed Jslarth 30. ltJ, The llerpnef Tl- wteklUh.. Mu-.rr.ber , XW7. CorvaoUdafed rbruarv 15, WU (K!yiiiiMii Ni VAI$OCIATlOM W. a WILSMAN Editor mad PufcU.h.t rHANCCS L. WILOMAJt Awoctate PwbtUbat NATIONAL IOITOIAI 6TI -Limine IIJILJ From The County Agent's Office 8f N. C ANDERSON Alwaya striving to Improve hU wine herd, Kenneth Smouae, lone, l int Friday boucht the high celllne bred Rllt at the Washing ton Swine Breeder Association Sale held at Colfax. The put. a Yorkshire, consign ed by Earl Slmantel. Cornelius, Oregon. Is of excellent type and from the best breeding avail able. While the average for the sale wn less than one hundred fifty dollars, there was spirited bidding for this cllt which sold to Kenneth for $220.00. Kenneth reports an unusually high de mand fr both Yorkshire and Talouse boars this spring. He feels that he must keep several lines of breeding If he is to be able to continue this demand from reentered and commercial breeders. In addition to the de mand for registered boars he has sold a considerable number of gilts recently. Jerry Rood, Heppnrr. who has Just been hired as the traier to spend half time In Morrow County and half time In Uma tilla county on the coojeratlve agreement between these two counties called a few days ago to tell me that he would have his trailer house Jocatitl at Vin son to make It handy for the trapping In Umatilla county. He will continue to maintain his residence In Heppner and can be reached there or through Dan Doherty. who lives at Vinson STAR THEATER Frt, Feb. 17 One Dot Dinosaurus Fabulous A Giant in the science-fiction field of enter tainment. CS and Color. Chuckles added to terrifying realism. TWO CARTOONS. mmnmmsmmmnimmtmsam Sun Moo Feb. 19-20 Walt Disney's Jungle Cat True adventure filmed In the Amazon wilds in co-operation with the Smithsonian Insti tute. Technicolor. PLUS Police Dog Story James Brown, Merry Anders. Story of a beautiful and in telligent police dog. Sunday at 5 and 7:30 While it is still early we have had occasion to make recommon dations for pasture seeding for two ranches this spring. Lloyd Howton, lone, will seed 270 acres of pasture land which he has worked up during the past year preparing a good seed bed for seeding as soon as the weather permits. Some old stands of crested wheat which have been FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hormlston, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermlston-McNa.y Highway WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Chafs With Your Home Agent f ESTHER XIRMU Kger Duherty. Heppner. and Sandra Davit, Irrij-on experien ced an exciting and educational week end In Salem. February 2 4 when sixty six teenagers made a first hand obwrvance of Oregon"! government In artlu at the fourth annual 411 govern ment conference In Salem Theme of the I II ronferem was "Know Your State Covern ment." The program was organ Ized four years ago by Oregon State College Intension Service Each county can send two dele gates one boy, one girl at least 16 years of age, AH 4 II members were housed I. . u . r i i r .... i a- c . seeding get eMablUhed this year """i before ocklng It with cattle I"? rn n lh? .de "a?1? tirim? I mci wnn senate iTesiucni, ucn nexi jnng. i ..t w, .,,. ciuitnr Bob and Herb Teterson, also R()hrt r..,,.,., uhfl Mn.,ined s . J -.1 " f or lone, nave none a unr f v, ,.hm ar..n,..n. fif fh(l wu. brush control and working up ..ur, fp. roi .n, rr over one nuruire.i acres ini.i Frank Roberts. Chief Clerks of same type of ground. The reter- ,h Ra-nat.. n,J Hons, also de . t a ff ...-it. uAi. I . sin iwi uu. j jfribfd how legislation was rabbit and sagebrush last June handle Thi. rmmi valuable n,m " n """ background for viewing the ac pracueauy iw coniroi. m ,ua! legislative process the next I.IIHl BIKI B'MIIL- UIU S I. Ill 11.1 us I JaV crested wneai were worneo up and will be seeded back to Nor dan Crested Wheat and Nomad alfalfa soon. There are many thousands of acres of such type invaded tv rabbit brush and satre ere noble bladed to do away with this competition. Llnvd will be seeding a mixture of Nordan Crested Wheat, Si bcrlan Crested Wheat. Pubescent Wheatgrass. Hard Fescue and Nomad alfalfa. He will let the Friday, youngsters attended a stock weeklies, it was one of the good ones ever to be held. The top bull sold for $10,000, while of "land throuchout the county, the champion heifer went for reclaimed and seeded to good $8,000. Kirk and Robinson ex pasture mixtures to Increase hlblted seven, while Herb Ek grazing capacities. These seed- strom had one. Several from Incs will act as demonstrations Morrow county are consigning of what can be done for those Hereford to the Redmond sale, who might hesitate to go ahead Feb. 11. They are Kirk and Rob- with this kind of a program. Last week Frank Phlpps, Ore gon Slate College Weed Man spent some time In the county working with the agents in put' ting out weed demonstrations, Two fence row sterllant plots were established, one at Irrigon and one near lone. Inson, Leo Barnett. Bernard Do herty, and Gerald Bergstrom. While we are reporting bull sales, don't forget the Production Sale being planned for March 2 by Frank Anderson and Harold Wright. There will be CO regis tered bulls offered by these two breeders as well as a number of Oar Is quite proud, and rightly stecrs from aro,d WrIjfht and vi a new tviav oiuoe wmtn ,h, hriinHnr. TV.. cil u-ltl K held at the North Western Live stock Auction Yard. he has Just purchased. The plane, a Piper Pawnee, is built espec ially for spraying and incorp orates quite a number of ad vancements in aerial spraying in that model. Frank Phipps, who worked with Gar in puting on the plots is quite well pleased with the application pattern that the plane made. mc-U!;g of t). J'li.t W and Meant Committee and vUlted the Senate and the H-mse. Gov. emor J!a!.':r!ri rH u!th them In the afternoon In hi dm ferer.ee r"m to explain the role of governor. He also prewntej hl views on hi proposed re- organization plan. Farller In the conference the 4 II girl were Invited to a tea L'tven bv .Mrs Hatfield In her home. Fight lobbyists, representing Portland General F.leetric, A.F.L. CIO.. Ass'ulated Oregon Indus tries. Oregon Farm Bureau Fed eratlon, Oregon Trucking Assoc lition. Oregon Medical .Society. Pacific Power A Light, and Ore gon Railroad Association made up a panel which discussed the lobbyists part In developing leg llatlon. Howell Appling was banquet sH-nker on Friday evening. His topic being "My Job as Secretary of State." Howard Bi-lton, State Treasur er, described how Oregon's gov ernment Is financed at Satur day's breakfast. Later, the youths visited the Supreme Court and its Library. Climax of the conference came at Its close on Saturday noon when four Oregon 4 11 club mem bers were named from the group to represent the state at the Nat ional 4 II Club Conference In Washington D. C. In April. They were Gary Meyer, Rose burg; Ronald Woodward. Bay City; Grace Elliott. Astoria, and Sharon Gardner, Portland. TELL 'EM YOU SAW IT IN THE GAZETTE-TIM ES BUSINESS MACHINE SERVICE Office Supplies. Office Equip ment, Business Machines. IN HEPPNER 1st & 3rd Week of Every Month DON 120 BALL. Serv. Dept Main St., Hermlston Phone JO 7-5114 SCHOOL MENUS Week f Tab. H IT !ON PAY Spanish He, spin ach, carM atlckf. cake, fruit, bread and butter, milk. TUESDAY Chill beans, cab bage salad, fruit, cake, corn bread, honey and butter, milk. WEDNESDAY Beef and gravy, ix.tatoea. cold tomatoes, celery sticks, fruit, bread and butter, milk. THURSDAY Vegetable soup, meat sandwiches, lettuce salad, upside down cake, milk. FRIDAY Creamed Tuna on toast, buttered peas, apple brown Betty, milk. too Tf wa I Wans U I tatf. Livestock Market Cattle Hogs S)ip SALX IVEHT TUESDAY 12 NOON Oa U. 5. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO, He. Henntatoo JO 7-Jllt JO 7-C45S Hermlatoo. Oieyoa ftaak Wink 6 Sons Onw Don Wink. Mat. HEREFORD CATTLE SALE CARLOAD LOTS 65 Registered Hereford Range Bulls Ranat-Ready 2 Yaar-olda Guaranteed Breeders 500 Hereford Feeder Cattle Top Quality Hertford Steera & Helfart Selling f In carload lota ita u.,i urrAii Jt. w nam bomioviviui hviw 350 Sam quality from adjoining ranchers as guest consigns. This Is an Invitational not open consignment sale, r Country Fresh cattle direct from ranches, r Carefully sorted for uniformity and quality. - Clean health on every head, vaccinated, r Favorable weighing and shipping conditions. Northwestern Livestock Commission Company Yards SELLING AT AUCTION THURSDAY, MAR. 2 HERMISTON. OREGON ON U.S. HIGHWAY 30 Feeder Cattle - 1 1 :00 A. M. Range Bulls - 1 :00 P. M. onni tnr mtflinc on this ruuped set oi biz ranee duiis . . . A fine selection, whether your needs are one bull or a carload. OWNERS FRANK ANDERSON Heppner. Oregon Phone 6-5311 HAROLD A. WRIGHT Heppner, Oregon Phone 6-5310 For catalogs, reservations, information contact owners or SI WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Walla Walla. Washington Phone JA 5-4944 DON WINK. Yard Manager Hermlston. Oregon Phone JO 7-6655 or JO 7-3111 Don Robinson, of Kirk and Robinson Hereford Ranch, vis ited the office last week nad while here reported on the recent Columbia Empire Polled Here ford Show and Sale; For those who haven't read the reports of this sale in a number of live- SPECIAL LUTHERAN LENTEN SERVICES SIX MIDWEEK STUDY SERIES LUTHERANS e This week's Subject "Hotv can ive know the Bible is God's Word?" WED., FEB. 15 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH HEPPNER 4 WED., FEB. 16 VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH GOOSEBERRY RD. 7:30 P. M. each evening PANCAKE DINNER both evenings preceding studies ji, V tirM j i ' ir h 1 4 if I iv iV MS ! , ' v vl mill wcw iWii ,VHI III , j, '," IX V'-rr; rT?!! ! -: ; ' Moet beautiful way to save .. 4 i tf C ': sT a you go . . . the 1961 Ford 1 7 :f '"f i T f N. y-,lt Galaxie Club Victoria. x ,vV,xw- i , ummmtT ' ff-WKwnmiiir'n-mmwiii iiiiiiiwimiiiii i imiii a . VjOV P.teiKiiiigjL Imagine driving 2V2 times around the world on one chassis lubrication costing about $4 MEMBERS i Ji a twin r d i r tvinc ' M 11 aU m M 1 C lal L J CORDIALLY INVITED Believe it or not, it's true ... in a 1961 Ford! Only Ford in its field can normally go 30,000 miles before it needs a chassis lube job. Then a lube job that takes only about $4.00 and 20 minutes sets you up for another 30,000 miles of travel. The set-ret? New nylon bearings and new long-lasting lubricant. And that's just the start of the money-saving new features in the '61 Ford that's Beautifully Built to Take Care of Itself. You'll find other brilliant Ford innovations listed on this page. Come in and let your Ford Dealer tell you about them. Admire the Classic Ford Look that's going to mean so much extra trade-in value. Try Ford's spirited new Thunderbird V-8 . . . yours for only a tride more- Best of all. look at Ford's low, low price sticker. Why in the world pay more when the '61 Ford given and saves so much more? See us today. HERrS HOW THE "61 FORD TAKES CARE OF ITSELF Lukrium HmU-You'll Mrmilly p 30 000 ma between cluuh luori citrani .wlucn cost only about U 00 and takt about 20 minutes) became Fotd has replaced conventional (rease dttings with a seeled. in lubrication system. eiejna IN eve ell-You'll fo 4.000 miles between ml changes because Ford s Fell Fiow oil ltef roes n filtration tnrourn fibers traonni mote dirt than en other type o filter nude. ev " m eraee-tew Truck Sue brakes adjust ttiemselva automancalty. Saarat Its ewa ewnier Ford muners are double-wrapped and ahinu ed to last three times as lent as ordinary mufflers. Veteett Mi en kery-AII yital underbody parts are speoally processed Se'abol """"S"". " l lal.anmni the body panels beneatk Take eare el He ewe swisk-Juit wasb and clean Ford s new Diamond lustre Finis to mane it (listen km new. It never needs wannf. From 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. i NURSERY PROVIDED HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. MAIN & MAT STS. HEPPNER. ORE. PRONE 6-91 S2