lone tf LC2SAI3E IA1JL I.'jir brat Eiho FriJay r-Uiht at 1-4 ho Ivf their tntn4 league win. 71 it. The Cardinals started fat and l.-d JO l the first quarter. Controlling the board and play they Inrn-iM the lead to Hoopsfcers Still Hot-Win Two 37 ?? -I ! fciil With Jot. ahuuUrig .4-V average for the (n-, they con tinued to lnfr their Wd In the eetnd half. T. Rea wa game high man wtih 13. M, Splko fof tho had 13 How To Make A Moth Starve! a Gather up all (hose soiled gar merits and bring them to us for the best cleaning they've ever had. We um only Dupont Pm-lene fluid fur all our quality dry cleaning. Cuarantreil ly CimmI llouaekcplnfi. iVrclene leavr-i no odor and la aaf for all ilry.rlcanable fabrics. We guarantee your complete satisfac tion on every gar ment we clean for you. CALL 69441 RIGHT NOW FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY lone & Lexington Mo a. & Thurs. HEPPNER CLEANERS Vi iom: ti iciiu Svt a r. . 14 tuna man B J Martin 6 Kite Crum 9 Spike M. T Martin 8 Flanagan I:ikt: Juno llama 6. Ctab trr 6. Pad berg 3. lWtrttn. fVh M. Flanagan 1. Thorn p M.n 3. K. Bowman 2. Henry Cur- rea. O linen F. .. JV won 44 la 37. loo S4. Stant.eld 44 lone wvn their third straight It-ajrui cam by downing Stan fl.ld M 44 on their home u Saturday nitht Starstield tried playing a de liU-rate tIe of ball game and stayed even the flrt quarter l to 12. In the second quarter Ione'i helchl and ex,ericnce helpc them to a 27 20 half time lead Both team flayed even ball again In the third quarter and ended 3 31. lone. In the fourth, fouls caught up with Stanflcld as tone's height and all around fine play proved too much for the Tigers. F. Rea was game's high man with 23. followed closely by Swanson with 20. IONE F. Rea Crum T. Martin Hams Swanson 44 54 ECHO 23 Anci ll 2 Maynard 4 Voss 4 Banker 20 Clark Reserves: lone C r a b t r e e 1 Echo Krause 3. Stanfleld's JV's walked over lone 2214. Mrs. Milton Morgon was hon ored guest at her home Jan. 16 for a surprise birthday party. Among the ladies dropping in to help her celebrate her birthday were: Mrs. Marlon Palmer, Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. Gary Tullls. Mrs. Edmond Bristow, Mrs. Paul Stanficld Meat Co. Hugh Smith. Owner 4 Mgr. Staniitld, Or. CUSTOM CUTTING-CUTTING CURING Wholesale & Retail LOCKER MEAT Call GI 9-3633 WE DELIVER ivmk.rm. Mr irn Mr. 5 Ciawli'fd Mi Cd Thorr.e. Mrs.. CWt I. ... ... Wate Crawf"". Mr Pa, id l:iet mann. Mr Il" R. Vary Swanson and Martlet M-tfifi. Mr. an-1 Mr. Pa(." Ray were ttoM Thursday earning f .r a birthday party In I. r f Mr CtaUon Aver, an.l Mr. Cvil Thome. Other cues' Included. Mr. and Mr. Mrln Palmer. Mr. n.l Mm l4e llm-r. Mr. Thome. Mr. Ayera and Mr. Frneat ll.'ltker. Rrfrehment were sened and the exer.ir.g was enjoyed playing card ThuiaddT. Januaif 14. IHI Mr. and Mr Fred Anderon ; were vlHlng hi !ter. Mr s Fd the White and M; Im scne lvhnr Cf avkfoed i Moloney at weekend trvrhed hijjh. Mr 1 Falmrf j Mr Grdn While and Un ;.,u Ar.4 VU'a M.'t-"::u;t U!ted in Arltng'en rxrt the rrsi ud tr.e d.h-r prue. ;ek end !-na alo a In Tf.e Tlie n.in.,w t:irl an mm. i lalle. w tiii; a liir t party Friday. Jan ! A v,-t ,ari' f lorte ;7 at 7 si pin. at the Maaonle i 'mrrr were in neppner hall If !II be f.,r the public t n s'1"ir',4V hitht rr the annual .r I : !, will In pl ijrd Re '"''n hvd Kp4nMred arh ear rrehrne.-.t will be med and " ",p prl.'t ghen. I t" Wednesday id last wiek. f Mr. Frnet lUliker and Mr. .... i!.. J1... . .. . I, I lud.t Sn.anv.it were h"teM to the Mngo tlub. Mm Walter Cor a.i H. . I .... ..... . .It..' " 11 i ri, f M tril IH 111 hi mrit Ikt were prenent. Ralph L . . . , .. . .i. .. t.i .v . Ibt ra were there to enjoy the re a n.H.n tluik dinner. Atout Crum shotted hi lintpean pl' turva an.l i;e a ery Informa Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray Ml tue and Intereailng talk. Sunday to be in ine pane, wnn p.,n. h.H-klev was In Kueene sumption f the rlub. which has been Inactive for the pat few month. . . ... I ...... . . .. . i. ....... i. . - . I .flan ....... I n ..... I . . ' ' . ' 1 " neir mm " ".. .. .". i t n Thumdav tn atten.l a I t , ii.i.... ki. ..... ... ..i u mil R,...w,t. ' .. . : " '" '. " !'"". w, iiuiii.'. i onuarv ir nciiaia inieiine. i iii.iitr n,i tm n..m.t. l)rr.liar nmterwent iaureri' cnl,. ... .t.ni. .. i...... . .1 I' ' Mmriav " """""" """" Mr and Mr. Herb Fktrom .Monaa). I Thur.lav evrnlrie Mn 1 .., u .. ui. .. . . . .. , , . , 1 - rum . I... MiikflM nun ,.l. HlltJ Mr. lonall i.aii tave a Mrtn-Utalla Shock ley. Mr. Rotiert De-1 da' rr'y. ,?r,1h.';r, SauJh,,r Pi'aln. Mr. Iavld Mc!wl. Mn. in Ontario on their return trip Melanlet fifth birthday. .oungan.iA ticdman. fr n,wt r I rr.,... n,.n ... t, 1.1J ianoria.1 t .. 1 f. 1 . . . .. I " I ' 3 a I I va 1." 3 guest were: iay nu traie Clun kers. Freddie Sherman, of l-p pner, Shirley Nlchol. lxincton Barbara Palmer and Pavle Mo IHd. Other guests Included Mrs. Gerald Rood. Heppner and Mrs. Bill Nichols. Lexlngion and Mrs. Lewis Ball. Games were played. Htttntn GAirrrt TiMti DATCI TO RCMCMItl Jan. 270 Link ab t Mary Swan.oa, a. Jaa. 27 Jtifpiur IV axsa 7:39 (h.i). Jon. IT Card partf t Maaosic halt Jan. 2 Ion t. Umatilla (that) rh. I Eaatvr) liar Social Club, rh. 4 Lion Cbaiter Night they Kenle. Mrs. P. O. Lilian and had lovely weather until Mr Joe llausler were hostess I gd to Im Grande. IllP H I'l ni SI t . 1 IIIilA t. 1 . . . a . . a. I I a. . . . u ....r. ...in- .-,,.,,,,-r ?,r urul ilrn KtC(, jtl!tg ,)ar nonor 11 .Mrs. inarles Hudson In , ..its of Mrs. Joe Hauslcr are via. tnP (iiurcn liasement. Mrs. Hud- ninu a few davs with Mr, llaus. son r.velved many lovely and lcr and familv. Thev are on their i.m-iui puis. ,rs. w.spain help- way home to Sslem after vis Lewis Ball. Games were played. U,, at th ,ff , Tatiy (Ting in Flo Ida. Ice cream, cake and punch were ,mnU a h,r of Mf J" guests Mrs, Pallas Shockley ,)rothcr ,nJ fam Mf .m, Mfi poured. Mrs. Richard Ren relumed to Portland on Monday to resume her work. Mrs. Gaarsland re. I Pay Cash and Save Pat Cash and Save Pay Cash and Save Pay Cash and Save Thomas S. and Mildred Howell's Home-Owned YOUR RECIPE FOR 1517. -FOOD SAVINGS SONNY BOY . . Dairy Loaf Process CHEESE 2 lbs. 65c PANCAKE SYRUP 3 for 89c GOLDEN SHORTENING 3 lb. can 65c BLEACH 12 gal. 33c FROZEN FLAV-R-PAC GREEN BEANS 6 FOR $1.00 We carry a full line of Mayflower Dairy Products Bisquick BETTY CROCKER 3 PKG. PRODUCE BUYS SPUDS 10 lbs. 39c Green Peppers Yellow Onions 2 FOR JIJC 5C one pound j MfflT SPECIALS j 49c lb. Swiffs slab BACON Whole or half BACON SQUARES BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER Cut and Wrapped as you wish 24 C lb. served. Home Eo club was held at Mrs Mable Cotter' with Mrs. Jim Lindsey as co-hostess It was an all day meeting with dinner served at noon. There were 23 members present. During thclturnw, wh hor to ,)(, Mr9 ousincss mccuriK. o.r. ' '" pof CrawfoRl who hn heen ,j, Ring, president, appointed her ... ,,vnrwr, nrr ... COmmiuees lor mc ir I rnmnanled Rav nnrt Torn HpIiti Ruby Miller was In Portland I biner to the river on Sunday to see her son Lyle Mncaid w no I w here they did some water ski- underwent ear surgery at bt. In-1 ing cents uospnai in ; roruanu on .... c r- Brcnncr rc()mnan mursaay 01 iaM k. borit ,0(, Mr nn(, Mrs B11, UnR t0 Klncald went to Portland on Sat- nn,i Kh(t KIM.nt th raay 10 oe wni uruu.cr, w.eekoml yisitlne her mother and L'ie- I brother. She returned with Mr. Mrs. Elbe Akers and Danny I Brenner. On Sunday they were and Mrs. Jim Barnett and D Ann I dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs ere In Portland for a few days Bill Eubanks. lslting witn tnetr oaugnter ana Tlu, Tunlo, Auxiliary held sister uariene uonaia. Irhoir mnnthlv mrtino' at the Arnica club was held at the I home of Mrs. David McLeod on home of Mrs. Dallas Shockley on I Saturday. The members can Wednesday with Mrs. Arnie Hcd-vassed the town for old Christ man as co-hostess. It was almas cards. On returning the business and social meeting. I meeting was held and refresh New officers for the year arelments were served. The mem President, Mrs. Sam Crawford, I bers are sending the old cards vice president. Mrs. Arnie Hed-to Veterans. The group are plan man, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ining a Valentine's Tarty for Feb. Dallas Shockley. After the meet-1 10. There were 11 members pres ing an afternoon of pinochle was lent. I'turned home Harry Petersen In Payvllle. FOLLETT MEAT CO. HtnnMon. Oreaoa Ph. JO 7 6651 On HermUton McNary Highway WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE Hog , Tuesday Cattle , Wed., Thur. Sheep Any Day When It Comes To INSURANCE THE "HEIPINGEST" HAND IN TOWN BELONGS TO AN INDEPENDENT AGENT You tee, being independent we're not tied to jutt one company but represent many, handling every tpe of Insurance written. That's true freedom . . . freedom to place your busi ness where it's best for YOU! C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-9625 HEPPNER. OREGON BOX 111 I'M ... ... kj fm "t jyT" f r t r ' : t .s ' i- - , i fi . .. - 4:t 4 ' : f t - : 4.. i I i o vvift and sure V J t ir. " 4 LVlW.liTVC'.;! if. i..-. .it ..mil CTC works both directions, guiding trains cither way. By the automated signals and switches of CTC operation, traffic is guided across the West. Trains moving along the great stretches of track under Centralized Traffic Control, go more swiftly and surely. Whenever you ship or travel on Union Pacific, you have the benefits of over 2,000 miles of CTC. Trains move more effi ciently. Goods arrive more dependably. Your travel is easier, smoother, more relaxing. lecal A.;t.. or j. M. La-.Saj Gn. Trs'. Ag , Ws a V.4 a Whenever you ship or travel.,. Be specific sa' C5D3DL3 a, j Pay Cash and Save Pay Cash and Save Pay Cash and Save Pay Casb and SarJ-3