KITTXt GAIETTZTIMES. Thurd. Januorf S&. tfiruuttrr fedtr-GIinmi NOHOW COUNTY'S NEWiPAPA PC I Th, jteppner Ce-ette, ftebllahed March 30. .x The IITI'n-r Tim- eetabllah! IWTtuiim W. a WILDMAIf Editor and Publisher. FRANCES L. WILDMAN Associate Publisher From The County Agent's Office fZvu(f ruiiiMHi VaIiociation NATION At lOITOtlAl ASPCUT,TN . lrH ,. Morrow and Grant Counts. tlOO Year; I Inhere It SO Year. Single Copy 10 RblUhS I ThuyVnd Entered at the Office at r,.,.nr,. Oregon, a. Second CUsa 1 THIRTY YEARS AGO Cents. Matter From tba IUe ol tha GetteTUnee January 2X 1931 Bed Cros drive endorsed by Llona to help Morrow county reach their quota of $100. Mr. and Mm. Alfred TfNm and daughter. Fiance, of M ir gan were dinner ;uet Sunday at the Loren Hale hm In Ime. All officer were re -elected to the Ilerjner Library board. 2.2?M book were circulated In six month and muny nw volumes havo been added. Tri-County Hereford Association Eighteenth Annual La Grande Sale Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1961 At Union County Fair Grounds Show 9:30 A. M. - Sate 1 :00 P. M. Registered - Horned & Polled 50 Head Bulls 50 Reputation Cattle From Reputation Breeders Auctioneer: Si Williams FOB INFORMATION Writ or Call CHUCK GAVIN. Sale. Manager. P. O. Box 735. La Grande. Oregon Phone WO 3-5814 ivtatur fr sale, very good netted gem. KV a saik. Mr. and Mr. Henry Ifaurh and children motored to Heppner Monday evening whew they at tended the American Legion ban quet. The 1931 Chevrolet are here: Sjtlal Sedan. $X32; Coupe. 5 window. $T20. Ferguson Motor Co, F-rncst Lundcll. lone garage man and car dealer, wa In town on business Saturday. STAR THEATER riL-SaU Jan. 27-28 DUMBO Walt Disney's delightful ele phant Is back to please an other generation and those who will want to see him again.' In Color. Plus The Gallant Hours James Carney, Dennis Wea ver, Ward, Costello. Heroic moments with Admiral Hal sey nt Guadalcanal. Action fialore! mttrrrmmttttttmmmn:t Sun.-Mon., Jan. 29-30 Oceans 1 1 Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and many other big stars. Daring robbery yarn with witty wisecracks, filmed a gainst Las Vegas background in CS and Color, plus musical scenes from shows. Sunday at S and 7:25 A Ctirrertktn nr item ap,-rirg In thU col x. c Axstuoa U made to thjVtlhur van ". ranch. w very happy J,h ,h - .! t . . e . ill m riu . i t umn last wek concerning r-.u... . . ... ! ... rvin ,ih,i A rn will i- -'- O-nup Ranch a. 4 II club pro- the ne.t 'hiuii iWi. For a god rnany vc.r. dHermlne if the were effected now th-re hi been a demand fur Iamb fur 4 II boy and fir! to feed out for show and sale. Muny of thee b) and girl, fur mm trkn or another, can not or du net rale their own Umba. It I difficult U them ta go out and buy a lamb un Je they have the rwe to go with It and rale the lamb. Sine Don ha realized that thi 1 a prob lem fr 4 II ry and girl he ha offered to sell to thee boyt and girl a lamb letting them take the ewe ao that they can have the benefit of raising the lamb a easily a possible. Gen erally these lamb can be wean ed at around three month of age a they get on full creep feed. The ewe can then be re t..rn.i Th ttorv. aa It appear ed last week Indicated that Don would give these boy and giris the lamb for taking care of the ewe. On Monday afternoon of thl week the first of the four herds prayed as a demonstration for the control of lire and grub with the new systematic Insec ticide were checked for result. This check was made at the Frank Anderson farm as he was ...nnintr hU rattle throueh the chute for a routine T.B. test made by Dr. Norene. This provided an excellent opportunity io cnecn, oulte thorouehly, the majority of the cattle sprayed last No vember. While an animal or iwu, which was not sprayed for soma reason or another, were quite "grubby" those sprayed showed lOOo control of grubs for all practical purposes. No lice were found and there were no Indi cations that any of the cattle have any lice Infestation at all. This same herd was sprayed three times last fall and winter for lice control. Ordinary Insecti cides were used. A stop was also made at the Harold Wright ranch where Co Ral was used early last falL We Ford Dealers say: Ifou name it (YOUR FAVORITE HIGHER PRICED 1961 CAR) can beat it I f2Lr- - v i -,M,,.,wmm tT "SS 1H1 Ford Calaiie Club Victoria " - " "i1-,1" r?r-,7T" - -f Igjim- - "" "" Ilium Take a Challenge Ride-Get our Special January Challenge Deal! W iholUno yea re drive Hie W61 Golexi . . . compare its ThunderWrd V4 pewer' pep - perforsMiKe with any bifirvprUed car on the market I Compare Its TliunderWrd fcondtlna ceraerlitg . comfort with com costing moth, moth morel Compare aed xoell fiJ Bootker fine cor U so beoo tifwlly beilt te toko care ol Itselii Compare the deal w.'ll give yoe en a Galaxi with Its le-qr feareret and lew Ford priie' Nae your favorite 1961 fine carl Rut before you ,,nd hundred, more, take our Calaxi. Challenge Ride and ou 1 ml no other fine car can match tli.t Thunderbird Pint and i a the low rorrfprice. No other fine car can cut your operating cu-ts to the bone llkAfter"ou-ve enioveJ vour Calaie Qiallenge Ride . . . w you to compare our Calaxie Challenge Deal. It can t lie K at !ca. onW (Masie offer. Tou fine-car luxury and ,K-t(onnaH-e at a low lord Pri-e. And the deal we'll male on jour pre-nt car . . . plus the MMiit of Calax,e- new ule-care-of-iaclf featurea-wi" prove yv can enjoy Galaxie for lew thanrou've Trr dreamed ! Con in. Tale our CLallong. Ride . . . take advent y of our January ChaUenge Deal You name it-car or deal -(,a!a ve can teat tt. HERrS HOW THE "SI FORD UkrlittM Ititlt-You'll normillT 0 30,000 miles llwtn cMssli looricittoM (wliica coit only about S4 00 ai tW bout 20 minulMl because fold lm to plactd conrtnlioMl i" titlinl wit a SMlad-ia lubncatioa iriltm. ClMM l iwi on You H 0 4 000 im! blwn oil OunjM bocjuu Foii i FuH f low oil SH e ro tltou (lbfi . . . tiappinc unit dirt than an otfiar tpo t it "ad aaiwu it fcra-N Ti bdkM adjust Vtmtlir iiitomatically. TAKES CARE OF ITSELF aHa.a w mmm m.ov Forf mtrtStrt ara douola-wraoaod and alamlalxad t lait tra tlmaa as lon at ordinary muffler. frtrnt! Itt ad-AH irttal wxlor oodr parta ara ioaoll procasaod ta rasut ruat and corioo. avaa to ialvaall in 1h body parwla boneatb tM Ooora. aar ol Ha an talA-Jint was and clean Fort t new Diamond Lti I inn to make it lnlea Ik ao. H naada wanna. BFFORE YOU DECIDE, TAKE A roiuu v sea C.ll VLLENGE RIDE r.a..r. L HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. as well a. the flrt re. Announcement mad thl werk of five aheep shearing rhU of two day duration which will be held throughout Orcein thi aprlng. We are call ing attention of these school becaue there ha been Interest and participation by aome of a . a. . o a our young men in ra" Ttuee of these shearing MhooU will be held In Corvalll. the third full week In March. Six teen student can be accommo dated for each of these three schools. The next shearing school will be held In Grants pass on March 23 and 30. ine last will be held In Union County. April 5 and & U...K iitiRim It Sons. lone. should have the congratulation of all cattlemen of thl area. The honor that they brought to Oregon by having two pouea Hereford heirers. one juogeu nrimi rhamnion. the other high In Its class, at the National West ern Livestock Show Is a learner i ik. ran of anvonc. It Is es pecially so that young breeders like the Ekstroms should cap ..... eMs v.v.trH nrlzo. For those who have attended the National Western Livestock Show at Den ver, they know that It is ine largest Hereford show In the country. Competition Is keen. While we are not going to say much more In this column about thi hnnor. since It Is a head line news story we do know that it has focused a lot of attention on this herd and already there arc many Inquiries from other about tha herd and helM iim ua aa w - . . lnepevtWn he fund thry werw catrun , wttfifi Mtiatrvef littld catfuh ar raiicst t ie?r when It laed l. ther IS4V i1 mrw i bred;n txat avaSUUa for Mle Mtvw CHnty tlveertorft mn wtU farthet rvalue that Ihey do iM hava ta leave the county U urt the brat available brta There will b mai. of ihe kind urn Prince Hua ker. the sire of the two fancy heifers, 1 in the prim of h hte. Tha dam of the two hetf et and mary mr like them ire found In the herd. The Ekstrom a well a Don R..bir.un of Kirk Robinson. hlbltlnf this werk at the Columbia Lmpir Polled Hereford Show A Sal at Walla Walla. Herb haa consign ed a rrlnce Huker Domino bull. while Don Rublnson ha con signed four bull and two heifer sired by hi Ciold Connel. Anda Bull. By Brumode. The Ekstrom will leave Immediately after re turning from the Columbia Em pire Show A Sale for Red Bluff. Calif., where they have consign ed tw o Mill Iron and Two Husket Mischief bulls. , na rvlven. Lex I nit on. while visiting the office the other day told us of an iniereiing - perlence he had with raising cat fish In a small spring on nu ranch. It seem he picked up .).., ri vnune catfish a couple of year ago and dropped them In the spring. He wa going io sec how they would grow and have a little fishing right at t jiQt unrine. one day while Inrpectlng the spring, he found floating on the spring pome jr.y , iv- at.rir.e Sand Hallow and put them in small (nd that tse I aa puwi thet. There wrr o many of them they tuuldn't be counted. Later In h summer when th pund In Sand Hollow dried up he gathered T. half grwn cat fih and t" them baik to the ....inn it kuiiiU like th -liolven Catflah Farm" U doing quite well. Lircsrock Market Cattle--Hog Sheep SALE CVEBT TTJtSDAT 12 HOOIt On U. S. lUghway No. 30 H ORTEWESTXBN UTESTOCX COMMISSION CO. Bea. Barmlatoa JO 7-3111 JO 7-665S Bermlatoa. Oregon Frank Wink & Son Owner Don Wink. Mgr. EMMY LOU SAYS, -iaesl",,a,,aWBBa That's Mt in J 0STW Ac H uJhOMSThtif Turner, Van Marter & Bryant INSURANCE ACENCT 183 Main Phon 8-9652 Grou a new utility building in a small grain field? ' ... . i, V vw- 1 a- Www - Hum n van wwmt li's nof -fanfasfic! M here is why. One farmer increased his net profit on wheat $18.34 per acre with Phillips 66 Ammonia, after deducting the cost of ammonia. On 300 acres he realized a total net profit of $5,502. This kind of money will go a long way toward buy ing a new eteel utility building. See us todayl Let us show you how this 82 nitrogen fertilizer can help you live better through higher profit per acre. Utlns Phllllpa Without ammonia Ammonia ' Fixed Coat $30 $30 Per Acre Ammonia Cost (7 Per Acre Yield j (,. 25 bv. Per Acre Net Profit i9 $15-2j Per Acre INCREASED PROFIT PER ACRE IU.34 . fine cott IncMei $7.50 fer Marter lerllllier. ii.mple ealy. Wheat figured t ti ll . Sewni rtrt dim) le eell fertliiry, I nUW. ewlatvre mo cetlwrot procticee. ps Agricultural The s'n of Ammonia Better Ammonia Service EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS NH3 SALES & SERVICE PHONE 8-7299 S & H GREEN STAMPS IONE. OREGON Now Serving Morrow and Gilliam Counties MAIN aS MAT STS. HEFPNEIt, ORE. FnONK I I1U