yttrnin oazettC'TIMEs IONE NEWS Mi. Hrb Jr. h-!.- for the fjnuchl Club Friday rrnln at her horn-?. The sut list mlu(.l Mr. Vi-ktrr Ham. Mr. C!v.l Crawford, Mi. nimr Holis. Mr. Un n.vanx, Mr. Herb TrtiTv-n. Mr. Wallace Oars land. Mm. KHth 1. Mr. How. rd Cr.-wi ll. Mr. i:i h IV. Mr. Dlc-k irkstrom. and Mr. llnnle Mrs. IUm rccHvcnl hlth. Mr. Crawf-rd low. Mr. Holt 300 I'lnothle and Mr. Swart received th 1tr prie. Mr. and Mr. V.rk Kkstrom ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Stored In Shed $27 per T. TUtt Cutting $28 per T. Second Cutting S. L. MAGILL On Hwy. at Cecil Heppner 58-51 ind Vickie t-f U Grand pnl the weekend here vliilnf with telatlvee and frlenda. Saturday evnlnf, Mr. Mr, Marlon Talmer had aeveral rouile In fr n evening cf pin KhlK. The curst Included Mr. and Mm. Karl McCabe. Mr. nd Mm. Kred Hermann. Mr. and Mm Milton Morcan. Mr. and Mr. Paul Pettyjohn. Mr. and Mr. Lewi llalvoren. Mr. and Mra. Carry Tulll. Mr. and Mra. Har old !)) n. Mr. and Mra. U Palmer and daughter! and Mr. and Mra. Farl M Klnney ol Iter miston. Mm. MfKlnney and Mr. Dohyn rwlved high. Jone town team went to Con dun Jan. 4 to play league game with Condon Klk. Final scow, 71-73 for Condon, filth point honors went to Nefflndorf of Condon for 31 and Ag, lone with 21. Stonfield Meat Co. Hugh Smith. Owner & Mgr. Stonfield, On. custom cuniMO-curiuto CUBING Wholesale 4 Betall LOCKER MEAT Call GI 9 3C33 WE DELTVTB ch THEY MAY NEVER COME DOWN AGAIN! Every year the replacement value of your home Qoei It limply make gooa sense to keep your tire murance In line with pres ent day values, just In case. We can be helpfull C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-9625 HEPPNER. OREGON BOX 611 Tuesday Night By HEAL FINLAND A full houae watched Co rtiurk Hudson's lone lardina touerre out i M lo 51 ictory t,vr the llepuner Wfh Mu inti Tueadav nlcht. lone w bv the aharp ahootlnj Francis Rea and John swanson vkho tallied for 33 polnta. I,, i.i. tenel the same with full court prema that atunned the Heppner wjuad. Heppner wa having a rough time getting the hu the half way mark The first period wai the deciding point of the game wun ione coming up with 17 score and the Mustang squad 8. Throughout the game, ione was consistent with their aconng. coming up with 17 polnta In each of the first two quaners and In the last two 12 In each .. ma In the second quarter. Heppner perked up a little and managed to get a few more tames, niu u.v In the Quarter. Ione pulled off of the full court presa en . Minn Unnnnor to ret a few Bts..fh ri nlavl set UD. In the first half, Heppner waa k.L'inn difficulty getting re hnnntis with Swanson and Rea controlling the boards. a haif.flme. Ione had a 14 point lead with the acore 34 to 20. Aftrr the half-time pep talk by Coach Agee the Heppner team came on the floor as a new if am. in h third period. Heppner outscored the Cardinals as mey rti.i in the final period Farlv In the third period Ione was hurt with the loss oi jac rnim who went out on fouls. Knt Wphh. Ron Gray ana Sonny Biddle teamed up to help milt the HeDDner aulntet out of the hole but fell seven points short. Wehh came off the bench early in the second quarter to aid his Heppner teammates and did a very fine Job. He enaea th came tied for top man on the team with 11 points and Gray also had 11. Biddle was close behind with 10. Rea led the Ione team with 17 points and Swanson had 16. Cardinals Defeat Pilot Rock y LORKAINC BALL The Km Cardinals plsrd their best game So far this season aa they rvlled over flM Rtck 69 SI KHdav evenlna In lalth lone gym. Using m pressing uricnse ana thootlna at a UU average for a the game, lone look a 24 7 first of I quarter lead and Increased H to 41 22 at half time. inlot !1h k came bark after the half time to rack up 18 more polnta to lone'a 13, ending the third quarter with lone 54. Pilot Rk 41. However thla wasn't enough to stop Im and the final qurater ended with F. Rea of lone high point man for 23. and Van Scholack 16 fur Wot Rock tth tho next came beine at John Day on Jan. 20 and 21. Ione Penney's tomorrow 9:30 a.m.! Penney's offers today Tuesday 10 a.m.! 9 a.m.! WHtlE G Special Buy! Acrylic Blanket 88 full 72 by 90 Inches Fabulous price, and it ma chine washes, tumble dries (only 2 shrinkage!) 3 soft, warm pounds nylon binding- Pink, peacock, beige, maize, flame, green, blue. Special Buy! Tufted Spread! $444 78 by 105, 90 by 105 Inches Same popular style, fine quality nt a White Goods price! Close-tufted llntfree Avlsco rayon on cotton; machine wash at medium set. S NEW LOW PRICES y " ... .;.'. ' . ... . b ON ALL PENNEY S v NEW BOOKS IN IONE PUBLIC LIBRARY Br ionc ruiue ubrabt I0AXD Sow on the l.r.e public li brary ).r;f. ta Ir UJitt U '.ti tt'A Htm from the ate tf 12. and adults I the rs-w t k t v Jamrt naned tWot, trtt about gn-w-ir.g wp aa the dsutffcter t?f a M4 Uver. Attu-ua nmh, in th small town tf Maycvmb. Atacss: ri-jrtrr lair. SJ!",n m1 hrr i l lrr on.ihrr J-m hap- fjl!y coy ihi-mrhri with te ar. 1 tr.i-f V) 1,J k !ri.e r.t i-cir wviid T " .ia'.t o'' ,jr! are !rj-U-ie4 wti.n te.ti.'M tlcr.d f Hit ti t . irra. Alonio Ruh. p entitle! The liy jsi.tlng n firne edutation. PILOT ROCK IONE Kk strom F. Rea J. Martin Crum T. Martin W. Kama Crabtrve Palmer Swanson lone J. V. lost to Tllot Rock 4G- 1 Ellis 6 23 Smith 6 0 Van Seholark 1C 10 Tuaempta 10 7 Russell 7 3 Winks 0 2 Ilempklll 0 0 Long 0 21 Futter 0 Spina 4 fonte 0 32. will tand. with the Riverside Pirates on the lone maple Friday night and on Saturday nigni win travel to Pilot Rock to take on the Rockets. HEPPNER Biddle Tibbies Green Moyer Gray 8 16 8 8 IONE 10 Rea 5 Martin 5 Swanson 9 Crum 11 Crabtree Ileooner Webb. 11. Ione. Hams. 1: Ekstrom. Heooner 8 12 16 1551 Ione 17 17 12 1258 Th Junior Horsemen trimmed the Ione J.Vs 70 to 28 In the opener. White Buffaloes Flip Mustangs Br NEAL PENLAND Coach Ole Johnson's Madras White Buffaloes kept their per- points and season a ,f Heppner has this weekend of vlctoriM Bov the HeDDner PSHEET Prc-Cut Cotton Percale Prints JL 4 Yards Just one dollar, your nimble fingers, and a beautiful cot ton print makes the dress of your choice. All new 80 square and other fine cot tons. Machine wash. ALL PERFECTS I LAE-TESTED WHITE I PASTELS I FLATS I FITTED I NATIONWIDE PASTELS Save on Penney's 3 generations fa QO mous sheets! Firm, balanced weave, I sturdy selvages, crispy-smooth fin- -av j;f DT io ish! i lurry, come early! or Bottom 81 by 108 S2.1S, Cases 2 for $1.00 PENCALE COTTON PERCALE5 Save on snow-, silky-smooth Pen ney percales! Luxurious long staple cotton, combed to extra smoothness. High-count! til by 1CXS $2.15, Cases $4 97 JL 72 by 108 Flat 2 for $1.05 BALANCE OF WINTER JACKETS Reduced $4.88 $5.88 $10.88 Toddlers Boys Cr Girls Women's Terrific Values - Hurry Buy Now! victories over the Heppner High Mustangs last weekend. Friday nleht Heppner took Its worst shellacking when thev cot dumped by 30 points, 71 to 41. Saturday night Heppner played heads up ball ana were only Be hind bv three points at half- time 28 to 31. In the third period. Madras took over the game and came up with 30 points while Heppner got b. ine iinai score was 76 to 55. Friday night Heppner couldn't get anything in their favor. Throunhout the game a few warm places developed but noth ing ever came of them. At the end of the first period Heppner trailed by seven points 19-12. In the next three quarters Mad ras extended Its lead more and more. Saturday night things were hot for both teams. Early in the second period Alan Stewart was ejected from the game. In the first half, Madras was having a touch time keeping tne Mus tangs from scoring and at the end of the first quarter, Madras had a slim lead of three points, 19-16. The second quarter saw much action from both squads. Hep pner would get down by seven points and then fight right back with the aid of Ron Gray and Larry Tibbies. Madras would have to fight to keep a lead and at th end or the hair Mad ras aeain had a slim lead of three points with the score 31-28. in the final stanza Heppner pulled together once again but bv this time It was too late. Galbraith led the Madras cage squad with 26 and high for the game. Heppner s Ron oray naa 19 for a season total of 138 points. FRIDAY HEPPNER MADRAS Riddle 4 Macv 17 Tibbies 5 Stewart 0 Hreen 4 Piedmont 17 Moyer 18 Moe 3 r.rav 10 Gaibraith 3 Heppner George. Madras Tanawasha, 11; Tol- Inv 9- Stevenson. 2: Hill. 6; Fields, 8; Steele. 2. Tingle. SATURDAY HEPPNER MADRAS Biddle 13 Macy Tibbies 5 Stewart Green 6 Piedmont Mover 8 Moe Gra'v 19 Galbraith Herrner George, 4; Madras Tolley. 4; Stevenson, Hill. 2: Fields, 8; Steele; Tan awasha: Tinele. The Junior VarsitV lost Dy scores of 60-39 and 38 23. Next weekend Heppner draws an open and the following week end will travel to John Day for 12 16 5 1 26 Christ Waa Horn," This b.k a brief, slmpl written a-uur,t of Mary and Jw h"s Journey o lU-thlrhem. the t4rth f Ju, and the coming of the shepherd and Magi. Th bik end with the family's return trip ta Nai arrth after their flight Into Kgypt. The book draws on Bib Ural and other source but In eludes Imaginary dialog and minor scene riot found In the New TrMament. On the sent I. merits! aide, yet eo!..rful, evoc ative re creation companion to the author The P.y CtM Died." whkh U also on our slu lf "The Primal Yoke," a novel by Tom Lea. author of "The Wonderful Country" I one In which the author inoe hi ! cale to the Wyoming mountain In this novel about Marine vet eran Hank Spurllng who n-suim-s his old life aa a guide for sum mer pack trips. Ills brief affair with Dorothy Hanket, a garru lous divorcee who accompanies her father on a camping trip, results In Hank's temporary de parture from Wyoming and his later marriage to Dorothy. The melodramatic finale two un timely deaths further adds to the plot. The story vividly re creates the Wyoming back ground. In a southern novel 'To Kill A Mockingbird," by Lee Harper the author, with a preat deal of narrative charm and through eight-year-old Jean Louise, nick- r-.leUlfig the rw-lghbura, and .talking the Joiftl tiogejman until ttntr father' roumgeou dt-frltM tt a Negro flly ac- tuw-d f rJ Introduce them to the problem f rei? prejudice TO $1X1. TM, TELL With An Ad w1 t . li -m.-- "Pt Your health is out first consideration We work hand la band with your doctor in safeguarding your health. W fill bis prescriptions with professional precision. Careful attention, day or night Just Call I Phil's Pharmacy Phil Blakney. R. Ph. Phone 6-9962 or 6-9605 We art at your $ertlc around the clock! .w fv . - M ,J j l ; i T i hit m 'il- mim U -.mi, V, in niiTi f i i I li n '"U,,i,llnm.f muliJmiJj ...the only car in its field beautifully built to go... arjwriWWfwas ' LJ 1 f ? i 1 9 I f if l ; V V " J peivvflaivsi Mi-wmnm mi n mm,, mmlFWFlit-U f;;H J) miles between lubrications 30,000 is the most famous num ber of the year. It's every '61 Ford owner's license to save. How can Ford do it? Conven tional chassis lubrication fit tings have been replaced with metal plugs that help protect each lubrication point against abrasive mud, dirt and dust. And then, for only about $4 and about 20 minutes your Ford is ready for another 30.000! This is just one of the many ways the '61 Ford is built to take care of itself. Your Ford Dealer can show you more. HERE'S HOW THE '61 FORD TAKES CARE OF ITSELF Lubricates itself You'll normally go 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications (which cost only about $4.00 and take about 20 minutes) because Ford has replaced conventional grease fittings with a sealed-in lubrication system. Cleans Its own oil You'll go 4,000 miles between oil changes because Ford's Full-Flow oil filter gives you nitration through fibers . . . trapping more dirt than any other type of filter made. Adjusts its own brakes New Truck Size brakes adjust themselves automatically. Guards its own muffler Ford mufflers are double w rapped and aluminized to last three times as long as ordinary mufflers. Protects its own body All vital underbody parts are specially processed to resist rust and corrosion, even to galvanizing the body panels beneath the doors. Takes care of its own finish Just wash and clean Ford s new Diamond Lustre Finish and it continues to glisten like new. It never needs waxing. Only FORD is beautifully built to take care of itself HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. MAIN & MAT STS. HEPPNER. ORE. PHONE 6 S1S2 twin bilL