Sewing Work-Shop Scheduled In lone An rMrnin m-hIus iW h. Hill ti hr!4 In I t thu StonfielJ Meal Co. Hugh Smith, Owmc A Mf ttoalitld. Or. CAXX t ?n3 or f -KW JO t ETTTJOHN CUSTOM CUTTINil-CUTTaSC ulrd rr Jin. 10 and M and it.f (ullnulns week, Jan. 17 and 1 with trtlnj ttme n-t f..r JO iH a m. ThoM rijii Jnti-rrtd are tkeii la rail Mr. lUrfMrotn CUKIHO LOCKER MEAT Wt DtUVtS A. umn at H.fci.l'. Mm an cvrntnc cU will ( oryanlird Uter. LUBS 0 ' - i 1. m Members cl th Heppntr Civic preparing lor tht wmlannual support tht KlndMgarttn. Weekend guett at th home of Mr. and Mr. Loyal Tarker "were her sister and husband. Mr. and Mr. John Houston of Portland. HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOUSEHOLD DOLLAR GO FARTHER! Heating a house with out weather stripping or insulation ia like trying to carry water in a leaky bucket. Weather strip ping and insulation keep heat inside where it does you some good. Save heat by pulling down window shades or drawing drapes at night because heat passes easily through window glass. Plan your clothes dry ing so that you can do a full load each time in your electric dryer. Clean the lint from your dryer often. Lint holds water and makes clothes harder to dry. These are just a few of the ways you get your biggest value from de pendable PP&L electric service. Use it often, use it efficiently. Live better electrically! PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY . . . to all our custo m e r s and friends! ED 4 ELEANOR GO NT Y L-aguo bur l October rumraag al bld to help Vinson - Vaughan Rites or Monument Christmas Day By MARTHA MATTESON Miss Lora Ann Vinson became the bride of . Hoyd Alien Vaughan. Doc. 23. at o:ju p.m. - .,.n, lii-hf service, in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vinson ai wununn.... ft... ,ri,irt : dressed in taffeta with white not ovorsklrt and shoulder length veil. carried a white Bible with a . ..Mt ctiiiler mums DOUUUl-l ui I and a purple orchid. Miss Elaine Reynolds, maid of honor, was dressed in a URm oiuc .u it'ith bouauet of It-UK" 1.1. white carnations. Ivan denser was best man for his cousin. tv, mrimnnv was read by Rev. Kenneth Thomas. Mary Cor- ly, sister of the Dnue. .'ia,. t k a wMinr March and accom panied Wayne Leathers. Jr.. when he sang. brother. Harvey, was canoie lighter. Something oiu was u i niihn that was her grandmother Padberg's. Some . . Klun Klin. thing new was -- cnn,ihino hnrrowed was the ouiuciuiub .,n no hrMo was eiven in mar- riage by her father, L. D. Vinson. I The bridegroom is the son of . A Ua 110 I Mrs. Bill Gienger and the late Lete Vaughan. The grandmother. Mrs. Orln . . . iIa.aI urn4 1 lie planum""." , Padberg. cut the four-tiered wed- announce the engagement oi ding cake and Mrs. Loyd Glen- their daughter, Judy Ann to ger sister of the groom, poured Robert Stevens of Hardman, son the' punch. Mrs. Mary Corley, sis- of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens, ter of the bride, poured the cof- Robert is a graduate of Hep fee The cake was made by the pner high school and is assoc brlde's mother, Doris Vinson, and late( with his father on the decorated by Mrs. Ethel Leathers. ranch. judy is a senior at Hep tu v.r was dressed in a nntr hlrh school. CoTtonwood nls Inch. She SlTnuLr'senior year in . , . , high school. Those who attenaea .ne Cu. vlnfonrTnd M .Bill Rev and Mrs. Kenneth t ' ivn Rpnadect Miss Thomas, Ivan Benadect miss Elaine Reynolds, Arthur Black " Won. Mr- na2 S,U r i 1 s. 3 , -. ..iT , Mr. and Mrs. George Smith celebrated their Golden wedding onni ersary in September. PHIL'S SUNBEAM HAIR DRYERS PLANTERS CANDLE HOLDERS, small size STATIONERY TOYS . , . c,..,i o( H3S and W 9thted ot tht Catholic pcaith hout Mcmbtti of th Keppnor bih achool cWmmm ortr Memorial day weekend for a wnioa and dlnntr. . Colleen Bailey and Ernest Snow Wed Mr. and Mr. Ray BalU-y an nounco the marrli:e if thctr daughter. ColU-en Rae Bailey to Ernect R. Snow. Jr.. on of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Snow of Lw gap. N. C. The younn couple were mar ried Dec. 10 in The Dalles, Ore. at the home of the Reverend II. Harold Johnson and they ore re siding at the N. D. Bailey apart ments. Mr. Snow is employed by Kin zua Corporation and Mrs. Snow Is working nt Wilson's Men's Wear where she hns been em ployed for the past six and one half years. Dinner Party Enjoyed By Hospital Personnel One of the many delightful pre-Chrlstmas events was the no-host buffet dinner enjoyed by the rioneer Memorial Hospital personnel and their invited guests. About sixty-five persons en joyed a social hour before the sumptuous turkey dinner served from the buffet table decorated with poinsettas and evergreens. After dinner several tables of pinochle was played and dancing was enjoyed. The menu and arrangements ...r r,i.-nntrt nnd worked out by f nursos an(i her committees. . . UTro Marvin Laseoecr, uim-iui , j: ... Engagement Told fr anH Mrs. William Brinda Cottonwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gienger and two daughters. Long ureeK; ivir. aim " nnhhv. Lons Creek; ;. ----- - daugeV Fox; Mr. and Mrs. Clyd Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Fox; Mr. and Mrs. i y , chlldren of Louis Cor y o, Long C,eck. 4 I k km i P The 4-H winners in tho record book contest spoiuorod by tho 4-H loaders council to oncourago good word keeping. ) S'fCw ' soft Hnpner grado school honor band playing ct the Klniua school during their trip in November which Included FosslL fossil bed, and Klniua mllL mr- -nd Mrs. George Holden of Cliff Side, Wash., were here Christmas visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cox. SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S DINNER FEATURING ROAST DUCK ALSO TURKEY AND HAM DINNERS Children's ELLA'S ,jj p Ei Our BARGAIN TABLE is loaded with many miscellaneous values. "Come see" PhiPs Pharmacy time residents of Hep pner, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells left Tuesday lor tnei new nome in Vancouver. plates, of course. GRILL Heppner 8 O k IR V r 7 ALL CHRISTMAS CARDS HUMPHREYS OFFER ENDS JAN. 14 Urr-oUttuun on lovely J pattern In I IHl flNtST SIlVtKHAtt J III J MiiHnHHn-Han-inHH--MMMf J" lfOl?? . if PEN STOCK PRICES n 52 and 76-Pc. Sets 52-Pc. Service for 8 14 Ttoipooni, 6 Place Knlvi, Plac Forki, ( Plae Spoem, I Salad Forki, 1 Butt.r Kn!l, 1 Sugar Spoon, 1 Serving Spoon, Regular, I Serving Spoon, Pitrcod SALE PRICE Alto available 76 Pc. Service for 12 Sal Price $71.50 frmm mtam at Oneida LM. PETERSON'S JEWELERS STORE HOURS 9 TO 6 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS JEWELRY BILLFOLDS DUSTING POWDERS COLOGNES PERFUMES ON ALL OUR JEWELRY 0 2 OFF REXALL DRUGS $4995 M$$g3 Oitt Optional Clra 1873' Heppnei