" -"in ;tu-.j is (" lrtcr Lexington News ty CtLfHA JONtS Tt Ufclnctun lub nvri Hi the J Filnk hnn f-r their reguUr mating Ut k, Winning high f th rvrtdng wai Vrlm Cla. wmd Men U! (Vie n! I"W Kih-rn Pad M-rg. Tlx attending were: Mil tfred Davldton. Illlrrn radbrfg. IM Hunt, Lurtn Ledbctlrr, Juanlt CarrnlrheaL and th r tea. Jan Frlnk fcl Lexington; and Mil Bongera. liUd Cut and Velma Ctw of Hefner. n.. nn luuttni tram R1Q- I tored to Walla Wall. Wah., rt r. . . ... .! . uric Mr ... i ,i,b Mr ; -fc " Ik an Hunt. Mr " ' 1 '" U,1!-nrr. JU '' ,',,r fHiftkk. M Mi V.-M.n MunUi ! I Mr ' ' ' Art hie Mur k. u n.i m. i.!"4 ,a,v':'V rf M -''. ' ,M wh-fe ! alt.-ndiit.' muthrr mt.i-fl M'r Mm on Thursday, lr,k vintr, MA f Mr Mr. ln IV:"'-f. holilavi with II -rer1 Mr. and Mr ln ! int-r Ifiiny Ihriy. n ft Mr , Ai t Mi. A I" MaW I Ar rll t-.f M .UJ I'. -, ,,.t)- :n ! Ir S ;'hu-t Mr. n l Mi J-k ! ' ii.ijy in CIf-'"l- Ttwy A :j 'jHiit flu-' Vr i ui.u" t!i.H.'-r in !." Anflrt. Ilnli t ! l"Hl'l l,-dil IURral Mii V't B fr- ' Chrlitmai li a dtligMM ripit whtn w iptnd a joy ful day In rtviving old com radtihipi ond tnjoying ntw fritndthlpi. So, In tht frlndly warmth of Chrlifmai tim, w txtend our wlshej for good chr ot tht Holiday Staion and for hap plntif throughout th ytan IV VVIIIV 9X? CASE FURNITURE U n.t Mr. One M)"ka . k-t M4fhall -rf I'm- t!. v vhit-'t Mr. uii i rrturaiin2 Iwm mr surt;. ry In .f. Anthony hMHl iln-ri. 1',-n.Jl.i. n vinr KrlJy were Mr IU-rih Hunt and Mr. Mr-M-rl n.t Opl K-y of llf p- i ncr. , i. r Cent Bmiiinffr .f I't n-IMn -r vIMiors at the Mi-- In n-irnrtt rHurne- h'ial on TueMiiy ff wo,"k' itut was Liken baik by mbu lan.v m Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Juhnnle L"-Ix-ucr verc buini's victor In vnile!m one day last wet-k. .i. ...i tr ftxil Jones and ii, u .... -son Kenny were La Grande vis itors over the wcencn ... (iii,.r ht,mo. While there . . .- . they attended pen house, hon orins Mr. and Mrs. Vic Gammell ,A Union on their fiftieth wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dean nuni wm- husiness visitors In the Tasco area on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Hender son and daughter Betty and son Larry wore Pendleton visitors on Friday where they met their son . a i ...... kniYtA Laddia who Iiaa iiovmi ".- . vnHhntn aeronautical iiuiii r school In Los Angeles for the holidays. The Lexington Cafe will be closed for several weeks while some repair and redeeoratlng work Is being done. Kev. Walter Smith spent sev- . ...... SPECIAL TREE LIGHTS SET 7 BULB STRING $JJ9 BULBS REPLACEMEt4T INDOOR C 7Vz SIZE 5 for 53c C 6 SIZE 5 for 25c 30 YEARS AGO nem IM Hl ! Ctctvefeet tV I'M Tt.e M- r.-- l"di- In'1!! u1 tun i i'l'1' irmr.i-c Me than ne '-"! ' ju-t J ri 'lt'i'" ?,' feature llfj-l'tirf farrtw-r riVitrs f..mt.any of y ,M"n juy with 4 rr-w ! mm N. l Bailey- r" tratr. uttinc !., . ihrr- ti.rv bulldlriit an ! ba-W. rt t uv- miU fr ni'Kini tk and iouliry ffl The F.IKa lii? and Lions lub .J.)p, ht to children cf HP pner undt-r e H at a com munity Chriima tree at the KJk Temple lat-t evening le-twcf-n 7 and 9 oclifk. The Ladies Aid mH t Ihe bom vt Mr. Claud Coats last vu-ok In Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Carey HaMincs are the proud parents cf a ,1 ur lirn D-c. 17 at Hep- pner hospital. She has leen named Olive 'jvonne. The Khea Crek school will clow Wcnlnesday and both the teacher. Miss F.dith Kly. and the pupiii will enjoy a vacation un til Jan. 5. o4 Chistn sr ,'.71 J- ',. i-: I K emit ton FOLLETT MEAT COMPANY Phona JO 7 0 Little Town of Bethlehem In 1SC3 Bishop Phillips Brooks, vfiin,. rrctor In Philadelphia went abroad for a year of travel and to make a piigrima Palestine. On Christmas Eve he rode on horseback from Jerus alem to Bethlehem and visited rot only the usual sights In the village, but wont down to the traditional field f the shep herds. He visited the field where .,., ii shenherds saw the star. Also the site of the Nativity. With these experience mind, young Brooks returned to Philadelphia and wrotj for a Sunday school Christmas cole- bratlon the exquisite ijru., Little Town of Bethlehem. The music was composed by Brooks' organist and superintendent of the school. The? song is a perfect combina tion 'of the Bethlehem back ground, the gospel story, spiri tual mesage for children and poetic beauty of expression. VU V Ui 5f If K If 52 ooo the gift the whole IciinUy will appreciate . . A KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER GOOD STOCK OF FILM f Stutted Toys E Washabla QUICK DRAW McGRAW and all his pals $3.98 T0 $9.95 (Eltruitmas (Earns Still a nice selection Individual or Boxed APLETS OR COTLETS FRUIT-NUT CANDY OF THE FAR WEST FANCY BROWN 4 HALEY SOCIETE' CHOCOLATES 1.39 UP BROWN & HALEY ALMOND ROCA or CARAMEL NUT 65c T0 $4.00 .4...4.s,' E oral days last week In San Fran cisco where he attended some school of Instruction classes. He motored down with Rev. and Mrs. Charles Knox of Heppner. S3 1 I mm With signs of Christmas all about us; we are re minded to wish you and yours all the joys of the season. Am ULETIDE CSREETIMGS LOTT'S. ELECTRIC GREAT KENTUCKY CHOICE! Mr. BOSTON'S PERSONAL CGa0Cl HURRY . . . HURRY . . . Only two shopping days left! . --a.iitHtMMHHBtHtfltttttttttttHnHl I" f t'rm Asm-"""1 f . k - ' JL I $275 i I I I z I MNT A Blend KENTUCKY mild KENTUCKY mellow KENTUCKY quality Now in Oregon the blend that's making today's big KENTUCKY news. You get flavor straight from the Blue Grass country value straight out of this world. Make Mr. Boston's PERSONAL CHOICE your choice for enjoyment tonight. NEW GRACEFUL PINT BOTTLE WITH GOLDEN JIGGER CAP! It's the handsomest flask bottle ever. New Golden Jigger Cap twirls on and off quickly, easily, yet seals tight. Protects the rich, hearty Kentucky flavor! MflH ' fun K Prod If nXf. 65 CRAi NEUTMl SPIm. AVir, Cover to Cover! 1961 Official Bartender's Guide New martini section, mixing hints, liquor dictionary, party planning puiJe. Over 750 tested reips. 160 pages, in handsome red and gold embossed hard cover. Kgular 13.00 value. Mr. BOSTON DISTILLER INC. Dept 345. 1010 Mass. Ave., Boston, Mass. Here's my check for $ . Please send ms 1961 editions of Old Mr. Boston's OScial DcLuxe Bartender's Guide at $1.00 each, postage pre-paid. Ks. SXr!t to n. n 4i WW IS j r. IS