HttrXZl QAXtTTt TTMSS. TwaT. Ptcwttw IS. 160 T Closslfied Rotes le mi pet InmtlWL lock lore m Mpt dewbl ret Card el Tha 41,00 CLASSIFIED DCADUXC 1p.m. wan dry Piio rnr lh fln-t mlH mit Kttchenald. from L E. Dick" selection cf (In appliances. IOU SALK: An enameled trah burner. $10.00. 4' x 6 window, complete with weight and trim. Phone 6 9978. 41-c CHRISTMAS SPECIALS O.K. Automatic Dryer. 2 heat. 2 evcle. Like new. This week only- $100 00. Lott'i Electric. Ph. 6 5811. 1.e WANTED TO " rVh,.. ess Main St.. unisburo. ure. rnone MI 8 1893. 41-43 45 47 49 50 51 -52 1 2p LEXINGTON SECOND HAND More now open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Prices gahed. Furniture, appliance. clothing. Jewelry, antique. 16 Uc USED CARS 1D55 Bulck. 27.000 actual mile. Brand new rubber. 4 dr. hard top. Excellent condition. Power equipped. 1958 Vauxhall. Lots of economl cal transDortatlon. 1953 Bulck Roadmaster. Loaded. Mllea of transDortatlon left In I this exceptionally good used! car. I USED TRUCKS Now's the time to get a good farm truck. Three to choose frnm 1955 Chev- 2-ton cab-forward v.. J-ton cao iorwara truck; excellent farm truck. good condition, nylon tires. new paint, long w-b. 2-speed a"le- I 1954 Chev.. 2-ton long wheel base, uooa TOna.uon. goou ruo- Der. -speea rear axit;. uuuu coinuiiiaviuii xaiii n am.n i - rack. in;' Vnrii 2.tnn lonp wheel base. Low mileage with V-8 motor. USED COMMERCIALS I960 Willys Jeep, 6,339 miles ... holta " "r,.Za this unit. 1960 Willys Jeep, 9.162 miles. Complete power take-off. Full top. a reai uaigan. 1 iyoo wuiys pimuij, k"u iuuu, gooa snape. au ejitciicjn uu;. 1954 Willys 2-wheel dr. station waeon. Reconditioned motor, Heater and radio. Lots of trans nortation. 1954 Ford pickup. One-half ton 1951 Dodge -ton picKup, ex cellent rubber. 1947 Willys pickup, 6 cylinder motor, an excellent nunung rcr. 1944 International truck, good; excellent bed, stock and grain racks. 1942 Chevy Truck trap wagon. WE ARE TOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER See the new 1961 Flair-Type Range now on dis play. A number of good used appliances on hand. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY PonUae-Bulck-WUlys-CMC Phone 6-9116 40-tfe TAMARACK fence posts for sale. Large diameter 30c each. Small diameter 15c each. Below Cor nett Green Feed Store. Phone 6-9171. 39-41p Ford Falcon Tbunderbird If you are planning on buying a car EVERETT KEITHLEY Wants to see you. Day phone 6-9152, nights phone 6-5342 3-tfc FOR SALE Dining table with 4 chairs. All in good condition. Phone 6-9690. 40-41 WOOD FOR SALE, $10 cord, de livered. Phone 6-5837. 23-tfc MAKE YOUR RUGS and carpets look like new. Call Case Fur niture Co. for earpet cleaning service. 46tfc OFFICE SUPPLIES, typewriters. nHHinw machines sales and service. In Heppner regularly. Hills Office Machines, call Gazette-Times, 6-9228 for ser vice. YAGER DRILLING CO. Echo, Oregon Wells Pumps Sprinkler Systems PHONE FR 1-8311 COLLECT for service 33tfc i 11 i 1 ' m i w ej i tt - Iron SAix-Four Mibtf rirw 71.50 each. Cwdaa JwK u' i Clint As. 18 We SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES SERVICE Sewing Machine A Vacuum Cleaner of all Make Contort Mi. Devld Eckman HEITNER PH. 6 9101 II He -C I SAND A GRAVEL delivered dally any amount, any Urn CU Ion 7277 or Umatilla 734 or 503 collect. Sue Ham or Pete Ham. 30-tfe HOUSE FOR KKNT: For more in formation phone 6 91G7 or ee Charle Phegley. 41-42p CHRISTMAS SPECIAL TST s; FOR SALK; 4 Scam. P.oebuck nvlon tube tires. 6.70x15. Con tact Bob Booth at 6 9662 be tween 8 a.m. to 5 p m. 4lp CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 0stcrJzcr Mixer-Blender. One on,y Speolal( now $4.95. jotf Flrle. Ph. 6-5811. 41-C CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Electric. Ph. 6-5811. Il'leuse the whole family with a Waste King portable aisn- washer complete with a 45 piece et of Melmac $279.95. L. E. Dick 41-c FOR SALE 1958 DeSoto. Auto- mntle transmission, only C00 miles. Phone 6 9200 or 6-94C6. 40tfc noivn vni;R ruM Jlond stamp books to us. We will order your nreml-ims for you. L. E. DICK. Ml L ndpn Wav. Jiuc WANTED Babysitting, ironing or housework. Call Lucille rar- rUh. 6-9970. 3"tc EST. FOOD ROUTE Wn,uin Route now ftvalah, '92 year reputation. A de business, and noPefcxperIence or monc.y required. ir.l tnr full tnfnrmation to p,,,,,., Ine 3003 . Wflsh -- d(v, FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfur nlshed Apt, Adults only. Phone DO YOU NEED Cabinet work, Interior decorating, or all around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. la-iic PLANER SHAVINGS FOR SALE 52-50 for averaSe load. Phone 6-9440. : 37-tfc USED FURNITURE 1 davenport iq aavenpon ana cnair May be seen at George nouse between 8 and 12 a.m. or call 6-9916. Kindergarten Board. CHILD CARE Will care for children during the day or evening in my home. Call Mrs. Don Munkers, 6-9414. 40-41c For GLAMOROUS COOKING in anv kitchen, see The New FLAIR Range FARLEY MOTOR CO. Heppner 41-c FOR SALE Lot and building lo cated on South Chase street Will sell separately. For more information call Mrs. Don Miinlrors. fi-9414. 40-41C SPECIAL price W CD Sheeting $100 per M. Anderson's Build ers Supply.Ph. 6-9427. 39-41c CHRISTMAS SPECIAL RCA Whirlpool Disposers. Hand iest convenience in your kitchen! Reversing, heavy-duty motor. Reg. $99.95, now $90.00. Lott's Electric. Ph. 6-5811. 41-c FOR SALE 1950 6-cyl Jeep Station Wagon. Hubs, radio, heater, good condition. Ph. 6 9995 or 6-9928. 41-tfc There's Still Time to fill Tour orders I If we receive your orders in Portland by Dec. 19 your gifts will arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. MONTGOMERY WARD Portland Just Call Elma Scott 6-9904 T - i ii " i I i 1 AlTHQUiZl'D Svhwinn ivaler, IlrrmUton CV' $!- New and ftw.ndlUor.e4 bU-jcle. parti t U make, ail wurk guaranteed. Wayne Long. pro pilelur. ll A Highland, llcrm. Wton. Ore. 39 Cp foil SALE Pool table. 2S' by 50". l ul l l-03- cu Mr Dallas Ctaber. ph. 6 9TSL 40 41c KU liENf Duple. If Interested or can Mary LhUh. 6 9105. 40-4Jp K'lt'jiALK 3 l'emjter drill No. 21 with hltth. in good con dition. Sea at K" Martin ranch .r call 3 Sis?. 39-4Sc TOR CHRISTMAS . . . buy her a new rUUR RANGE with built In glamour! rARJLET MOTOR CO. Ileppncr 41 c FOR RENT r SALh MoUirn twtf-bedrtKun home with large yard In lone. Ph. 6 5529. 41-4c CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Presto Frv Tana. 12". large size complete with lid A immoveable control. P.02. S2S70 now Iitfa Klectric. Ph. 6-5811. 41-C 19 cu. ft. uprlcht frtvzfrs. 5 yr warranty, food protection plan 111995. L. E. Dick. Thone 6 fr20. 41 -c Enjoy TV for Christmas! Set and hook up starting at $181.95. L. K. Dick. 41 c CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Kitchen Aid Mixers Heavy duty. One beater for "round the bowl" mixing. Attachments available. Price Si-.9.95 now $37.50. Kitchen aid Portables, too. Lotfs Electric, rh. 6-5811. 41-c FOK SALE Plastic Ftorm sash material. 3'-4'-10' widths. 5 and 10 mill thick. Keep drafts out! Anderson"s Builders Supply Phone 6 9127 41-43 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 18-cup automatic percolator. Reg. $35.95 now $26.95. Lotfs Elec tric. Ph. 6-5S11. 41-c FOR SALE in lone, new 3-bed-room home. Ph. 8-7447. 39-42c USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS '60 Chev. Hardtop, 350 engine, std. trans. $2450 '58 Chev. Ixnpala Cpe. V-8 OD 1775 '57 Merc Montclair 1590 '5S Ford Vict Cpe. 1000 '56 Chev. 4 Dr. V8 P G 950 '55 Ford Sta Wagon V8 automatic 950 '55 Chev. 2 dr. 6 P G. B. A 900 '54 Chev. B.A. 4 dr. 650 '54 Ford 4 dr. Sdn 600 COMMERCIALS '57 V. W. Microhms .... $1300 '54 Willys 4 wh. dr. 6 cyL 1050 '53 GMC 1-T dual rear 1000 '45 Ford truck, grain rack and hoist 850 '51 Willys 4 w dr. 800 '47 Ford LWB Fit bed. 2 speed 750 '50 Chev. V4-T pickup 4 speed 475 '44 Ford Fit Bed 400 '43 Chev. Sdn. DeL 300 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. 6-8321 1 1 FOR SALK I r l tr.k. 1 ttthiuw Mth nMcr and table. 1 Foley w f'.irr, 1 heavy duty U1I nn ca n.i ntta 1 -)the. 1 lun thaln hoUt. heavy duty murv crlnder mctur. Tom Wrila. Tli. 6 5-W. 40 41C RUlTANO CAkl tm ckaaed 1 yoir home, WW or cotton Kaat Sen tea. phona 6 HS2. TSaTk OR tkAbc '' Owv. Station Wagon with overdrive, radit. heater, snow tire. Will trade un houe or properly r will aril for 't f equity. It. 6 5.H0H, Hjpnrr. Would trade for mal! tnller houe. 40 41c CARDOf THANKS I wlkh to epres my sincere thanks to all who sent me crds. gifts and flowers and to ail tnoe who came to visit me during mv rrcrnt surgery. A seciai thanks to ail uuwe uh have offered their asis I a nee. Gene'a Palmer 41 CARD Of THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, card and gifts. and to all who visitea me our Ing my recent Hlnesa at Pioneer Mf-mnHnl honDltal. Special thanks to the hospital staff for their kindness. Clarence Wise 41 p CARD Of THANKS I would like to thank my for the cards, clfts. flow n mid visits while In the hos pital. My thanks to the staff of 1 he rioneer Memorial hospital for their nice care they gave me and thanks to Phils rnarmacy and Dick's Flower Shop for the evening paper. Charlotte wantcr 41-p Legal Notices CALL FOR BIDS Kntlee Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Hep pner will on Tuesday, Jan. a, ior,i t the hour of 8:00 O'clock P. M. of said day, receive at the Council Chambers in said v.n, Bids for the following. nnrt ft. New 4" O. D. 10 gal DAW. Steel Pipe in eitner 30' or 40 lengths, with one style 38 (or similar) Dresser Coupling for each length. Pipe can be wrapped with No. 45 Rag Felt or No. 23tt Asbestos Wrapping. Pipe must meet all AWWA Spec, for D A W Asphalt Coated Ctool Wntpr PlDe. Two-4" Comp. Type 3' Bury. Hub end. Traffic Model iiyaranis. Similar to MAH. No. 29T Hy- Hrnnta. Three-4" Hub End Gate Valves, Woperating nut, non-rising stem, No. 175 WWP. Similar to No. 28 American AWWA. Three-Cast Iron Valve Boxes, complete with cover, ior - 3" TO 3' bury. All bids must be In possession f nnnVrslirned Recorder of the City of Heppner not later than 8 O'clock P. M. on the Third day of Jan. 1961. The Coun- cil reserves the rigm 10 rejeui any or all bids. TED SMITH City Recorder 40-41C NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TVTnti. u hereby given that by virtue of an attachment execu tion issued out or tne wrcuu Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated November 21, I960, in that certain action wherein Bill B. Marquardt and Norma L. Marquardt, as plain tiffs, recovered a Judgment against the defendant, Glenn Way, dba., Electronic Service, for the sum of Five Hundred Fifty and no100 Dollars in lawful money of the United States, with interest thereon in like lawful money at the rate of six per cent per annum from August 27, 1958, and the further sum of Eight Hundred Eighty and no100 dol lars in lawful money of the iTr,itrf states, with interest thereon in like lawful money at rat nf six Der cent per annum from August 19, 1959; the further sum of Twenty Seven and 50100 Dollars, plaintiffs' costs and disbursements, I will, on the 19th day of December, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. 01 saiu rinv at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner. Moitow County, Oregon, oner 101 ..1. and soil to the highest bid der for cash in hand, all of the following described real proper ty situated in Morrow County, Cta to r,f DrpPOn. tO-Wit: T,t 3 and 4. in Block 5, Heppner Heights Addition to the City of Heppner, moitow County, Oregon, or ao much cf said real property f-' ROCK HOUNDS CORNER ly ICTTT WACNtft Laf Saturday -rr.intf. lVv-m tvr 10. the member ff the M-tr-rw luur.ty c;m and Mineral Stu-irtv and their eurtta met at the Oty Library building The regular meeting rslht U thr fourth Saturday if rath month. but our December meeting wai movei forward to a vol 4 the ruh tf the holiday eaon. We are clad that the old cltv library hat been mid available to the public and we plan to use It at our recular meeting place each month from now on. Due to a ilver thaw at Walla Walla our gu-t speaker, Mr. Richard Clem, was unable to be with us, but Mr. and Mr. Harold Evana Iwcame our minute men and khowed us "trio beautiful colored Itdi of a trip they had taken through Montana ana on Into Canada. Via "folding chair travel" we went to the Crater of the Moon, the Jackson Holes at the macnlflcent Teton Moun tains. Yellowstone National Tark, the Gold Rush Centennial Cele bration at Deer Lodce. Montana. Lake Louise and Banff in Can ada and home by way of the highway which follow the Col umbia River from It headwaters. The Gold Rush Centennial is an annual celebration which last over a week. The handsome horses and beautifully decorated Indian clothing were something to see: and the views of the Teton and Canadian Mountains were breath-taking. The door prize was won by Mr George Miller and everyone present added to their rock col lections bv selectlne a tone from a small box containing an assortment of tumbled speci mens. Some cabochon arranged very attractively In picture frames were on exhibit by Mr and Mrs. Terry Blevlns; also Randall Peterson had an Inter cstine specimen to examlne e green diamond. Did you know there are colored diamonds! Well, about a month ano Randall our local Jeweler, ordered some preen and chartreuse diamonds and I understand he may have a blue one in before Christmas. Does this give you any Ideas for your Christmas list? Just to look at a diamond gives one a thrill, but have you ever looked at one with a ten-power glass and the color gives It even more beauty. A lovelv Dink teasel tree made by Mrs. Evans and lace table cloth and silver candleholders broueht bv Mrs. George Miller made a festive table setting from which to serve the refreshments furnished by the Millers and the Wagners. The election of officers was held following refreshments. Our 1961 officers will be as fol lows: Dresident. Randall Peter son; vice-president Mrs. George Miller; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Harold Evans. Randall will carry on as program chairman and other aDDointlve offices were: field trip co-chairmen, Mr. George Miller and Mr. waiter Edeer: publicity chairman, Mrs. Clifford Wagner. The prowinc problem of auto mobile fatalities will not be sol ved around the drafting boara, but rather around the family table. aa mav he necessary to satisfy the plaintiffs' Judgment, costs and accruing costs of sale. C. J. D. Bauman Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon Date of first publication, No vember 24, 1960. 38-42C NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of William rrancis. ue ceased, in the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Morrow County. All persons having claims against the said estate ...... Viorohv renu ired to present such claims, duly verified and with proper vouchers attacnea, to the undersigned at the office of her attorneys, Currln A French, 116 S. E. Second Street, Pendle ton, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. DATED this 12th day of De cember, 1960. FRANCINE EVANS Administratrix of the Estate of William E. Francis, de ceased CURRIN A FRENCH Attorneys for Administratrix P. O. Box 755 Pendleton, Oregon 41 -45c Area Bank Debits Increased In October r,MVi:K.-tTY ok tltIt;ON r.'rhn tSi-. !! Bank drbits f.r the PvndMitn atr Including I !!!. H-tfivtv ivur.tir In-rreaw-d by UJI tt f' !! rt'"i sred ta Srj tember. I'.u3 and dectraed ly 23 prf rrrtt er ago. ivtll fur CVtUter. I'M to taled l September Md) the tulal was Ul.UHl.KJ. and f r October. 1159 the total amounted to 136.K3.373. Oregon, with 202 bank repott ing, had a decreane In bank debits In October. 1900 of a? CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Answer is GOD IONC COMMUWrTT CHURCH Rev. Rod MacKenzle, pastor Church School Service. 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00 Choir Practice every Tue. at 8:00 P. M. riRST BAPTIST CHURCH lone Sunday school 10 a m. Service 11 1 m. Evening service 7:00 p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 Id the home. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 7:30 a m. Family service. 10:00 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, it 10 1 m and 10 a m all Holy day. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Robert Whybrew, pastor Sunday school 10 a m. Worship 11 1 m Kazarene young peoples soc iety 7:00 p m. Evening service, 7:30 p m. Meeting in Seventh Day Ad- ventlst church. Everyone wel come. ST WILLIAMS CHURCH lone Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 8:15 a m. BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City r ' ;i m. rirrt Md7 WOUnCII But Moat Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 6-9618 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales & Service 323 N. Main Fh 6-997S PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phono 6-8433 f JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner. Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hot fjeppner Building flEpypet. Oregon - MAHONEY AMD ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Re. Ph. 6-8210 OIL Ph. 6-6616 MONUMENTS MARKERS - See Olive Creswtck Creewlck Mortuary rf ref t l"lr ted wi!h Septem. tn-f. 1900 and a dfw t4 4t vf rer.t trr tvt ter. Total M it f.r Oregon In tvuiber, l'j rm t- $?.i.5 617 f5; f.tem tf 1 .) lutalt l I.Ml U6; tut a rr trai ned VM'1 47 .r'L Bank det lt frj ieer.t the dol lar alue of che W draw n agatntt ihe a ixi hiM tf Individ- ual and buKirte finna. Battk dtblt are considered g.nnj In r tea tor tf current buine ac- tUlty. Farh mnth Ihe Bureau f Ituninewt Research at the I'nl vertty of Oregon collect data on bank debits rrcm Oregon banks and branches. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Mm-i, 6 30 and 10. a m. Weekday MiMrt, 7:30 a m. VALBT LUTHERAN CHURCH Wornhln and Sunday school every Sunday at 9.00 a m. ASSEMBLY OT COD CHURCH Homer Wolfington. pastor Sunday school. 9:43 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Evening service 7:00 p m. Tuesday evening service, 7:30 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school. 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a m. HCPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worthlp service. 11:00 a m. Sunday school. 9:43 a m. LEXINGTON CHURCH OP CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10.00 a m. Worship 11:00 a m. THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Austin McChee. Pastor Church school. 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAT SAINTS' American Legion Hall Ralph J Richards, Br. President Priesthood meeting, 8:30 a m. Sunday school at 10:30. Sacrament service at 11:30. SEVENTH-DAT ADVENTIST David Bauer, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 9:30 A M. Church service, 11:00 A M. "Oulet Hour" radio broadcast over KGO every Sunday, 8 PM. Voice of Prophecy radio broad cast over KGO every Sunday, 9 P M. Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to IX 2 to 5 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253. Res. 6-9620 The Heppner Clinic C. M. WAGNER. M. D. D. J. BAYLINK. M. D. Physicians and Surgeon Ph.. Day or Night 6-8114 If No Answer 6-9133 J. O. PETERSON ' Latest Jewelry & Gift Good Watches. Clocks. Diamond Expert Watch A Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon - 4- Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral 1 Director Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peter Building 4- C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 8-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon