MttKtt CAlCTTC TIMtS. Tbtti4ar- Nevecub 10. U9 lone Garden Club Gets New Yearbooks The lie Garden Club mH Monday, Nuv, 7. at 10:30 at the home i.f Mr, 0car Lundell, Thtflrrtl member Wrte pfe rut. A sack lunth Mat Served with the hot (luh and dewrt Mr cd by the htcM and co hote Mr. Dale Ray. A thort meeting waa held and new year iKMika wer passed to rach mrmbr, The cuvrr of the book wii designed by Cherilyn Siiiuun, aeventh grade pupil In the lone grade ikhool. Cover wai a scene f a pair of flamingoes wading In a pond. Mrs, Ernet Helikcr displayed a finished cone wreath for holiday use and alio .wed materials. Mr. Walter Dobyns received the door prize. After the membeni ftnUhed their Junch they went to Hep pner and attended the meeting that Mrs. K. H. Telk-fson of Her mlston held at the fair annex building. Mrs. Tellefson demon stratcd dried arrangements for winter bouquets and holiday ar rangementa. Tlic next meeting of the Gar den Club will be at the home of Mrs. Fred Martin on Decern ber 13 with Mrs. Ralph Crum and Anna Ball eohostesses. The program Madona'a In Arrange menu will be given by Mrs. Wll Ham Rawlins. Auxiliary Plans Food Sale The American Legion Auxil iary met at the home of Mrs. Gene Fcrgeson with Mrs. Harry Tamblyn as co-hostess. After a business meeting the members packed the gifts for the gift shop at the Veterans Hospital In Portland. Also plans were completed for the food sale to be held on Saturday, Nov. 12. at the Heppner Hardware In Hep pner. Right now they have a membership drive on for old and new members. The next meeting will be Dec. 6 at the home of Mrs. Frank Hamlin. Mrs. Boker Honored With Baby Shower Mi. Judie h !.!."!. Mi tvl U-tt pii-r and M. J-inU-o tt-aiit(-r were h.!ir tr pink and blue ahowrr fur Mr D-l Kakrr of LrlWiiMt.n at the Car Spauldine hme Mrs R.iker I the fiifinrf Carol Grtdie i f Jhp pink and blue decoration were ud alut th room, elo ulr.2 novelty i4nk and Hue waxed dSajH-r nut cups a favor. Agisting Mr. Raker wuh the cprnlng i'f her gifts Mr IvIIk-m Pij-rr. Stie reveUed many hnely and useful gil!- After the fining f the gilt, the hotce served dessert with coffee and punch to the follow Ing guets: Mrs. Roy Quackcn bush. Mrs. Claud Grahsm. Mr. Ra!ph Reamer, Mrs. Victor Gro- ahen and Judy, Mrs. James ue vine. Mrs. Vic Groshen Jr.. Mrs John Mollahan. Mrs. Bud Wll son. Mrs. Vern Evans. Mrs. Dick ttohlson. Mrs. Jim Valentine. Mrs. Gry Jones. Mrs. t nance Padberg. Mrs. Bob Steagall. Mrs. Kleet Fox. and Miss Beulah Davis. Mrs. Bud Wilson won the door prize. Degree of Honor Will Have Turkey Dinner The Degree of Honor lodge met on Tuesday evening at the Chris tian church with Mrs. Farl Sow- ard presiding. Mrs. Rachel Harnet was initi ated Into the lodge. Plans were completed for the annual Thanksgiving dinner to be held Tuesday. Nov. 15. at the Christian church. Mrs. Theta Stratton Is chairman In charge of the dinner. All members are invited to at tend and are asked to bring a hot dish and either a salad or a dessert. The lodge will furnish the turkey, rolls and coffee. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Alice Luttrell and Mrs. Earlj Soward. 1 l- - I i "" J: : li 'i ) ill Local Pathfinder group attended Regional Pow-Wow at Colleg Place. Wuhlnaton. Those attending trora left to rtgnt. lint rowi Sbailene Likely. Morale Murray. Marianne Huber. Jan Hager. and Linda Kay Clark. Second row. Bob Hager. Dana uneiy. curtu Ross. AUln Mafcan. Back row. Elder Darxa Bauer, Mrs. . S Huber. Mrs. C. M. Wogner. and Mi. Lao uxeiy. Blackhorse Livestock Club Has Meeting The Blackhorse Livestock Club met on Nov. 6 at the Jim Hioous worth home at 1:30. Jimmle Kloodsworth and Nancy Doherty led the flag pladges. Under old business the club divided to fix a Christmas basket fur a needy family. Under new business a discus sion was held on what to do with the $7.50 we won in the record book contest. It was decided to huv a L-avel and put the remain der in the bank. We discussed buying 4 II jackets, all were In ;ivor tif this. All members were present and here were no visitors. The next meeting will be held at the Do herty home on Dec. 4 The meet ing was adjourned and refresh ments were served. Nancy Doherty, reporter. Beta Omega Has Meeting iRT" STREET MARKE T i Si Phone 6-9643 PRICES FOR NOVEMBER 11-12 LOCKER BEEF BAR-S or SWIFTS PREMIUM 400 To 500 LBS. 49s LB WHOLE or ONE-HALF BEEF SHORT RIBS PORK ROAST ! Hen Turkeys BACON i s s I I ' mf'' better for less money! Free Parking YES SIRI Price in cludes cutting, pack aging, and freezing meat exactly as you wish for storage in your freezer. Feed your family The Beta Omega Chapter of Fpsilon Sigma Alpha met at the home of Mrs. Bill Rletmann, Wednesday. Nov. 2. with 16 members present. Co-hostess for the evening was Mrs. Art War ren. The members decided to have a Christmas tree cutting party and sell Chrsltmas trees In Lex ington and lone. Trees will be on sale by Dec. 11. Following the business meet ing an educational program on "Politics In An Election Year" was presented. Topics were State Issues by Mrs. Gordon White; Wives of Presidential Candidates by Mrs. Joe Hausler and Mrs. Harold Snider; Vice Presidential Candidates by Mrs. Don McElll gott; The Case for the Demo crats, Mrs. Don Teterson; The Case for the Republicans by Mrs. Robert Rletmann; Correct Vot ing Procedure, by Mrs. Eldon Padberg. The members completed the program by casting their ballots for the presidential candidates. USDA Good or Choice 19c,b I 59 Boneless C lb. Grade A 14 to 16 Lbs. OREGON CHIEF By the piece Pyles Honored v ! By Farewell Party The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake was the scene of a going-, away party for Mr. and Mrs. Don J Pyle who are leaving soon to , make their home in La Grande. . Co-hosts with the Blakes were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Labhart and Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Van Mar- ter. The evening began with a pot-luck supper and presenta tion of a cut-glass crystal dish to Mr. and Mrs. Pyle from the group. Later in the evening cards were enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flatt, Dr. and Mrs. Wal lace Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brlndle, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell I Gribble, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lovgren, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Blak ney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bong ers, and Mrs. Don Bennett. Un able to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward. 49clb- 49clb- lllllllimimillimilllMlllHMHHMIIIMIMmilMHUmM .lll.milMIHH41IMIIMtlllllll.Him Ml III. lltHlim.ltlllllllllllllHI.IIMIMHHHIH.HHIMIIIIHmni GENERAL MILLS FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Texas Pink Grapefruit amis 5 LB. BAG DELICIOUS APPLES 4 LB. BAG 5 FOR $1.00 39 MIX N' MATCH 'EM SNOW'S 2 SNWS CLAM CLAM CHOWDER 49C STEW C CAMPBELL'S, 46 Oz. tomatoes 29c I TOMATO 4 FOR 59" SPUDS fTQci JUICE $I.OO Renegers Bridge Club Meets At Webbs Mrs. Paul Webb was hostess to the Renegers bridge club on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at her home. There were three tables In, play for the evening with Mrs. Dick Meador winning high, Mrs.' LaVern Van Marter second, and. Mrs. Robert Jones low. Refreshments were served byl Mrs. Webb to Mrs. Terry Thomp son, Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. Ned ' Sweek, Mrs. Creston Robinson, I Mis. Elaine George, Mrs. LaVern Van Marter, Mrs. Dick Meador, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Mrs. Eddie Gunderson, Mrs. Bill Barratt, Mrs. Jim Farley, and Mrs. Jim Norene. Heppner Trailbloxcrs Attend In Washington The llcppiwr Trailblaren re cently attended regional puw ww at Rotters' Sh.o in Col We I'Uiv. Wh., with Flder A J Reiftig of Spokane In than'. The kix rlut'i in attendance comprint In utrlng -burning. kntt)ng relay, dutance ball throwing, flint and Met-1 fire making, and a kl man running relay. Bob llaeer won fur the Trail- blarr a fut place In the dis tance ball throwing content Other feature of the day were a full uniform grand parade and a display of Interesting craft Ideas for future dub projects. Member attending were: from the Parakeet Unit. Jan Hager, Linda Kay Clark. Maralee Mur ray. Marianne Hufer. Sharlene Likely, and their Unit Counsel lor. Mrs. C. M. Wagner. From the Panther unit, Bob Hager, Da vid Likely. Alvin Mahan. Cur- H-H Meeting Held At Gronge Hall Th l!tu-a Crerk Llvrt k 4 11 dub called their meeting la or J.r at the Kf.ea Creek Grange Hall. We filled out enrollment card and g"t our new Uv.K to fill out fr our projivts, we aio oe , i.i-.i i.Imiui our aitiUttes for the turning year. We gut our lat year s book back ami aiwutvvi our project. Mr. Wilbur Van Blockland ami Mr. Harold Wright served rrfrchment. Bob Harris. Reporter Mi. and Mi. L. E. Dick were In Portland over the weekend and touk In the Oregon and Stan ford game. tl Rom, and their unit coun sellor. Mr. Leo Likely. Als in attendance were Elder Da Id Bauer, pastor of the Hep pner Seventh-day Ad vent 1st church which sponsor the club: and Mrs. Harold Huber. local club director. McKinneys Honored On Anniversary OM:Mr. an I Mr. Mron Palmer and Mr and Mra. Elmer p..)- -r r- --r i.t a party houoiliig U and Mi V.m Mc Ksnnev at Ihr r home Saturday exeniiij:. Nv. Thu a the MiKimiey's twenty fifth ding nnlerary. A iiuintK-r of frien.t from lone and Upper Rheu Creek were pres ent. A beautiful white cake trim med In silver and pink carna tion Ma wrved by Mr. Lloyd Howton of HermUton. Pinmhle wa played during the exerting. Prize were won by Mr O Hermann, Mr. Omar Kletmann, and Garland Swan son. They received many pretty cards, and a tlft consisting of silver dollar was presented to them Recent visitors at the hone of Mr and Mrs. James Monahan were their son. Mike Monahan, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Seeger. OUR FABULOUS Wt L i.ei eN&a 4WtasvAssWi(tf-- (aNKfa'aiaasWWssiassSjisV EACH MONTH at Elma's Apparel, you will have a chance to secure her regular, first-class merchandise absolutely free! Here's how It works. When you make a purchase you write your name and address and the full amount of vour purchase on-a ticket which Elma will supply. Then drop your ticket in the labeled Jar in the store. At the designated time each month, there will be a drawinR. If your name Is drawn, you will receive In merchandise absolutely free, the same amount as is on the ticket. Wheeeel Think of the saving for yourself! And. what fun! REMEMBER First drawing DECEMBER 10. I960; 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY you don't have to be present to win, but it's more fun. NATIONAL BRANDS ALWAYS in lovely dresses, coats, sweaters, shirts, lingerie. Complete selections for baby and the small fry; linens and gifts. 233 N. Main ELMA'S APPAREL Heppner of FINE CAMERAS We have the new 10-second Polaroid Film Get Yours Now! MOVIE CAMERAS Bell and Howell 8 mm Complete Movie Outfit Includes camera, projector and lite bar The Spoon Llckers 4-H Club Meets The Spoon Llckers 4-H club met at the Darlene Anderson home on Oct. 25 with our vice president, Pattl Collins, presid ing at the meeting. We discussed the program of work and our goals. Officers' handbooks were handed out Also our project books and rec ord sheets. The next meeting will be Nov 8 at Cheryl Bellenbrock's home The members present were: Diane Warren, Susan Drake, Kathy Rea, Kitty O'Harra, Dar lene Anderson, Pattl Collins, Cheryl Bellenbrock, Jean Stock- ARGUS Cinctronic Reg. 14995 Only 00 STILL CAMERAS ARGUS AUTRONIC 35 Reg. $0075 Now $7095 Complete with flash and carrying case KODAK SIGNET 50 Reg. $g250 0nly $695 Includes flash attachment with 7 speed flash shutter KODAK Brownie 8 mm $ 24 50 Come in for your free demonstration of the new Bell and Howell ZOOMATIC PHIL'S PHARMACY ANSCO CADET With bulbs and film Ansco Cadet ly $ 95 on with Flash Attachment Bulbs & rilm Polaroid Highlander includes wink light and film reg. $96.50 NOW $050 PHIL BLAXNET. R. Fh. PHONE HEPPNER 6-9962 ard. and our leader, Mrs. D. E. Drake.