Spaulding-Vihlon Exchange Vows Mu Margaret An rSpauldinc j daughter cr hit. and Mr. Suaulding i f Uulsvllle, Ky.. nd T Armiri IL Wlhluit. son of Mr. Armln Wlhlon of Lexington and Mrs. Hermann Wallace of ratco. Wash.. wer united In marrlare at a 10.00 am. Mass Saturday. Nov. 3. In the Cathe dral of The Assumption In Louis vllle, The brld. given In marrlagi hv her father, was lovely In i while four tiered lace skirted gown over taffeta, with fining bailee nd empre neckline, and long pointed sleeve. The hrlde carried a bridal bouquet of white rosea and carnations, and wore a shoulder length veil. The Matron of Honor wi the brides fclslcr and wore a rose colored fhKir leneth taffeta fiown and rarrled a ulnk bouquet. Beat man for the groom wh Leroy Buckel and usher Don Reefer. A ueddins- breakfast was served at th home of the bride following the ceremony for the bridal party and Immediate member of the family. Follow ing thin there was a reception at the Knights of Columbus hall from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. The bride's table was beauti fully decorated with flowers and a lovely three-tiered wedding rake with the traditional bride nnd groom adorning the top. After a short wedding trip the young couple will be living In Louisville where he Is stationed nt Fort Knox and where the bride Is employed. Armln Wlhlon of Lexington flew to Kentucky to attend the wedding, returning Sunday. Richard has spent most oi nis life In Ixlngton having attend ed high school here until his en listment In the II. S. Army. Birthday Party Held In lone Mrs. C. Hermann gave a birth day buffet dinner Saturday eve ri'iig, Oct. 29, In honor of her hus band Fred's birthday. The evening was spent visit ing and Dr. Helmuth Hermann showed slides from European countries which everyone enjoy cd. (lucsts were Dr. and Mrs. Helmuth Hermann of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Crawford and children of Echo. Mr. and Mis. Julian Kaucli and Mrs. Ru- t-ii,,..r t iiFmitnn Mr and Mrs. " Clarence Iloltz, 'Mrs.! Tom Klikltlio and daughters of will be ror sale. Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt. I Some of these Items are: a but Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon prise package, fancy work, Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palm- Christmas cards, pillows, notions, cr. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Tullls aprons, cooked food, fruit cake, nnd sons and Mrs. Cecil Thorne. and homemade candy. a i ar a in n n GORHAM STERLING English Gadroon Willow Retired from Open Stock rf fo ALL ITEMS . . . BOTH PATTERNS This is au outstanding opportunity to acquire a complete service of solid silver in either of these famous Gorham designs. If one of these is yours already, fill in your set now, during tills great retirement sale it ends Nov. 26th 1900. After this sale, these designs will continue to be available on a iyear round special order basis (30 day delivery; at sightly higher than reg ular pre-tale prices. Ask about our new "Hona-makers silver chet. Mahogany finish, lined with Tacjfic ckrth. All pnevt wcluM M(J tii 4 plKt plCt MttW PIC ! tMpes d tJHd tot 30- COCIAL By JO PETTYJOHN p . KlnUU Grand rOSr INODIC Oranu Club Meets The home of Mrs. Inei Huff man, Heppner. was the arrne of lli annual fall dinner meeting of the Past Noble Grand Club of Sans Soucl Itebekah Lodge. A delicious swls steak dinner uaa terved bv the hottest, Mr. Hummin, assisted by Mr. Cor net! Green and Mrs, Tmimaa Wells. The attractively set tables were grouped In the living room. rnllnwlnff dessert the meeting called to order by rresweni Mi&s Esther Bergstrom. Secretary Mn rwloria McDowell read let ters from the following members not present: Mrs. Sara McNamer, Portland, Mrs. Hern ice uisney. Madras, and Mrs. Daisy Charl ton, LaGrande. Highlighting the meeting and creating much excitement waa the revealing of secret pals wltn gifts containing the long con cealed names or sender or gins and cards. New names were drawn and officers elected lor the ensuing year. Mrs. uazei Rauman was elected president; Mrs. Altha Kirk, vice president, nd Miss Esther wergsirom, w retary treasurer. r.mi- were nlaved with Mrs. Mabel Chaffee In charge. Special guests of the evening were: Mrs. Bea Gomillion, Atncna; Airs. Bertha Dlnges of Holly Lodge, Lexington; Mrs. Melba (juacK pnhush. Noble Grand elect of Sans Soucl; Mrs. Iris Van Houte Ualtee No. 224, Stanfield; Mrs. Evalyn Farrens, Mistletoe Tio. 22, Hardman. Other members present were Mrs. Mary Bailey. Mrs. Millie Doolittle. Mrs. Tacle Parker. Mrs. Letha Archer, Mrs. Mary Me Murtry, Mrs. Jeanne Dobbs, Mrs. Pearl Devlne, Mrs. Kuth Berg strom and Mrs. Helen Kruger, all of Hepnper. The next meeting will be held In the new home of Mrs. Cornett Green Dec. 5. Methodist Ladies To Hold Bazaar The Methodist Ladies will serve tea in conjunction with the bazaar to be held on Nov. 19 in the church basement. There will be several tables of Items which Sine 32 pitc urvic tar I Stfular JJ3I 00 Horn $1M 60 i " ,41 M III ill mi 1 I Mm I mm. w,jr V V V Vus ir APPENINGS It) one 6 tC2S SCHOOL MENU Week ! He. M II MONDAY Ma.hed potat- with butter, baked hm. pea. in.i Kti.k. fruit, milk, bread n.l ImllfP TUESDAY Vegetable soup. Jello salad, peanut butter aana wti-hes. cake, fruit, milk. u-rnviNnAY Chill beans,,- eiiitaL-e dice salad rar. ejkle, milk, bread and t j.r THURSDAY Stew, cabbage . ri- i, ml, tine. milk, bread and butter. FRIDAY Macaroni salad grilled checM? sandwiches, berry cobbler, milk. Rhea Creek Unit Plans Card Party The Rhea Creek extension unit had for Its Novemer lesson. "A Look at a Woman's World." The leaders for this lesson were Jane Rawlins and Muriel Palmer. Their knowledge of this sub ject covered Information rang ing from statistics or marriage and divorces from a period of 1RTW to 19C0. Also changes In the family reflected In a woman's life cycle. From newly married to the "empty nest" period and widowhood. Problems presented to the group consisted of young mar rleds and In laws, money In the home, the raising of children and how to prepare for retirement. After a potluek lunch the busl- ness meeting was conducted with business pertaining to the card party and bazaar to be held Saturday. Nov. 12. at 7:30 p.m. at the Rhea Creek grange hall. ANo a discussion of the knit ting c lass which is to be held In the December meeting. The following members were pusent: Wrne Batty. Ann Berg strom. Marlene Bergstrom. Eve lyn Farrens, Doris Graves, Shir ley Palmer. Muriel Talmer. De Leva Rill, Ninon Rill, Mildred Wright, Eva Wright. Pearl Wrleht. Beverlv Wright, Norn Leathers and Jane Rawlins. Wp urce all the members to attend the card party and bazaar, and the knitting class In Decern-1 ber which will be potluek. De Leva Rill won the door , prize with Doris Graves and Eva WriL'lit winninc the Dutch auc tions. Bevery Wright Past Patrons and Matrons to Meet There will be a meeting of the Past Patrons and Matrons of the O.E.S. at the Masonic hall on Friday, Nov. 11. Of special Interest will be the showing of the films taken by Mrs. Edna Turner of her recent trip to Europe. These films will be shown after the regular busi ness meeting of the O.E.S. and will be open to anyone who wishes to see the pictures. The showing will be at 9 p.m. Mrs. Parrish Wins High At Card Party The Social Club of the O.E.S. had their dessert and card par ty last Thursday at the Masonic hall. Mrs. J. R. Huffman and Mrs. Hester Creswlck were hos tesses for the afternoon. There were six tables of cards playing with Mrs. Fred Parrish winning high in bridge, Mm. Madge Bryant took high In pi nochle, and Mrs. Walter Beck ett receiving the door prize. TRAINED In the Insurance field, the TURNER. VAN MARTER & BRYANT INSURANCE AGEN CY. 183 Mcdn. can get to work quicker than a CAT In vour interest. Our service are jo quick and competent. It just WASHES away memories of any other kind and our coverage is so broad It will Include erery thing lrom garden tools to line china DISHES! Turner, Van Marter Mothers' Club Makes Christmas Decorations The fefiular .umr-. m-Ui:g .f the Mm hers' Club wa hcm at the home if Mr. Chailes Knox with Mrs CJero Stwkard as ro hoateM. After the bumnr meeting the member ir-ade Chrutmas decorations f..r the county pa llents ward at the pioneer ho piial. Mrs. John Rydgrrn brought the material and lntru-tion for th decorations. IMrcidi merit urte tetved by the hwtevaes. Mrs. Ward Is High Winner Mr. Fred Cimtx-l entertained with two tables of bridge at her house recently. Taking high score prize was Mr. Clen Ward, second hlch Mrs. Rod Murray, and Mr. Don Bennett won Jack-high. Later In the evening Mr. CIm bel served pumpkin pie to Mrs. Jim Prock. Mrs. Harold Laird. Mrs. Wayne Prock. Mrs. Don Ben nett. Mrs. Glen Ward. Mrs. Bob Jone. Mrs. Creston Robinson, and Mrs. Rod Murrary. 1 YOUNG TOM ZEE WITH THESE FINE ri n rr5i ti room oyysi I u wuuuuu u Toilet Tissue ZEE KING ASST'D. DUNDEE Elberta Peaches IX for $00 SHOPPEH NETTED GEM POTATOES Local snow white beads CAULIFLOWER Fancy ripe BANANAS Snoboy Fresh, Juicy CRANBERRIES SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLAB BACON hall slab whole slab 45c 49c Central Market & Grocery Co-op Auxiliary Meets In lone The M tef rnt-ung 4 the Co op Auxiliary met at tne home tf M. J'l Ilngleman In lone The fullowlne committers were i pointed by the preident: pro cram. Mr. Irene Nolan. Mr. i-laudine Wanen. and Mr Glaiiys Conner; year Inx-k. Mr l.ta Lee llneleman and Mr. Thelma Smethurt; wrap book Mr. Fay lergeson; ropitaiity Mrt Leila Talmer: Hen lloux Pair. Mrt Emma Drake, and Mr, Helen Baker. A name fr the club was dis cussed and the members decided on Co Op Biddies. The !rLTam for the day con i.ted t.f Mr. Elaine Reitmann and Mr. Millard Nolan showing how to make different kind oi flowers and centerpiece out of plastic duo foam. The November meeting will be held at the Cttv Hall In Lexing ton. This la our Hen House Fair and everyone Is urged to bring something to display as there will be Judges who will Judge the displays. Also at the meeting will be a sson on pine needle basket maklnc. Those who are Inter ested are to bring pine needles FRESH .FROZEN LB. 4 ROLL PACK NAPKINS 2 212 CAN IXL Sauce ITALIAN SUPREMA 10 LB. BAG 39 c 19C EA 2 LB- 29c 49c 2 LB. PKG. MT. EMILY or ROUND-UP 5KINLESS FRANKS QC POUND n HmNE! CAXtTTT-TIMEl Tbuisdery. Nmmb.( 19. IW0 Mrs. Tibbies Entertains Club Mr. L. D, Tlble entertained m, lahli- of bridge of the What's Trumps bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. winning hlch was Mr. Clar i-nr. PoMiew-all. second high going la Mr. Gene Frrgeson. third was a lie fr Mr. Lowell Urlbbie ana kin Phil Mahunev. and low went to Mr. Raymond Fergeson. Mm. Tibbies served refresh merst to the following guests tr riaud uranam. air, r.u ... - . a - a Sihaffiti. Mr. Jim Thomson. Mr. Clarence RoewalI. Mr. Dave Wilson. Mrs. Lowell Crib- ble. Mr. Bill Siewert. Mra. Phil Mahoney. Mr. Ted Smith. Mrs. nen Kerceson. Mr. Menin Leonard, and Mr. Raymond Fer- geson nd a darning needle. The raf fia will be there to buy. New members are Invited to ttend. anyone Interested In hob bles. Mrs. Engleman served refresh ments to eight members alter the meeting. fcV. :V'v f t 29c for 45c SWISS MISS frozen Pies PEACH, APPLE .CHERRY. T 3 pkgs- 3 - 2 lb. CHOICE) (GOOD Pendleton Officials Visit Rcbekchs Member tf the Ladies Auxil iary if Patriots Militant of Can Ion No. 3. Pendleton, paid an of ficial lkit lo Sans Soutl Itebekah Lodj; No. 33 Friday night at the regular lodge meeting in the Heppner IOOF hall. Making the Ult were Thelm J. Shrltun. aec-retan' and iast president uf Caniun; Sallte Mey er, vice president: Clar Wood, pt president; Esther Young. past president; Luclla Fletcher. Inei Wright. Sue Ta)!r Sienna Pursihell. Sadie Moore and Rob ert Young, past captain of the Patriot Militant of Canton No. The visiting officials were In troduced and scaled at the meeting and several gave short talks. Following the regular meeting refreshment were served in the lodge dlr.lng room by Mrs. C. J. D. Bauman and MarJorle Worden. Regular members or bans Soucl who are also members of Canton at Pendleton are Ruth Bercstrom. Pearl Devlne, Altha Kirk and Elsie Ayers. X A"' - " Jf BOYSENBERRY IPSA 5c vfc mm 3 for 00 BEEF RUMP ROAST 73C POUND USDAf USDA & Bryant INSURANCE AGENCY STORE ROUES TO 8 PETERSON'S JEWELERS SPECIALS GOOD FOB NOVEMBER 11 12 HEPPNER PHONE 6-9614 183 Main Phone 6-9652 ttiitmMtmtiftt!!tiifiiuiiittiiitittttttiinittiitiiHMiiiHttiiifiititiii"it",l