Mirrxta oAitrrt-TiMti. nt. xeb lM MANY ATTEND DISTRICT REBEKAH CONVENTION HELD IN HEPPNER Tht thirty ninth annual kah Convention of district Wo i waa hrld In the 1 0 O f. hU In lloimnrf. Tuesday. Ort. 7X with Sn Swud No. S3 W hotter Other lodge f tht dis trict In attendance wert Mistle toe No. 25. Hardman; Bunch grass No. M. lone; and Holly No. 1M. Ulngton. Folluwlng short Mutton of San Sourl. JUther Bergstrom. Noble Grand. Introduced Loret ta F.m-nnn. president of Ra. be kah Assembly of Oreron; Sel ma Watklns, warden of tht as sembly; Ruth Burnett, condue tor of the assembly; and llaiel Walnscott. chairman of the sus taining perpetual membership fund; and deputy presidents Thelma Smethurst. Mistletoe and Mary McMurtry. San Soucl. The chain were surrendered to the 19C0 convention officers, who were seated by members of Hol ly Rebckah Lodge No. 139. and presented rose budi: Chairman. Altha Kirk. San Sourl; vice chairman, Dlmplt Munkera. Holly: secretary. Mar Jorle Worden, San Soucl; treas urer. Delsle Chapel. Mlsletoe; right aupporter to chairman, Melba Quackenbush, San Soucl; "SHOW ME" Those words wo like to hear from a man who Is In forested In getting mo most from hit Insurance dollar. It doesn't take us long to explain why our best buy In protection comes from a local, Independent agent. Without pressor or obligation, wo would Ilk to "how you. May wo sail? C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY f HONK l-NU MARKET 171 W. WILLOW M' - i i - -il SONNY BOT EDgj Food TILLAMOOK 2 lb. Baby Loaf (SEueese OCCIDENT FLOUR m CANNED MILK 709 SPECIAL MORNING CARNATION, PET SONNY BOY JIFFY MIXES Spice Brownie Corn Muffin Pillsbury or Bol BISCUITS ard 2 For 25' SUPER FRESH PRODUCE Lge. Bub-y Bed GRAPEFRUIT .. CRANBERRIES 3 For 25c nnc 1 lb. pk?. LETTUCE ... in i.t.(Mdir tu chairman. Cm ma White. Mistletoe; werdea nieen Padber. IMly; assistant .....-,. Hurl Biumin. San s.Hirl; 'cundurtuf. Barfly Pan lels. San Suurl; elolanl condue. tor. Adelle Wright. San Souct rhaolaln. Oil Avert. San Soucl Insldt guardian. Letha Archer, Ran Sourl: outside guaraian, i-u rllle Reltmenn; right supporter to vice chairman, Edltn Mat ihwa. Bunchrrata; left support tn v !- chairman. La Verne Henderson. Holly; musician. Inet Huffman: Junior past chairman. Gladys Drake. Bunchgrasa. Address of welcome, itutn Bergstrom. San Sourl. Response. Verne Batty, Mlstle a XrtAmm. Th hlchllcht of the morning session was the presentation of a beautiful basket or rnryaan ihemuma and carnations to chairman Altha Kirk, by her two small grandsons. Kirk and Kyle Rnhlnson. One of the new 50 star flags was given San Soucl as a gin from the Junior past noble grand. Rrttv Hood. Tribute to the flag waa by Ruth Bergstrom, Mary MrMurtrv. Jane Payne, and Adelle Wright Hcmrat. okeqow box tn ili Doily Savings Are Tho Pennies That Count AND LOCKERS HO MX OWNED 12 FOR Sfl 00 $JJ39 ibs. Ibs. 209 6.79 10 C ea. TIP TOP 12 Os. LEMONADE plavb-pac Spinach Green Beans Peas Peas & Carrots Economy Pack 4-FISHERMAN FISH STICKS . -i nc A blessing tribute to preej. dent Loretta tmerson was ty MU'trt. Mt: rtsl western TV t)ie. ciimd ty a typlrst gi-t Dimple Munkers presented a girt of tegalta to our chairman, Altha Kirk, from the convention officer. A gift from Ban Soact as presented by Betty Rood. Presentation of the Bible wsi by risle Ayer and Ruth Bff trom The unwritten work contest wiot by Melba Quackenbush tnd Ue Wagenblast Prim wert swarded by dlstrUI deputy. Mary McMurtry. A lunchewn was served to T5 members by ladles of the Chris- tlsn church, rtiirin the afternoon session nat chairmen were nonorea with a cow gin ami. in seeping tilth the convention theme. -Friendship CorraL" Bunchgrass lodge was In charge ana pre tinted cursaee to: Mary Swan- son. Vlda Hellker. Annie Keene. Elaine Reltmann. Fried s Majes kl. Mildred Wright. Merlyn Rob inson. Thelma Smethurst, Elma Hsrshman. Edith Matthews. Ruth Bergstrom, Emma wnitt, and Cladya Drake. rifiw var memebrs present: Pesrl Devine, Annie Keene, and Maude Pointer, were remember ed with personalized riDoona. i.nH Pointer's SOvear iewel was presented by the president Jewels were received by the others at an earlier date. rn vnt ion officers wert the ..frl.nt nf lovelV little CUPS and saucers bearing the Rebekah emblem, gifts from their cnair- man. Th imnrrulv memorial MTV- Ice by Holly was followed by si lent prsyer for departed mem bers. a wit. "Our Fraternal Song. was given by Sans Soucl. rh fnllowine officers wert elected for 19C1 convention to be held at Lexington: cnairman. rM.nl,. Mnnlim Hollv: VlCt rh.irman. Verne Batty. Mlstle toe; secretary. Delpha Jones, Holly; treasurer. June Davidson, iiniiv warden, tana reiscn c.n cnuri: rieht supporter rhairman. Edith Matthews p,.nrhrm- left supoprter chairman, Florence McMiuan, Holly; chaplain, Betty Rood, San Soucl; right supporter to vice grand. Mildred Wright. Mlstle. toe; left supporter to vice "grand, " . . Helen Pettyjohn, uuncngrass musician. Gladys Drake. Bunch grass; Junior past cnauma Altha Kirk, san ouci. THOMAS S. AND MILDRED HOWELL Mora f-Bttl g For $ JQQ cf1 5 for nfl I I J KJ 59c A Return fmii war kaKes Sea ikte dclWaSe krl eatae eake la a esrvle arrsafwMt. Ovea kr, Is gated M rllB) sa kiag deearalar. One ef the best ways to add elegance te a dinner party la U plan a drtsrrt that looks and tastes as tftoufi) it loos nours io prepsre and grtst skill to cook. Isn't it wonderful te know that now you can serve Just such a drurrt but with a minimum of work, and without taking a to urn la gourmet cooking! A Burnt Sugar Pear Pirouette, for instance, is a perrect party dessert This simple one layer cake, decorated with pear halves and cream cheese is pretty, delicious and has aa imported-f rom-France authority. But here's a secret it's made from a cake mix! Not Jost aa ordi nary eake mix, ef course, but a de luxe burnt sugsr cake mix. The name Duncan Mines is enough to insure a gourmet flavor. I ' An Invitation to meet at Hard man for the 1962 convention was extended by Mistletoe lodge. Workshop was conducted by president Loretta Emerson, fol lowed by her address. Western style was again the theme for seating th 1961 of ficers, which was most pleasing ly accomplished by Bunchgrass, each officer received a unique leather key ring. Mrs. N. D. Bailey was banquet chairman which was attended by 100 members and guests from Pendleton, Stanfield, Hermlston, The Dalles, Madras, Richland, and Lebanon. Hazel Bauman was In charge of table decora tions and the Rainbow girls served. Entertainment during the eve ning was by a freshman girls' trio, Ginny Moore. Glnny Turn er, and Pam Cochell who sang several numbers. Elaine Laird and Fern Albert sang Happy For a limited tlmal You can enjoy big savings on a set purchase of this gsy new Corham design ! SAVEi up to 112 00 ea 4 plect-stttinfs ue to S2M as I siacs-stttmgt up to l&O.oe oa 12 ptK-ttT Com ia Mea.' Four ec Sc-nf' pi turn u4 KfM. teaspoon aa STOIC HOUBS TO S PETERSON'S s Exciting I BLITHE r I SPIRIT D newest pattern , I infamous I Fourpltca I icsSerUrg J 128.00 r.TJ. ) To Formality soflested trlta a Unit pese tjnft It Seta feae fiiseewt Em pty a sacks r of Burnt Sugar Cake Mia lata a largo bowL Cat off corner of packet of burnt sugar syrup and squeete Into measuring cup. Add enough water to snake I cup syrup. Add syrup and t eggs to dry Ingredients. Mix according te package directions. Poor batter into a well-s-reased and floured wedding cake layer pan, 10 laches la diameter by 1 to I Inches deeo. Bske in a arthested 8 SOT. ovea for 40 minutes, or until eske testa done. Cool la psn for 10 min utes, then turn out on rsck to cool. When cool, brush eske with syrup from a large can of pear halves. Arranre peer halves In a spirsl on top of eske end rsrnish with either hard sauce or softened cream cheese. Additional cream cheese sauce, made by thinning cream cheese with a little pear syrup, may be served on the side. Wanderer and Elaine sang a solo Desr Hearts and Gentle People. They were accompanied by Joyce Mesler. A spec'"' meeting of San Soucl was held In the evening when the president made her of ficial visit. The initiatory work was given and seals awarded by the president to Melba Quack enbush. Dorothy Edwards, Altha Kirk, and Esther Bergstrom. President Loretta Emerson was presented a gift from the lodge by Altha Kirk, tacn oi me oiner Assembly officers were also re membered, after which the presi dent gave her address. The Pinochle Club Meets . The Pinochle Club met for their regular get-together on Fri day, October 28 at the home of Mrs. Orin Wright with eight members present Mrs. Ben Anderson received the prize for high score and Mrs. Bob Lowe the prize for low. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Walter Beck ett, Mrs. Ben Anderson. Mrs. Bob Lowe, Mrs. Fred Mankln, Mrs. Charlie Beckett, Mrs. Henry Happold, Mrs. Earl Evans. The Club will meet Thursday afternon at Mrs. Evan's home. Think before you vote. What kind of future are you making for your children? Pd. Adv. Morrow Co. Republi can Central Committee. -v J,; ;" 't,' KEEP Oregon's "Mr.lntegritY onthe job... safeguarding your tax dollars. a, VT r . . . iJL ,Mjt Jtk. m. aV ar Libby Von Schoiock Heads District F.H.A. Mrs, Phil Ws honey. Mrs Lowell GnobW, Mrs. LVrreM Hsrshman. and Mr. and Mrs. timer sVhmldt too tht FM A. girls to tht district meet at La Grande on Saturday. .Nineteen chapters crt there from all parts of Eastern Oregon Ubby Van Scholar of tht Hep pner chapter was elected district president foe 19C1 and tht dls irict tattttnf will be held la Heppner nest fell elrla eolnf to tht meeting from Heppnet were: Boat Nash, Judy Schmidt. LI bay Van SchoUck. Sandra Harshman. Linda Valentine. Shanon Ma- honey. Jackie Brtndlt. ixrt uee Sumner. Ann Jones. Jtant Schmidt. Kathy Haworth. and Ginger Sprtngtf. Doua Anderson Elected President An orcanlzation! meeting iK. Hoof and Horn 4 11 club as held at tht homt of thetr leal- r Marcel Jones. The meetlnr was called to or 1 der by tht president, km onsv The Immediate order ox oust ness was tht election of new ti rir.r for thm eomlnc year. Those elected were: preslc'snt Doug Anderson; vice president. Larrv Pettvtohn: secretary. Judy Jones: news reporter. George Van Scholack. and song leader, Terrel Greenup. The members decided to nave movie at each meeting throughout the year. Guests present wert Doug Drake. Howard Pettyjohn. Esth er Anderson. Andy Van Scholack, and County Agent Joe Hay. Cub Scout Has Pack Meeting The Cub Scout pack meeting was held at the high school gym on Tuesday. Oct 25 with Cub- master Gene Hall presiding. Arrow awards were given io Frankle Lovrren. Frankle Un- rien. Steve Munkers, Bob Dobbs, and Lee Payne. The Cubs will again have tne Christmas fruit-cake sale. The cakes are ordered and will be here In plenty of time for Christ mas. The Cubs will be hanging vot- , ing reminders on your doors within the next few days before election day, November 8. There are 31 boys registered for this Scout year with 8 new boys starting in Cub Scouts. If anyone is interested in Cubs and would like to be a Den Mother for the new Den, she may con tact Gene Hall. The next pack meeting will be Tuesday, November 29 at the gym; Mrs. Daggett Wins High vf r nrrv O'nonnell. Jr.. hosted the Kings Little Queens bridge club on Wednesday eve nlng, Oct. 26, for two talbes of bridee. Receiving high for the evening waa Mrs. Jerry Daggett, second high. Mrs. Bill Scrivner; low by Mrs. Herb Hamilton, and jack high was won by Mrs. Bill Sow ell. Mrs. O'Donnell served refresh ments to Mrs. Ilene Wyman, Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mrs. Bill Blake, Mrs. Bill Sowell. Mrs. Herb Ham ilton, Mrs. Jerry Daggett, and Mrs. Harry Bongers. Carnation Club Plans Dinner The Carnation Club, the so cial organization of the Degree of Honor, is planning a Thanks giving dinner for the members and their families. The da and time will be announced later. Mrs. Theta Stratton is in charge of the dinner. One who has worked for a living has agreater respect for living has a greater respect for Vote for Republicans who value your tax dollar as you value vour own dollar: Pd. Adv Morrow Co, Republican Central Committee. c-a .i - 8 25 OFF g FT regular price . cifsr. hot! ! wens i Citjr I Stats. PHILS B. Pa. s V Pail Blakntr. Coffee Hour For Mrs. Keeling Mrs. Nels Anderson had a rest fre Mi' f Mr. Ken Keeling ho left f their new horn In U Grande. Mr. Keeling has been in fu the past year working working tht past ear for tht Buue Cascade Umber Company. Guests present at the cuffet huur weie: Mr. Andy an Scholack. Mr. Bay Smith. Mr. Ralph Richmond. Mrs. lctor Kreimeyer. Mr. Robert June. Mr. K Abr.nu. Mr. Rl l-ulleton. and tht hostess Mr. Anderson. . Sewing Club Meets Tht Wednesday Afternoon Sewing Club met at hJon2t of Mrs. John Pfelffer on Oct. 26 The Members present were hie dsmes P. W. Mshoney. Ray Per guaon. Jack Bedford. Ed Schaf fltt. Claud Craham. and tht hos-tess. Lexington News m. nri K A IONCS Mr. Bertha Hunt spent tht weekend In Springfield where she waa a guest of her son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Donsld Hunt Johnnie Darnlellt who has been serving with tht U. S. Kavy In Turkey for the last several months is visiting at the Breed ing home In Lexington. E. E. Peck. Jsck Barak and Delbert Piper of Heppner enjoyed aome Elk hunting over the week- Armln Wlhlon was a visitor at the Cutsforth cabin over Sunday. r-i Maurfe Pointer of Salem has been visiting her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don poin ter, and friends In Heppner the past few weeks. Lt. Donald Casteel who has been visiting his sister and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Do hertv. has departed for Fort Bennlng. Ga., where he plans to continue his training. xtr mn xtr. FJdon Padberg and f amily spent the weekend at the Blsslnger home in renaie ton. and Mr. BIssenger and Mr. Padberg enjoyed a trip to tne mountains. The Kindergarten claasea which have been held at tne church for the last several months are being held now at the Lexington school house. The Lexineton Christian Church held a Hallowe'en party at the church parlors on Sat urday night Games were played by all ages, and refreshments of doughnuts and coffee were served. Mr and Mrs. Morris McCarl and children spent the weekend in Harrlsburg. The annual Harvest Dinner will be held at the Lexington Christian church on Sunday. This is a potluck dinner and all are cordially Invited to attend. Mrs. Ken Marshall was a Pen- dleton visitor on Monday Miss Dona Barnett returned to her home last week after several days spent in Pioneer Memorial hospital. Miss Mary Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols,' is a patient in Pioneer Mem orial hospital following a back injury last week. Doctor Donald Smith was called in from Pen dleton one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones at tended the Grange insurance banquet that was held last Mon day at the Lexington Grange hall.. This was served by the Lexington H.E.C. committee. The Three Links club bazaar and food sale will be held on election dav at the I.O.O.F. hall. At this time pie and coffee will be served throughout the day with a lunch at noon. Proceeds from this will be used for re pairs on the lodge hall. Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle accom panied Mrs. Maude Pointer and Mrs. Edna Turner to Spokane this week where thev will visit : friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fredrick- son of Salem have been visiting her sisters and families this last week, Mrs. Nellie Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Van Winkle. u .i CLXftANT PMFUBlCS II ...wHktw DCSTKOYS ROOM ODOKS! Ceooairt destreyt stroarest souwhold odors does sot lem ksovy scent or smelL Kills caenmj and MthrooM toys i for sears PXAXMACr Phaaa Beppaar 9M head' JEWELERS