rs lone Girls' State Representatives Report jand Vtftl and Mr ar.d Mr fid. 5 j round ft: Mow jw. the weked 1 Htrritca caictti: tints. TrT. on v. im I Mr and Mr t trk t-f . ilr nj hm nixrt ihsj ill iri rrm ir rtAxciNt ciAwroto Tt.e Aroertran Legktn AuU lary met at th Lr.-un 1111 on Tur4ay, CM, 1. at I p m. Jean Martin and E rlyn Jcp. sen, lne'i c:;U su: reprafn. Distant Natlaa-Wtd Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSIT CO. Pendletoa. Oregon Phone Ot I IU1 iiiifn iiil iisit - . - - - " i ndln Ctrls' Miner in SUlrm. Tt gul lU)sJWmbrf iirf KukM-ll Milter fl "''" - ' .. UkiM tr- Ufi r.l Hl i leo lTk SJ.m . i Anil 41 - IX U1V , f fv 11b ft A t.V. a rectttd which mi w girls singing in the rutund In n ut j itol. All member were reminded to hav their gifts In fr tho rift hvp by (he Nvv. 1 meeting, The Auxiliary it having a fl I at the Ionian IUU on Oct 31 at 1 30. Mr, tldon Tucker re ceived the special prti. Mr. Frtsl Martin and Mr. Waiter Mr E. 4, AVrr ana ininny. .,. . , , jr iiivrt an .d Mri W. f .thU 1 fUt II and ana tu " : : ; hiijrrn 4 Athena AH thf faml- MUlrr and fmi!y tn rVrdm.a ,MJJrrn ua jn .fpny uKiMwti Mr an j , TfJ vh V. IVjLrt ' lt!m. W.Msl rrj Mm. ji-uu iuhwm and irf Mr Itnttic rrtrr. 'n.i-t f iimiji, Mr and Mr. On MV-.I Mr and Ms. OfNtU M!hft'. Mr TM' l:ua. Mr ami M Ai f rtfet h, Mr. and Mr Vrr. eitKnn, Mr and Mr l!Md U '.'t. Mr and Mi H iiirf M-l't. and Mr Tn Kil lit and 4aU;Mrrv . Amu utkrit. ana Mr. and Mr. Alton Y.mrtU U ZTZTlll & Tn5 M jVm , if Mr. Kathryn Yarnrlt. and Mr 'fu ul lrv"' 1" INtlln4 ck,nd r and Mr marie, uwnnu, AuinKu. ,. -" Mr. ami Mr. Arnlo llodm.a m MJri Saturoay to anrnu up gum a " " - Jfpsun wrr gueta dutlng the wejjing of IVWn Yame 11 daugh- jn Arlineton. evening. The nrkt mcttins will ((.r (1( Mr. and Mr. Clifford Var- Mr. and Mr. Larry Jh-lar U the afirrnoun of ov. 1 at nrt. and Klfi terguaon. and yavia n . the home of Mr. Kibe Akrr. BitaaeU MiUar Di Word wit rwivrd Saturday morning by relative U the death Rom v&we I t Joe Marsh Red Dolan'f -"Madness1? and'Mr. Alton Yarneit took Mra-lkane were weekend fuu ( Kathrn Varnell to wneeier on r, ni Mr. v .."- c. tthm Jt will recelv mbtrre. Ronnie and Shawn, medieal treatment Amlro Oub Meet The Arnica Club met Wednea day. Oct 13. at the home of Mr. in Alvtn MfCabe and children. and Mr. and Mr. Schellar and family attended the parade In Arlington Saturday. E. K. Meyer of Salem wat recent guest of Mr. and Mr. Leo Milton M.rn with Mrs. ' ,Cr.bie, mnn.1 Lundell ro hoate, ana id 1 ,.t xtr n,t xtrt Om day, K4 Daa wa at th f if eJob atrsppinf a pair of aaowaheeaS When aoma of Red'a friend heard about it, they began Jok ing about Red'a myatifying "roadneaa." But I figurad Red mutt have had a reaaoa for donning mowihoef, ao X asked him about it -Well." aaid Red, -You know that marsh near the 14th hole, Joe. A lot of the boyi tlic golf ball right into there and loae 'em for good. So I Just put on my anowshoea they let me travel on top of that apongy marsh surface without sinking la and retrieve thoao golf ban. You should have een my last haul enough to play all aeason with." From where I alt, peopl of ten t arm epinlana about thinfs bef ere they know all the facta. Some folks, for really n feed reaaoa at alt will criticise a maa for preferrti a glas of beer to aoma other beveraa-a. Ifa Joel a matter ef taste. T think otherwise la Jnst plain Intolerant. Aad It's a sore way to "shoe" away friends. Cewright, 19o0, Uiuttd States Brtwtr FottndaU mond Lundell co hoste. member present. It wa derided that on Novem ber 6 the Arnica Club member and familiea will go bowling at the Desert Lanes in Hermlston and return to lone for a potluck supper in the evening. rinochle was played during the afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ray HeimbiRner. high; Mr. Amle lledman. second high; and Mrs. Pelmer Crawford, low. Mr. Arthur Stefanl received the door nrlze, The next meeting of the Arnica dub will be at the home of Mr. Dallas Shockley on Nov. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann entertained with a birthday din ner party Saturday evening In honor of her father. Delbert An. son of Hermlston. Other guests were Mrs. Josle Leper. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thornburg, all of Her mlston. TO THE HAPPY, OLD-TIME MUSIC OF ROY QUACKENBUSH AND HIS ORCHESTRA OCTOBER 29 $1.25 PER PERSON 9:30 P.M. TO 1 A.M. I0NE AMERICAN LEGION ZONE a Hermann during the weekend were Dr. A. Macho. Dr. L, Terk la and aon David of Portland and Dr. and Mrs. Helmuth Hermann of Oswego. The men all enjoyed aome pheasant hunting while In lone. Mr. and Mr. Roland Bergstrom are visiting in San Jose with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergstrom. On the Bergstrom's return trip home they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Bergstrom and family at Brookings. The Bergstrom chil dren are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom and at the home of Mrs. Bergstrom's aunt at Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Perl Bye. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuenzl of Sil verton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlson. Mrs. Bye and Mrs. Carlson are sisters. Mrs. Mabel Cotter and Mrs. Fannie Griffith were In Pendle ton Tuesday and Wednesday. Jerry Holly and son. and sev eral friends from Portland were hunting guests this weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobyns. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Turner and sons 01 tugene visuea aurinu the weekend with Mrs. Turners parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan Mr. and Mr. Henry JVierwa of Portland v Wiled Ut week with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mr liallas Shockley, Mr, and Mr. Tim Ktrkelie and daughter of Twm Uited dur ing the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mr. Clarence I ..It. Mr. Kirkelle returned to Tacvma Sunday and Mr. Ktrke He and dauchters remained for a longer visit HousewnrmiDf tot Holts Mr. and Mr. CUrence HulUt were surprised hunday with a housewarmlng by some of the member of the Hope Lutheran church In Heppner, The group presented Mr. and Mrs. llolu with a beautiful large planter. Cuesis were the Rev. and Mrs. John Rydgren. Mr. and Mrs. Har lan McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. B Mr. and Mr lt ll-tt and Mi v L$a Huchri and dauchtet Mr!Mrla. all if PirtUnd. uned with Judy Kubankt and Mr. and Mr. C. 11 Pienner Sunday. Mr and Mr. P.y Llndrwn and uan and Mr. Anna Llnd rrm went la rtlad frlday Mi LinHtnm U vUlilng her duehter. Mr Warren Krutchet uf Unroham. and Suan la hav ing dental work dune. Cuei i4 Mr. and Mrs. Gill Lujun and family tver the week end wer Mr. Lu4n's coutlna, Mr. and Mr. Jack Briers and on of St. Helena. Rev. Rod Mackenzie left Tues day. CM. 23, f.r Kugene where he will attend the nnrthwet re gional conference of Congrega tiisnal Chrtnlan churches. Bill Hwvr of Portland waa a weekend guet of Rev. and Mr. RihI Mackenzie. Attend ConvenUoa For the first time In many year. Japan was the millenary land featured at the Mid Colum bia AsswKlatlon of Congregation al Churches and Ministers held at the Federated Congregational! Cfcurih In Ms!Kn Ffeewater, Od. It and 44 lM)!i MTrtll. him on fur ktih fmm Japan, spke to th drlrjstet Vrrf. In t1 majuf St1iSree. lie hd rwuih to say about ih 4lurr t4 Conitiunum and the nd f jf (itrtkiian pnie to b m tHr t"r tH t rr.m ft hrsd- on through the work uf the mia slans i irirgr rrorn me rnurtne in tne aMiaiin aia 0iacuaae4 Hng on the eonMHutMi ef the I'ntted Church of Chrut. merg er of the Congregational Chrta tlan churches and the Kvangell- cat and Reformed churches. Th" attending the meetings frwm line were Rev. and Mrs. IUmI MatKerule. Mrs Fred Mar- tin. Mr. Milton Morgan. Mrs. Carry Tulll and Mrs. ifarton Palmer. Fayne Ely and evrsl friend of Portland were pheasant hunt ing and Wiring Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely Saturday. The lone FT A Is sponsoring the L'MCKF Drive on Oct 31. AU children will meet at the cafe tortum for I' NIC FT rtrtoona and Identification badges. Each group will be chaperoned by an adult Children may wear costumes If leslred. After the children re turn to the c a Murium refresh ments will b served. Th com mittee In charge are Mrs. Wal- (Coo United oa Faff 12) m All r ! 1 BALLOT MEASURE NO. 15 the billboard control measure, is a BAD bill which would cost Oregon families vital payroll dollars. v '' Without adequate signs many hotels, restaurants, motels, service stations, resorts, stores of all kinds would be hurt or go out of business. 3 MTI'SirU:) Cl-IOt" 11" qxh Kt -inr car 55 'tl 'BiXJi Vote NO on No. 15 UNFAIR SffiSaSf Pi Adv. Council n Hi$hy Srfu'a'in, (Iph T. H'lppt, Jr. i W. I III) no, fMii. Ohm., 2727 .W. Uopr Or, tWini, Or. Cnp'l4 M41 V1 i fr:f I jr.; RE-ELECT BEN MUSA Democratic Nominee STATE SENATOR Sixteenth District TIm FotcM Was tm l cwobinotion o4 iIm, mom, got cenemir end dpnd. obit eptraHon Ifcot molcM falcen Anrie'i N. I compact. rli leee'ipoce vr Mvn ImT lanf ... and e budgaMovIng prkal You never paid so little for a car that saves so much Now with a trend-setting 12,000-mile or 12-month warrantyl Your dealer was the first to extend his warranty on Falcon cars to 12,000 miles or one full year, whichever comes first. That's because of his confidence in the Falcon's high quality and its proven dependability. Not even in the tremendously popular 1960 Falcon did you get so much value as you now can buy in the exciting, new Falcon '61! This freshly styled money saver stretches nickels, dimes, dollars! " It goes up to 30 miles on every gallon of regular gas, and 4,000 miles between oil changes. And, with the new choice of power, you can pick the famous Falcon Six, or the new optional 170 Special for an extra dash of power. See the new '61 Falcon today. Look over its warranty and get all the details at your Ford Dealer's. Senator Musa was the prime mover in securing a 20 reduction in state in come taxes during the 1957 special session. He has consistently striven to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary surpluses caused by excessive taxation. He understands the problems of the district; and as in the past, will continue to serve the best interests of all its people. If re-elected to the Senate he will: 1. Try again to create a State Board of Tax Appeals, independent of present tax levying bodies; ' . 2. Work for restoration to local governments local controls now In the hands of inacessable state bureaus; 3. Work for sensible tax laws and tax administration to encourage development of our area and its resources. ONE YEAR NEWER, ONE YEAR tETTERt Falcon Tudor Sadon givas you mora of what you buy a compact fori Paaflvf Ctoractwl O "SO UwiW Hat. Srod.coM. lac. KO 0TKE COMPACT MEASURES UP TO THE FALCON WORLD'S MOST SUCCESSFUL NEW CAR. NOW AT YOUR FORO ZHHXK Pd. Adv. Musa for State Senator Committee, Katherine Musa, Tress. P. O. Box 458, The Dalles. Oregon See Your Local Authorized Ford Dealer