HlTTMt CAXCTTt TIMtl. TiftKST, Ofiokm 17, 1M4 S L M "fcw r v Bl Classified Rotes v per word mUUaiua Mi Clack face of cap. double rate Card ol Thanks Jl .00 CLASSinCD DEADUNt" S p. sn. Wednesday r-rr -nnr nntrrr Kfl family Watklns Route now! vai!a!. 92 year reputation. A top grade one man business, and I . - fit no rxpericnr or money required. Write for full Information to Watklns Products. Inc.. 3.W3 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle 5. Wash ington. 34-36c POLLED HEREFORD RANGE BULL SALE 50 Service ace range bulla. 3 bred heifers, fine quality and breeding 8T1I ANNUAL HOUN'DL'P SHOW txj YOU NEW) Cabinet "wwk. SALE. rL'NDLETO.V. OUE.. Interior d.curaUne. or all NOV. 11. CO. Ore day only, show around carpentry work done? 9:30 a m.. s:il 1 u. m.. lunch on prountb. All cattle consigned by L'O leading brciiler or Ore. and Wash. Catalog requests Invited. ROUNDUP TOLLED HEREFORD BREEDERS. SI Williams Sales Management, 1003 L'oycr Ave., Walla Walla. Th. JA 5-4911 34 35c HOUSE FOR RENT 1 bedroom furnished. Frank Avers, 570 Gale St. Thone 6 9272. 32 tfc FOR RENT 2 bedroom, unfur nished apartment Dick Meador, phone 6-9192. 23-tfc LEXINGTON SECOND HAND store now open Tuesday, slashed. Furniture, appliances I clothing. Jewelry, antiques. 16-tICl USED CARS AND PICKUPS 1958 Hillman Clean as a new car. Exceptionally low. 1956 Willys pickup, good rubber, pood shape. An excellent buy, 1955 Willys pickup, completely I reconditioned, new paint I 1953 Buick Roadmaster. Loaded. aw cuicK Koaamasier. ea. M ies oi iransponauon leu in mis excepnonaiiy gooa useai car iqi7 wniv,c tnti.n r vtinor r L I mAtir AvAlInnfr himrmn I fir, I 1944 International truck, good; ....... . .1 excellent bed, stock and grain racks. 1941 Army, reconditioned. An other eood huntinc outfit. 1942 Chevy Truck trap wagon. - WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Rpo thA now IQfift FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF RrrBrr.FRATos 13 cu. ft model as low as S4-22 a weejc I good used Refrigerator, excep- . J .UK. t FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac-Buick-WUlys-GMC 40-tfc RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned In your home. Woo' or cotton Fast Service. Phnni 6-9432. 46tfc Ford Falcon Thunderblrd it i i u... ii juu aim planning uu uujuig i EVERETT KEITHLEY Wants to see you. Day phone a men -lu.. .L u Jiji, ingma pnune o-i)0i I 3. tfc n r,.,o ,,. " n' iook line new. can case rur- . , n t ro I n rnr oarrwr f ipanmu i service. 46tfc FOR SALE Allis Chalmers HD5. with Holt angle dozer. Tractor recently overhauled, new rol lers, new cab. $4800. Denny McMillan, Lexington. 11-tfc LAWNMOWER and saw sharDen ing. N D Bailey phone 6-949L 5-tfe OFFICE SUPPLIES, typewriters, adding machines sales and service. In Heppner regularly. Hills Office Machines, call I Gazette-Times, 6-9228 for ser- J. oo8" Z8-trc vice. rEERT W. CURRIN AGENCY Ph. CR 6-5751, Pendleton 3-BEDROOM home plus 6 cab ins, $160 per month income. Full price $12,500 with $6,500 down, balance on contract See proper . ""' r--I ty at 570 Gale St EARL ROD- '.ICK, CR 6-7063. 33-34c FOR BETTER PIANOS Come to Eastern Oregon's Oldest and Largest Piano and Organ Dealer Here you will find Mason & Hamlin. Fischer Chickering and Wurlitzer JACK MULLIGAN Pendleton Oregon 34 -35c I FX 'It LY Fr UU-ig rifles. f .! 50 eai h. Contact Jack Loyd cr Hint Aft. IS tfc SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES SERVICE Sewing Machine at Vacuum Cleaner of all Makes Contact Mr. David Erkroan l' 1 11. 0 0101 II tfc FOR SALE Modern 2 bedroom . . . . a houH, 2i lute, large yard. shrubs, and trees. Frotst room and kitchen lust redecorated. Drapes and wall to wall carpet Included. Call 6 or see Bud Teck- 23 tic HOUSE FOR SALE I bedroom. 2 bath, plus apartment. FHA can be secured. Ilene Wyman. 6.XU9 or 6 9131 32 35c Call Avery Taylor, 6-5383. 19 tfc JAND A C RAVEL delivered dally any amount, any time. Call lone 8 T2T7 or Umatilla 753 or 503 collect Sue Hamr or Pete llama. 30-tfc I SPECIAL Named peony roots. Rejiularly priced from l-!5 to $2.25 9tc Friday and Satur day. Dick's Flower Shop. Phone 6-91C2. 34-C LOOKING for a new home to give away, 6 pups. Will be about the size of a cocker when grown. Make good pets lor children. Call 6-5878. See Bud Peck. 34c por SALE White Leghorn stewing hens. Dressed 1.00 ea. u I noarlnfr tho end. Walter Jepson. Ph. 3 5133. FOR SALE 92 H Massey-Harris 195S model combine with pick up reel and chaff dump. Don Greenup. Ph. 6-9795. 3538p FOR SALE Hearing aid bat teries at Gonty's. We have most new types. 34-3oc WANTED, woman to do sewing. phone lone 8-72S0. 29-tfc SALE. $10 cord, de phone 33. -. ItUlt SALL i ljUL-riIe-y luw aim 1 Jersey cow. Both good pro A Iha 1 T 1 a m rt n If UUWCl 3. WW aa aa w v Guernsey calf. For further In- formation phone 6-5392 or see T"isitrv Anrlnrenn VQ.tiP Doug Anderson ATTENtlON ambitious men; be Independent. Your own business without cash invest ment available nearby. For de tails write Rawlelgh's, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Cal. 31-34C Believe It Or Not We have ten homes to sell. Will accommo date larce families. Price ranee. $5,000.00 to $24,000.00. Will be glad to show. Turner, Van Marter & Bryant 31 -34c 12-FOOT VIKING CUB vacation trailer for sale. C. A. Ruggles. Ph. 6-962S 33tic HOUSE FOR RENT mostly fur nished. Ph. 6-9178. Floyd Hutchins. 33tfc FOR SALE Model L Papec chop per, complete. Used very little. E. M. Baker, lone. Ph. 8-7204. 33-35C jijST ARRIVED, fresh supply of Holland bulbs lor au piani int?. Cornett Green Feed. a- - F0R SALE Winchester 12-gauge shotgun, model 97 Elwayne Rerf?strom. Ph. 6-9609. 34-35c o RARGA1N FOR winter! 52 gal electric water heater for sale. Glass lined. Still $60. Ander , , 0,1 son's in HeDPner. ja-ooc FOR SALE Portable electric ironer $10. Call D. H. Jones. 6-5338. 34c PIANO FOR SALE: Fine Spinet, like new. Assume low montniy navments. Write Credit Mgr. Box 939, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 32-34C CARD OF THANKS r wish to thank all my friends . . i : nryA flAiirors ...,, T D , ot Anthonv's hos- .-.i in eiai thanks to the girls for their loving care each day. I appreciate your ' . . fnr their lovine care thnnThtfulness very much Mrs. Walter Corley 34c "CARD OF THANKS . . . tu tt,int n, frienrts e WISH to lljciiirk u -'-- for e cards, gifts and flowers reeeivea aunng We also thank the doctors and hospital staff for their care. Mr and Mrs. Loyal R. Parker. 34p DONT MISS reading November Farm Journal's editorial page. Pol. adv. paid by C. K. Peck, I oviritrtrin. ) 34-35C por 9ALE Upright piano; six doe "rabbits. Ph. 6-9269. 34-35c! SI K "WE MAV Tcmpc.1 by Pm tt... Nov. 3. !.tf. AwoiU'i only front engine, rear tran. miukxi car Frley Motor Co. FUH A REAL Kit K read '-Straight Vmm Vahini-ton." pace 9, 1 . t' J I.nritil I Pnl ... adv. paui vy v . n. WANTED PabyMtunfi. mming or hutwYrk. Call Lucille rar rUh. 6'trro. USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 19S9 ChtTfoUt BU. cayna 4 door, 0 cyL S2030 19U WIIItb 4 whMl drlv pickup SI 306 19S5 Ford Station Wagon. V8 SI 050 19S5 CbtnoUt 4 door. V8 : S104S 19 "13 CMC 1 ton flat bod, dual rears f 1000 19SS ChavioUt 2 door. 6 cylinder S995 195 Chevrolet 2 door Powerglldo $900 194S Ford Truck with grain rack and hoUt $850 191 Will. A vtiMl drlTO pickup S800 1947 Ford long wheelbase flatbed truck 2 speed 1750 1954 Chavrolat Belalr 4 door S650 1954 Ford 4 door $650 1944 Ford IV. ton. fit bed $400 1948 Chevrolet Sdn. Delivery $300 1942 Chevrolet pickup. 4 speed trans mission $250 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. 6-9921 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Walter Wayland Cor ley, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present such claims, duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned, at the office of Fabre, Collins & Kottkamp, 27 S. E. Third, Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice, the same being dated and published the first time this 27th day of October, 1960. WILLIAM G. SEEHAFER, Administrator of the Estate of Walter Wayland Corley, deceased. 34-38c NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Dolly AH stott and R. D. Allstott, Jr., ad ministrators with the will an nexed of the estate of R. D. ALL TOTT, deceased, have filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County their final account of their ad ministration of the estate of said deceased and said court fixed Monday the 31st day of October, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day In the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hear imr obiections to said final ac count and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby re- quired ta file the Mt n,urt .n or brror . ...... . my f wu iT'tt relished this! ' 'M n thank. 2.th day of September, 1W1, W1IV ALLSTOTT and It I. AUiHXJTT. Jr Administrators IJiMLlMlll J. ?V. AdmlnUtratota CNITTD STATES DEPARTMENT LAND MANAGEMENT NOTICE FOR rUSLICATJON PINAL. FROOr Sect. 2S. I960 N..tl,- U hereby clvcn that Roy Gall HoUapfel. f B 2H- Wa. " . j r-v co. CHecon, no maao i"'-n ljr.,1 Kntrv No. Orecon CSTTOO, for S Section 32, Townhlp 4 N, Range 27 E. Willamette Meridian, haa filed nolle of Intention to make final Proof to rstablUh claim to the lands before R. B. Rand.4, Judce, t Boardman. Ore- eon on Novemcr 10, 1000. Claim ant names as wltneim: Mabel Teck of Boardman. Oregon; David E. MIttlesdorf of Board man. Oregon; Irnabel Mlttles. dorf of Boardman. Oregon; Josephine Rands of Boardman, Oregon. Land Office 809 N. E. 6th Avenue Portland 12. Oregon M. M. Coreckl Chief, Lands Adjudication Unit 31-35C UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU Or LAND MANAGEMENT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FINAL PROOF Sept 29, I960 Notice Is hereby given that Georcla Belle Holzapfel, of Box 211. Wasco, Oregon, who made Desert Land Entry No. Oregon 02701. March 13, 1953, for NH Section 32, Township 4 N., Range 27 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to establish claim to the lands before R. B. Kanas, juage, at Boardman. Oregon on Novem her 10. 1960. Claimant names na witness: Mabel FecK oi Boardman, Oregon; David E Mittlesdorf of Boardman, Ore Trnnhol UTtttlpfiiinrf of vi 1 1 asiuvwa .- Boardman, Oregon; 'Josephine Rands of Boardman, Oregon. Land Office 809 N. E. 6th Avenue Portland 12, Oregon M. M. Goreckl Chief, Lands Adjudication Unit 31-35c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notiee Is hereby elven that the under"'s;ned as Executor of the estate of BERNICE E. HEALY, deceased, has filed his final ac count and report In said estate with the Clerk of tnis coun and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 7th day of November, 1960, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., as the time, in the County Courtroom In Hennner. Orecon as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the setuemeni thereof. JAMES P. HEALY, EXECUTOR Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys for Executor Heppner, Oregon 31-35c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING wnfin la herehv siven that the iinHiircicrneft as Executrix of the estate of GEORGE B. BLARNEY, deceased, has filed her nnai ac count and report in said estate xxrith tho rierk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed MONDAY, the 31st day of Oct ober, 1960, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., as the time, In the County Courtroom in Hormncr. Oregon as the place fnr hearing oblections to said final account and the settlement thereof. FAY A. BLAKNEY, EXECUTRIX Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys for Executrix Heppner, Oregon 3-34c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as Administratrix of the estate of MATTIE EUNICE ANDERSON, deceased, has filed her final account and report In said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 31st day of October, 1960, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., as the time, in the County Courtroom In Heppner, Oregon as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. FAYE M. ANDERSON Administratrix Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys for Administratrix Heppner, Oregon 30-34C CARD Of THANH f ir ti e csfr. fliwi". card and a: ktnilnrM himn during my trnt lllnrt. .ill tharika la the wonderful nuna and tatf ,if Pdnet-r Mcmnial llpttal, Irene Van Shitak 33 34p CARD Or THANKS j I wh to thank all rny friend "wur,"1 '"' ln r ' T . .L I iiii i rtin"1'"; nv"pj'it fr their wonderful care. Cladyi Snider, lone. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS I0NE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Rod MacKonrie. pastor Chunh Si Ikh'I .Vrvliv. 9: IV Morning Worship 11:11 Choir Practice every Tun. at t ui P. M. The Nurthwt-kt Regional Con- fi-rence if Congregational Chris dan Churches In Eugene on tVt 25, 26. 27. Members from Idaho, Utah. Montana. Washington, and Orepon will be there. The Association Meeting in Milton Frecwntrr on Oct. 19 and 20th. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Worship and Sunday achool every Sunday at 9:00 a m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lone Sunday school 10 a m. Service 11 a m. Evening service 7:00 p m. Prayer meetlnr Wednesday 7:30 In the homes. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 7:30 m. Family service, 10:00 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, it 10 a m and 10 a m all Holy days. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Robert Whybrew, pastor Sunday school 10 a m. Worship 11 a m. Nazarene young peoples soc iety 7:00 p m. Evening service, 7:30 p m. Meeting In Seventh Day Ad ventlst church. Everyone el come. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 6:30 and 10. m. Weekday Masses, 7:30 a m. ST WILLIAMS CHURCH lone Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 8:15 a m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Homer Wolflngton, pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Evening service 7:00 p m. Tuesday evening service, 7:30 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a ni. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worship services, 11:00 a m. Sunday school, 9:45 a m. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a in. Worship 11:00 a m. THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Austin MeGhee, Pastor Church school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS' American Legion Hall Ralph J Richards, Br. President Priesthood meeting, 8:30 a m. Sunday school at 10:30. Sacrament service at 11:30. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST David Bauer, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 8:30 A M. Church service, 11:00 A M. "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast over KGO every Sunday, 8 PM. Voice of Prophecy radio broad cast over KGO every Sunday, 9 P M. Angells Visit Munkers Family Mr. and Mrs. Jim Angell and family of Portland spent the weekend at the home of the Don Munkers family. Dale Munkers returned to Portland w ith the An gells for a visit Elks Conduct A Varied Program lo Visit Hawaii February, l"l. Ih H-tirt,i-fs and PffttvlUe Order U Tiki will .rM.tato tt Ml J MMndiV From rfl mrtiibem and on l.!jfe ihta preat fraternity h erown to 2 2w lodge ana 14 million members, all uwklng for th name rue rharity and Ln ihi-ily ote. The E!ka National Foundation, which U worth many mi'!!ns of itolUn has all In-en donated by the members The income from thu found a un U umiI for youth activities 'tty, throughout the United State. The Oiejrrtn Stat l!lka AasC lation constitute 50 lodces and 52.0i) mcir.ters. We have many worthy project M wnich I will name a few, and their functions. Find. I will mention our visually handWapiHsl children's program fur the nectly in connection wun thi. University of Oregon Med ical School at Portland, Oregoa Sinie the beginning of this pro gram some u yeara ago, we have t)oniured over 45.WI0 pa tient visits. Last year 860 new children made their first visit to this clinic and the number of patient visits totaled 3.000. 117 major eye operations were performed. This service Is given to the needy only. The Elks have purchased many thousands of dollars worth of highly spec ialized equipment for this clinic. The second phase of this pro gram Is the training of physic ians, nur.tes, and technicians. During the past year, three phys icians completed at least one year's training In the Children's Eye Clinic. These doctors plan to practice In the Northwest The Elk's nursery program In con Junction with the blind school In Salem has reached a new level of 14 needy children be ing placed In this nursery last year. j The Oregon state Elks assoc iation scholarship committee each vear selects three clrls and three boys by competitive exam inations and awards scholarships to them. Youth activities are varied and many youth leader ship, boy scout troops. Babe Ruth baseball, Boys State and Elks national youth day, May 1. We celebrate throughout the state with programs In honor of the Youth of our State. Disabled Veteran program for BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HeoDner City LOUnCII Back namtk Citizens having matters for discussion, pleas bring them before the CoundL Ph. 6-9818 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales & Service 323 N. Main Ph 8-8975 PLUMBING t SERVICE Gilliam Cr Bisbee HARDWABE CO. Phone 6-9433 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner, Oregen J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon MAHONEY AMD ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibblet OSTEOPATHIC physician c Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 OIL Ph. 6 -8416 MONUMENTS - MARKERS- See Oliver Creswlck Creswick Mortuary Rhea Creek Extension Unit Newt TU Rhe Cirk F-ktcri. n Unit hrlj Us CVHtef rnerttng on Oi-M-t 13 at the Hhca Cm Cianf Hall A very tnfivmaiue and Inter-ritf-c eM.ii was rcr.urrei tr Marlene Bf trom and tLa lull on the ub)ert f "Labels Tell the !nld Story" with reports on canned vege. ttte and how to real the la bel and get a good Quslity of fvd as well as a good buy. Also there were reports on different cuts of meat, and cost i4 chick en, cheeae and froren and can- nr. I t -range Juice. A P't luck lunch was served to th following members: Mrs, Hannah Anderson, Mrv Marten IVrgitrom, Mrs. Beth Clark. Mrs, Mary Campbell Mrs, Shirley Palmer. Mr. Muriel Palmer. Mr. De Leva Rill. Mrs. Eva Wright. Mrs, Beverlv Wright Mr. Marv Wright Mrs. Jane Rawlins, and Mrs. Etta lluton. Mr. Eva Wrlclh won the door prlie. The next meeting will be on Novrmber 2 on the eubkrt of "A Look at a Woman's World." All members are urged to attend. Beverly Wright. Pub. Chmn. the shut Ins at veteran's hospit al throughout the state for the entertainment and welfare of these deserving veterans where in the different lodges furnish entertainment and Christmas parties. Including gifts Is an other project. For several years our committee has collected hides during the hunting season. Last year's total waa 11,700 hides col lected, which were then tanned nd processed and sent to the different Veteran's hospitals to be worked on by the handi capped. The past several years we have purchased woodwork ing tools, other tools, sewing ma chines, etc to be used by these shut-Ins. The Association will leave Jan uary first on their fifth annual isltation to Honolulu. All Elks, wives, and friends ar welcome to Join this tour. In past years this tour has been most success ful and lots of fun. Wallace H. Wolff, M. B. Office Hewn 10 to 11 3 to S Monday tkrewga Saturday Ph. -82SX Be. I-S6XO The Heppner Clinic C. M. WAGNER, M. B. D. J. BATLINK. M. D. Physicians and 8uryens Ph., Day or Night 6-S114 If No Answer 6-9133 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry Gift Coeds Watches. Clocks. Diamonds Expert Watch A Jewelry . Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Von Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE - CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregoa Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrant . Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC TITLE INSURANCE Office la Peters landing 4- C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phen 6-962S Bear 611 Beppae. Oregon Aner is A godA