IttttHin OAICTTE TIMtl, Tt.QrtgUff gOCIAL -AppENIN6S Vhot 6 'JTJH I Mrs. Gene Ferguson Home From Tour Mr. Ctn IVreun wr.t on the IJornrmakcrs Tuur ot Europe with many homrmakrr frum the United Slates. Tb-lr vit was the British hies where they had an Interesting and enjoy able visit Aftrf a formal reception hy the Ird Mavor of Glasgow In the cltv chamber, evory farm wom an waa "announced In' and then aid. "How do you do, Milord rro !.,.. mUm hMn I fl lit TU It 1 ate the room were made by trie -"- " " , a p rmr i m in inn ma Tlnochle u-as played and Mrs. Don Peterson won hlh which was a German chocolate cake, Mrs. Robert Peterson won low- homemade doujjhnuta and Mrs. Ted Palmateer won 300 pinochle which was orange rolls. Mrs. Don Hellker won the door prize of a box of fudge and divinity, Refreshments of homemade Helen Schafflti. Society Mrs. Doherty and Mrs. Crawford Hostess For Beta Omega Chopter Twelve member of Beta Ome ca Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha and two fruests attended a card Darty Wednesday. Oct. 19, at the home of Mrs. Charles Do- herty. Mrs. Arthur Crawford wai Co-hostess. The clever Halloween decora tlons which were used to decor- torv of the city, trie uxa ito vost waa a woman. She plans to visit the United States and will Include the Pacific Northwest From Clascow the group went to Manchester where they viewed the first Co op established there in 18-14. The usual downpours of Un Ann had th tour members in- vcstlnc In brightly-colored rain coats which they used while go. doughnuts and hot spiced cider '"6 to and from the official civic , . i recrmiuns. wne wivcu. . . ..., -i,i I a new train, in use oniy iwo Mre. Rir Hnnnrpri On wceks- ,n thclr tr,p from Lon(,on rs. tice nonorea un . ,.,. th mnmimr of srt. CO til DirthdaV 21. As tour members disembark Cd at BnslOI.Ulgiana, uasn uuius Mrs. R. B. Rice was honored on ctar1aA nnino and reDorters ner tain Dinnaay sunaay Dy uie i . . ... infprviows. church members or All .lainis hi, tnlir waa divided Episcopal church following the ,n(rt -fv , ,h homM i .1 .ft,. . I ' : mormiiK wuisluli ocrvm:. . th Rristol Coonerat ves. The spsajaBBaMBMBaMBasM,,"li ! .. . - I ; ' , 1 AT HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH nd rannnil vun v- " ...... Itat. David Warren of lone. Oregon, nephew of the bride car ried the rinfis n whlu satin and lar pillow which was made - 4 Ai Barbara B-th Warren, daugh- r of Mr. ann Ar. vii"- Arthur Warren of Heppner. be came the bride tr Mr. William James IVvlne, am of Mr. and of Mr. William Baker of Boardman. nn cxiuuer b in m Hn1"1" MethKllt church. The double rlnf ceremony was read by the Rev. Austin McGhce. pastor th church. The bride, given In marriage bv her father, wore oaiierina length Alfred Angelo original of Imported Silk Illusion Tulle. Tne ar sleeves, set in boUiee ana Inxerted lace pattern In skirt were of Chantilly lace spattered with Irredi'went sequins ami rn-arls. She wore a small heart nerklare, which was a gift of her parents and carried a bouquet of white spider mums Maid of honor was Colleen Bailey, who wore a lovely pas tel blue row point lace princess stvled dress with round neck line and thre quarter length sleeves and a peart headpiece, Bridesmaids were Mrs. Larry Simmons and Beulah Davis. They wore Identical dresses of royal blue chiffon with round neck lines and three quarter length sleeve and pearl headpieces. The attendants carried bouquets 04 white spider mums. Best man was Joseph Dovlne, brother of the groom. Ushers were Lee Stralem of The Dalles and Gerald Rae of Heppner The candlellghters were Diane Warren and Linda Kay Warren, sisters of the bride. They wore teal blue all silk dresses with lovelv matchlncr emb r 0 1 d e r V. mb imn mp; wiiiiam amu ulvihl waa wm moni P miiw airi was 1 inrta ixvme October 8 In the Methodist Church- Mrs. Device was Barbara Beta if Gatcway Oregon, niece of the warren. fair was held In recognition of omomakers aml ;her hosts had Crested in comparing crops, her 17 years as a Sunday School rhjinP , ovrhanpe ideas at the methods of farming and animals ifuciiri ni n iv viiuKii. I sJartsv that Aunn ntT T&nnno ta-Ith tlwca hak hnmn She has taught all classes In sons and daughters of the hosts the bunday school at one time asked many questions of the or another and is presently Americans about their teenagers. teaching the fourth graders. She Long trips took the farm worn- has been a teacher in the Sunday en l0 see the Stonehenge, Sails School continuously since she kurv Cathedral. Loneleat House of the Marchioness of Bath, Bourton-on-the-Water, Stow-In- the Wold, and past miles of farm ing areas. The women were In- moved to Heppner in 1943. Cake and coffee were served and many best wishes extended the honoree. After the warmhearted hospi tality of the Drlstolians and their cxperative, It was hard for the American women to leave on the train. Sept. 25, to go to London, where they transferod to a Scan dinavian airline plane for Oslo, Norway, to visit more coopera tives and their members. t I- COURT STREET MARKET m 4mc. ir- -T.- '-.' 13' .i'.Ii.iii mim 1 in mm ts. J 1 fy,ifaf- 1 1. --.-.-,..-,. -1 Iw:k zsr i. 1 J tilt Phone 6-9643 FULLY COOKED BONELESS HOLIDAY OREGON CHIEF SPECIALS GOOD FOR OCTOBER 28-29 TOP QUALITY MEATS fin Free Parking W ib. Bridge Club Meets At Bennett Home The Bridge Club met recently at the home of Mrs. Don Bennett Guests were Mrs. Don Pyle, Mrs. Ned Sweek, Mrs. Riley Mun- kers, Mrs. Marshall Lovgren, Mrs. Fred Glmbel, Mrs. Ralph Rich mond, Mrs. Glen Ward, and Mrs. Clinton Agee. Mrs. Glmbel had high score for the evening. Mrs. Lovgren was second, and Mrs. MunKers was low. groom, who wore a Ion dress with tiny WE UMEtfie NEW by Mrs, Bill Farra. The mother of th bride wore a blue silk flowered print dress with a cvmbldlum orchid cor age. The mother of the groom wore a teal blue Jacket dress with a cymbldlum orchid cor sage. Organ music was by Mrs. Vic tor Krelmeyer of Heppner. Mrs. Lowell Harris of Eugene, sang -Because' and The Wedding Prayer." Blue and white color scheme was used In decorating me church and the reception was held In the church basement. Diane Warren and Linda Kay Warren were in charge of the guest book. Deborah Kay War ren and Darlene Warren, nieces of the bride, passed the rice sa chets. The tables were covered with blue satin and lace and caught up on the corners with bows of white ribbon. The bride's table was centered by a tiered cake decorated with blue and pink roses, white bells and topped by a tiny bride and groom under a wedding belL After the first piece was cut by the bride and groom the cake was served by Mrs. Arthur Warren, sister-in-law of the bride and Mrs. Joseph Devlne, sister-in-law of the groom. Touring was Mrs. Pearl Devine, grandmother of the groom and Mrs. Joseph Wooley of Gresham, Oregon. Mrs. Joseph white ny- Wr,ht ot Heppner was in charge blue bowair: tau,va vi uic i-iiun-n were in cnarge 01 the CRYSTAL CLEAR CUT, TACK, SEW St Al HUNDREDS OF USES INDOORS A OUTDOORS 291 tTO wrau raoTKTOH IHctotvaM . JH01 fviawfUM covin Renegers Honor Mrs. Thompson With Hanky Shower The Renegers bridge club met at the home of Mr. WlltUm Bar ratt last Wedneday evening and honored Mr. Ale Thomrwon with a going away handkerchief shower. Guests were Medime Terr)' Thompson. Hubert Jones. Funk Anderson. James Farley, Richard Meader. Gordon Pratt. Wlllard Blake, LaVerno Van Martcr Jr. James Norene. William Labhart. Gene Hall, and Ales Thompson. High score was held by Mr. Farley, second Mrs. Labhart. and low Mr. Jones. Victor Kreimcyer Has Surprise Birthday Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. Victor Krelmeyer gave a surprise birthday party for her husband to celebrate his birth day. The 20 guests who came to help him celebrate brought nov. elty gifts. One of the most novel gifts was a Re birth Certificate issued at the Life Begins at For ty Hospital. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served at the end of the evening. reception. Helping around the room were Mrs. Jim Hager and Jan Hager. For her going away outfit the bride wore a royal blue sheath, Jacket dress, royal blue hat, pat ent accessories ana wmte ktui coat Following a wedding trip to Washington and Idaho the couple are making their home In Hepner where the groom is em ployed at EMCO, and the brido In the office of Joseph J. Nys. 1)neida"sJ Budget Priced MEIAMINE DINNERWARE 4S)C lb. SLAB BACON .... SWIFTS PREMIUM BOLOGNA BULK WEINERS 55c Ib- 40 ounce pkg. The perfect "helper" for quick meals I FLOUR L 6for ! GOLD MEDAL ' MARGARINE $1.00 Ocean Beauty TUNA 2 for 45 i OUR PRODUCE IS EXTRA FRESH AND TASTY GRAPEFRUIT JfNxKAS 3 for 27c CARROTS 2CEBAG 19c each CAULIFLOWER 19c head awaaaHaiaaiiBHiiiBsiiBMHasBBBBSSSBMBmsMMSB GILLIAM and BISBEE Heppner Choice of 2 New Designs S At These Budget Prices n''$2B95 Opn Stock Pric J64.25 !l i'CN eolitl tfi J I Decorated Jy 0lnnf Platers t Cup t7 1 Decorated Saucer S Fruit Dlhe Soup Bowl 1 Sugar Bowl 1 Sucar Bowl Cover 1 Creamer 1 Serving Oislt 1 Decorated Serving Platter Your mturinct.VWJ ' Tradt M -k? 0' Oneida Ltd 7m " i .JtOtM WINDOWS I . JIOiM DOOM iOnly J tin. Ft. IKIZIWATI i'"iiii;.;;,ii!Hi;iivili;:liif'r,i "Materially Yours" TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 6-9212 TIRE SUPER MART of HEPPNER... PICK THE TIRE TO SUIT TOUR NEEDS AND PURSEi WE HAVE SPORTS AND COMPACT CAR REG. AND WINTER TIRES. Cash Per Wk. 6.70x15 or 7.50x14 Price Price ECONOMY FULL CAP. 10,000 O or or mile or 12 months guarantee o.?J OJ T.R.L Full CAP. 20,000 mile 1 1 Of) 1 (C or 24 months guarantee ' 1 ov 1 ,ww WINTER TYPE FULL CAP .... 13.40 1.05 STORM TRAC NYLON WSW 17.95 1.80 STORM TRAC NYLON B 17.95 1.80 GENERAL WINTER CLEAT 3? n 1 C Nygen Black . - Jefc.QU 1.3? GENERAL WINTER CLEAT i"7 Af 1 Crt Nygen WSW 3.OU Exchange Price (plus tax) Includes: FREE MOUNTING Other Sizes Equally Low. Quality Tires in Stock. No Delay FORD'S Tire Service YOUR GENERAL TIRE DEALER HEPPNER With Genuine Original Keeps Out Cold Holds In Heat Saves Up To .40 , . On Fuel I I - . .r -rmm rm ' 1 . 1 1 m 1 M M f M ', : - M mil I I fW W M JT . 5 t wS$& n iwOOAW Costs So Little... Hfe Onlyy V;-VY Anyone Can Afford ltdf7 i. - . I f - Compare the low cost light ueieht. i TTr r S Crystal Clear Plastic Shatterproof ! Lasts For. Years I M lcei vife ( ' f alie hi If-1 r etat rut Sros. else 0CW5S Costs So Little... Anyone Can Afford It Compare the low cost, light weight, convenience and weatherproof qual ities of Warp's Flex-O-Glass with expensive, breakable glass. So Easy.. .Anyone Can Do It It takes only a few minutes to put up any of Warp's Shatterproof Window Materials. It's so easy that even the m-omenfolks enjoy doing it. Don't let cold w-eather catch yot$ unprepared! Get Flex-O-GIass now! Just Cut & Tack On WlTN $MUS PETERSON'S JEWELERS STORE HOURS 9 TO 6 s:-:ti FUI0iN ilN7!ry y ii7tT,nK J