ittrrxc CAitrrr TTMts. Taiuadar. extern is. iwo i!tripnrr fedtr ulinus MOIIOW COOMTT'l BIWIMMHI Tta Hmnrf Gaittte, taMUh4 March 30. 11 Tta llejprer lima biu;.4 Noven.btr II, I:. Cut .lS latrj labrvary I). 1913 From Tht County Agent's Office NiwirAria tltHIM IOCIAIIOM w. a whjsman IdltO Obd fubUtbw NATION At I0ITOIIAI WnmniMrriia rXANCCS L. WtLDMAN AaaoclaU Putltahai PuLlUUJ L'very Thursday aJ Entered ( the Putt Of fie at Jleipnrr. Oregon, as SwxinJ Class Matter Sutavrlptlon Hairs: Morrow and Grant CuunUr. II.QU Year; i:i-hrt ft W Year, SlngleCoiylOCctO Judge Peterson Comments . , . lUrvry Aluminum ami the Bonneville Pvwer Admud-tration annuned the vignlng of a IW year contrail fur the supply i4 cltH-trifal power f r an aluminum reduction plant to be built In the .Wthwt-M. The agrrement pruvjdes fur 73.000 kilowatt of firm and 73,000 kilowatts of sec ondary wrr. Site selection 1 to be mad by July 1. 10C1. with aeheduled operation of the facility In IDCl THE DALLES OPTIMIST. Judge Oscar Peterson, Morrow county, com ments: "Tlio above 20 year contract Involve the same amount of power at la now being used by the Harvey Aluminum plant at The Dalles. The Ituard of Directors of the company haa author led the cotwtruction of a mill which will In crc.iM? the capacity of the company for fabricating mill products ta over 150,000 tons per year. The r..i!i.jn cmi-aris-n present facility U Co.000 t..i! Iff year. "All tht means that the ecommy of aome plan- In Oicf-n or Washington will t greatly li.iKaMd by the construction of this rww plant W raniwt In !p but le greatly elated over thla bn of prcB.H-my which is In pruopect for one if our neighboring communilic. Some 50 people arc employ -d at The Dalles plant of which at Iraki thiee fourths were local residents. "However, Harvey Aluminum Is presently In volved In a tax dispute In Its present location Last year the company paid Into the county of Va-o S."tf.ono In taxes on an asse-jea evaiua ti.n of 19 million dollar. This evaluation was later ntiwd to million by the Wasco County KualiAition Board. Still later the Mate Tax Commission set the evaluation at 43 million dollars. The controversy la now In the courts for a final decision and a hearing Is net for Nov. 28. It Is hoped this controversy can be settled early and that the tax climate will be such that the additional plant will be located In Oregon h- a u c4 Boardman News By MART LEE MA BLOW "New nooms for Old," a guide to do it with fabrics In remodeling homes, was viewed by memebrs of the Boardman Tillicum Club and guests Tues day night of last week at the homo of Mrs. Ralph Skoubo. Fifty-six color slides were shown In showing the "before" and "after" treatment of the city apartment and home, as well as the country home, ending up with a four story town house. Mrs. Wayne Kuhn showed the slides, with commentary by Mrs. Ronald Black. The program Is put out an nually by the Celancse Corpora tion of America, trusting that the many suggestions given will In spire people to try the Ideas In their own homes. Every room lnll.ome of her sister, Mrs. Esther a home Is featured, with several t.mmons. Ideas for each. I Natf Maeomber Is a patient The dress length given as a at St. Vincent's hospital In Tort- sKciiil prize was won by Mrs. land where he had back surg La Vera Partlow. lery last week. Mrs. Maeomber Is Other guests Included Mrs. My- there with him. ron Watts, Mrs. Everett Daniels, I Mrs. Frank Marlow visited Mrs. Eldon Shannon, Mrs. Ar- three days last week at the home thur Allen. Mrs. Clyde Tanne- of her aunt. Mrs. Ernest Zerba. hill, Mrs. Carol Getz. Mrs. Ada- In Walla Walla. She also vis line Baker, Mrs. Rollin Bishop, ited her sister, Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Walter Hayes, Mrs. Nathan Thomas and son Roy, who were Thorpe, Mrs. Cecil Hamilton and there from Rlgglns. Idaho. Sun- Mrs. Frank Marlow. day visitors at the Marlow home The next meeting of the club were their son and daughter-In- will be at the home of Mrs. Ray law. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Mar- Gronqulst Oct. 23. low. Pendleton. Mrs. Ronald Black was host- tOa (t .fuiM-J r.ijr.n-lf with caik.iu rk.iit r.d their harttnflr a ariluui pt U tH-n idre.tified In Marrow county, U Ml we hsve thought for mine ilm thne wa t tunic w.,uM be an nft-ta!ln tf tl.e rr,-dua head i In Mrnw Count) It was .!! Ut Friday that It was rtut!!y Kientifird In the county. I'aul Webb, rancher on upper Rhea Crn-k t i rtrd what he tliuuglit to b fur luk. head. Tak ing me to Ue Ir.frktatiun In Balm' F.rk the weed was definitely Identified. Unlr there are large Infeatattuna othirwl unknown the are small enough fur con trol If steps are taken now to eradicate IL Where left to Increase the weed has taken ranges In many coun ties In the west. Stockmen report that animals will not rat this grass at any stare t f Its growth. It Is an annual branching at the base with slender stems eight to 2 Inches tall. While It crowa r X C ANDCMOM U-ri laiwfcMj tl S.!.r.!.ry the 4 Boardman News ! Mr. n4 M Pudvljh S'-cUAe if tie, were fcunday UHa at the heme c f telnke's sUter. Mr. UVLuuisa Earw""! Poitor Rydgren To Serve Church As Representative hand wet matrrtal on the rel. fj, B pajty t bet home Sunday In tf meant line ihoa who 'ftrrr..n in b"r 4 ber xn ii.irtetc-d might st. p by the tA j-rr' eighth bltth.iay. uurts fir and lock at ur jiar.t were Mr. Ituhard Wmlre and ChfMy. Mt JUriJ tuner ana . ..... .Lt itiiti! 1.J m cf M 1 sml ' - - ' ' " . In whsrh we were arrar.gln lot or vol K-.nnie. Randy and Karen, Wayne t t b.ts Woolen. i:nnle Flug. Tlmmy dVu.,,.;;",;' 't Cn.uch. and Wayne Downey, k n.,.. rnliree. Wei Mr and Mr Irank an aked for a plot of two JO acre and children Marilyn. Marsha, cheat lnfeted stubhle areas ivnnis and Davey' cf Sunny side. where we might apply mater- VVah. were wet kend visitors ai Halt for chemical summer fallow the rsome c van . These we have not yet found, in law and Uter, Mr. and Mr. John rtouilfobt. lone, hat volun-Je Crvuch. leered a field for the selective Visitors the past week at the control of rye growing In wheat. I home of Mr. and Mrs. harl MC We still need two four acre plots Quaw were McQuaw'a mother. i f pew ly seeded wheat to apply Mrs. Jennie M.-Quaw or Fortiana. every thing to help people to be I and Al Wllkins of Tacoma materials for the aeleeilve con- Craveklde sen ices will be held tml or cheat grass, rranx rnippa-prhursdav at 11 am. at River Oregon State College weed re v w mciery for Fred Hooper. scarcn man. cawea on wonaay io . j-jMpnt m.r- u-no dleu Inform us that he would not ba Gaston Oct. 18, back to the area until the middle i r- 9 nsttfl aa-MaLr ta a i t et v ivinra Wht Mk rh,,, ". ."U-edlnis to be done In the Co-In the Frank Anderson ranch on lurobla Basin for plots auch as Hiurday, Oct. 27. We will be these to be established. Let us Uorking at this during the early know If you are Interested in a I afternoon of that day. plot on your farm. The Rev. J-hn Rydgren haa br-ti apinted tj ere as travel retteiwniatlve foe the North fa- sillie ilisttlrt of the nrwly trn-fg- lisg Tle A met lea it Lutheran Church. The North Pacific district coy. rts all f Oregon and Washing ton and part of Idaho. He la to arrange a siedal train for the young people of the Luther I..., Mi.- i.r the rhurehea In lha jdutrlct to travel to Miami Beach At t for the Luther League conven tion in August, and to attend the convention wilh the group from this dlMrlct. Between and lXkW Luther Leaguers are expected to be mak ing the trip. crass cannot compete with It Leaf blades are narrow and short and the flowers are In a very bushy spike. The grain with Its closely Investing bracta Is like a small, very slender barley. If range man were to determine whether this weed la Important enough to be on a constant look out for he would only need to visit with those who have lost heir range to the Invading pest. Now that we know that we have some In the county we will do Stonfield Meat Co. Hugh Smith, Owner A Mfi. Staafleld, Or. CUSTOM CUniNO-CUTTWO CURU4Q Wholesale A BetaU LOCKER MEAT Call CI p-3633 WE DEJJVE1 For those who might be Inter ested In the Oregon Beef Cattle I Improvement program as well as International Performance Registry we Invite you to partici pate In the weaning and weigh ing of part of the 19G0 calf crop IMIMMMIIIIIMIItlttlMHtIIIIHIMMMfMIMIIIIIMIHIMMMMI STAR THEATER Thurs., Frl., Sat, Oct 20, 21. 22 This Rebel Breed Rita Moreno, Mark Damon in a hardhitting expose of teen age gangland. PLUS The Sword and the Cross Intrigue during the early Christian era. In color. Sun., Mon., 25 Tues.. Oct 23, 24, Wild River Montgomery Clift Lee Remlek. Jo Van Fleet. A thrilling ro- mantle drama filmed entirely in Tennessee in CS and Color. tMtllllHHIIIIIIIIItlMInMlimtHIIMItIHIttlHMMIIIIKiml siNci.j iaae'X I lis I Ut A: M rjj mm m Visitors the first of last week ess for the home economics club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. or ureenneid crangc Wednesday Claud Worden were Wordcn's afternoon of last week at her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles home, with Mrs. Malph Skoubo Yaples of Crestline, Calif., and as co-hostess. Members were re- Mr. and Mrs. George Skousen of minded that next month would Sierra Madre, Calif. be election of officers. Also they Mrs. Dean Ekleberry and were asked to bring any gifts daughter Shirley and son-in-law for the state hospital in Pendle and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom ton to the next meeting. Delaney and daughter Brenda, Greenfield Grange met Thurs- all of Madras, visited at the day night of last week at the home of Mrs. Ekleberry's bro- hall, with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ther-in-Iaw and sister, Mr. and Black and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Elvln Ely, Sunday. Skoubo as hosts. The meeting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander- started with potluck supper at egg and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gar- 6:30, with a large crowd In at- diner have returned home from tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew n week's vacation at the Ander- Skiles were admitted as new egg's summer home at Long members. Guests were Hugh Beach, Wash. Mrs. Amleregg left Brown of Pendleton and Don Hur Monday for Corvallls to visit her rle of Hermison. The ladies were daughter, Barbara, who Is at- asked to bring pies to sell at the tending O.S.C. election Nov. 8. Election of offl- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strutz cers will be held at the next were in Portland Sunday to at- meeting. tend the Oregon state Bulldog Mrs. Earl Briggs, home econ Club dog show at the Armory, omics chairman of Morrow Coun Saturday they visited at the ty Pomona Grange, went to Hep homes of their parents, Mr. and Pner Monday to take entries to Mrs. k. u. fatruiz at vernonia, the canning contest. Winners In and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bighouse eluded Mrs. Cecil Hamilton of In Portland. Boardman who won first with Mrs. Glen Carpenter accompa- dewberry Jelly, and second with nied Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson of canned blng cherries. Mrs. Ray cannon Beach to La Grande over Drake of Heppner won first with the weekend and visited at the canned apricots, and second with crabapple jelly. Esther Kirmls, county extension agent, was! Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Taylor and children Theresa, Jim, Rickie and Randy of Portland were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Jones. 100 TURBO ORLON ACRYLIC WW Ml I Lots offaswn...fykjrte French Knit BULKIES Fashion flrsts-Soit and warm, to weai with all your skirts or caprls MANUFACTURED BT FRENCH KNITWEAR CO., Inc. Multi-stripe-Gold grey & white CARDIGAN STYLE Plain and Fancy whites Red and Brown MILADIES HEPPNER I Lnw-co:! fl H assssB'Br w w - Ik; Low-cost RUST protection Chevron Utility Coating makes it easy to rust proof equipment stored outdoors. This quick-drying asphaltlc coating gives 6 to 12 months protection. Just spray or brush it on metal implements, orchard heaters, pipe, tanks or idle farm equipment. Won't tmear when used for branding sheep. It stays on top of wool, reducing loss when wool Is sorted. For ony Standard Oil product, call L.E. (Ed) Dick. Heppner. Ph 6-9633 L,F.(Peck) Leathers. IonePb8-7123 sHSHE! THE GHSATSST SHOW ON WORTH IBS You'll Find Distinguished Gifts for Euery Special Event GREEN STAMP REDEMPTION CENTERS Distinguished merchandise in SAH Green Stamp Redemption Centers make outstanding gifts for special occasions, like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and showers. More than 1,500 nationally-known quality products give you a wonderful gift selection. So, when you wish to remember some one with a present that will be treasured and appreciated, don't forget your SXH Green Stamps! If there's no redemption center nearer you than 20 miles away, j ou can order your gifts by mail with your filled stamp books from the p3i of the beautiful new SHI catalog. Mrs. Earl Brlggs was hostess for the Boardman Garden Club at her home Monday night, with Mrs. Algy Taylor as co-hostess. Sandra Thorpe and Ton! Taylor assisted In serving refreshments. Mrs. Bernard Donovan was a I guest. Roll call was answered by giving the name of a favorite house plant. Mrs. Leo Potts presented an ar ticle on how to cut and take care of cut flowers. Mrs. Florence Root read articles on "How to Kill Weeds," and "Vacation Sanctu ary." The club voted to move the rose bushes at the Carpenter Mo tel to the cemetery. Bel Air Sport Coupe. The"' 1 ." WMJ" trim n$c hardtop, mart kg room, J I oofrwu and nor. I I "Food labels tell the inside story" was the subject of the meeting of the County Extension Unit Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Dewey West. Leaders and hostesses were Mrs. West and Mrs. Walter Hayes. Assisting in presenting the program were Mrs. Everett Daniels. Mrs. G. C. Doits and Mrs. Guy Ferguson. The meeting started at 10:30 a m. Mrs. Ronald Black's subject for tie "eye opener was "Pick- ng a conversation lead." Luncheon was served at noon. HOST USEABLE, LIVEABLE. UKEABLE CAR EVER BUILT! SIXTY-ONEOERFUL CHEVY lW MBpataert b . regular storeroom on wheels. .Vow ,l yUr Cl.evro! SX, ' 'MilS Prttentina biatar comfort at small-far r)r,,. '61 CHEVY BISCAYNE 6 J the lowest prited fuUsized Chevrolet! Vou cct a full measure of Chevrolet quality and roomine priced right down itli many car that Mr. and Mrs. William McMll-1 .in cf Klamath Falls were visit- ng at the Lee Scrivner home exeral days last week. Mrs. Mc Millan and Mr. Scrlvner are give you a lot lrst ?-W iian uilk Body by fiW FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY MAT & MAIN PHONE 6-9921 HXPPNEB. ORE. Se th4 netc Chevrolet can. Query Corvain, and tht new Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer' $ cousins.