10 Httttil GAXETTCTlMtt, Thursday. 0tU IL New Extension Unit Names Officers U. Ilcr.o CuUforih. !vrire til ranrher-lmmrroitker, ntnrl chairman tf the m- ly funnel North Lrxlr.gton I'Men- tlxii LY.lt. utt'ofitins to Kthcr KitmU. Muffi w county rntenl n agent. Other uf fleers elected at the tri,ar.lattnal mcrtlntf held Hi the hrne ut Mrs, Kenneth Turner on CM. 4 Intiuiittl Mrs. Kenneth Cuufurth li chairman, and Mrs. It.nll llsguewwd. secre tary treasurer. Mrs, Ed liaker, Lelnj,"tun. pre l.d m-ct the mating a mimUr of the county advisory nimmlilw, J5h cav out the unit yenr bocks to the members and diM-uvM-q the duties of each or fice with the croup. Mm. Kelih !! and Mrs, Le- Land McKJnney, proji-ct leaders from in extension unit, pre scntctl the Iesin on "Label Tell the Inside Story" the Interest ed croup. "The was wt-ll received." rriKirt Mr, llaguewood, score tary. The jiart Informing us that companies have various brand names which dcslgnato quality of a food and that Ingredients ore listed In order of their quan tify on the label were regarded un most enlightening." The new night extension unit will meet again on November 1 at the home of Mrs. Pat Cutsforth to discuss "A Look at a Woman'i World," the project lesson for all units In November. If any other groups wish to or Konle Into a night extension group they should contact the County Agent's office, urges Miss Klrmls. 4 H Record Books Due October 15 .1 The H I "'! eturimilte? ! 3 U4 .'1 re min i all 4 II ! ! irfi-!.!d Jn i urtMpatina In the 4 rnrl t'k nMtrt to have their roof.! In ! the County Ex tenin cff.e r.- t lter than rw'n. Sturd.iy. (fc titer 15 The ImiM IxKikt Hill be Judg ed klrtfting Mitla.V morning, Oct. 17. Therefore. It l - rillal tnai all record Ukt be In by ni'i Saturday. The 4 II Council U again awarding prles lor trie bet aerlrultural record book. In the nine to thirteen age elavs and In the 14 to 21 year age cla Cah irle will be l"o award ed for the bet set of record tnm a club and the ! secre tary' record book. V l.i trtil a h ifrifc rt4h dsUUn ' ! tip lr 6 flu uh nrr In tt.e Vl A wreMy pru UI b attt'4-et,.rt sa r, riiinrJ la U. rj n rh auUi n ir.4 lh Jn- j;h j4 ..jr Laymen's Sunday Observed By Church Mrs. Alta Cutsforth and Mrs. Nellie Jones will return this week from a week's vacation In Hawaii. Clifford Trout. rator of the Mallory Avenue Christian church, in Portland, villi be the guest speaker at the lleppner Christian church, this Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock worship service. Once a year teclal recognition Is given to the laymen or the church, and the men of the hurch conduct the morning wor ship service. Mr. Trout Is no stranger to the lleppner church, as he conducted an evangelistic meet here a num her of years ago. He was also pro gram chairman for the 10G0 state convention of Christian churches which Is held at Turner each year. Following the morning worship hour there will be a potluck dnl ner for the members and friends of the church, to meet and renew old acquaintances with Mr. and Mrs Trout. Woods Hooligan Contest Ends Jlry kldr I ou know what a Wood Hooligan looks like? If you can liiitlie one and make a poster showing him you may win a valuah prue. The Governor's I!ed lUt Days committee Is sjMns..ring a Wood Hooligan poster contest In two categories: one for elementary' hoo student and the other for hlfth school students. Contestants should submit poster Ideas on 11 by 1 1 Inch ma terial and Illustrate either one or all of me vtoxxis jiooiiRan family which Includes: Pyro Hooligan (the fire Rctten Klepto Hooligan (the thief) Dcstructo Hooligan (the de stroyer of property) Dummo Hooligan (too dumb i. .j. 4 j(ffi ;:) t cr-.trred In ' iiuo f. the (ti. J ; Jj f.i the !'! will tt h ail U.i.rill. tirrftsn Journal tit i aririLt; and lla'ulj I isrr.rf ,Srr4ih, fJsm Commlwtloa staff a I ! lot. S yjf Cuntent rules are a follows: 1. There will ! two dhUlons. an elementary school division and a high school division. fi.iri. .m,jic fur Ojc ( . iw-r 31, IvuK kUI t b r!!it He I. i;sr.c s i 1if. e. J k of the ef tff. muit t n;u.!. on the bik tt each Irr utiJnit!ed. 8 I firir shoul I te srMt to Ww.t. II .ligsn, P O tt 41M. pitn. S, trf(on (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIHtlllllllllllltllHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIimilllllllllllllj Practical Nurse Training Course Set Axrtn.i; to Information re ceived thl rrk ty the M'truw County hrnlth department. CVto-N-r 21 ha Iwn Ml as the date for the VMy CI class In practical nurse training, Ttie class wui meet at lo.oo a m. Monday morn Jnj. M 21 In Kiom 7 f the hn Murray Junior High School building In Pendleton, The i tjecil- of the Practical Nurse training program are: To rrparv women for a career In r net leal nursing; to develop an understanding of the practical nurv on the nursing team; to trepare the trainee for examina Arcco) PLUS v ntri.. u'lii w returned., prepare the tr a." The ron'jsi will run from ""n nty a a ll.-ene.l prac .September 21 through October 31. 4. Posters are to be submitted on 11 by II Inch material In color or black and white 5. There will be one weekly prize and three final prizes In Ileal nurse. Anyone Interested In the course should conf a t Mr. Lennis . E. Nash. Box 316. Pendleton Public Schools, Tendlrton. as soon as possible to enter the October 24 class. THE SUM TOTAL EQUALS TWO! YES. It s true, The fUfece Insurance Company t f America will give . rairfal ilslveis that own two auto, an aula an I Jerp. or an auto and pickup. In addition to their rrf uUr lw rst-s. I. A IS", DISC0UKT ON SECOND CAR. FLOS X A 10", DISCOUNT TOR ALL "ECONOMY" CARS. A Double Saving For Careful Drivers SAFECO TURNER, VAN MARTER Cr BRYANT INSURANCE AGENCY U3 N. MAIN PHONE 9653 flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ftslsUssMBr .v.-,v.v.v.,vi;.,-1 . - Coast-to-coast phone calls by satellite. Scientists of Bell Telephone Laboratories tell us that someday long dis tance calls may very well roach your home in the Heppner area via man-made satellites. Working under National Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration's sponsorship, they carried on a two-way phone conversation between the Bell Telephone Labs in New Jersey and a NASA base in California via a "Project Echo" satellite. The signals carrying their voices were bounced off a 100-foot aluminized plastic sphere orbiting 1000 miles above the earth. The Bell Telephone System has outlined to the govern ment a plan to use about 50 satellites to provide com munications between the United States and other parts of the world. Besides relaying phone calls, these satellites could also bring you live television from anywhere on earth. Election day, November 8, is still a few days off. But it's not too early to make plans so you'll be sure to get to the polls. If you need transportation, now's the time to arrange with your friends for a ride. If small children keep you close to home, perhaps you can swap baby-sitting chores with a neighbor. You can make these ar rangements by phone . . . but that's not why I men tion them. I lust want to remind you that every vote is important Be sure you cast yours November 8. If we're to believe cartoonists, teenagers really enjoy tele-phoning-more than anybody. Can't say if that's true, but you may be interested In the special equipment we have developed to help schools In teaching the various com munications skills. It's called Teletrainer, and the Instruction material pro vided with it has been developed with the able assistance of educators. Teletrainer i used In teaching English and Busl ness Studies as well as Speech. Last year nearly a quarter of a million high school students in the Tacific West had Tele trainer instruction. We make Tcletralned available to schools and teachers without charee. For information about Teletrainer Here in Heppner. Lexington, lone, just call CR 6-50M. Pacific Telephone Northwest nf '" V rtr !! n n Here's what PP&L customer Mrs. Herb Hunt says about electric living: "I'm sold on electric service. . .it does so much for so little cost. . . only 46 a day!" r j ! 1 yr - - v our busineis office " 1 r 29 , 4& . ELECTRIC tSWOW A DAy APPLIANCES jK ' All these electric appliances serve this family for just 46C daily: 0range (0 water heater vj'refri'Berator 0" clothes dryer 0 washer dishwasher 0 television 0radios-2 vjsandwich grill heating pad 0" power tools y record player Qlighting 0 iron 0 vacuum cleaner ymlxer ventilating fan 0 coffee maker 0 furnace motor fij toaster Hfry pan 0 waffle Iron 0 sewing machins 0 deep fryer 0electric clocks 4 You Live Better. . . Electrically! HOW MANY OF THESE APPLIANCES WORK FOR YOU IN YOUR HOME? Throughout Pacific Powerland, modern home-makers are using lots of PP&L electricity these days more and more all the time ! Mrs. Hunt says: "My family certainly enjoys good cooking, and that means lots of dishes to wash. Thank goodness, my electric dishwasher does the hard work! All our other appli ances save work and time, too. It's pretty wonderful to get so much dependable help for just 46$ a day!" See your appliance dealer. Take a look at all the modern electric appliances . . . then be sure you're making full use of PP&L electric service today' biggest value! &LIGHT CCXMRANY