DEVIN-GRAVES UNITED IN CEREMONY aw i " m m a a a. a -. i a p A I NIOI LnKlb i IAN v.nUKLn WrJJtnff vwi rrhart2ri imriii Muf.krt. h nf. i Mwrrn Mufrm Ann ;rr -rWauxr anj "Oh Prrt1 i fvnif Bloadswarili ha J tharfi f lh furt UJi KJ ILsrtsr pirvlTnh a rharj lh fin tat4 ( 10, l! at tha rfl Chrtntan The duub'.e hns mrmortj was wf(irme4 by tha Rfrrl Chart Kno ur Jifpnrr, Th brl.l U lh daufMcr il Ithuith t.etwr.t with Mr. IU Maurio Crave c4 Klamath rail but ha mad Yt horn Mtth th ArrhUi Munkrrt fur lh pant nln yean. Ttt froom Is th un tr Mr, ana Mn u. a IVvln tif ItertDrwr. Th brt.l given In marrtac by Archie Munker war a wni! lar ovr taffeta ballerina length emn with fitted bndlc and thn quarter length l-eve. Th klrt hii flared with a tarc satin bow arruka th back. Her khoulder length veil of Uiutlon net wn held In place by i eruwn of eed pearl and rhine atones She carried her whit ftibl lopped with an all white bououet of white nmea and thata inuma. Matron of honor wat La Vonne BlMdsworth who carried an arm banket of yellow Shasta mum. She wore a dresa of blue lace and chiffon. Best man was Ellla McRoberta, brother of the croom. Vern Vial waa the usher. Ore an music was by Mr. Charles Knox who also accom Five Initiated At Rainbow Girls Monday evening at the regular meeting of the Order of Rainbow for Girls, five new mem ben were initiated. The five girls were: Brenda Young, Sandra Harshman, Janice Baker, Rogena Wilson, and Ron nie Belsma. Tamara Smith Surprised With Dinner Party Nancy Cleveland and Jean Stockard were co-hostesses for a surprise dinner party last Frl- K a Ujk M a and nay evening i mc , unatm home for Tamara Smith who will where both are research chemists hp movinc from Heppner. Before the dinner, games were w to tamara. After dinner they at inHfd the theater. Beside the honor guest, there M were, Vicki Barratt, Vickie Krei meyer, Lynn Burkenblne, and Sherry Alson. luudkun and Mr Vern Vll In charge. Yellow and white muma and yelktw glade wer ud f r dec oration In the church for the reception. The bride table centered by an all white three tiered wed ding cake decorated with yellow rosea and ailver leave, lopped by a miniature brtde and groom. After the brtde and twwn cut the first piece of wedding cake, Mr Edna Munker and Mr. Hattie Ctabtree aened the cake. Mr. Letha Archer and Mr. Ora Wylanda, aunt of the groom poured. Following a trip to the Coast and California the couple will make their home in neppner Tews-May Wedding Held In Seattle Of interest to many In Morrow county was the recent wedding of MIm Joan Tew to Mr. Ger man L. Bav held In Seattle. Washington. September 17th at 2 o clock. Miss lews w m rtaui'hter of Mr. and Mr. Frank C. Tews of that city, and sister of Paul W. Tews or lone. wr. Mav' nnrents ar Mr. and Mr. Sterling L. May of Portland. Th bride was escorted to the altar by Mr. Paul Tews. Atten dants were Miss June Hauger of aih.nv. and Mr. Jack H. Hender son of Portland. Mrs. Paul Tews assisted at the reception wnicn faiinu-ixt. Other out-of-town guests who assisted at the recep tion were Mrs. Lillian A. wimm nn. aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Larry C. Goble and Mrs. John Fitegerald. aunt and sister of the groom, all of Portland. 1 The newly married coupe win make their home in AiDanj. , . -.f " , 1 - "" f ' ' 'vJ-, .Mia1: - . v KmXCft CAZtm TtMtS, Thidf. OrlsbM ,JU9 Mothers Club Holds Beatnik, Party MAS C0t MAN yt t-t Ms lei dag tn !.- t I at Tre 110 ' birthday ,..ifh, lhe eu tu, - f- S . - 4 -,.. Krt I -' ' ' ' " ' ' ll.tfll I" I..U14J - " " . " ".". I... lii.irh William l,i rrlcMat ti'.t.. n I WltiliM hirtr: t4 c.rrii-lainl w a - "". " VTl. . 1 ' V1 . ' Butch Williams Honored At Surprise Party Maiy Jol.tiwn. dUi;Htrf i-f Mr Elks Duplicate Tournament Started T- I :w u-lit i tjurn n.rf t M4 kiartit Us! Tuesday nh wi! ru-ht tt ! tn I'iay- nuil rr.csir.e fiiriky- AnVfbon and -tat- J,nrt ana the wirule ahead by program t:u--n fallow er IT me Usguo R at teathed The Plae A"efU-a and lprei trf fre. rhrw- and P4eli whUe Atramt iike Han Ftan. rtx'o and The Bt were eu- !.lcd by Ttie Man K Jgren ta te K-citxlirg. Itcal lkat found out In fWingo drumming to Mad. Mid MuU. Net gathering t t the League will tw at Crtay Knox on in ember Tlh. hu thJflefiHh l ini.Uy, (;uetS wrie Imu1(- Pali h. Chu Ijhii Turtier. Virginia Mie. Cail J.tktn, J nrtlftf IUtr:J!e. I Fu11m.ii. I'm fo hiiU tUnny Wardttrll. IUer Sh'n. tuer, ?4inond Nlchtd. l4 and IVmjj An-lrrwo There wan darning and a M-axrt'irr hunt and then refreh mrnta were a-rr I. r)Tl9 up tiom Hoed Riret Sunday to end the day with the Oiarl- Colima family were Mr and Mr. Ray Calmettca and their three son. CVllm and ff rat and wet t te Mr and M; l-l I'k, Soroptimist Club Honors Members Mi Harry 0'lnnel. 5r , wa h.itui t, tin fi.r-.'jtimit Cluh ,,f Jlrpftter Ut TTmrvljy. nocn f..r a ak lunrh at her C'urt StuH-t hm. Mr. John H.Ufer and Mr. K t. Iviujrheny were honored with a birthdiy cake and Mr. Rolrt IVnland was rrwnted a hand kerrhuf tree fim the croup. a a farewell gift. Barbara Warren Entertains Bridal Attendants MU Barbara Warren enter-; iiinnt Mt a dinner nartv at Stef-, anl'a In Lne for her bridal at- tendantt on Friday evening. Th table was decorated In blue and white. Each attendant waa pre'nted a gift of blue garter and silver pearl necK lace. The guests were Mrs Clarence Warren. Linda Warren. Kay War ren. Diane Warren. Col!en Bailey, Bculah Pavla. Mr Larry MR. AND MRS. OU i. -'-" .r 7"'- ' . ."V nnlm Wlim.n who were marritd BeptemDer id oi me nppnr vaiuuaa muren, for the Federal Bureau of Mines. Resides Mr. and Mrs. raui played and a gift was presented Tews and I fam ly. o her lone res idents attending the wedding ere Mrs. C. W. Swanson ana rs. J. E. Swanson. Mrs. Mankin Hostess For Pinochle Club The Pinochle club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Fred Mankin. Members attending were Mes dames Earl Evans, Robert Lowe, Max Harris, Ambrose Chapin, Walter Beckett, and A. S. Wat kins. Mrs. Evans had high score, Mrs. Mankin low, and the Pin ochle was held by Mrs. Evans and Mrs Chapin. O.E.S. SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET The O.E.S. social club will hold Its first fall meeting Saturday, October 8th at 1:45 P. M- In the Masonic hall. Mrs. Penland Guest At Bridge Party On Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Elaine George en Robert Penlands Feted With Dinner Party Ft-lilav evenlne. members ihn wwlni? club and their hus bands had a no host going away of USE GAZETTE TIMES I ri a ccTinrn ans I 1 . tertalned with two tables of party for Mr. and Mrs. Robert I , i f Mr. Robert Penland. They met at the home bridge in honor of Mrs. Robert m Mf$ CarJ Spauldlng Penland at the home of ber for C(K.ktalis ani then went to mother, Mrs. Sadie Slgsbce. the Elks for dinner. Mrs. Pen Guests besides the guests of land was presented a corsage honor, were. Mrs. Raymond Fer- and Mr. Penland a boutannler. guson. Mrs. Lowell Cribble. Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. Ed Schaf- phone your news Items to 8-9228. fitz, Mrs. LaVerne Van Martcr. xr p w. Mahoney, Mrs. Fred : Hamlin. Mrs. E. C Dougherty and Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee. Prizes were won by Mrs. Fer guson for high: Mrs. Van Marter second and Mrs. Penland was presented a guest prize tat mm I- USE 008 LAT-AWAT PLAN LOVELY Marta D Fashions From $7.95 To $10.95 Sise Junior. Mle and Half-Sim. Highland Park Fabrics by Stevens Wrinkle-shed, Dri-Don by Dan River Mission Valley Fabrics by Wash & Wear ALL COTTON Guaranteed W a h abl. Coror-fast Mer cerized. PreShrunk. Wrinkle Resistant MILADIES APPAREL T. O ur Patrons - - We are calling in for redemption on October 1, 1960 all of our outstand ing Series 6 Capital Reserve Certificates. This call will expire November 30, 1960. Payment will be made upon surrender of the certificates, after proper endorsement, either by check or by 5 interest bearing Class A Preferred Stock, in $50.00 units. Please indicate your preference if you write. This substantial cash payment is another reward for patronizing your business. Remember when you support your own cooperative, the own earnings stay in this community. Sincerely, Al Lamb, Treasurer Morrow Counfy Grain Growers, Inc. "court STREET MAR KET" J Jf ... II";.. Phone 6-9G43 Prices for Oct. 7-8 Free Parking YOUR FAMILY WILL ENJOY WESTERN STYLE SKINLESS FRANKS LB. gC VIRGINIA REEL SAUSAGE POUND ROLLS 0C SMOKED PICNICS -LB. gC FRESH SEA FOODS ROYAL ROCK BROAD BREAST LB. Sis TURKEYS MOR LUNCHEON MEAT HICKORY SMOKED FLAVOR - 2 TINS "J0C CHILI COII CHE Nalley's 15 ox. 4 for$l I JACK BEI Nalley's 22 ox. SYRUP 35c LETTUCE, firm head .. JAC GREEN PEPPERS 3 for 4 QC CAULIFLOWER head Creamy or Chunk 2 lb. Jar re amy n wuuui $ mm mi Hoody's Peanut Butter - 75c