5n Mf ywrB CAItTTg-TlMtt. Thuixtay. 0tb ft. ItCO ; r- -i - . - t - - ii l I tip rr Mr. 4 Jlnr with the WIGHTMAN-SUTHERLAND VOWS READ nH;1 fii f ,1jm rr f f rl,'" k X- ,rAni.i. mother, who wore mink brown only f I IN iALIINA V.ALIrUKlNlA Ur hr.ih ith m.uMr.g ac rAi.jl4i thuirh Wflf ).. -f- .ct.!.r n. earring c turn .,.,,,,. ... ... ........ -,.....!.,,- ,, "IrWmsn, the M'lrenom OO : 7 (r il -I IS I, I 1 I lit tut MV'N if" iph , Mr 1' Y. "V t 2 ;-vv; BUFFET SERVER td fnfroJuci nwl IV ful ill M many vi... ,lr.llinBl.,n..iui.Vn,P, h., I nvahrr, h etie, rhii.t !... ..iwwna in .iir an,, ran- , "" -Hj,h fn(,eh!rf ,e waning r au iiiri Amv ,,M t.r biue-twn I f-dium whlda the orralon. Sutherland and Mr, JmM Mun- trnt ilk offna Here worn by I if--,,!!,,- ,,. M,rii., um iM-r rml Um riirn j.f. fifty ,u.v a ri.toit If. t.f fUtwho Cur-1 Himewi AutuM .i, ui iiv. wa miiiron m r.onor, wnueirk. w !, lth b r-iM by Mr, Iturl lufirr ,Mi f;ll Ann ot Wrllp,n,a, anJ ,0. d wh a fiUB nlry. Inrlu1-J. -lU au" ami fr irr f..im. r mllc' ro'mml. janr, wighimtn it-r of h Mr. PallU ciiruiun suinr ; wi'iiwniw iy mauriinx " Ifunt book lanl of Wct Milton. Ohio fiovr """"" i Con.Hl. ((? on. wii lh hh dauthtrr In marriage fur ; mriU. rnr ua..r. hneymo.n d.-tlntion of Mr. whlih Mi wre a flr length, Th brl.lra f.any wit met atl(n(j jfni, Wlghtmin, Mm, g.iwn of whit lace, lh MalloiHKl ih. altar by the irii-groim anal Wiehtman d mnrd a turquoU are tj.-tall tl Ihe rmci bociire ,vr Man in it memman rfrir.w .iiu .h.th with match ns iH-lnjr rrKttHl In the hm!ine tf San FranrlM-o. who u hUjnp jacket. Mark patent t.f the bouffant klrt. Her allk brother's beet man. Cher were; I irccrle and the wchld from Illusion veil, romlne to elbow Mr. Mwara nmiui oi roieiaa. lenfth wa attached to a pearl California, and Mr. Donald Cla- X'r. 1 her bouquet for their departure. The bride l the dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Dallls Christian Sutherland of Ohio. Mr. and Mr. Man-In Wlghtman of Annap- oil. California are parenta of the benedict. Mr. Wlghtman will enter Ore- Kon State College. lie wai re leased from wn Ire with the Army at Fort Ord on July 1st. His bride taught at El Gabllan achool In Sallnaa before her mar- rlnce, and will Instruct a fifth crade clasa In Albany, Oregon. She attended Milton Men School. Miami. University In Oxford. Ohio and graduate school at Ohio State University. FOR Phil's mm GIFT RIBBON REG. 2Sc NOW TOOTHPASTE DISPENSERS OffC REG. 1.49 4 SEE IT SOONI 1847 ROGERS BROS. Amtrei'B finttt SltYtrpiatt PETERSON'S JEWELERS STORE HOURS 9 TO 6 4 v y J- 1 1 MR. AND MRS. JAMES M. WIGHTMAN (Barbara Ann Sutherland) M&n.XMMMM2l who were married recently at Salinas. California Rainbow Girls Have Card Party and Style Show Saturday afternoon the Order of Rainbow for Girls had a card party and style show In the Masonic Temple. I Models for the style show were: Shannon Ma honey, Marlene Griffith, Shcryl Harris, Nancy Moyer. Pam Cochell, Bernlce Thomson, Sharon Kcithly, Glnl Lou Turner, Gincer Springer, Fern Albert, Eobbl Hutchens, Doris Morris. Sandra Jones was narrator. Bridge prizes went to Mrs. L. D. Tibbies for high, Mrs. Gene Pierce second and Mrs. C. W. Rosewall low. In Pinochle, Mrs. Howard Kelthly was high, Mrs. Charles Beckett second, and Mrs. Jesse Griffith low. 1 Phone your news Items to 6-9228. NEAR AL ULLMAN KOLEPHRIN COLD CAPSULES REG. 1.79 QgC TEEK COUGH SYRUP OffC REG. 75c 10c f" ill YELLOW VASELINE REG. JSc HOT WATER BOTTLES PLASTIC t QT. 50' PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 25c BAN - FLY 25 FLY KILLER REG. 1X0 49' FRIENDSHIP GARDEN R 1 M REG. $1.00 BOTTLE rs U PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM Reg. 57c size 25 VALUE PLUS 400 SIZE (P 5J DISCUSS ie Eioaraman EiomDifiia mme AND FARM PROGRAM HEPPNER FAIRGROUNDS BUILDING Monday, October IO, 8 p. m. FREE REFRESHMENTS Meet The Congressman Who Gets The Job Done WE QUOTE "We owe you a very genuine debt for the active and effective work you have done for the good of this important basic industry." CECIL EDWARDS, Executive Secretary, Oregon Cattlemen's Association. Td. Adv. Morrow Co. Democratic Central Committee. Al Lamb. Chairman PLACE CARDS Box Q ASSORTED jpjlamifteirs PPER BL 1.50 COPPER BLACK BRASS EACH BIG VALUE STATIONARY Box qqc Fancy Candles fZfi ASST. SIZES MINIATURE STUFFED REGULAR 49c PUPPET MITT Washcloths FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Makes Washtime Play Time 25c LIQUID BUBBLE BATH Regular Dollar Value 69c M-5 FLASHBULBS m(6) REG. 1.50 VALUE 3 FT. 3.50 VALUE READY-TO-PAINT Stepladders lzs vh -rv ill rn i f i fc See the many miscellaneous 10( j