sxzzzjz K .anj.' w' sr - T 1 W.OlWODMA NATIONAL lOITOIIAl Editor ausd FbU "Klk puiiMii lion" k lT r . - - w .'.....,iu i rMflui " Subtetlpuun Mtim ! Grant Counties. t W 1 ear. r , ..... . . r r... 'U.!I" . . , our A f icoiuro i o Ij,! k Jkb fYnUnd wrote an editorial e.prevdnf M iMrntlmrntt at leaving Marrow rouMy nl the many friends and hU family have made ovrr the years ht Ihey have pub-li-hrd the CmpIK-THhm. This tk, irrmir to tho prnlanda. France. Larry. n4 I wUh to let you know that we will do cur best to fill the gap y ,n, fine family"! departure. Am Bob Mid. It will be difficult fur u until we learn name, places, and the many, many Ingredients that Ct Into the production of a good community r.cwpaxr. Our welcome hett haa been friendly and co operative without exception. We expect our friendships will grow ai the weeks go by. and before long we will legln to get the -feel of the community. A weekly rtewpaper U many thing record of current event In the county, little stories that touch on the personal Uvea of the r.adem. a link between former residents and the "old home town", and a medium for pro moling the sale of merchandise. It la A reflection t ft-.ralltv and character of the people ..r,uri and food fleeU. surwwuw. - KL." y .Voider. The editor cannot make 'e neXhe only record. It to the bet of hi. which From The County Agent's Office By If C ANDEBSON Members of the State Censer vatlon Man of the Year Selection Committee were impressed with the conservation practices and thA WAV thov were being ap plied at the John Craves ranch grub and lice. Several weeks ago we outlined the plan In this column, stating that we would cooperate with ranchers who might be Interested In using this material this rail, me manumc tilled 01 wic joihi ui"" . , which they visited Tuesday turcra of OvRal will furnish morning. The selection team are touring the Columbia uasm Wheat counties visiting the ranches of county winners to make their selection for state winner. The state winner will be presented with the Oregonlan plaque on December 3, during the annual meeting of the Ore gon Wheat Growers League. The committee commented on the stand of wheat which they found growing on the Trashy Summer Fallow. John had seed ed his wheat In early August with an excellent emergence. They were also Impressed with the Job of seeding through heavy stubble mulch and with grass seedlngs for hay and water-ways. Those on the selection com mittee were ranchers Billy Hind man, 1959 State Conservation Man of the Year winner from Union county; Alton Medler, Sherman county; Arnold Peter son, Umatilla county, and Tad Miller, Hcppner. Others on the inspection committee were How ard Cushman, Oregon State Col lege Extension Soils Specialist; Bill Hall, Superintendent, Sher man Branch Experiment Station at Moro, and Andy Ward of the Oregon Wheat Growers League. hink.firo&iiir snraver and ma terials for twenty-five head. We will either wor out arrange ments to spray the 25 head, tag glng them to compare with un sprayed animals, or will spray an entire herd If the rancher would buy materials for cattle over twenty-five head. Bob Every, a representative from the Manufacturer of Co-Ral, and my self would assist with the spray ing. We need two or three herds. Anyone Interested, contact this office at once. For those who are planning to spray for grubs and lice with this new typo of In secticide, remember spraying should be done and soon and no later than November 15. ability. , , . in. iii a point . Z o" erlook. but which many. surrounding com- omnipresent nor omniscient U"VJ" Information from the source of the n,n nearly all agencies and people here have hon Hra-llncM to help In this respect. So our bet to cover event, as they . let me assure you readers, one and all. that news indTnformaUon sent or called in .111 btjitjUj ..predated. We want to get the kind of newa you are Interested In reading. No doubt we will make mlstakcs-errora of omission nd commission. When this occur. let us know and well try to correct them. Mobile, well be rooting for Morrow - ejujg and Its people. nd do our best to give It the. publicity It deserve dent Elsenhower has proclaimed the week of October 9 to 15 as Fire Prevention Week to concen trate on fire prevention activ ities. We believe that you know fire safety is a year around Job that must receive your year around attention. We hope, how ever, that everyone will .top during fire prevention week, to think of Just how you might contribute to preventing a fire on your premises. Even though we are now quite well fixed for fire fighting equipment avail nhii. to all areas In the county, it still behooves us to prevent the fire so that this equipment nnt need to be used any oftener than necessary. Regard less of the fire protection max we might have everyone loses when a fire occurs. THIRTY YEARS AGO Fiona tho ttlM ef tb GtUTim Octobf t. 13 W, nu C. miRSCcr tf the Morrow County Creamery Company, and CUIr Uannah Co, his tfe. hae ardrd the contract for construction of modern rel nf orced eoncfttt building to houe the ereamrrv on the lot rerrnt!)' purchased from the city of Jlej pner on the corner of Center and Chase trr?t. to Harry Jhnon and Henry Crump, local contractor Work will atart Immediately. Mr. Cox announce J. O. llager was awarded the contract for hauling the new pipe to be placed In the city pipe line down Willow creek, at the council meeting Monday even ing. Mr. Hager had the low bid of $1.63 a ton. The estimated weight of the pipe was 2G6.000 pound Work on the new pipe line will begin Immediately. Petersons Entertain With Barn Donee The Beta Omega Chapter of Fnsllon Slema Alcha had as the September Social a Barn Dance at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Teterson on September 21. Around 57 members, husbands and euesta enloved the evening dancing to music by Mr Olma Cox. Al Bunch, and Roy Quack enbush all of Heppner. Hostesses for the evening were, Mrs. Don Peterson, Mrs Robert Peterson and Mr Don McElli-gott Vvhthitlnir nt the Taclflc In tornatlonal Livestock Exposition at Nnrth Portland October 8 thrniKTh 12 will be 411 members Roland Ekstrom and Kenneth Lynn Smouse, lone. Roland Ek strom will exhibit a Hereford steer while Kenneth will exhibit a single and a pen of three market hogs. The 4-H fat auction will he held at 10:00 A. M. wea nesday, which will conclude the 4-H part of the show, wniie tne P. I. will extend througn baiur day, October 15. Arrnfmpnts have been made nmii tnr Additional olots for con trolling cheat grass. Plots such as were establslhed last ian ai the Harry Proudfoot ranch using Amltrol and 2,4-D on one ten acre field, and Atrozlne and Amltrol on another ten acre field, with comparative experimental plots will be continued. In ad dition, a new chemical, Randox granules, will be used for re moving cheat grass Irom grow ing wheat. We have Randox granules for two, four-acre plots in Morrow County. Arrange ments have been made to have these applied by air. The pellets should be applied before emer crpnee of the cheat grass seed lings. Anvone that has their Looking over data on Calif ornia's cattle and feed situation, that state had a few less on feed at the start of this month than last, but nearly more than a fourth more than a year earlier. Southern California feedlots re ported a 16 Increase over a year ago and Northern feedlots tH 37 more. Reports from Western ranchers Indicate about 25 of the expected total ian marketings of range cattle and calves have already been sold out of first hands. This compares with about one-third sold by confomhor l last vear and 40 two years ago. Neither buyers or sellers are anxious to com irta tmdps nt Dresent price quo tations. The past two weeks have seen a lot of calves contracted! oariv dnllverv here, however, many ranchers are holding for a later strong marKei. The annual Oregon State Col lege Sheep Day has been set for rv,fu oa it will b held at ha withvnnmbe Hall and T,,inrr Pavilion, starting at Q.nn nvinfk nn that day. The wheat seeded now or will have program looks good, wim a 101 .... . - i i . Unt . i n...hl.n.o erVindllld to it seeaea soon, anu khuw mm 01 goou sjiuoncis -- .i h n ..Vino crrnaa nrnh. I n,.,rnr nn thp nroeram to dlS- 1 1 i l 1 C HIH viii-... H ' 1 ' I I ii ' jvv n . v.. r- im .imiiM mob n finp rnonpr- f.iwa iiispase control, Internal JVill, '"v "11 1 j i in Vinar frntn vnn. In i.urncltne jrradlns 01 laiHD Car CtlUI. At-V iivm. ..u... j 1 ' r " ..i,!iiin tn iha fniir.nfr nlots. I nacens mnrkptinC WOOl, lamo there would be about one acre which would be used for smaller and wnol Droduction records, selection and breeding, manage Bob Every, Extension En tomologist, Oregon State College, called this week to confirm dates for demonstration sprayings of beof cattle. The dates of Monday and Tuesday, October 17 and 18 were confirmed for the applica tion of a systematic phosphate insecticide for the control of HIIMMIHMIIHtimMIIIIIMMtlMltllHtmillHIIIIIOIMtlMttlllU STAR THEATER Thurs- FrL. Sat, Oct 8. 7. 8 Four Fast Guns James Craig. Martha Vickers, Edgar Buchanan. Killers Of Kilimanjaro High-rolling African adven ture in CS and Color. Sua. Moil. Tues- Oct 9-10-11 The Story Of Ruth Based on the Book of Ruth. nlnts. ronmarlnc the llauid and ment of rams, and other topics the granular material in various 0f Interest to uie kiiino of irarinus fntns lt'iiiia wo havp droDDed B. nuni' L V J 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .1 av " iiiiiii. ' , I k.r r,t th tirnrrams in the mail Next week is fire prevention 1 for those who we think might wceK. tacn year xne rrt-siut-ni ia- ....v.v-.., - . of the United States proclaims happy to give lescd feJfr .u- i i'h.i m-p -nient nave over versary date (October 9) of the looked, a copy of the complete . 4U a naif 1871 Chicago Fire as Fire rre- program nn mv.- j- vention Week. This year, Tresl-1 "IZZ IONE LEGION ANC LEGION HALL DANCING 9:30 TO 1 Saturday, Oct. 8 GENE RIETMANN'S ORCHESTRA Mr. and Mr Paul Brown had as huntlnir euests Monday and Tuesday, Paul Teague of Stay- ton and Jav Mercer of Portland. They returned tothe valley Wed nesday after a successful hunt The Browns also report good luck in the hunt Lexington News If DCLPKA JONES Mr and Mrs. lUt breeding of rortiand spent the wet-kend In Lexington where h enjoyed im hunting. Mr and Mm W. E. MtMlIUn motfreil ti llt Rlw on Sat urday after their daughter. Mrs, George Irvln and 3 children who ram for the weekend returning horn with Mr. and Mr. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Irvln are moving to Rinwburg net week. Mr. and Mr. C.ttg lyv have rrturnt home after a wedding trip to Portland and way polntt. Mr. and Mra. E. E. INrck and on George spent Sunday at the Cutsforth Cabin In the moun tains. Butch Eatch of Portland n a Ixlngton visitor on the week end. Lexington P.-T.A. will meet next Tuesday, Oct. 11 with the following program planned for the evening. There will be an open discussion period, with Mr. Brown, the grade achool prin cipal, and Dr. C M. Wagner as the speaker. Refreshments will be served, and all Interested are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McCarl tent the weekend at Yakima, Washington. Rev. Walter Smith spent A couple of days In La Grande last week at a Christian Church conference. Mr. and Mrs. Darren tainoun have as their housegueu. Mr. Calhoun's mother and brother from Tendlcton. Mrs. May McCall returned home after spending the summer In Washington and Idaho. Mrs. Harry Fox of Moses Lake. Washington visited her mother. Mrs. Cora Allyn one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones mot ored to Portland over Monday, taking their daughter Charlene there to start her school at Western University of Business in that city. Nine Tricks Club Meets At C. Collins La! Thursday evening. Mra. Charles Colltna wat hote to the Nine TrUM &rJi B her home, C-r-is ww! Mj. Bill SU-wert Mm. Wallace Wfclff. Mra. Harold Ulrd. Mr Robert Jenea, Mr. Roderick Murray. Mr. 8ruc Simmer. Mr. Robert Abrama. Bnl Mm. Fmi uimui. I0KC tTJL. TO DttCUIS mt school ritpAjunoii In P.-TA. will meet at the thuol rafH.lum Wedne4y, CK-t. 12, t I p. m. The topic fur diacuMtun will U -Spring-board la JWhuul" with Don Me rUigutl il Vt. Uirnett llall principal speaker. Tt me-ttng will be td apecUl ntcret to mother of pre school children. I; " ' 1 ""apap THArVjKSCSIVlWfj ' Uk. the Plrmeuth Beck, we withstand tta. Chir paUon axlThappT. Ther Uk our prompt trtce. alwar leel wel com. You should s us. HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. ford Falcon Tbunderbiid May & Main Streets Phono 6-S1S2 or 6 9153 The first Thanksgiving In 1C21 took place pn an unknowrv .tl mttii the hYrvfwt It was President Lincoln who. In 1864, nnLhited the last Thursday n November as Thanksgiving, andTach succeeding ; President has followed his example. 2-lopuiar liutwwra, - - - Pendleton... The Most Sought After SPORTSWEAR! Discuss what-to-wear with any college leader and the name "Pendleton" will come up often. They like the friendly softness, the campus-approved tailoring, the versatility. They appreciate being able to choose from such a remarkable range of plaids and patterns, too. Put a virgin wool Pendleton on ytnir back-to-school list. (But come in soon while our color and size selection is still complete.) ,, S-M-L-XL Ptndlcton R.b-ln--Bo $1 J.9S PandUtoit Flanntl Slaek S22.9S low I Pcndlalon Shirt, S-M-L-XL $13.95 i t 3.S0 0 . f a v -v T I. a .. V ."r 1 -Vfr?: - V v ; l 'J? ' J t4 . . -V - r: ,, f ' , . - 1 . - A - . ... ; fi- Wilson's Men's Wear T Itaro of fersemcd Serrtoo i Anintenseiy mown CS and Technicolor. Sunday at ; I 4 and 6:30. j $U5 Per Person t " i r-