HXttHin OAirrrS-TtMCI. Thursday, feptaabe St. 13 Fire Marks End Of Boardman's First Schoolhouse Br MABY Ht MABLOW r destroyed home here twlunglng t Mr and Mrs D W Ewlng last Friday about 3:30 p m. Only some clothing and mt!rr wti saved In the blare that gutted the homa. Da foctlve wiring wu thought to x the rauae of the fire, but of flclala were still Investigating. Tie burning of the building marks the end of the first school house In Boardman. The build Ins was on the site of which la now the Ervln Flork farm, and school was held there In 1916. After the present school build Ing was built In 1917. the achool was bought by Paul Smith In 1918 and moved to Its present location. The 23rd annual Latter Writing Week will be celebrated In Bnnrdman during the week of Oct 2-8, It was announced today by Tost master Flossie Coats. Mrs Coats noted that there has been a revival of personal letter writing during the last few years. "A letter remains the most ec onomical, longest lasting, and slncerest means of extending greetings, cornniunli-atlnii swlal neita, and vst-uanglng Ideas." the juiitrr said. During Letter Writing Week. M Coats mgicKdi that Indiv iduals write at least two letters, one to friend or relative from whom you have not heard In a lung time, and the second as t reply to a friend vr relative who recently wrote t. you. She also; urged correspondence to people j In other countries at a means of promoting greater understand ing among the people or ef ferent nations. The slogan of this yeara event. as Indicated on more than 200, 000 banners, is "Letters are Links to Friendship." The dls olav materials will appear on nost office bulletin boards, and rural carrier vehicles, as well as In various schools and libraries. Mrs Russell Miller, Mrs Claud Costs, Mrs Zearl Gillespie, Mrs Colda Cox and Mrs Glen Car renter went to lone Sunday afternoon to attend the Fall Flower Show of the lone Garden Hub. Kurt Cantenbeln. 19C0 grad uat of Riverside rtign scnooi, . t was presented a iropny or second place winner In the Better Farming Contest of the Future Farmers of America last year. The award was presented to him th Blue Mountain district meeting In Hermlaton one even Ine last week, . e i w a. 5- jr. si. - rr A" S 'J MOST POPULAR PO.NTIAC BODY STILE, the raLUh fournloor VUta hardtop, is more beautiful than ever In the new 1961 Donne ille aeries. Curbing windshield pillars, a slim line roof, and erlaply lefineI aid windows create new custom appeal. Distinctive Donneville features Include th high performing Trophy V4t engine with four harrrl rerlturelor and luxurious upliolatery of pattern cloths and Jew el tone Morroklde, The exciting Vista also Is available In the Star (Jilcf, Ventura, and Calulina aeries. 3 "I'M FOR THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE BY POPULAR VOTE IN OUR SHOWROOMS improved. Mrs Lowell Shattuck and son Mr and Mrs Clvde Tannehlll Martin went to Klamath Falls were In Portland last week where last weeK to taKe uougias anai Tannehlll attended the state tuck to enter OTI. They were ac deputies meeting of the Oregon State Grange. They also visited at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Keith Tannehlll Mxs Arthur Allen returned home last week from Salt Lake City, Utah, where she has been the past two months due to the illness of her stepfather, Roy RordelL She reports him slightly companled on the trip by Mrs Shattuck'a brother. Gunnery Sgt Delbert Falkner, who was on leave from the U S Marine Corps, returning from Camp Perry, Ohio, to Camp Matthews, Calif. He returned here with them to visit for two days before going on to Camp Matthews. Mrs Jennie McQuaw of Port land It -UStlng fr t0 weekl at hums of hr and dsufc'htef in 1 Mr and Mrs t ail M.jusw. W W lisrtle U spending a couple of wek Uiting at the tit me iif his daughters. Mrs Lt Smith la Wetser, hisha, and Mrs ClAfenc Thomas, ftigrins, Idaha X!r and Mrs Oarence Ander son and duchter of Sunnyside, t Wah were weekend visitors at the home of Anderson's brother and sir, Donald r.d fay An derson Mis Frank M!lw jnt three djs visiting at the home f her sunt, Mrs I rnesi Zerba. U Wall Wall. Wash lt week. Weekend visitor at the home it r and Mrs Frank Marlow were their sun and Uitr la. law. Mr and Mrs Parreu Maruw cf pendietun. lE GA2KTTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS jI Tliiri's Always A j j jm "best pucr II P 1 For Everylulag. J m J AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY f RONS 8-9625 HEPPWER. OREGON BOX til lone News Here's ivhat PP&L customer Mrs. Herb Hunt says about electric living: "I'm sold on electric service. . .it does so much for so little cost. . .only 46$ a day!" FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY KMPMMSSlWESi MMStSM Continued From Pag. 9 friends and relatives In lone Monday. Mr and Mrs Paul Pettyjohn entertained a group at their home following the Pettyjohn Thompson wedding rehearsal Saturday evening. Guests were Mr and Mrs Mllo Sasser, Mr and Mrs Leon Wayte, Mr and Mrs Dick Sherer and son, Rev Rod Marlfpn7lp- Mr nnrl Mrs Harold Sherer and Judy and Mr and Mrs Wayne Pierce. Mr and Mrs Frank Lundell of Mllwaukle were weekend guests of Mrs C W Swanson. Mrs Lester Baker of Walla Walla was a weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Ernest Lundell. Visitors and dinner guests Sunday, Sept 18 with Cecil Hicks family were Mr and Mrs Stanley Benson and family from Klnzua, Mr and Mrs Al Freauff and Allen from Mt Vernon. Overnight guests were Mr and Mrs George Ficther from Lonerock. i j Dates to remember: Sept 30 Food Sal. at Ion. Ball Field sponsored by Beta Omega chapter for the bene fit of Eulenna Corley. Oct 4 American Legion Auxll Jary at the hall 2:00 p m. Mrs Charles Doherty and Mrs Ted Palmateer hostesses. Oct 4 Nominating night for city council at City HalL Oct 5 Eastern Star Social Club at Mrs James Barnett Whit. Elephant sal. for members. Oct 7 Eastern Star Social Club food and apron sale at Reb- kah hall. 2 pm. Oct 7 Family Festival sponsored by P-TA at the cafetorlum starting at 5 p m. Movies, cartoons and all you can eat. Adults $1.50. High school $1.00. Grad. school 50c. A group of the men of the lone Community church worked Tuesday putting an exit into the basement of the church. The Job was supervised bv William Melena. From iere I sit .Jy Joe Marsh Huck Saves the Day Saturday's always "totether" day for Huck Roberta and his missus. Five days a week Iluck's selling en the road, so they like to spend Saturday afternoon by themselves. Most of Huck's friends know tills and stay away unless In vited. All except one couple. Then Huck found a polite way to send them home. Soon as Huck would spot the couple driving up, he'd put on his hat and coat and step out the front door, rollte as could be, Huck would say. "Sorry we can't ask you In, we're Just on our way out" Then, sooa's the couple drove off, Huck went right back inside! From where I sit. neishbor liness means a mutual respect between neighbors for one's privacy, feelings and prefer ences. This holds for little things too. For Instance, w hen a neighbor prefers a glass of beer or buttermilk, that's his business. And tfs eur Job to respect his preference every day of the week Saturdays. Sandayi and holiday s Included. t"friH froti. I aW Sidles Jiieuvrs f VhUiw ' C 1 ;,--J 1323 : . I H If ' I mu ; if pi r& ' 1 ' P :-.V:. ''. -1 -T 29 XJo 46P ELECTRIC VV A DAY APPLIANCES i All these electric family for just 46c 0rang fcf water heater refrigerator 5 clothe dryer 0 washer 0dishwasher television radios 2 5j'sandich grill 0" heating pad power tools jy record player flighting appliances serve this daily: Ef iron (3 vacuum cleaner gmixer 0" ventilating fan 0 coffee maker furnace motor toaster Sf fry pan 0 waffle Iron 0" sewing machine 0 deep fryer 0electric clocks 4 You Live Better. . . Electrically! HOW MANY OF THESE APPLIANCES WORK FOR YOU IN YOUR HOME? Throughout Pacific Powerland, modern home-makers are using lots of PP&L electricity these days more and more all the time! Mrs. Hunt says: "My family certainly enjoys good cooking, and that means lots of dishes to wash. Thank goodness, my electric dishwasher does the hard work! All our other appli ances save work and time, too. It's pretty wonderful to get so much dependable help for just 460 a day!" See your appliance dealer. Take a look at all the modern electric appliances . . . then be sure you're making full use of PP&L electric service today's biggest value! & LIGHT COlvlRfVlSTY