3 3 School Guidance Session Planned At Boardman r wait ucc maelow A gulvUnc K-ln covering I tr'a ration fur collrfe or other training beyond in high schoul rVr Hill b Mi for th. tU- 1mti t4 Riverside high school. 01 T tt I 1 m. Prtncijl Jack Flue announced that vltittng team from the state system f hither education has bc-n in vited to conduct the meeting, Itrprewntatlvet from the state at hoola will explain their respec live academic offerings and point up each Institution' specific re quirements, Opportunity for BALI CVCBT TUESDAT Livestock Market Cattla Hot Sheep It MOON On U. & Ulxhway No. 30 HOKTBWCnXBM UYZSTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-4SSS Bennlatoa. Oregoa rra&k Wink Sons Owmera Doa Wtak. MfT. Rea. Hermlatoa JO 7 31 1 1 qurtiiun by student U given 10 rrmtde individual guidance. Th Irr.putianc of education Ue )ord hli'h arhoul and the ur gry tl adequate prestation early in the hfrh rhl r lll te enflained. A description of what that -adequate prepar atiun" entail, career pppurtunl tie. ctMia, scholarships, and mechanics of school application and entrance will be strewed. Thee Informative sciudona are conducted annually In the high school a part of the regular guidance program. They repre sent a combined effort by the ktate system of higher education and the high school to better prepare high echool atudenta for their future careers. The program preaenta complete Information on the educational opportunities provided at public expense with in the state. rias officers have been elec ted at Riverside high achool as follows: Seniors president. Jim Miller; vice president. Linda Warner; aecretarytreaaurer. Carolvn Baker: student body rep resentative. Rodney Flug; class advi. r. lU-urrt Strut and Jack Flug Junior president. Keith CrunouUt: h president. Ray Makln; secretary. Ann Sthmedcr: treaurer. Sandra Creamer; representative. UU Ahervromhle; advisers. Lester Lavern raniow Sophomors pre sldent. Lynn 11. .!,. i .uresldent. Jim Hoff man; secretary treasurer. Janice Parker; representative, jonnn raniow; adviser. Ruth Coy and Ronald Black. Freshman pres Sandra Thorpe; vice-presi dent. Allyn Hobbs; secretary. Sharon Inavan; treasurer. Marie Woolen; representative. pat Miller; advisers. Dells una n.t niias Haverlsnd. Band council of the Riverside high achool band aw as follows: president. Carolyn Baker; vice president. Keith Cronqulst; sec retary treasurer, Linda Warner; publicity manager. Sandl Davis. Other officers are: band librar ian. Chloe McQuaw; assistant librarian. Janice Farkcr; cus- todlan. Barbara Davis. The Riverside high acnooi band has played at two foot- Lexington News By DCLFHA JOSES Mr and Mrs Gar Lea ! PurterMile. California at 1 1 .... a i ft ih.-v attrfulid heir aun'a wedding. Lakexlew, were visitors In Lex ington last we.-k with their grandsons Hugo and Creg Leva. Mrs Chapman of lloluruok. California also visited in Lexing ton over the weekend where she attended the wedding of her grandson Gregory Leyvs. Mr and Mrs Kmery Burnide of Spray attended the wedding of her granddaughter. Barbara Steagall In Heppner. Mr and Mrs Malcolm Rich- NEW fe FOR W I960 THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES OFFERS THE FINEST COLLECTION OF PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards IN ITS HISTORY A Completely New Selection of Fine Cords, Imprinted With Your Name. We Offer A Wide Price Range Starting FROM 25 FOR $2.50 Or You May Buy Them Non-Imprinted If You Wish CHOOSE YOURS TODAY AT Heppner Gazette-Times ball games, presenting the half time program, at the Riverside lone game, and the Riverside. rkUh came. They will go to v i.i tilav Sent 30. A Riverside high school choir u-ni be organized in tne near future, and will practice during activity period. Mr and Mrs Bill Callff and children Matt. Stevle. Vickie and Rene of Estacada were week end visitors at the homes of Mrs Ci.liff's mother. Mrs Louise Ear wood, and her brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Don Downey. The county extension unit held Its first meeting of the year Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs Earl Brlgk's. Co hostesses were Mrs Nathan Thorpe. Mrs Everett Daniels and Mrs G C Delta. Subject was "Rally Round the Barbecue." The ladies served "Hunter's GuMon", with graham crackers and toasted marshmallow filling, cel ery sticks and coffee. There were 12 members present. Mrs Jennie McQuaw, Portland, was a guest Mrs Ronald Black opened the meeting with an "eye opener", subject of which was 'The Art of Conversation." Each monthly meeting in the future will be started with one of these openers. Project leaders were selected for this year. Leaders of next month's meeting will be Mrs Dewey West and Mrs Walter Hayes. Subject will be "Food labels tell the Inside story". The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs West, and will start at 10:30 a m, with the demonstra tion In the afternoon. Boardman residents were sur nrtspft to find the first fog of the season Sunday morning. The sun soon drove it away, now- ever, and the rest of the day was clear. rl.lerfer art family t.f The lUlles spent the wc-kind with her mthr, Mr tlmm Br shear and attended the wcdling f hi-r l Uve m i iner. Mr and Mr O W Cutsforih jei.tciUined on Wednesday nk'ht iWIih a dinner hntiini Mr jCutf, nh tn her birthday. Those lnwi;t were Mr and Mrs Armin Uil.liifi. Mr and Mt 4. ml Jin-, and thildren and Mr and Mr HU.'o Leyv4 if Likeiew. One lleiiker, Pat and Russell KU-' ersr.y and Hugo Leva. John KU-j kenny. small n of Mr and Mr Bob Kilkenny I a pstlent In ' Pioneer Memorial hospital fol-j loulng a serious avident at hi ranch hme. Dr Donald Smith, of Pendleton was called In for, consultation on the case. i Ramona Smith, small tlaugh- j ter of Mr and Mr Walter Smith.' underwent a tonslleetomy at TUiurr Memorial hospital one day last week. Civile Jackson of Hermlston , was a Lexington visitor one day last week. j rvanna Steacail and Butch Hatch of Portland were weekend Wtor In U-xington. Sunday was promotion Sunday! at the Christian Church Sunday school. Also present for the morning services wa Dowell Callls. a student of Northwest Christian College. The kindergarten classea are eettlm? well underway with 10 children enrolled. These classes are held In the church parlors and are open to anyone who wishes to enroll. At the present time the classes start at 9 a m and are dismissed at 11:30 a m. On Wednesday nlcht of last week. Mrs Harry Green was en tertained with a stork shower at the church parlors. The hostesses were Rena and Betty Marquarai nnd Mitzle reck and assisting that evening was Shirley Mc Carl. Games were played, and after she opened her many fine gifts refreshments or puncn, cot fee and a verv orettv stork dec orated cake, were served. Mr and Mrs Green have adopted a Kor ean baby and expecting It to be In the plane arriving the last of October. There were 21 quests present. Mr and Mrs Walter Beck of Stockton, California have been recent guests of Mr and Mrs Oris Padberg. Mrs Beck Is a sister of Mrs Padberg. One day while here they were guests of Mr and Mrs L D Vinson, daughter and family of Mr and Mrs Oris Pad berg at Monument. Also they all visited at the Charlie Pad berg and Eldon Padberg homes. On Sunday, Mr and Mrs Oris Padberg entertained also Mr and HZtrXtn CAIETTE tlMCjrjtasdaT. lepfmb? W. IMP 11 M,s timer lUrr of Wackf. tVr Allyn hunt o ! Idaho ai.d Mr and Mr Arvhlejwevk, PudtH-rg nd daughter. Maty Mr and Mr Wm UU and lrlyi Tu.Ur of lleppnrr. B-vHy DaMd. were Grand- Mr and Mr. IVlbcrt Hutt .f,lrw. Washington WHora Sun- itUnd were vl.ltors at tneiil.ty. (ONE LEGION DANCE LEGION HALL DANCING 9:30 TO 1 Saturday, Oct. 8 GENE RIETMANN'S ORCHESTRA SUS Per Person Notice to Ranchers We Have Available NO. 4 FIR DIMENSION 2x4" Through 12" AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF JL5 PER M In Approximately 3500 Ft. Lots Also No. 3 Dimension (Good Construction Grada) $45.00 Per M Plac Your Order Now. Prlca Good for 2 Wtks v KINZUA CORP. -1, Of s - 5 'y- 1 7 ; i: I ' i IIMIM Illl I " " J j e -",? '; ,: ,JA......-,........,- i HERE '(a) mm 4"? , 1 i tvaMS WWWII', WITH WORK-PROVED INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION! CJOfy's '61 fleet swings in with a ready made reputation as the trucks that are worth more because they work more.. . the latest editions of the f scrapped the I-beam axle and oroved the important advantages of Independent front suspension! You'll find new models for '61-long-wheelbase 4-wheel drive units-atid thoughtful refinements throughout the line. But the big news for '61 "; down proof (based on owner reports) that Chevy's torsion-spring design is the best thing that's happened to trucks in decades ! With Chevy's independent front sus pension and Sturdi-BUt design, you cruise over trails where other trucks creep. You feel the difference in less wheel fight and vibration. You can see why drivers are happier, why loads are better protected and why the truck itself will stand up to thousands of miles of more work. 1 hat goes for any size Chevy, too-pickups. tilt cabs, tandems, all of them. Check the latest specs with your Chev rolet dealer: capacity, power teams, options. Then, by all means, drive a 61. Once around the block and you 11 never be satisfied with a front axle truck again! Torsion tprlng hnvywtlght SEE THE WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! GREATEST SHOW ON WORTH AT YOUR LOCAL FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY ,, u,,,m.....immm..m....u ..........7 ffliiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiim