Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1960)
a Htttl CAItTTX TIMtS, nufdqrr. tepftnb 1 1H0 liny Monument Baby Honored With Shower tiuw wrltfhs 4IU4U. When he Mat) Dutvh all of Monument w-hrf. Join and UMy. Nur-hr".w 'f ilel, "... ...-.....i. . rh.rlr. cnved many lnrly gstt. 9 n. i i.w t i.inh and1 and Mahle Roach and Victor and' T1.. ,,CT ,ftrf , iv.imi-41jv rf Mr .Jn " " 1 M, Mr ?.!. Jerry Iyci Mfjr By MARTHA MATTESOW A lovely baby shower was then for t'artd Arm IuBm h ho tame IM Itilt world. June 2L at LaGiande hilal. Mi Only Performance and Gain Tested BOM SALE In Tho Area Saturday, Sept. 17, 12:30 p. m. HERMISTON EXPERIMENT STATION 3 MUee South of Hermlston. Or. 40 SELECTED BOARS Yorkshire, Landrace, Palouse, Duroc Jcrscy, Chester White, Hampshire, Berk shire To sell boari must make at leat 1.6 lbs. Dally Gala 9.5 to 1 Feed Conversion and less than IA Inehaa of backfat Complete Performance Records Available on Sale Day Notice to Ranchers We Have Available NO. 4 FIR DIMENSION 2x4" Through 12" AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $1500 PER M In Approximately 3500 Ft. Lots Also No. 3 Dimension (Good Construction Grade) $45.00 Per M Plact Your Order Now. Price Good for 2 Weeks KINZUA CORP. Enjoy The Great Bourbon of the Old West i 1 , : H if ' At .1 i -4 - Sti . M ' PROOF ejvft KINVY BKOOK iriT WlMIl .... ! Sunny Brook Kentucky Straight Bourbon tastes better than any other bourbon I 3 Nral. 1H2I Ja.Kw an. Jerry Vt Jai X!r Klv Kmcry, daughter Mary, n.rt ituund dJ to !I"P i.nrr Tuewljy on buInr. I Mr an.I Mm Milton Morcn Mr Jtk Swrrk wrnt to The la!W VVilnoJay on buJ- l he wrrkrnd with hc-r rfnia. Mr nd Mrt Stanley Museravca. She U taklntf a imlnos course In Purtland. j Mr and M Tuny Wyatt. Mr and Mm Tat Bow ha men. Mr nd Mm Garland Bowhamen and Mr and Mr Jirnmle O'Brien and son have all moved back la Monu ment to NnUh locglns for the JIudsiM th I'lne Inc o( I'rlnevllle. Mrs Marvin Howell and two ons of Spray drove Mr and Mra Frank Howell to Hcppner Tues day on business. Jim Durbln came In over the weekend from Prlncvllle and sot his wife and two daughters, who had been staying with her moth er. Mrs Recta Hinton. He took. them back to Prlncvllle. Owen Smith and four children drove to Hcppner Saturday on business. Mr and Mrs Jim Croker and Mr nml Mra Martv Otis left early Saturday for Portland to take In the pro football game. Mr and Mrs Richard Martin tooK care of the Otis children and Ronny Crtxker stayed at the Henry Martin home. The state forest office reports four fires set by lightning bun riav. Mr and Mrs Richard Manin and Miss Margaret Martin drove to John Day Friday and stayed to take In the show at the awe in. Miss Bettv Obrist of Portland returned last week to resume her teachinc here in the high school Pearl Martin reports they had 25 fires in August. 22 by light nlng, 2 by smokers carelessness and one miscellaneous; 54 aur Inir season, which covered nearly 6,000 actes, up to August l. Rev and Mrs William bcnio bohm of Macomb, Illinois, Keith Carter and Craig Kouba of Lake Zurich. Illinois snent several days here visiting their friend Ivan Benadict. who is our stu dent Dastor. They all spent two days on the coast, which was the first time for them to see the ocean. Look for further notice as to when the M M M club will hold their first meeting. Charles Vandetta drove to Bend Monday. Floyd Vaughn drove home a model AA Ford Saturday evening from rrineville. Douglas Sweek, oldest son of Mr and Mrs Jack Sweek, had the misfortune to break his wrist. His parents took him to John Day for medical aid. A son was born to Mr and Mrs Gene Vaughn at the Heppner hospital, Saturday evening, Sept 10 Mr and Mrs Lewis Ball and son Wayne of lone were visiting in Monument Sunday, Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson went to Hcppner Saturday on business. Mrs Johnson waited till evening and returned home with her parents, Mr and Mrs N D Bailey, who spent the weekend at tho Johnson ranch Mr and Mrs Tom Throop of Dayville spent the weekend here with their daughter, Mrs Boyd Hinton and family, The American Legion and aux iliary held a meeting Thursday evening in the grange hall Guests for the evening were Mr IT- FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermlston, Oregon Ph. JO 7-G651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS SALE EVEBT TUESDAY Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 HermUtoo, Oregon Frank Wink & Sons Owners Don Wink. Mgr. Res. Hermlston JO 7-3111 80 Students in Riverside High If MAIT Ltt MARLOW jutk;.: f.:.r. t.ocj Ut wrrk with en of M iuMi. nd rfij fc.hc.ol had 71 enrolled ...... v. v. . - - , y j rirrl j jiH"f. i 1' i4loi. The f i,ui . enrollment twit utTit not rt reltfel iim In Nuvrm'f ar ! wttittr. In the trade , ... K- .r u ih annual the Uri-f.1 r..m U the third and,.fl4. uamrtv hr!4 each year, TM U m cinldtiie Increase , f JUnh. . Hh 72 puj Us. II In earh s. vi Member and Mrs rrade. The firt and nwni ! wm appointed ti plan fri- i an .t. m ui ","iite dinner, ana ir ii"uri 4- er ka appuiniea proKf"i urr Utt ar' enrullmmt the hiirh m hout had T2. and the ev rnth and rlfhth Kiif went to lrrln, Jrk Flug, up-r1f!t4n iVnt. $tHi that at lt two more hU'h k htx.l fctudrnU are mtxriied to rrfU'cr. The largest rim was the frethman. which and W lluucia rupprnr w Prairie City, he U Commander tf dutrlii 11. lie Installed the IxtrUm officers for the coming year. Plans were maae iir me district conference uhlch will be held at Monument Tuesday. Sept 20. Slate commander Merrill Johnann and president Maxlne Bicalow and aid will attend. Mr and Mrs Henry Martin and daujrhter Msrcaret drove to Pen dleton Friday. They returned home Saturday afternoon. Mrs Norrls Stubhlcfleld drove to John Day Friday on business. Mr and Mrs Harold Llppert and three sons moved back Thursday to their home here. They had been working at Milton-Free- .ater. A church session was held Thursday evening. Those attend ing were Maynard Hamilton. Ivan Benadict, Wayne Leathers nd Jack Cavender. II M Hanson stopped in town Sunday on his way from Long Creek to his place near Prine vllle. Mrs Guy Hills and two daugh ters returned Sunday from John Day. She resumed her classes In the grade school. "Doc" Hames has moved his family to Prlncvllle for the win ter, lie works for Hudspeth Pine Inc. Monument was without power and water from Sunday until around noon Monday, Sept 12. rradi. In the fifth and siith there were 15, and the seventh and e-lfhth had 13. Break down as to trades was not available In the two latter rooms. Mrs CharlrS Anderec and daughter Barbara were In Oregon City Saturday for the wedding of I . . ... .1 ........ '.. l.mM. i Alia II It I ,. g ia.uwwi. LeRuy Ginlson. Jr. son of wr and Mrs James L Gsrvlenn. Sr.. of Oreeon City, and Bethelyn Marie L'lrlch. daughter of the Rev and Mrs Hubert R Ulrlch of Milwaukle. The ceremony, per formed by the bride's father, was hetd In the First Methodist church In Orecon City. The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Victoria. B C Mr and Mrs Paul Burrows. Port land, visited last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Stnitz. Other recent visitors were Strutz's brother and sister In law. Mr ami Mrs Jerry Struti of Nampa. Idaho, and Mr and Mrs Charles Dempsey of Port-; land. i Mr and Mrs Paul Smith of Union, and their sister-in-law, 1 Mrs Frank Smith of Seattle.! Wash visited the first of last) week at the home of the Smith's j son In-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe. Recent visitors at th home of Mr and Mrs G C Deits were Delts brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs R E Hunton of Bothell. Wash. Mrs Earl Briers went to Sno- kane, Wash last Thursday to take her sister-in-law, Mrs J D Car nenle of Harlem. Montana, there after visiting at the Briggs home the past two weeks. Mrs Myron Watts accompanied her. Mrs Russell Miller was hostess f the Ladies A14 Society of regular monthly meeting Thui. V ""j.1, 'lf wnia v IIUl y,., .u. tii-ii was jit .a at t.jj p in rj-jrts were Iven on meals tervrd at the North Morrow County Fair by the home ec onomic club and on the Grange's booth and float at the fair. Maxlne Sicard has returned to Eugene to enter the University . htlrman. Mrs S C RumcII re . .. . . . h ik. n..l. r .1 at he North Morrow County Fair. f Oregon after spending, four Mr Miner preented the splr-' !- at the home of her parents, itual program. ! Mr and Mrs George Slcard. 3 !. . i v The searchlight of truth is on us. Our poUcy. our reputation can bear your Investigation. Toull Ilk us. end our treat ment too. HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. Ford Falcon Ttaunderblrd Phone 6-9152 or 6-9153 Owls do not avoid daylight In fact most of their time Is passed In full exposure to light. Owls are especially fond of sunning themselves. 1 Dr. P. Chalmers Mitchell, M. D., Official Guide to London Zoo. 2 Popular Fallacies, A. S. E. Ackerman, page 2SI. OREGON is a way of living V s' if; Fm ..let First National help you enjoy it! School time is exciting, for kids and parttnte alike. Here in Oregon, there is added satisfaction in the knowledge that our school systems offer educational standards among the best in the nation. Good teachers know that family habits are reflected in children's habits. That's one of the many good rea sons it is important to cultivate the savings habit. If you save regularly, your children will grow up believ ing it is the right thing to do. The result can be a life of safety and security the most important legacy for any child. Make money handling a part of your children's education now. Open savings accounts in their names, at your nearby First National Branch. Get acquainted with . . . J. H. "Jack" Bedford If you haven't met him already, you'll tnjoy knowing your First No'ional Branch Manager. His years of experience in banking can be helpful in dozens of way. Drop in soon, let First National's "Personal Interest" banking help you enjoy th Oregon way of living I FOR OVER 600,000 OREGON PBOPLBI off Oregon v - - y sUatwt rmtti Mos:t wikiawct cct.r a V rmst KSAA BA.V Of CtfC- ttf u swiwWj3aatira!. wiauruaXiiasa.aMaii.ic