Garden Club Wins Sweepstakes in Boardman Parade By HART IXC MABXOW Th kaidmaa Garden Club was the sreptakra winner Hrt tir rum! in the Satur. day morning at the North Mr ....... ah v rli).fal". and tha d-M-ted 1 The Good 014 S'M."U.- n.rr Time." Si Mr' c" A rjea to4 li4 the ilwti thuM, a scun4 with "On . Irh ,, parade and then Stroganoff GooJ Patio Fare Get Bigger Yields... Maximum Moisture Use from your WINTER WHEAT C v V: - Apply plenty of yield-increasing Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia Northwest heat .tuJic. .how remarkable increase, in both yield. and moisture efficiency when adequate nitro. gen U applied. Result, from one teat .how 100 yield over the control plot with 90 pound, of nitrogen, and a 56 increase in bushel, produced from each acre-inch of water. In dry areas, lower ppl.ct. tion. of 30 to 50 pound of nitrogen may provide the most profitable yields. TESTS SHOW: Incrtased YitMs . . . Maximum MolstorB Hfiny 55.1 buacrt 26.8 n do out 5.0 bacr-ln(k 28 of water baacrt-Irun of water Yield Incrcas Ml Yield ?.",1PrA(rMn ti Inrranta l! t 1 " NITROGEN... plus efficient use of molshir. U essential for maximum wheat yields. PHIIX1PS 66 AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA is 82 nitrogen. This premium quality product co.t. you let. per pound of nitrogen than any other form of nitrogen fertilizer you can buy. See us foeay for your Nitrogen needs WE GIVE SOH GREEN STAMPS ON 30 DAY ACCOUNTS EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPEBATED PHONE 8-7289 OREGON Thomas Sumner. Arlington Phon 8-r-M went to the fair ground, to view lh exhibit ana see- noon program. In the novelty division 4 the paiade llw M M Cef- won first !h -(lnc the ruin". " tli Nugfirt Motel took sen4. Winner In the bicycle parade wrie AUn Mfe firmt. . wtth -Surrey With The rrtngt On Toti": Juhnny nrr. rr ' thlH. d ,. utnntra were: farm ex t,n. flrt; Grwnflrlii Grange, tec on4. Commercial. Wayn Kuhn. first: Don Iwney. aewnd. Or canliailona. Irrlgon county ex tension unit, first; Boardman county extension unit. cond; Cok1 Shepherd Lutheran church, third. 4 II council. flM; 4 II m-w-Ins MH-ond. Milk and Steak Oub. third. FFA. Boaraman r."" first. j it iit rpvue chaminom i..... Thiimiiiv nli?ht held In the Grange hall were Anna Ma Ml Ouaw. "Charmlnsly Youra"; San dra Thorpe. "Fun & Sun", both from Boardman; ani bcrdlnK. Teen Wise Clothing . IrrlRon. GlrU were Judged how ., t.,it in thrlr costumes. Uirjr and not on construction. Other winner, were: "Charmingly .r v.i,. rihhnna. Susan Mc- luum . - Coy. Irrlgon; Karen Anderson and Elberta carpenirr, man. Red ribbon, Dewena West, Boardman. "Fun aun . o.uc -i l i rhi,u xtrOaaw. Dorothy Hash, and Tattl Partlow, all Boardman. Red ribbon. Brenda Billings. Boardman. Clothing IV B, party dress, Ann an"" Irrlgon, blue ribbon. In clothing construction. u.. -orru.nti.r. Boardman. won UVl l y.fy- the grand champion ribbon, wltn her dirndl sKirt ana pi-ii. k- o,i in tho "Charmingly run, iti""v - - Yours" club. Other winners were, blue ribbons, Anna Mae Mc Quaw, Boardman, and Susan McCoy, Irrlgon. Kea riooou. en Anderson, Boardman. White ribbon, Dewena West, Boardman. "Teen Wise Clotmng wmnn were Shirley Jackson and Penny Jones, Irrlgon, red ribbons. i.e.... . Sun" winners, who made dresses, were: blue ribbon, Sandra Thorpe and cnioe jhc Quaw, Boardman. Red ribbons, Dorothy Rash, Pattl Partlow and Brenda Billings, all Boardman. Play and sleep wear, blue rib-iw.- canrim ThnrDo. champion, uunai 1 1 . - and Patty Miller, Boardman. Red ribbons, Chloe McQuaw, Dorothy Rash, Pattl Fartiow ana oicu nnii.,,. rinthlntr IV. Darty dress, .Ann Schmeder, Irrlgon, red rib- "t'..b c niHq". on exhibition, tut not Judged: Linda Tatone and Karen Gronqulst, Boardman; Joyce Jackson, Patricia Davis, Mlla Robert son, Darlene Gollyhorn, Sheila Young, Barbara Aiancu, a.. Geraldlne Swearingen, Irrlgon. ..c.., tfo Fun", blue ribbons, renins. Irrleon: Karen Gronqulst, Teresa Thorpe and Annie Obermeier, uoarunmn. H,. Tatone. Board- man; Pamela Hubbert, Gorgene Hash, Linda Senn, and Sheryl Wltherspoon, all Irrlgon. 4-H foods, main dish meals Linda Daniels, Boardman, cham- Pay Youir Balls WHEN DUE and Keep Your Credit Good Plon..r S.rrlc Company credit Information U moat Toluobla. No commUslon. charged on collection. All money, paid direct to creditors. PIONEER SERVICE CO., Inc. SINCE 1326 The Merchants' and Professional Men's Own Organization Oregon-Idaho-Utah-Nevada-Division Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH FOB THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE plon. Dinner club, Elberta Car penter, Boardman, cnampion, Dewena West, Boardman, rea ribbon. Mealtime Fun, first year, not Judged: Becky McDougall. Cheryl Daniels and Kerry Dan inu Rnarriman: Linda Senn. Dee- - . - m,.rirnv Maria DeChand. Janice McElroy and Gloria Senn, i -. i . .. - " r ' " -d . . . m nrr4 for nonh or nalia I'lrteaiiuy warm muuhi - - . . .-, diLn. and balmy brrrwsi l-t lUt- aooUims) luU daf ins Um ba ol day. What about srvir. wtrvWy'i favorite. M Stmicarv-ff? Il U hraTty noufih dU to pirM hut of men but Iriuls t. tlTto Infortriiity -rvuTf u- U ran U ri in on. duh. IVkUd becia and aour crrara ar sui labia accucnarun)cnta. To mnv Dkoal aarvwl lnd.ra or out. amaoninf U lnp.Hnt A JmU1 owiia Tala.. a IkiuI rt pf saofU. It la wir rlar y ruod with la Uuil cwnb'i- n-at and y,-srV.M in iSuTnavor. ar. (! to Uww incbaUnrt and ncd .S auca aa Tabasco provide. Baal StroaaBoB 1 taUaarjoona flour 2 taaapoona sail 1U pounds sirloin or rib strak. or boru-lca chuck, cut into strip 4 tablaapouna butWr or 1 mrdiua onion, sluvd 1 garlic clv. minrod I ran rundonatvi lunula or rrvum of tliukrn soup 4 cup bouillon 't UaKon 1 ubaaco 1 puund mukhruonu. aliivd 3 rups hot cwokpd rico 1 cup comrrwrctal aour cwarn ... . ,..1 t- , u,:,l A.... miftlur Xt.'ll Com Una flour ana saii; pprinnio rn. . -buttoTin skUlct; add onion and irarl.c. Omk until onion u U-tKl.-r. Kt7t brown. IUtoov. from .k.ll.-t; add rmat and brown ssHI. bU, in soup. bouUlon. Tabat and onioiL tovrr; iimrwf JO mm. utM. or unul meat ta tender. (Simmrr 1 hour for chutk). Ad. rrhrm. cook 10 minutes lonser. To -rve. .n rara.n,l it of aern platter: turn brxf mixture into cvnter. St rv wah aour msm. Ywld: 6 servinss. Irrlgon. Demonstrations, blue rib bonsMary Gerberding. cham pion. Joyce Jackson and Geral Hino su.-rarlneen. Irrlcon. Red ribbons, Anna Mae McQuaw, Boardman. and Shirley Jackson. Irrlgon. Da.i luv Him rnmfln won ituive iiuv"i v' i the grand champion ribbon with ta llrffuf4 t at tha Nana il-if ivur.ty fair Friday In ih in iu.i WjRRer t the j)j!.iAr i.inan!.p in tha dairy ditutt-n was lima ivn. naia m . with Jim fartSis. s-cvn4 ! jilil siu (nnt-i tir l,i4iMi nU:r f cm!1 Urn I.ti. v.a. ! nmKtd. ! j st..,v:i. fat alerts f; jGrwrtf Krnney. Irrli'on. first. I villi a llcfrfurd. Mik I'artluw! ihif.1, iih an Anuu tr i llc-ifris, we rar and orr ijUndra Tlu-ri-. fkartmn. f Ut. j nh a lloUtrin; I'ndc-r i ' mi.ih Jim Partlow. lioatdman, firi J-rrv: I'aitl Partlow. !u...,.im.n fiit ilurrrtMfV. fnJfr j ivtu csrs Anna Mi Muaw, ( ',oji. B.wir.linan. second. Gurny, Prlutinu cow. Jim aril.iw. GurrnM-v. first: Tunl Tlor. Gurrnwy. second; Irrna jvits. HoMt-in. firt. Junior tiliowmanshlp, U-rt Mike Partlow. fin.t; Carrol Lath mp. arroml; Grc Kenney. ihlnL Dlr Partlow. first. Anna Mae McQuaw. sect-nd. Sen ior howmitnhip, dairy Irne Potta. fitst; Pattl Partlow. sec ond; Chloe McQuaw, third; San dra Th"rrf, fourth. Swine David Skoubo. first; Kerry Daniels, second. Showman shipKerry Daniels, first; David Skoubo, awind. Open class Judging: swine Crouch Brothers, first. Landraee hour, eight months, Don Bellamy, find, second and third, with Mon tana gilts. Sheep, Anna Mae Mc Quaw. first, ewe lamb. Jersey heifer, under two year., Teresa Thorpe, first. Shorthorn, under two years. Alan Partlow. Board man, first. Guernsey, under two years, Anna Mae McQuaw. first. Hereford bull. Irene Potts, second. Goat. Kathy Getz, Boardman. first Saddle horses, two years and over under halter: Chloe Mc Quaw, first; Susan Partlow, Ronrdman. socond: Paul Slaugh ter. Irrlgon, third. Colts under two years Leo Totts, uoaraman. lone News Mr and Mr. Msri-n Palm-r and tuttat ! fw. J,TO'J WYt1. a fuet Sunday of Mfs .NcUi Palmer it Uxlnri" Mr and Mrs Paul PrttyK-hn and (Mann. f In pwrtUnd a f-w d. U Tk, Mr and Mrs ii'a and family of Athens were Mlf ift relatives In l'na on Satur day. Mr and Mr. Paul prltyMn. Mr. Clei Drake, and Mr finest Lundell attended the weddir-g of l.iher M Bkrr and Leon Vat In Walla Walla Sunday. firt; Paul SUughter. xrd; Irrne otts. third. ,.rs under saddle with rider undt-r Iwrlve ear Bobby SkoutMi. Boardman. first. Tnder .idd)e Hli riders twelve ta six ln years-Pattl Partlow. first; Susan M.Coy. lrrltfn, second; Chle MiQuaw. third. Under saddle rider aUteen and over Paul Slaushter. first; Susan Part low. second; Jim Miller. Board man. third. Shetland halter class Jy Tatone, Boardman. first; Mike Partlow. Boardman. second. Shet land under saddle Jody Tatone. first; Mike Partlow. w-cond. Welch pony, halter class Jim Partlow. first; Linda Tatone. Boardman, second. Welch pony und. r saddle Jim Partlow, first; Linda Tatone, second. SALE EVERY TUESDAY Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Shraa 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LTVXSTOCX COMMISSION CO. TO T-6SSS Harmlston, Oregon frank Wink & Sons Owners TVtn Wink. Mn. Raa. HarmUtoa JO 7-3111 OREGON Vj t - Id i pi 7(7 H-Ws $L is a way of living ..let First National help you enjoy itl School time is exciting, for kids and parents alike. Here in Oregon, there is added satisfaction in the knowledge that our school systems offer educational standards among the best in the nation. Good teachers know that family habits are reflected in children's habits. That's one of the many good rea sons it is important to cultivate the savings habit If you save regularly, your children will grow up believ ing it is the right thing to do. The result can be a life of safety and security-the most important legacy for any child. Make money handling a part of your children's education now. Open savings accounts in their names, at your nearby First National Branch. Get acquainted with . . . J. H. "Jack" Bedford If you haven't met him already, you'll enjoy knowing your first National Branch Manager. Hit yeart of experience in banking can be helpful in dozens of ways. Drop in soon. Let First National'i "Personal Interest" banking help you enjoy the Oregon way of living) "A kk'JsW. 'VU"l3Xwk FOR OVER 600,000 OREGON PEOPLE! FDIFSTr IMsi-fcioirBSin Bank i-a7