s 2 Mini Ik" a-.v.-Jl 3 j I J ahii m nnl li m I I'JUilUIIIUIII JUIUUJ ; To Open Sept 6 i j GET THE BRANDS OF dn) i: i Clothes YOU KNOW AT WILSONS FOR THE AN XL A y MAITHA MATTTiON J M unrm w h will ui j M 11 ,TW. m"Mh!, fvrj-i ft litj WI-lVl s ..i.irs staff; hii'h a. II. , Iflthafd lUrr. IMwlt Haffrll, jK..tjii H4 i. l l. Mr i f. I Ml Brity CUf. tirade h.-l, iRuU-rt OriMn, M Cuv tisllt,; Mm JklU tUHrlt. Mf My I j l.ii lilnion. Mrs I'tara lluri Bus driver. Mr Ruby :i.-tu'-r. ' Mr Krwt J..hn.-n. C'rU :ih ! hart. O-ka, Mr Kuty crirt, Mr JessI Scott and Jarit..r. : Mead and Llnrsie Gilman i Mr urn! Mm flrnry Martin and daughter Margaret -nf Mn day In Juhn day on lujn-s Th"M of Monument In John Pay Tuesday were May nurd Hamilton, Mm Harry Sfoit and Robert. Mr KImrr Mt!r..n. Mr June Hutchison. Mr Karl Lewis, Mr Ann Hlene. Mm Va Richard. Roy Cork, Mr Cwt Stunuiefleld and Georcla 1 and Dixie D. MIm Laura Lc Shank, Tonle Young. Mr and Mr Jack Cavender. Mr Melvln Round and Mr and Mr Ed Round. Mr and Mr Richard Martin and children apent Monday vl Itlng In PrlnevlIIe. Out of town people at the Martln-Wllllama wedding last Sunday were. Mr and Mr Clifton Strom and 2 children, hugcne; Mr Bernlce DcWesae. Mr and Mr BUI Smith. Salem; Mr Harry Pearaon. Sister: Mr Mel Crawford, Mri Frank BHzold. Mrs Al Applegate, Mr and Mr Ansll Martin and two ons. Mr and Mr Jim Durbln and 2 daughters, PrlnevlIIe; Clair Francher, Grcsh am; Bert Allbrltton, John Tyler, Klamath Falls; Mr and Mrs Frank Raines. Mr and Mrs Dick Fluhardy and children. Pasco; Mr and Mrs Tunis Rounds, Long Creek; Miss Tonie Young. Miss Sally Young. Las Vegas, Nevada. I Mrs Owen Smith left Tuesday for Whlteflsh. Montana to attend the services of her father, Ralph Paine, who passed away Mon day. Miss Margaret Martin is taking care of the children dur Ing Dottle's absence. Mrs June Hutchison received Word Monday evening that her father, Joe Whltaker. had sur gery on his eyes at the Twin Falls, Idaho hospital. He Is re ported to be coming along fine. Verne McCarty hauled lambs outside Tuesday evening for the Cottonwood bunch. ' L L Flowers drove to Fossil Sunday where he bought some sheep. There were 31 In all gathered at the George Capon home Sun day, Aug 14. Mr and Mrs George Roblson and two girls of Los Angeles, Mrs Trella Boggs and 2 sons, Tillamook; Gary Couture and son, Mr and Mrs Jack ntttHt. GAZETTE TIMES. Tbider. Aft SI IU0 f urned to at! 30 jxwjU.j1 . ., , ..I ylt 'HtUt S!H and jdatMrf p.rtara f ive betn re-j "rrM fnU4 tnr On thrlrj irtuin h4i thry Mt.ir4 In The if is BOYS -LEVI'S -LEES -WRANGLERS OVERALLS -DICKIE -LEE CONTINENTAL COTTON PANTS -WtYtJNtffcKtj SHOES -BLOCK -FIELD & STREAM -LAMBIKNIT -KtNDLETON JACKETS -LEE -JOCKEY -ARROW -PENDLETON SHIRTS -JOCKEY UNDERWEAR ATHLETIC NEEDS -JANTZEN -PEDLETON SWEATERS COMMUNICATIONS BISTORT was nod August 13 wbta a cbmm9 taped by frident EiMBhewer ra at coast-tacoatt via as artificial taith atUit. A ahawa la thU ortura sketch. tb nMig was tent from Jt fropultioa Laboraterf (at Ult) ia Calilomla. Th high froquancy mlrrowavo bouncod off the 100-foot dtamotor ftattllito 1000 mil abort th oarth. and wot rciod at tbo Belt Tolephooo LaboratortM at HolndoL Now JtY- The spaco commuDtcatioas tvporlmont known as Projoct Echo, i a Joint venture of tho National Aeronautics and Spaco Administration. Boll TeUphono Labor a tori and tho Jtt Propul Ion Labofatorr Since tbo first nosaago was sent, two way phone convoroationa bavo boon successfully relayed via tbo Echo oat! lit botwota Now Jemy and California. Couture and daughter Peggy, Fuil; Mr and Mr Ned Sweek and two sons, Heppnrr; Mrs Bell Neal, KImberly; Mm Autumn Ann Slngler and children. Fossil; Mr and Mrs Jack Forrest and children. Top; Mrs Dt-lsla Sweek. Mr and Mrs Mead Gilman, Jr and family came In from Seattle. Wash Tuesday evening to visit his folks. Mr and Mrs Mead Gil- man. Mr and Mrs Frank Williams drove Mr and Mrs Charles Wll-I Hams to Tendleton Thursday night to catch the 3am train for his training camp In Miss issippi. Mr and Mrs George Capon. Mrs Delsla Sweek drove to Fossil Tuesday to attend a Sweek fam ily dinner at the Jack Couture home. Mrs John Covington and son and Mrs Thelma Williams drove Mrs Barbara McDonald and 3 daughters to Bend Friday to catch the plane back to their home near San Jose, Calif, after they had spent two weeks here visiting her folks and attending her brother Charles William's wedding. Mrs Kate Enright, Rkhard Martin, Timmy Jewel and the 3 girls of Bob and Isabelle Neel won the prizes at the costume dance Saturday night, which was ponsored by the American Leg- Ion and Auxiliary of Monument. Mrs Mary Llppert and child ren were in for a weekend from Milton-Freewater. Mr and Mrs Richard Drees and IW .- they aurt Mr j t mm tHri-J ! hmd twrii ) t.:i:i.tf in Indian and she 19 I u t la LrMlifiturt HUM I hem. I on Sunday a family reunion J.4 ihf Mrat-all family was held iat dull I'Miri In tho mountain jTh'M ivit f'r in affair were: Mf Um t'lske and thildrrn of V tiiitu-r. Cat. Mr and Mr B-b-'ble Jitratfall and family tf Al- taiy. Mr and Mra Fmery Burn j1 of icray. Mr and Mr Jack Siiic.it and family of Kinrua. Mr and Mr Wilbur Straj;all and rhlldien Jimmir and Bartara. Mr and Mr B--r Meagall and m. Mr and Mr Cifgo 5(eagll and family, and Mr and Mr O U HtmUng and granddaughter Ula Smith of Lexington. Mr and Mr Bobble Stragall and family of Albany, and Mr and Mr Hurt Breeding and n Floyd and Fred. Stanfleld and Alleen Field and 2 children were visitor at the O G Breed Ing home Saturday. Mr and Mr Claire Marvel! and daughter vlnlted lant week at the home of her parents. Mr and Mr II Green taking home their daughter. Dlanne who had been visiting her grandparents. Rev Walter Smith was a vis itor In Wallowa on Sunday where he preached at the First Christ ian church In Wallowa. Mrs Smith was unable to attend as their daughter Marlene was I1L Mr and Mra T E Messenger of Mitchell have been recent callers In Lexington at the home of their daughters and families, Mr and Mrs Carl M Marquardt and Mr and Mrs Bill B Mar quardt Geraldine Swaggart of Hep WISE FARMERS Know "Hit or Milt" fertilizer program, just don't pay. DEPEND ON US To give you the moit for your Inveitment. We offer you . . . COMPLETE SOIL SERVICE TalU your ftrtiliisr natdi for a tp cifie crop and fi'old. Gi you cloior control on growing, condition!. Provida a toil pictura for your plan ntd fartiliiar program. Soil taitina Is th wav to obtain afficitnt moiitura utilisation. All pointi lata1 to hightr nt t9turn on your cropi. Call Us Today! ! : Lexington News By DELPHA JONES Mr and Mrs Ken Marshall have returned home after a weekend spent at Mt Adams where they enjoyed some huckleberry picking. Mr and Mrs New't O'Harra have had as their recent guests their son and family. Mr and u vslt, th weok wltn Him Tiftlf fi'I f arra .f Prtrt 1 nf I'tia f u v. r a a ta i i s Jt i wkihiiu. fliarlinA TrirtAS iiu-ir sun ivrn uno n iwen m.M , Dftiirt i. a patient In Longvlew General hosoltal recuperating from re Mr and Mrs Lee Coulter of major surgery. Mrs Broad Baker were visitors last week iey is a sster of J F McMillan at the W E McMillan home. 'and Mrs Earl Warner. Mr and Mrs henneTti Kiinger, Mr and Mrs Bill Nichols and and boys have been enjoying a family were recent guests at Lost vacation In the mountains near. take with Mr and Mrs Georee Bena, Oregon. E r n.n an(j amily. Mr and Mrs Cecil Jones and visiting his grandparents return ed home with them. Local News In Brief Mr and Mrs Len Gilman and Now Ready With Best of Service GRAIN CLEANING AND TREATING 2 MACHINES AVAILABLE New Clipper Cleaner And Superior Cylinder Cleaner HAROLD ERWIN PHONE 6-5808 HEPPNER children visited last week at tho Claude Morcau home in Sjxkane. and with Mrs Nellie Johnson of. Chewejah. Mrs Johnson is a for- mir I-pvlnffim rfIHrnt Thou I also spent a couple of days at Brcnt ot Long Beach California PendOriclle Lake where they arc spading two weeks visiting were guests of Mr and Mrs Wll- with Mrs Gilman s parents, Mr ium J vanwinwi rnrfh and Mrs Harlan McCurdy. Sr and JonM rpm.in f thP lakp for Mr Gilman's mother. Mrs Walter a weeks stav. He and tho Van. i unman. Winkle familv i-Ptiirnivt Sunav I M ana Mr Martm oyer OI Miss Maureen Groves, bride-' "v. -ttUl elect of Oliver Devlns was hon-inorsen 01 &an Jose are vlslun8 ored last Tuesday night with alth,s week wlth Francls Doherty, shower at the IOOF hall. Games wrs UP"ruue were Dlavpd and IovpIv rpfrpsh. i stives. mnt rvpH nffr ho h,M. n Mr and Mrs T Fox of Portland be, opened her many lovely and were v'siti"g Mr and Mrs Paul useful gifts. There were about "vcl "reu- 35 DeoDle Dresent. Hostesses for . orougni jonnny ana iviarK is.oe- . i the affair were Mrs Jerry Dough erty, Mrs Bob Steagall and Mrs Kenneth Turner. Mrs Johnnie Ledbetter and Mrs Eldon Padberg entertained with a bridal shower honoring Miss Nadlne Waddill, bride-elect of Donald Hunt. The shower held In the Lexington city hall was a social hour. After the bride- to-be opened her many lovely and useful gifts refreshments nig, who had been visiting them, back home. Mrs Fox is Mr Koe nlg's sister. Wheat Needs NITROGEN ...and Phillips 66 AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA contains 82 nitrogen I Apply Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia after wheat harvest or before planting. When you apply nitrogen in the fall, it helps decompose the stubble more quickly and increases the soil's population of beneficial bacteria. Nitrogen on fall-seeded grains means bonus grazing this fall. The faster, lush green growth stimulated by the nitrogen gives greater carrying capacity this fall and again next spring. Nitrogen enables the sturdier plants to make better use of available subsoil moisture. So, for more profit per acre from your wheat, see us about Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia, the 82 nitrogen fertilizer. See us about AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ON 30 DAY ACCOUNTS EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE 8-7283 IONE. OREGON Thomas Sumner. Arlington Phono 8-F-14 SB three children returned home Monday after spending 3i weeks back east and In New York where they had lived. Mrs Bell Neal and Mrs Isabelle Neel drove to Heppner Friday to attend the services of Howard R Evans. FOR THE GIRLS DCMni c-tvm sW m'sWW I I iAMnri SWEATERS Cr SKIRTS tZDACC l CALIFORNIA BLOUSES & SKIRTS I - X sT"! ,e5 iMS M m li II in In f 1 r:J -i it S: for Class and sterfw! AT PHIL'S PHARMACY SPECIAL VALUE SHEAFFER WRITING KIT- 98c Complete with sheaffer cartridge pen and handwriting book. Regular $3.33 value. "TT ON A NEW Get a 'Jeep 2-Wheel drive Station Wagon for (591 less than Ford, Chevrolet or Plymouth wagons and up to $370 lesa than compact station wagons with less space. You get new exterior trim and 2-tone paint combinations. Increased risibility. Washable Vinyl covered upholstery. Goodyear "Captlva Air" white sidewall tires. All at no extra coat I Jeej) VEHICLES... MADE QSIX BY WTLtYS MOTORS p j n MiMfiftsrit'i ioiinM Rtill yrlCM. Get 'Em All At Wilson's MEN'S WEAR tsmimm T '- "'"'K , t -7 See Americas lowest priced full-sized station icagon at: FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY RTFFNE3 Zipper Notebook Binders $1.69 Up Regular Binder 79c Up 10 Pencils 35c JUMBO PAKT FILLER PAPER 69c OMmaMIMWSSMtMHMMISMMISSltStsmMIStmsSSMttlSMtittMtStl FREE - COMPLETE SELECTION OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES """""""""'"""M.mtll.HMMIHMI.lMM............. SCHOOL DAZE CALENDAR BOOK With your purchase of school supplies ...Mm..M....M..n................m..,.,,,,.,,,,,,,mm Phil's Pharmacy PHIL BLAKNEY. OWNER s