day can bring 'iV.'fr an J punt it tark lunch, will U far- , f.Uhtvl. nght and rally TurJy at ! a n, Auguti th 4 ! tup rrintrndcnu Mill U-jrn tavtn In th rr.trlrt In 4 II fit, tluth Irr. sr.-J krit-- FtMHi fan rntefn brlttrt-M If .CM and 11:00 A M. The 4 II milk bar will t In l'UMr.i- cm Tudy, Wednes day and Thursday for lun h time- nat-k of sandwiches, milk and fc'ft drlr.ka. I it hom economic Judging Chals With Your Home Agent ir trnftR xirmis I finl myetr "luing and breathing- fair the da. The Harrow county Fair an J IUmW In lleppner la scheduled fur August 2J 28; the North Murrow Fair In Boardman 1 September 13; and the Oregon State Fair in Salem. September 2 10. I'd like to tell you about the 4 II home economic event lined ;eontet are scheduled far Tu-. up for the lleppner fair. day afternoon. Junior mcmhm We begin on Monday. Auutjfrom 9 to 13 year of ace will 22. when 4 11 leaden meet atM their skill In Judging In the fairground for a "work day" (clothing or food at 1:00 p m. to clean the pavilion and ar-j Senior club member. 14 yean range the table and show caw or older a of January 1. 19G0, for display. IVople working that will rneet t 3:00 for the con- , test. Wednesday, August 21 U a big day for the 4 II clothing girl. At 9 00 A M they will model their dre&se before the Judges for tyle revue. That evening at 8 P M there will b a public atyle revue at the fair pavilion o eveo'one can ee the fine work thes girl have done. The 4 H wool sewing contest, bread baking contest, and cake J baking contest will be run-off on Wednesday afternoon, start tng at 1:00 P XL Thursday la 411 demonstrate FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hamilton Or?oa Th. JO 76651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS iMonumenl News ly MARTHA MATTES OM Weil 1, a gHl start fv the month Ha another big fire, which started on Wall cwk near J.ihnr.y Cake mmintain Augu! 1. Matnard 4rtulii.n aoent Tuea day and Wednesday working at Ijt.Rg Creek. Mary Llp;rt drwe her oldest son I'avui to lieppner wonaay f,r Medical aid. Inn day and we expect thl one M lie big one! AppHctlon blank have been sent out A a k 11 Mn a we Know wno an wiu tke part, we'll et up th ached ule. ivnvmstrailona will begin at 9 00 A M nd run throughout the day, We are holding Friday for demonstrations too. If we find It necessary. Don't forget the 4 II Dinner for the public Thursday We urge you to plan to eat your nmtn meal at the fair pavilion. Proceed will go to the 411 leader council to promote our 4 11 urogram. Exhibits will be up until 5:00 p m on Friday for public viewing. We have close to 100 girl en rolled In 4 II home economics. This should mean a lot of fine exhibits. It should be quite a fair! Why you should follow this Sensible Morning Glory Control Program in 1960 An effective morning glory control program provides field scale elimination of the weed, eradication of patches to pre vent infestation or reinfestation of cropped lands, all at reason able cost. No program o loom ing glory control has proved more efficient measured either by results or cost than the Amchem Morning Glory Con trol Program. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS 638 WAf A taatt si 14 fttaf j ( at Mm fessi mm mm TV - IftilailiVw eSiJr. j and BENZAC! STEP ONE Spray field-scale morning glory in festations with WEEDONE 638, a special 2,4-D formulation for morn ing glory control. First application will provide measurable reduction of the weed. Complete kill will result from repeated spraying. The number and frequency of treatments neces sary will vary with the heaviness of the infestation. Because WEEDONE 638 is systemic in action, it leaves no harmful soil residues. Its low vola tility means no vapor damage to nearby susceptible crops. Its low cost makes repeated field-scale applica tion economically practical. STEP TWO For existent patch infestations of morning glory along fence rows, in drainage ditches and on other non cropped land areas, use BENZAC, the double action morning glory killer that kills both through leaf and root absorption. BENZAC remains in the soil to kill morning glory seedlings. The most effective morning glory killer ever developed, BENZAC is a liquid formula, mixes readily with water for ease in use and handling. This program may be varied to fit the infestation.. If fields are widely and heavily infested follow both steps thoroughly. If cropped lands are free of morning glory but spots of morn ing glory in surrounding or nearby areas threaten cultivated fields, use only Step Two. Start your control program now and end vour mornina aloru vroblems or good with WEEDONE 6S8 mm AMCHEM PRODUCTS, IHC. Amchem, Weedone and Benzac are registered trademark of AMCHEM PRODUCTS, INC. (Formerly American Chemical Paint Co.) AMBLER, PA. Niles, Calif. St Joseph, Mo. Inland Chemical Service I Jatk tlarrW In tn-m !) J ton. Wh f tf-e ken4 ta Ust the family, t Mra S K UwU lM i'-h er Ji;!.!rc and n and t!u-ir fun iiir tu xuit m-nth r mot I itu-hmoitd. ll.MM4. Arrfcle tV went t IVn.llrtn Lexington News r re t-r ha joncs V.i I." 1." JWk i-M5l.r4 l.e er if lsl Xrci, I a C I tr rtur her iutanl jH MMhdv. Tt. I'lrwr;! rie: I ' tilr and M U ::rr. i HtttHt CAZCTTK TJNtf. TbuidT. Aut It. IWO Ur.t I'Uf.a Manrl it Tt PU-. .lauJfrf tf V.r atil Mr CUIf Mutrl u u::i- Let ifiar.J ..' ! Mr .! Ml C.lrrtl Mr a. Mi Vlvr .-u.sth n4 t.i. i J a li-Mc at train. 1H tt 4 hU4im U,r ,ihJ t Armln V.U.n anJ ' lmmif rar.t 5j r!n- tm Tutay.lwrrK. cwmlne hm flrt Kr.4in tdi A,H U l?.j,, Mr ,lu) Un r-j . TTT--r ; m..iiih In U M nrT!j, ,-..! rtiu-hir. ltaflrn. ft" Uihr ami rrUtive -nJ Mf n4 Mr Jvk arti, Nm,j Mr a4 Mr L J Mtt..n J U, MUUVW)Wlow auimhi i Mr Wrn Vlall an l Mr an4 Mr CWr Mwacl arthaw th flirnrit a l t(nu i.t ar4 a mntrj il-.i wtxk. Mi Iw-itn llvHit an4 Mr Va4 Sx k iut ty Nri rL4tln4 M.ll.-I Iut tif lhl infant dauhit-r ar vcn4!ne ram up putw4 nniii w ijvml th wrke-nj im v e r ,m llm hr parrttt. Mr rHailvr. T1fy rHurnJ la thfir j, lVlto pau4fc-n. hwr Sunl4y rvciuntf .. ... .. , f ,m'4y tt-rnurtn. AusuMUauchtrr. Crrg anj Anita Pat4 3 Mr liatri: .ri. Mr vora ' m,n an, ijnJa VanWInkl wef Stubtlrffl4. Mi K' l"upvr. Margart-t Holme an4 Mr lUr Jen lU-r -r In '-"- at h...-r In th crank"' hall, rur Cran4vlni vUttora in Tucvlay, Mr Crcll Jn an4 !auhtr Charlrnc. an4 C.reg LTa at- tcndtsl th Ann Shcnck funeral Mr nl Mr Hill S-n'. naa .nc In Pcn41tn n Tu ih mUfortun to hum ut two ,j,yi (;,Pg wa, palllarrr. Mr vtrrki aco. Tticy rtwivcsi manj- gifi tM-Hldi- cash. Mr .n! Mr Frank William drov to B'n4 Satur.i.iy a mw iholr dauchtcr Mr i: MrPun .1,1 n.l ihr dauKhtor fr.m . . . m ..ft. . San Jvm. ir. w" ni for two or three we-k and attend th wt!dlnjt f hT tr't!uT mar it mi Sunday. Mr and Mr DUk Martin ana lui) -h lilirn were lunrnewi cuit Sunday at ihe llarr' St)tt horn. Mr and Mr Lllburn Hunt of Creek spent tne weekend visiting relatives nd friends. Mr Jack Harris went to Day ton. Wash Sunday afternoon to pend a few day with nor hus band. Mr and Mrs Verne McCarty spent Friday In Heppner. She visited her sister and family, the Clayton Sweeks. Johnny Stubblefield of Eugene brought his two sons up last week to visit their grandmother, Ellen Stubblefield and other relatives. Phone- your naws Item to 6-9228. Shcm-kt leave to mourn her pasting a daughter Ruseann and a n Johnnie. Mr and Mr O W Cutsforth en tertained Hev and Mr Walter Smith at their mountain cabin on Sunday trie occasion iH-ing Mi and Mr Smith' wedding anniversary. Other visitor for th day were Mr and Mr Joe ornelUon and Mr and Mr Cecil June and family. Mr and Mr Max Breeding and Mm Freda Dennis and son Jay were visitor this week at the O G Breeding home from Port Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERT T0ESDAT 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-66SS Hartnlaton. Oregon Don Wink. Mgr. Has. HermUton JO 7-3111 Frank Wink & Son Owner LET ME TELL YOU . . . PLAY SAFE WITH 0 GRAIN FIRE INSURANCE IT COSTS VERY LITTLE DONT TAKE CHANCES INSURE TODAY! 15 Dividend ON PREMIUM TURNER, VAN MARTER tf BRYANT INSURANCE AGENCY 183 N. MAIN PHONE 6-9652 1 QUEEN'S BANC 21 L I ill f i ml m- 'K hyp f I A ! 1 MORROW COUNTY FAIR 6- RODEO r .; ... ( . iff t' ' ' i atur t I 1 1 -1 QUEEN SUSAN PARTLOW day. HEPPNER Fair Pavilion DANCING 10 TO 2 MUSIC BY THE Leonnig's ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON CONDON DU 4-5600 PH. 6-9103 HEPPNER