HltfXtn CAZETTC TIMES. Tbuiadot. Au?ut II. I960 Boardman Man Hurt When Car Hits Horse C3A 6ROTJS... A TALI! TO YOUR pfesSl' DEALER BRAND V A DELIVERY... when you need it! Complete fertilizer service means better crop growth, more profit growth for you. And that's your Brea Brand dealer's job: to give growers complete year 'round x service plus the finest fertilizer ' products obtainable. Complete o - cpnirp nnH finest nrnducts are r lf7 the Brea Brand combination ... ! that puts more money in your pocket. Your local Application equipment Brea Brand dealer will help you determine your most profitable fertilizer program, and will see that you get what you need when you need it. He is equipped to provide the best in f application service. Best of all, he'll follow Crop analysis err- your crop development and help you get the most out of your crops. Storage That's service that grows! Jim Valentine Heppner, Ore. Phone 6-53S8 r MART LIE W AH LOW IUy C?ar.ulst i-ff-r! rW Injures nd the l-fl front fender of M car wm damaged enten tvrly when h Hruck a rur that rn In frnt f Mm lot Thursday rtlfiht on highway 30 i(Kut a mile tif Buck' Corner, The homo waa killed. Mm CronauUt and daughter Karen were uninjured. m Milter. 16 year old son Mr and Mr RuiwII Miller. enratwd serious Injuries lait wr-k uhlle swlmmlnu In the j Culumhla River. II dove Into; Kre Jin of M ed hum Turaday from a tripTKt ta vrtlnl MnJay. hU h t.4 thn ta tedmend Th jotiffio dr.nmrnt an wher they tUiied at the home j rsounom the al 4 hin r.w of Mr Thorr.hlU'a untie and iami. atatra Mr Fll CVatt, aunt. Mrand MraltUry VIJJIama.imairr. The flft one, the They all rni on a fililna trip' new 7 cnt airmail tump In a on the John Pay river whu fir rri nJ win eo on aaie Aujj 12 through the Arlington, va- iit i.fflc. and Mill be on aale there. They then went to Junrtl'in City where they visited Thrn. hlll a brothera and itrrs In law. ;her Aug 11, The aeven cent en Mr and Mm Bill Thornhill and , veloj UI co on al In fort- Mr and Mr G-ne ThornhilL land, Oregon Aug 1H, and will From there they went to Harris, 'be on aale here Aug 19. burg to vlalt Thornhill" brother J xi.e aerund atamp. a 4-renter. In law and .Uter, Mr and Mra u ,u9 -rrntloy the Handicapped" Ivan Rvala tMarv- Sue Tlwrn- cummemuratlve atamn. and will hallow water and atrucK ma him. and Mr and Mra Al Howe, i go t,n ihruch the .New York head on the bottom. Injuring hli On their return trip they vhlted city -it offl( e Aug 2, and here nek. He wai taken to ikhki . .in Tnornnura trotner. mariea Au,. t j, ,jUtf jn cojor. Shepherd hnspltal In llermlirton, where hla neck waa In traction for aeveral daya. He returned home Friday. Mr and Mra Charlea Anderegg nd daughter Barbara left last Saturday for Boulder, Mont to spend a week. Mr and Mra Merrill Black and children Ronald. Dave and Shel ley of Bountiful. Utah were weekend vunor m uie iiunm of Black'a brother and slster-ln. law, Mr and Mra Ronald Black Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Donald Bellamy were Bellamy's mother, Mrs nienna Bellamy, and Mr and Mrs Paul Bellamy and daugh t, r Dixie. Paula and Mollle. all of Golilendale, Wash. Mr and Mrs Melvln Logan of Portland visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Brlggs Friday on their way home from the AFL- CIO convention In Tendleton. Mr nnd Mrs James Harding and daughter Faye of Sacramen to, Calif, Waverly Dlsbrow of Burke, Calif visited last week at the home of Mrs Harding's brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr and Mrs Russell Miller and Mr and Mrs Bob Miller. Her mother, Mrs Effle Miller, returned to Sacramento with them. Sunday visitors at the Russell Miller home were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Vern Car nenter and sons Russell and Tommy of La Grande. Mrs Arnin Hug and Mrs Guy Ferguson spent last week in Trail visiting at the homes of Mr and Mrs Sid Ferguson and Mr and Mrs Keith Ferguson. The 1 latter returned here to spend the weekend at the Hug home. Mr and Mrs Rollo Moore and son Alan spent last week at Otter Rock. Their son Gary, who is employed at Pacific Airlines at Oxnard, Calif met them in Portland and accompanied them. Mr and Mrs Harold Marlow visited at the home of Marlow's parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Mar low, Sunday on their way from La Grande to Cresswell, where Marlow Is employed. The Ladies Aid Society of Community church met Wednes day of last week at the church with Mrs Charles Anderegg and Mrs Claud Worden as hostesses. There were 10 members present. Mrs Florence Root was In charge of the missionary program. Elmer Messenger is in Port land for medical care. Mrs Allen Ely was hostess for a party at her home Tuesday of last week In honor of her daughter Renee's sixth birthday. Guests were Mrs Ely's mother and sister, Mrs Virgil Osborne and Margie of Hermlston, Mrs Elvin Ely and Eileen, Diane Rash, Mrs Charles Higuera and Susan, Karen and Jeffrey, Mrs Ervln Flock and Charmalee and Frankie, Marilyn Graham, Mrs Delbert Ball and Larry, Susie and Linda, Mrs Delmer Hug and Debbie, Fam, David and Julie, Mrs Robert Strutz and Patty, Kathy and Becky, Mrs Bob Thornhill and Aria and Tina, and Rlckie and Rena Ely. Mr and Mrs Robert Harwood i have returned home from a ten day trip to Taulina Lake. Mrs Harwood's cousins, Mr and Mrs Lowell Spagle of Salem were there with them. The Harwood also spent a week at Calgary Alta and Lake Louise. Mr and Mrs Bob Thornhill and daughters Aria and Tina return Graham, Jr.. In Fjktarada. and at the hom of Mr ami Mrs Bill Mead In The Dallca. Mr and Mra Charlie Smith of Union and granddaujrhter Anita Marlow stopped overnight In Boardman with their trailer houso Monday on their way to Creswell where Smith will be employed. Mrs Ervln FIok opened her melon stand for bukinc&a at the west end of the service road last week. Rus.se!! Miller and son Jim Tli third atamp. also a 4 cen ter, la the "5th World Forestry Congress" atamp, and will go on aale through the Seattle. Wash pt office Aug 30, and here Aug 31. Green In color, Its deolgn features the congress aeal. FaoM your newt Itama to 1-9228. BENZAC KILLS MORNING GLORY Cornetfc Green Feed HEPPNER MAKE AND MODEL CLUB The Make and Model 411 club met August 2 at the home or Karen Lundell. Members attending were Bren- da Townsend, JoAnn Turner, Janet Palmer, Jean Martin, Karen Lundell and our leader, Mrs Louis Carlson. Guests of the club were Mrs Ruth McCabe's Stitch In Time Club, Miss Esther Kirmls, Mrs McCabe, Mrs Earl McCabe and Arleta, Mrs Raymond Lundell and Cheryl, Mrs Kenneth Falmer, Mrs Fredrick Martin, Mrs Phil! Emert and Delores, Elaine Gaars land, Mrs Walter Corley and Sherry. The club will work on their record books at the August 19 meeting at the home of Brenda Townsend. Miss Klrmis showed pictures t on accessories ana enscmDie. i Then the girls from Mrs Carl son's and Mrs McCabe's groups who had completed their gar ments modeled them and were helped with accessories. Mrs Carlson's group also decided they would work on a booth for the fair this year. Karen Lundell served strawberries and ice cream on angel cake and punch. Jean Martin, reporter Sunday, August Uf 1:30 p. m. 28 BOATS MOTORS Cr TRAILERS OVER $30,000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDERS TERMS ON APPROVED CREDIT $100 Will Hold Purchase for 1 Week Charlie Ki!i Company Hermiston'McNary Hiway Hermiston Ph. JO 7-5982 THE BEST SELLING CAR . . . BY FAR! THE BEST BUYING TIME . . . RIGHT NOW With' more people buying Chevrolet (including Corvairs) than ever before . . . with Chevy popu larity and leadership zooming up to an all-time high . . and with the choice of models still wide and wonderful . . . your timing couldn't be better. Corner your Chevy dealer one of these days real soon. See how satisfying it is to do business with a happy man. United INCOME Fund Inn ywi aa bwkwi h mmm mm p i rbitin fat riMprm mmd linifrili aa4 lmiu Tmj . MINT. W ADD Ell & RZD, INC COXXXT LAN HAM BOX tSi TO. 9-5390 gtl Alt Spoil Coup0thtr mr 17 mot modlt what thi$ on cam troml EXCLUSIVE, AWARD-WINNING ADVANTAGES First, because of its advanced engineering, It was voted Car of the Year by the editors of Motor Trend magazine. And now Corvair's received the coveted Industrial Designers In stitute Gold Medal for its trim, distinctive tyl. The award was presented to William L. Mitchell, General Motors i mmml vice president in charge of y HEYROliT Styling. Drive America's CMLflBaaaMj award-winnisgest car toon! Far Economical Transporutioa Corrir TOO Club Ctpwith htndy foH-down rj inI fnrfrrf.' Sea Chevrolet cars, Chevy's Corvairs and Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY MAT & MAIN rHCNS 6-3321 REfKtEa OBE&OX IIlilillllllllllllilillHIIIIIillillllJIIillOIIIIIIlllill! mmmmmnmi illiilttllUlUIUill UDUIL. fciTT