tllTtlit CAZCTTX TTMtS. Tnarador. lone News if ALOHA DeSfAIN Mr "4 Mm Dfck Sltrrrf are the rru-t iarrtit f 5"" likhari. brn July 23 at Ilonm M-mrll h.!Hl H-J'f'-The baby wrlahftl 9 ' t Mrs Slu-ff r'a Irri.l. Mr and Mr Kinsnual IUitli-may rtl family t,f OU . Veh. ijx-nt Ue PIU UUtn: he tt-w grandson I the Sh'fr fiom. Mr and Mr Harold Slierrr went to Redmond Friday, where thlr A.,,.ht.-r JuJv. had been spend- Ine the wft k with her sWrr. Mr Wayne rim. Mr and Mm I1-rce and Mr and Mr Shcrtr and Judy went to Hucens Saturday ffr the Olvmiilr track rrn-et. Mrs J"hn Grant, mother of Mrs Harold Jllt. olcH II a nean attack at Herm!ton. Friday. The funeral will be Wednesday. Mn t'lmrr Holtz and children and Mrs Donald Eubanks and children njwnt a few days last week at the Eubanks cabin In Urn mountains. Visiting friend In Ion over the wc-ekend were Mr ana wo One Baurenflend of Central Tolnt. Oregon. ReTnt quests of Mr Fred Ely were hi grand children. Mr and Mrs Allan lloak and children of Los Ala men. New Mexico and Mr TttxiTtmtmmmittmxammmmuiun AYERS PEST CONTROL FOR TOUR SPRAT1NO Trees. Tard and Grain Stor age; Resident end Commar- cial Fogging. Clayton Ayers Phono 6-9953 ummffittffitffltmuummgnmtttmt UiU llk t.f ivrt OMrd. W!i M Sharon CuufurUi J1' ,-u. Wash t't U werk visiting- ..d r.rjylns ih harvest t the home f 1 -r mother. Mm Ik.nald Ib lkler. Sharun and Har din linker wvnt t U-hman Sjtrlnfi f"f the weekend. Mr Betty Ueuallen was an oer nlcM liurrt at the home of Mr and Mrs M-rt ISraln lat week. She ha moved fnm L'ma till ta Hermltort where she W employed as cook at the Uks club. Mr Finei Ilellker and her ister. Mr BUI Tomklna of Gleni y.-rr- Idaho, have been called to saiem oy inc -ri-u , .,f their brother, l.veretl an.. Tliey ere Maying at Tlcard with Mr. Itiliker'a daughter. Mrs Jerry Bolman. Visiting for a few weeks with Mr and Mr Donald Ilellker Is his son. Cene Ilellker from Lex ington. Barbara Boyce. dauchter of Mr and Mr Ray Boyce 1 vlsltlnjr for a wink with her aunt. Mrs Skip Connor at Pilot Rock. ovmlpht euebts of Mr and Mrs Charles Hudson Friday were Mr and Mrs Ralph rhllllps and family from Oregon City. Grant Rlcby Jr. who is worn- In it with the Forest Dept. was iniured silently flchtlng lire at Pnmnr,.v Wash. last ween, lie v. - y tiag boon returnHl to the Heppnrr I married at the First Bapiist Am a Vlsltlnt? this week with Mr and nfr Milton Morean and family has been Miss Cheryl Vogal of rendleton. Mr and Mrs Art Stefanl it. took their son, Jerry, and Kerry Peterson to Tollgate Sunday, ine bovs will attend the Lutheran fnmn this week. Invitations have been received for the weddinc of Mr Gary Stenhenson. a former lone school teacher. Joyce Elaine Robnctt and Mr Stephenson will be NEW! SMALL! LXCISLATORS CONFER Congressman Al Ullman and state Rep. resentative rranx weatneriora are mown on uwuuy kibin state and federal problems within their districts. Weatherford's 22nd legislatlee district covers Sherman, Gilliam. Morrow and Wheeler counties. Ullman's 2nd congressional district comprises these and 14 other eastern Oregon counties. The principal sub ject of the talk was the John Day Dam and Its effect upon the Mid-Columbia area. church at New Pine Creek, Ore, Aug. 11. Mrs Ed Berreth of Milton-Free- water and Mrs Rod MacKenzie are attending the Women's Re treat at Camp Adams this week. The Senior High Pilgrim Fel- loMthlp of the Community church will leave after church Sunday fur Hat Rock where they will have a sack lunch and group dlacusaion of the Gospel of Juha Mr and Mrs Robert DrSpaln and family spr.t t.!C wrrfctv-1 st Port Orchard. Wash, where they vllte4 Mr and Mrs red Pa Inter. Mr and Mrs Gordon White and Carv aoent the day Saturday In Athena visiting their son. Tom White. Cueiti this week of Mr and Mrs David MiLeod. art Mrs C A McLeod and son Stephen of Van couver, Wash. MUa Susan Wheelhouse of Olex was a weekend guest of Mr and Mr David McLeod. The lone Babe Ruth League barbell team lost their game with Condon Sunday. The score was 161 Dates to remember t Rebekab and Odd fellow Nc nie at the Clrv Park. Ana 14. Grange picnic at the City Pak, Aug. Zl. Mls Helen Cummlncs, field representative from the Oregon State Library, met with th lone library board on Monday. Miss Cummlncs eave manv valuable suggestions for cataloging and shelving books and lor library rules. The library board served luncheon In the library pro ceeding the meeting. MONUMENT . Mrs Roena Hutchison went to Portland Thursday after her household goods. NH3 NH3 get MORE pnFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia f M OrJtr voar - supply today! we crvr S&H GREEN STAMPS on 30 Day Accounts SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OFE1ATED HONE.-72W 10NK. OREOOH Thomas Sumner. Arlington rnone " NH3 NH3 Use Gazette Times Classifieds - Phone 6-9228 DIAL LIGHTS UP! , f -" ' 1 '-"- This beautiful extension phone is scarcely larger than your hand. Its modern styling goes anywhere in your home. And the dial Ugh ts up! Comes in 5 colors, costs just pennies a day after a one-time charge call our business offico or ask your telephone service man. A new product from 0) Pacific Telephone-Northwest PAST OF THC SATION-WIDC Sell SY1TIM Mother And Baby Doing Fine In An All-Electric Home! i . -.v .- . .-. .. .t ' '"., ; .-,. xiL. ft- '-"iy. ' s -".v I TCv ' X y t.V? y L . ;: ,i :y Electricity warms the meals, washes and dries the diapers, heats the bath. water yes, dependable electric service makes life easier for baby and mother in dozens of ways each day and for so little cost. That's why modern mothers say...PP&L electric service is today's biggest value! See the new electric appliances at your dealer's today. if inirtinYrftiiT-ri -' w, x .... 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