4 Htrtntn gazette times. TtT. Af' Hai Q over The Tee Cup AH u " txl" l !! huuM tiiive" down our link nl --ruk "n d tfvil tnir. Oar fln In i-rf- c-nditlon. rtsf h -" anJ ,h "la''1I!'' U -unl r.jmpar. You mlh My that our eoure U lit golf-r home way from home nd we all lake a real rrlde In keeping It In lip top haj. Mn playing Sunday morning wr Lowell Cribble. Judj: Car-mlchnr-l. Ilrlan MtCurdy. W Bennett. Ray Ferguson. Hill Ma honey, UVerne VanMartcr. Bob Krlr.k n4 Franci I.horty. In the Sunday afternoon com petition we each played our own ball but we drew for partner and playeJ with them. nd then added our two score together. The playing were LaFyrne Pratt and Kddie Cunderson. Dee Cribble and Clint McQuarrle, Kay Honlnaon and Clint Agee. Inna MeCurdy and Lowell Cribble, VI Lanham and Creston Robinson. Mario MoQuarrle and Bill Labhart, Beverly Cunderson and Cordon Pratt. Jan Agoe and Conley Lanham. Terrell Benge and Nod Sweek, tl isenneu inu y Jackie Lottbort Anther pollock 1 htdulwl M Juwlinj ,),u tw ilU .Sunday, Tee off time U tbe u-.ua! 4 W t lic ul tM-twrcn 6 VI and 1 .00 all inrinter plan ! "'" n if ou dont play 1 the after rmn. but bring )our own rUn' "Iron. Other JM-en on the curw dur Ins the weekend wre the Jim Barratt'i of Corvalli. & Kelly of Seattle, John lUrtman, Bill (Mllna. it Blake, the Ned Sweek. Hugh Salter. Lance Gil mm of Lonx B"h. California. Steve Teti of Monmouth. N U Bailey. Earl Ayera. Harry Bon cer. and the Oliver Crenwlrki. rARTEK LINK PATTER: Jim Barratt khot a 32 Saturday land he aald he Mew up on the last hole . . . wish I could blow up like that! ... am real glad to we John Ilartman taking up the game . . . members of the Ber muda Short Brigade are "Crib". Phil Blakney. Earl Ayers. Bill i Ki,ri il.irl.in MeCurdy, Cor- don Pratt. Eddy Cunderson and Bill Blake . . . Clint McQuarrle ha been Instructing Kay Rob inson In the art of a proper ruu Jack Loyd. and Harlan MeCurdy Uwing . . - Clint Agee aay. there . ,nH runt had low lust Wnt a golf club big enough "rros acore with 77 and Bev and for him . . . waa real surprised Cordon had high gross t nun io we nunan .. a I ..... . .,1-iv inrr tm hard in sa d) and Donna anu orio nau uruuy oi.w ''"" '", ... . . t t.n nnm Friday evenlnc low wore on me niuuen nun.-. - - - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMC.M . tinougni aure ma " Monument Burro Makes Early Morning Visits Now Ready With Best of Service GRAIN CLEANING AND TREATING 2 MACHINES AVAILABLE New Clipper Cleaner And Superior Cylinder Cleaner HAROLD ERWIN PHONE 6-5806 HEPPNER a. MAITMA MATTtSOM ley I- cr buna the an early rs..iMr.g tro!L In fart rty early I i m m hint klnctr.i! hit ng he rnvlled up to the Mate fur rtry department home and lk rd in the bk d.xr. then haed the d. away and proceed on t.u way lu tb fexi home and around H e lire Paul Kimmil came In Sunday rveniri frt-m HU home tn Trout dale, after hia children Kathleen and IVtrr They hae teen vUlt Ing the pat ten daya at the r.ld Crk home. Tne to v tx of Mr and Mr Van Richard returned home t.U we-k after Mtlng their erandparent for two week, Mr and Mm T. E Howell droxe to lleppner Monday on buslne, MU Marlene Gilman of Cor valli I up vUltlng her grnd- obJ.-ct ... Bud anl camy Km- Una played the iiooa luver wui list week. Cal golfer playing In the ladle dav ef.mpetltlon Tuelay morning were Hai-el Mahoney. Roberta Pougherty. Faye Ruhl. i....u fanU'inbio rathv Collins. Kay Robinaon. Dee Cribble. Don ui.ntv Marie McQuarrle, im - C-ne Cane. Mickey Mollahan. Arolene Laird ana mysen. t o I..... nrnti Fave naa row nn which entitled her to the free lunch given by the Wishing wcu.- v.... I. ih. lou'etii numun v rvay - . . ... . i i i.M fr .-J a inn strokes on me mnom ..". Mickey had the most 8 s on ner score card. ' ANOTHER SPECIAL AWWU.i- prirvTi CunitAV. Aueust 14. the Willow CreeK couniry uuu will host the members of the Klnzua Golf Club. Tee off time will be between 9 ana v:m ana the Heppner members will fur- ( nlsh a potluck dinner for all tl1A rrkl fr AT the court house lawn around 3:00 p m. All mcm-j hers are asked to mane a spe.ioi effort to attend. Before ending my column this ...,...t t h-ti-n hpon asked to re- n r " l - mind all parents that small children do not belong on the course unless accompanler by an adult. It seems as uiu u swamps are full of frogs and hold a fatal fascination for small boys, but it is also very danger ous for those children to be on the course when people are play ing golf. That's all the link lore for this week. parrMa M-ot H4 unrt it. A. Lc cty and Ala Wiiht with l.i two granddaughter umI and Danna !". viaited with Mr and Mr E4 R-und lt we-k. Veme M."arty niH Mr and Mr Darrell IVIaney from Spray lit fe Sunday, Mr and Mr George Stubble fjcll dtove to John Day Satur day on buinca Mr and Mr Ike Shank of Ml Vernon vulted hi l-r EJlen Stubblefleld laat week. Mlw Georgia Lee Stubblrfirld. MK Laura Lee Shank and Mr Mary Alice Coriey were hotee Sunday afternoon at the Mttle Stubblefleld home, for a lovely j.rldal ahower honoring Ml Car olyn Martin. There were 32 present and the received many lovely gift- She will become the bride of Charle William on Aug 14. Those here for the hower hcaldcs thoae cloae were Mr Judy Martin and son Gary of prlnevllle. Mr Joe Batty and daughter. Mls Betty Ew-n and Ml a Diane Ewen of LaGrande. Ivan Brown. Jr of Uklah Hop ped In to see hi aunt. Mr Helen Brown last Saturday. Ruben PaUer wa In from the forestry camp to look after hi place here, then visitea wun ni m..ihr at Canvon City. She is here from the east visiting. Mr and Mrs Harry Scott and aon visited In Mitchell and Spray Sunday. Mr and Mrs Lliburn Hunt oi Lon Creek spent Sunday visit- Ing his mother. Recta Hlnton and the Harold Llpperts. Mrs Georne Capon. Mrs ueista Sweek and Mrs Oulda Cork went to Bend Wednesday to meet Mrs Kay Harris of Springfield, who was on her way to Monument. Mr and Mrs Jim Durbln and family of Salem came In for the weekend with her motner. Mrs Reeta Hlnton. It, T C II ell dlvrt Mr ar.4 Mr H tirppnrr W..i'S M numrr.l j-e.J I In llrp- ptter Tur.ly wne Mi Oletta farten and rhiMrrn. Mr and Mi fsiil Settle. M' Ml! Howe.l and rh!l trt-n. Mr and Mr Fuj k II .wei). Mi Ji" Crker and Mi Jack Hartt. Fred MrWitli and Jim Crker droe t. John Dy Monday on bulnea. Mr June Huthin and Mr Frar.k Wllt-am relumed home Wednesday morning frm Idaho where they had vUi'ed their folk and June U-ft her father. Joe WhHaker and her four child ren to v tJt with their rrlatnec Mr Jcle Scott and on R 'b-; ert drove to Blllie Jean Hunt home out from Long Creek M n-1 day morning, returning home the nekt day. Mr Joe Bitty and daughter. MU Betty nd M: Pianne Ewen of LaGrande ipent the weekend here at the Henry Cup per home. Lyle Evan Van Duln. who passed away In the lleppner ho pltal Tuesday morning, wa laid to rest here Friday afternoon. July 29. He wa killed by a hore kicking him In back of the head the evening of July 25. His father and mother are staying a few day at the ranch with Lyle' widow and children. Then they will return to their home In Ash land, Oregon. ,;! r. hrt in la H,rRd K Twrvr.l a t rve M ri-.tc4 Vtn n J' rUli f IU I 'Tt j 0 n-f teM w t jn t Vt -e than ,vm .rtrf the tWtry Ir,t. With lh tntart 1"1J tn a national diawmg held l Nw Vk City r.r.t. ,h,rd i - l,t!' ' ,u fal were won h Mi- Unda M rrlae.l t.f B.trp. U .. Mi Mary Kay Ree,lrr fl t and Miaa ChrM Nunn t Amarlllo. Te. Hprrn"j. yj.U I IH i4 -i,r,U?t U M Ciad-t" lr.t wt-Uh.lfrred Ur Mttlr.g 01,(1 in taJ '-4 tefUg rf Tt it nilrte4 1 . ...i (he lame w Ital IrtaWet .... KEEP OREGON GREEN lone Girl Wins Pin In National Contest A local winner in the national "Sterling Is for Graduates" con test, sjKjnsored by the Sterling Silversmiths of America, will soon be sporting a handsome little sterling silver spoon pin. The pins, in each girl's own favorite pattern, are being sent to them by the Sterling Silver smiths of America, sponsors of m r T.lO CAM At? Wot TIM J TuU mu.e of geod treotm.nt i your. HERE. W. d eojoy .rrln, you. eaterln, to your want. May w. anticipate your visit TODATI HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. Ford ralcon Thundeibbrd Phono 6-9152 or 6-9153 Onlv l1 of ihe weight of the tin plute can U tin. 1-The Book of Metals. Donald ttUhclm. page miinii mi iiiiiiiimiiii iiiTiiiiiiiiimiiii'i I' r Make Our Low Prices A Shopping Habit MOT MARKET AND LOCKERS 178 W. WILLOW HOME OWNED THOMAS S. AND MILDRED HOWELL PHONE 6-9922 On The Cob - Fresh :orn 6 ears 39 Celery 2 bun. 29c PEACHES Carry Basket Sandy Save With AuQo 6 THE RHEA CREEK GRANGE PRESENTS MARJORIE PECK'S Del Monte 303 Cans PEAS CREAM CORN WK CORN SLICED BEETS DICED CARROTS GREEN BEANS $ cans OO SONNY BOY. LARGE 12 OZ. FROZEN VALENCIA ORANGE JUICE 3cans$I.OO CLIFF - CHAR BRIQUETS 10 LB. BAG jgC PRESERVES 3 LB. JAR ggC SPECIALS FOR AUGUST S AND 6 PRINCESS RHEA CREEK GRANGE HALL AT RUGGS DANCING 10 TO 2 GOOD MUSIC II ci i I IJ i; Jl REFRESHMENTS SERVED