I x x i eaaw f Classified Rates 3c pet weed aliliiw Ms pet iBMtHMk Black lc e ewp. double rele Cards el Than 41-00 CLASSIFIED DtADUNl S p. bo. Wednesday FVRNITVRE AT BARGAIN Must n onr- 4 I,h,r Mut b H'14 t tim, 4 pln springs and Saly mttr; ry nkr. foam rubbor; lamp; lamp Uble: 2 wrought Iron Hand: eliric washing machine. whit r-namcl; all $1S5. Sdl separately. Apart ment 2. Une Apia, renins or Saturday. Nellie G Ander. on. 1516c FOR SALE 7 room furnUhed house on South Court St. Small rental In rear, Phone 6 92K5. 131Cc WHEAT TREATLNU. call llene Wymanphone 6 9C19. 50-tfc MODLRN HOUSE or sale. This home has an excellent view, 3 bedrooma and family room, 1432 aq. ft of living apace, plua double garafe and cov ered patio. Located at 605 Plo neer Drive. Call 6 9183. 11-tfc A YORK HEAT PUMP air con dltioner would take the chill off your home on the cool days we've had this week, and cool It In the hot weather. See L E nirk for details. 15-c ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER VICE J T Carlln. Box 982. Her mlston. Oregon. Phone JOrdan 7-6G23. fi-tfc Now On Display 1960 GMC 2 TON TRUCK America's only V-6 engine The most recent achievement In CMC's 50 year history They are "Truck Built" to save you money In many ways LOW Fuel Consumption Low Lube Oil Consumption LOWER Maintenance. Costs LONGER Life USED CAR SPECIALS I 1958 Chevrolet Impala 2 door naraiop. 1959 Chevrolet Pickup, ton ii i .a kav vfl I hardtop. inner vuhffolhase. laree box, V8 motor, Powerlock differential, nylon tires, exceptionally clean. 1955 Pontlac 2 door hardtop, aut omatic transmission, power steering, a very clean local 1 owner car. 1951 Willys Jeep, excellent con dition and tires, full steel cab. Fishing Cars Several good ones Excellent Hunting Jeeps 1956 Willy pickup 1955 International pickup, com pletely reconditioned. WE ARB YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER See the new 1960 FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF REFRIGEHATUxt 13 cu. ft model as low as $4.22 a week FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiae-Bulck-WUlys-GMC - 40-tfc NEED POSTS? Will contract post splitting in any quantity or any size. Call 6-9171 or 6-9157. 15-c FOR SALE Registered yearling Hereford bulls. Frank M Mon ah,n rnndan. DUnkirk 4-5536. 1-tfc WANTED Swarmsof bees. Call 6-5385, Avery Taylor. 1316c trvR iAT.EAllis Chalmers HD5, with Holt angle dozer. Tractor recently overhauled, new rol-im-0 now cab. $4800. Denny iLffiiian tjxin?ton. 11-tfc iy-id pfvt Furnished or un r.ichsH nnartment. Everett lUllUlivu 1 . UoroViman 15-tIC 2FOR 1 SALE End of season clearance of annuals and dah na tnhorc Fridav and Satur day only. Cash & carry. Dick's r-i - chnn Hpnrjner. 15-c riuwci i v j i - j , MAN OR WOMAN witn late model car or panel truck, rep-u-rrit famous Watkins Products. Credit available, II qualified. For free details write Mr Hunter, 3903 tsrooKij n Seattle 5. Washington. 1315c CATTLE SPRAYING with high pressure pump. Bill Seehafer, call Boardman, HUnter 1-22S5. 8-16c SAND A GRAVEL delivered daily any amount any time. Call lone 8-7277 or Umatilla 755 or 503 collect Sue Ham? or pet Hams. 30- a w . w - I a . a 11 aa m fc ' FOR SALK-IUrold n .'Ol R KKR ..... ...... J.t.,lan t-lr-VKt"f Bt th Mk i t Willow and Rhea Clin k 5 aerrs or more all In meadow, t'ardn. orchard; fen- ml and cf" fenced: frv wau-r and own MrtnWHn l.m: has 'n " SrVrn tvom. i. . , i.r.-d iivini ruom and . ...i... ,..ro- mjtt-h. I lirrpiatTi ki iuc shrd; barn ana inmni huu You have to we this .l4W to appreciate Pric. tuiiim ca.h and terms. Suit able fur shwp. cattle or horses; lilr It nrt . inmwrih of shrubs, fruit : i. and Ilowers. inr pruvfineiits ar worth more irmn he is aKin iur ur lire i-tup. I lo ve some jjckI buys on 3 b-lr.Kjm houss in Heppner. V. 1L -BOB" RUNNION Phone 16 1516c SrTrToCTt cumpleteTlne of clean ing equipment featuring iuhv er. Eureka. Blil ni Shet land products. We rent home and commercial floor clean Inn machines. L E Dick, phone titi'V 15-C VERY UNUSUAL . . . We have some ti e n m.Hh-rn homes In Heppner for sale. Priced frim $7,0X10 to $18,000. Come in and see us. TURNER. VAN MAni & BRYANT Real Estato Insurance Heppner FOR SALE 3 bedroom house on N Court St. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, birch kitchen with nook, basement -n coo it. 10-tfc vail " w FOR APBUANCE REPAIR call or bring to Case Furniture Co. IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR ade quate? If not trade for a new NORGE now! L E Dick. 2S1 Linden Way. lf FOR RENT Upstairs apartment, phone 6-9491. l-15c THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL USED ELECTRIC RANGES T...i.r q til. raduced to $49.95 Regular $79.95. reduced to $59.95 L. E. DICK. APPUANCES 281 Unden Way Ph. B-OTM FOR RENT cattle pasture. Bill Seehafer, Boardman, Ore. 15-17c . F0R SALE Large 5 bedroom, I i i u n oomont home. Ideally located within 2 blocks of school, business district. Single car garage, pleasant ..orH vu aDDraised. Phone ' 15-17C o-jj". . WAR CLOUD, famous Appaloosa AKrrt at Ktlld at stainon siiiu'i'6 - Del T Harmon ranch, Stan- field, Ore, Phone GI 9-8306. i-ijt FOR SALE 4 Mosberg rifles, $21.50 each. Contact Jack Loyd or Clint Agee. 15-16c ""singer sewing machine co. ?AT FS SERVICE Sewing Machines & vacuum Cleaners of an Manes Contact Mrs. David Eckman r- ,.. Mrs David Eckman tlt-PPTJTTR PH. t-lUi 1 4 i-x-Li FRT'RUG SHAMPOOING in EXPERT KUU snA"1'",,, your home. J T unm, u noo Unrmlctnn Ore. rnone 982, Hermiston, ure. JOrdan 7-6623. YOUR FULLER BRUSH man for Heppner arc w "7 ' 420 N W Defense Way, Pendte- ton. Here regularly. o-"c Heppner area is uren duc, . iff . Dnn Jin . FOR RENT Furnisnea uyan- ment, air conditlonea, aauiis fi.cr84. 14-tfc DO YOU NEDD Cabinet work;, Dili, nv- " Interior decorating, or around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. GRAIN HARVEST for hire, cau James H PecK, ixinBiu.i, 8464. 1021P LAWNMOWER and saw snarpe in- r - ing. N D Bauey, paoiic 5-tIC DR-rW PFElfTER, Chiropractic physician. 0 E wiiiow. 6-9694. 9 to 5:30 Monday rJTu wj.v q to 12 Satur- inxouB.. 0tfc n Thunderbiid l UIU m. , If you are planning on buying & car rvrflETT KEITHLET ,i-t tn see vou. Day phone 6-9152, nights phone 6-5342 O LA MAK YOUR RUGS and carpets look Uke new. Call Case Fur- tr.r ramet cleaning """'I" ' 46tfc - -Tvr, rABPFTS cleaned In RLGS or ton' V?ZL "XJIbSl V lie r i c indhng rapidly. BHter iup one of hce bargains now. Our pruvs un lh Ufger up m , .,,., Ih gl,ts .re so luw the Norge( ou- f f t,u. Comp-ny won't U;t u. u- them .d rinal aunt , our advertUing Slop InJM ' u,,m,.n( P, mM es aoun and se our stock. L E ' lH.r,nil having ob- Iuk, 2Sl Unden Way. Jl I OR lALt - ju auiiuibi iruir,..v. umh 9 months $275 Dlrrtt iwi r? $15).. BuokcM - " - siooo cumponene stereo. i . . e n,.,nh. in u. u-m ...... . VvW,, Khtrlc range Phone Heppner 6-S838 15 p "USED PIANO BARGAINS Wurliuer spinet, ebony ca Wurllizc r spinet, mahogany case Kimball, small studio Culbransen. small studio Rnwn it Sun. mirror piano Suhmer Upright, walnut case Monarch Upright, mahogany caw Hammond Chord organ, like new- Thomas Organ, demonstrator Used pianos as low as iu JACK MULLIGAN PIANOS & ORGANS 112 So. Main Pondleton 15-iec CARD OF THANKS i .iKh to thank Dr Tibbies and the hosptlal staff for the won derful care they gave me and also all those that called and sent cards while I was in Pioneer Memorial hospital. i t sievena 15 p CARD OF THANKS o.ir roent sad loss leaves us with grateful hearts toward rel atitrw Ann friends. Their com forting expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulness win aiwa be remembered. Lewis Padberg Earl Padberg Ruby Nichols and family Mr and Mrs Les Roundy and family 15-p CARD OF THANKS t want to sincerely thank the Aruinr and nurses in Pioneer Memorial hospital for their won derful care. Also all those who cnni flowers, cards and best wishes, and especially those who offered prayer lor me. Rutn wanau 15-c CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends relatives for the loveiy flowers, gifts and cards during my stay in St Antnony s nos-Pit1- .. ueatta t-ox 15 c CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends ana ine nnea jcc Grange for the lovely flowers . J.. f -1 sx tVianlr ana cams, i uu is i. ...... the hospjtal staff for the fine care whie i was ih the hospital. ... nnfJ Mrs Rav wr en 15-c CARD OF THANKS I want to say a sincere "thank ... ... r . I 1 A you to my many menus anu relatives for all the flowers, plants, cards and gifts sent me Murine- mv recent stay in m Anthony's hospital following sur iiy Edna Fetsch 15-c CARD OF THANKS nf. tnu t nVnnK0 mip rrtanlfQ I. i r J for trie caras, iiowers, gnus anu many acts of kindness during ,.,,. ine w thank --1 ine nospiiai iau iji 1 join . . r parkprkr husband and wife, being .111 OHU ' " ' - . t . m t . rffl NotlCCS - nuiiuL ij 1 ww I ..rtmfr. TP. tr nnr-OU nl.rAm vhotl i itt, u nuiLoi given mat i owners or ioi "' --- . : A hn hnon rllllv'l,.. 1 rWi 5tnft hlisband ine Uliuei Slgntru naa ra" J annointed bv the County Court . ... r-.. . r iifft. 01 ine aiaie oi oicb" lul lul row County, the Executrix or ine estate of WALTER A. RUGGLES, Deceased, and all persons having Maims apainst the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to tne unaer signed at the law office of Joseph J. Nys, at Heppner, uregon wun proper vouchers duly veniiea as required by law within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published tnls 1fith dav of June. 1960. OLA M. RUGGLES. Executrix 1519c NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, ALEN'A &T)FRSON (also known as !na Anderson), the executrix of the estate of L. REDDING known as Lawrence Red dins), deceased, has filed with tho Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County ner final account of her administra- tion of the estate of said de- ppased an(j Mid court fixed Tues .. ..f lulv. liWfl. at he hour flO rem f .. ... . . . h.r.itif rl. wctlons tnemu r uulred to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Pated and firxt published this .".7. ALENA ANUttU. Executrix i. I Kt'l Attorney for Executrix 13 17c NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT v,.ti- u hereby given that c. i.if t Maclll. administrator of the estate of Fred G. Marfll. deceased, has ruea nis m. . .ni twxitlon to close saia estate and that FrWay. the 15th day of July. 1W0. 2:00 o'clock P. M- on l the County Court Room In the County Court House in iicrPm-r. Morrow County, uregor.. ..... ..t iho t me aim inare ior the hearing of obJ'Ctkns, If any there te. to said nnai accoum. STANLEY u MAi.iui Administrator Rrown It Van Vactor The Dalles. Oregon Attorneys for Estate IIIIW ORDINANCE NO. 360 a- ninnr. to annex certain real property to the City of Hep pner and giving notice of public hearing of such annexation, and declaring an emergent-. I'limnc riarence Johnson (1 LUP - - and Janlna Johnson, husband and wife, Hlllard Brown and Lu cille Brown, husband and wife, Fred Butterfleld ana tieanor r....rfii,i husband and wife, Jack Ployhor and Colleen Ploy- hor husband ana wue, ueu oil man and Mary Eleanor Gilman, husband and wife, Robert Lowe and Cordilla Lowe, husband and wife, Ralph Scott tnd Elma Scott, husband and wife, Mar vin Boyd and Erma Boyd, hus band and wife, Henry oious au t 5tntt husband and wife, Everett Harshman and Elma Harehman, husband ana wue, Delmer Buschke ana juay o...t.b.o Vo.ohand and wife, and J. G. Barratt and Gretchen Bar rat, husband and wife, have re quested and consentea in wm i that ho roal DroDerty here- II1JJ 11IV ...w ' Inafter descrlbea De anneAeu w .u r-i,. f TTpnnner ana come under the jurisdiction of said City, and WHEREAS, each and all of said Lots are contiguous and ad nsterlv boundary of the City of Heppner and the Common Council oi me uiy ic Hpcirous of annexing llcppil- bj- said real property and that said real property is aescnoeu as Al lows: v , Lots One (1). Two U), inree (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), vir, rQi Ten (10). Eleven (11), and Twelve (12) of Barratts' Park Aaaiuon io the City of Heppner, Oregon, Clarence Johnson ana janina Johnson, husband and wife, be Ine the owners of Lot One (1); Hillard Brown ana leucine muw.., . i a and wife, being the owners of Lot Two (2); Fred Duuernciu - field, husband and wife being th mmers of Lot Three (3), Butterfleld and Eleanor uuuer ; and Colleen Ploy- I ' " I , , , T"n ij-pitne owners oi i . i . t- i.mir iui: , if a 11 Gilman and Mary tieanor oil man, husband and wiie, Deing the owners of Lot five Hu bert Lowe and Cordilla Lowe, husband anu wue, a . T Ctv ( R ' Ralnh husband and wiie, De.ng u.c I SlOll anu tnuo .j.-.., L,, ,ifP. being the owners of 1. . n . ifin-in Rnvd and Lot Seven (7); Marvin Boyd and Erma Boyd, husbana ana wue, being the owners of Lot Eight (8) ; Henry Stotts ana iira ow, kok.nj and wife, being the owners of Lot Nine (9): Everett Harshman and Elma Harsnman, husband and wife, being the owners of Lot Ten (10); Delmer so,i.u anil Judv Buschke, hus band and wife, being the owners of Lot Eleven (11); ana J. u. D tt ami Gretchen Barrau, husband and wife, being the r,f rit Twelve (12). J W 1 1 v I J - - THEREFORE, the people oi tne City of Heppner ao oruaui Section 1: That each and all of said lots above descnoea oe annexed to the City of Hep pner, Oregon and that an elec annex said property be dispensed with, both in the titnrv t be annexed and within the corporate limits of The City of Heppner ana mm the City Recorder cause notice f cm annexation to be pub lished In the Heppner Gazette Tlmtl, A rirw'lr t.f fc-clirlal circulatitin -utlihel in me lltv .& lleiiier. fir sue- i,ue unit piior to the time if sue It hearing aiul Ht a like rtoiU- in f.-ur public places In s.ld City of Heppner Ut a of time. S.Htion 2: WHEREAS, conditions are suih that an rmerfc'eiu-' is hereby dtUred and this ordinance shall owxinse in full fr and rtf.vt upon Its pas sage by the council and ap proval t4 the Mayor. km-J by the Common Council and approved by the Myor this 6th day of June. VMM by the following vote: YES Philip Blakney Allen Case E. E. Gonty Al F. Lamb Conley Lanham Robert Penland ..... ..nvr w c VuUlM Mayor ATTEST: Sm)th KtHX)r,j,.r MOTIC- D NOTICE OF ANNEXATION Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of Ordinance No. 360 dulv adonted by the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon on the btn nay or junc, 1900, disjienslng with submitting the question of annexation a m. hi it hearini? will be held at the Council Chambers In the City of Heppner, Oregon on tne m h.-iv of June. I960 at the hour of 4:00 o'clock p. m. of said day at which time the regisierea voters of said City of Heppner may appear and be neara on th miration of annexation to the City of Heppner the following described contiguous territory, to- wit: Lots One (1), Two (2). Three (3), Four (4). Five (5). Six (6), Seven (7). Eight (8), Nine (9). Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), of Barratts' Park Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Heppner. Ted Smith City Recorder 14-16C Phone your naws ltwns to 6-9228. USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 1959 Chevrolet Bis coyno 4 door. 6 cyl $1900 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door. Turbogllda $2135 1958 Chevrolet Bis coyne 2 door $1600 1957 Chevrolet V8 sport coup. Loaded with extra $1750 1955 Ford Station Waoii. V8 $150 1954 Ford 4 door $850 1954 Chevrolet 4 door sedan 5550 1950 Ford coupo i15" Trucks - Pickups 1941 Dodge Ambulance 4 wheel drlvo $395 1947 Ford long wheelbase flatbed truck, 2 spood $750 1956 Ford 4 whoel drive pickup $10 1954 Willys 4 wheel drivs pickup 1951 Willys 4 whoal drlvo pickup $1300 $800 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. HCPPNC GAItTTt TTMCt- Thut,trT. Jaa 1. IM NOTICE OF FINAL HCASINO IN THE COONTT COURT OF THC STATE OF OIEGO .0 TNS COUNTT CF MORROW In Use Matter tf the Etat .f wiixiAM J innxviiiiRS. NOTKE IH HlltlBY tUVFN. that the undemtgned has Iihtl Ms Firt and final Accrtinilng and riHUt of admit ltfatnn In the atn.ve enutUM lur and the Court ha fue.1 frlday. July 1. VMM. at 10 Oil m. m. In the County Court Iwn In the C-unly Court house in Heppner, Oregon, as the lime and pUce fr hearing ex-ct-ptlons and it)ertuini IO IJ fut and final AwuntinK and rejH.it of admlnlntratlon. Objec tion chould le flltd before that date. Dated at Hermiston. Oregon, this lt day of June. l'.tGfl. )oM-ard V. Coll) horn. Administrator Ffuktln A. Brewer. Attorney for Administrator Reclamation Building llermlhton. Oregon H17c CALL rOR BIDS Notice Is hereby clven that the City of Heppner will receive bids at the Council mnmners In the City of Heppner. Oregon at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of suld day for the equipment as listed below. One used Industrial wheel tractor, 35HP. with matcning Hackhoc and Loader. Soeclflcatlons may be obtained from the City Recorder. All bids to be in possession of the City Recorder, at tlm of opening. June 27th, I960 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. The Council reserves the right to reject any or au bids. Ted Smith City Recorder 1415c MORROW COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. R l CALL FOH STATION WAGON BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the District Sup- -rintindent of Schools of Morrow County at the county courthouse, Heppner, Oregon, for furnishing and delivering the following school vehicle: One (1) I960 Station Wagon Bid opening, July 11. I960, at 2:00 P. M. The school board re serves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any or all claims or technicalities, spec BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City f ' KmU Tlrwt Monday LOlinCII Jtaok MoBtk Cltlsens having matters for discussion, pleas nring mom before th Council. Ph. 8-9618 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Salts & Service 323 N. Main Ph 6-997$ Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meating 4th Tuesday Bill Barratt Insurance Agent PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phont. 6-9433 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner. Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon MAHONEY AND ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building t, nt. t.Min Off. Ph. 6-8616 nn. - MONUMENTS MARKERS - See Oliver Creswick Creswlck Mortuary T itl.atioit n.ay t ivjuwe4 in th fHHir.ty r.gilhuuw tllht Attrt; tfiik T Msit.n. Chatiman Morrow Cuutit) Sh.l Iteard Robert Van ll.'ute. IM.tmt Sap erlntenderit Beverly Cun-Uix.n, lierh 151&- CALL FOR 1101 Hie City f Heppruf, Oregon Mill receive bids f.r mteilali with whUh to coftrui one tory. 31 by t fool concrete htork ttre hail bulldinc Hpeclf cations for the building may be .i.ii at Ih offU of Ih City Recorder and bidders may bid on all or part 4 the required ma terials. ma will b oivned by the it tv founrll Kill, June 77. lii. and the Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ted Smith. City Recorder 1 15c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby clven that the undersigned as Executor of the estate of EVELYN E. DOB YNS. deceased, has filed his final account and report In said estate with th Clerk of this Court and that the Judce thereof has fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of July. 19T.0. at the hour of 10 ociock A. M . as the time. In the County Courtroom In Heppner. Oregon as the place for hearing onjec ti.ms to said final account and the settlement thereof. NOEL K. DOBYNS EXECUTOR Mahoney and Abrams Attorneys for Executor Heppner. Oregon Tod. Forgotten Man Quit Advertising Yesterday a Dr. Rob'r W. Pfeif fer Chiropractic Physician Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phone 6-9694 4- Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Offlco Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253. Bos. 6-9620 - The Heppner Clinic C M. WAGNER. M. D. D. J. lATUNK. M. D. Physicians and Surgoons Ph.. Day or Nlght-e-9U4 IX No Answer 6-9133 j. O. PETERSON . . . . r RmiIi Latest jsweiry Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-8600 Heppner. Oregon 4 Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 - t Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building - C. A. Ruggles INSTTRJCE AQEH8I Phone 6-9625 Bex 611 Heppner. Oregon