Httri.Il CAItTTt T1MH. TTj-J? Lexington News r CCLTMA IQNEI Mr ni Mft wllwir MU and tMUirn Jim. lrnn n4 Bartar r4 Mr n4 Mr HJ Ktracall ml Mr lmwa M t Dir.! rari wrre mU Icn.lifii' th Mrlnrr traaU uctlir,; In IVndMun n Satur day rnuniin lV4rra and BrUra S!-t;all lUrd thrtr arrii. Irum fort land. t-r lh e-keni. Rrtra remains! h-r to h ummer nil if ! frr-nt employe! at the MiKl!l.'" home In ln. ; Mr an4 M' O G Bre-ilnfi U Itrd liuoter fh.n In Si-ray the mrkend. Mr W I Miller and son Gary ot UGrandu were weekend U- ) home -f her brother. Mr n,i Mm C II Jnet. Gary leave for California on Tues day to atari hla balc training In the U S army. i, .n,t Mr Walter Smith and children re The Pallet vUltori nn Monday Mr and Mr Ken Marshall were weekend vlsltora In Wallowa. iiil. nrtrnih of Euhrata U tt"-- --- . amending wmc time in Lexlng h I cmnloved. lull. i 1 1 - - ' Mr and Mrs Ry Martin, nu on, Mr and Mr George Irvln and children and Man-In Way and Mr and Mrt Kenneth Way and family of Vancouver were among those attending the Mn tton family reunion at the Em White ranch near Hardman on Sunday. J D fc. Mra Roy Martin and Mr Bob Kilkenny are visiting several day with Mr and Mra Pon Hat field at Madras. Hank Tointcr is at home irom .U J ' l''tf t in Siukn, lluku U H"ta-n ii;.-l .... ",r wrrkend Mr and Mr Al'"' nem.m ... t milv atten-le4 " at Mr hill wi Saturday. Vnnn Marker were i ....Mil Harris ui njr - . ... t hit narent. wr ani ' . . .. .4,.. mim . ... . . !.,L .(.nn? Ma anu mi and Mr Earned v.-. U Angelea fr the nex .. and Mr ani .Mra . ken are keei.Ing their children hlle they are away Mr and Mr Vermm Munken d Maureen Crwvea were .. . .i.n,.r tist wn'k, Mr ...L-r .indwl a State Wei . .a miwiinu ana Ma larr - . f,..... ninded a wedding or rim i which ahe wa maid of honor. .... n.rihi Hunt. June PaVll on. Mra UVrrne lendern. Mr Jo lnln. Mra W K Mcanii-n. P.,i-.r Mra Alvln Wagen- blant and Mr. Annie Keene were among th Uxlngton ll!n,; .ending the Rebck.h'a Tt ....i.u ?rnri fl inner on Monday, given by the rat Noble Grand r .1.. ll.f,nner Rebekah Mge. Mra France McMillan had the mUfortune to painruwy cui ...u Injure a finger on Saturday. Vacation Bible school atari on Monday with classes tor an -k" Mr. inn Davidson and child. cnHav at the Jensen home In Waltsburg Wash. Linda and Pale, children of Mra Pavld- I her for a two 1U1I1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' :pfcial REGISTERED HEREFORD DISPERSION F3v: ."' q - - 1 . v-'v IONE NEWS Mr and M- Adun lUmktt and children ate in'Atns to Or-tailJ . .a lKtf tut werK Te WUI ir. t houe ta the Donald uimarwia-. JUrnt guet at tne n'r fm home were Mr 1 .'- .loaa- ,i ion and 38 aatherad ot th (XASSMATCS GATHER Meinbera W Ait. R.tuming for th. Catholic pcUh houaa ...r H""'",: Jo ( WUn)' ... leather wata. Iront tow. from left lttD BfT wtrnan. m i j tacher for tht Marl. orlow Werner. Juonlta Mor,an 1 prU "J' cTi5-t Kenny. Joph B Cm. clMfc Standing. Jam.. DrUeoIL D-rud HnU T v atwIaaa L E Dick. LouU CUllam and fam J rarlcy. Raymona uxamm. (Melbf Photo) riofd Jones. Myron Watts and Mra Algy Tay lor Mn nien Caroenter and Mrs rvoiin iikhnn were voted as ad ditlonal delegates to go to the at !!.. state convention in renaieiui. on.r other delecates are Mra Florence Root and Mra Earl Brlggs. Several otner ciub mem Ura plan to attend the conven tion In the evening. JUNE 14TH - 1:30 P. M. Northwestern Livestock Comm. Co. HERMISTON, OREGON 75 HEAD POLLED HEREFORDS, featuring 15 good, big, growthy range bulls 31 cows, majority with calves 6 open heifers near service age Selling off grass In Al breeding condition. CARL SHERWOOD, owner Catalog request. CH e.m5 Pendleton. Ow- AuctlonMr. walla Walla Phone jacKsoa wear-: BOARDMAN ITEMS Of Interest to friends here was the apearance on the "Truth Or Consequences" program on television one day last week of a young alrforce man who is cousin of Mrs Pewey West of Bonrdman. In an interesting con- sequence. Airman George Van Nostren was reunited with his parents. Mr and Mrs Vernon Van Nostren. Grandvlew. Wash, lie has recently graduated from Jet mechanics school in Amanwu, Tex. and had not seen his par tnr several months. Hts commanding officer was present and stated that van nomicii Graduated with the highest hon ors in the history of the air force. 100 in all his grades. Mrs Harold Rash entertained u-i th n oartv last Friday after- ,u.n at her home In honor of her daughter, Plane's fifth birth n. "She was assisted by he ,i,i'htr Dorothv and Eileen Ely. Guests were Mrs Allen Ely and Renee. Ricky and Rena, Mrs nh sirnrd and Roberta, Mrs vnnn Russell and Bruce and nnnni Mrs Ed Skoubo and Jan n Mrs Delbert Hue and Peb- Ki'pam David and Julie, Mrs nni'hnrt Ball and Larry, Suslo, and Linda, Charma Lee and Frankie Flock, Wayne Powney and Matt Callff, the latter from NOTICE OFT960-61 BUDGET MEETING . - accordance with the pylons of thecal XS.ft Is hereby given mm wie uuutv v v - u.,jnt timates for Port oi morrow, wifi;1"1- " " law. Preypagred and adopted on June 2 .1900 set Sh In the accompanylnR schedules I. II ensuing fiscal year. July 1.1 to J the mh day of Juno 19.0 at 8.0C SdCtTx aal"Sl SaW Pr0PSCd UX " X Amount $500.00 Nature of Obligation Loan from Morrow County Court Signed: Ralph Richmond, Chairman Al Lamb, Secretary Roy Lindstrom, Member ivm Kennev. Member George Wiese, Member Vernon Russell, Member Garland Swanson, Member Joseph Tatone. Member Dewey West, Member Paul Slaughter, Member 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. iaKO.1961 Tax Lory Calculation Total estimated expenditures (Schedule III) Reserve for estimated amounts not to be expended this year Transfers as speficlally directed by law Total estimated expenditures Reserves and Transfers Deduct Est. Receipts other than 1900-61 taxes tbch. IV) Amount necessary to balance the budget Add tst. amt. of 1900-61 taxes Total Of All Funds General Fund .$ 28,430.00 $ 28,430.00 $ 700.00 '-00 . None None None .$ 29,130.00 $ 28,430.00 $ "00.00 None None None .$ 29,130.00 $ 28,430.00 $ 700.00 .$ 2,870.00 .$ 32,000.00 Mr and Mrs Joe Crouch ana sons Jim, Pat and Danny spent the weekend fishing at Piamond Lake. Crouch'i mother, Mrs Clara Crouch of The Pa lies, ac companied them. Mr and Mrs Glen Carpenter visited Mrs Carpenter's sister, Mrs Esther Emmons, In La Grande over the weekend. Mrs George King and son Pean went to Portland last Thursday to spend the weekend visiting I,..- cnn. in-law and daughters, Mr and Mrs Gall Cox ana sirs Ruby Webb. Mr and Mrs Oscar Veele ot Estacada were weekend visitors t tho hnme of their daughter, Mrs Gracia Stewart. Oscar Veele, Jr, on leave from the U S Navy at Point Mugu. Calif, returned to Estacada with them alter vis iting his sister last week. Mrs Florence Root was nosiess r.,r th annual Sandflovver sis ter party of the Boardman Gar den Club at her nome munua, evening. Mrs Claud Coats was co-hostess. There were ia mem bers present and guests were Mrs Golda Cox of Seattle Wash, Mrs Laura Allen and Mrs Arnold ti.,rrman Mrs W J Baker was taken In as a new memoer. Roll call was answered by try ing to guess the names of Sand flower sisters. Names were re vealed with gift exchange, and n.w mimes were drawn for next year. Mrs Rollln Bishop won the door prize. The following committees were appointed lor ne.i ji-t. Hospitality, Mrs Guy Ferguson; membership, Mrs Glen Carpen ter; publicity, Mrs Earl Brlggs; sunshine, Mrs Arthur Allen; scrapbook, Mrs Florence Root; conservation and wild flowers, Mrs Nathan Thorpe; birds, Mrs Rollln Bishop; garden therapy, Mfs Walter Hayes and Mrs Wal ter Wyss; national and local cemetery, Mrs Zearl Gillespie and Mrs Charles Anderegg; road side and litterbug, Mrs W J Ba ker and Mrs Nate Macomber; finance, Mrs Macomber, Mrs ca:;i. r.J . 44 p- Th PH- Mr nt. Mr and M Cecil !! ntl chlMwr m.4 " h vacate by he M.rUks on Third Strert. 'j&lC rr-fr: fulfil nnj ; !?r- .cir - 1 tlmfTjmy'. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED APS moi niQrnUNTon !i' wood preservative Nj h. around you .PPly It by soaking, here's an easy ?J that cut! a lot ol lrf ting. Sink barrel In th. ground and lust slide heavy posts in. Don't forget -you can save 10 on Chevron Wood Preservative aenverea oeiot nwi - - Order now and save. For any Standard Oil product, call L. E. ( Ed) Dick. Heppner. Ph 6-9633 L.F.(Peck)Lathers.Ione Ph8-71Z3 CWMM) 1 1 ' " WTTI EVERY WEEK 10,000 PEOPLE BOUNCE ON ITS SEATS, HONK ITS HORN, KICK ITS TIRES, SLAM ITS DOORS, SHOP ACROSS THE STREET AND THEN RETURN T0 BUY THIS CAR! AYERS PEST CONTROL FOR YOUR SPRAYING Trees. Yard and Grain Stor age; Resident and Commer cial Fogging. Clayton Ayers Phone 6-9953 Tax levies Inside 6 limitation Outside o',o limitation. Must be authorized by special election Not subiect to o limitation Inltlal leN 11. SCHEDULE III EXPENDITURES Estimated For Fiscal Yeax lulT 1. I960 to June 30. 1961 FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Advertising and Publications Engineering and Planning Dups and Subscriptions Management - Manager and Commission expense Clerical expense - Office expense - Furniture and Fixtures Taxes and Licenses "' Insurance and Bond Premiums - Legal Expense Auditing Miscellaneous expense Loan repayment - " Port facilities ' Emergencies By Officer or Department $ 125.00 6.5M.0O 950.00 .. 1.2.W0O 1.200.00 tVO.OO ?00.00 200.00 400.00 2 000.00 250.00 2iUX) fxXl.OO 10.325.00 3.430.00 S 23.430.00 Approved By Budget Committee $ 125.00 6..W.00 950.00 1.250.00 1.200.00 tkXLOO 300.00 2iH00 41XI.OO 2.0XT0O 250.00 2iX).0O I NXLtV 10.325 00 3.430.00 S 23.430.00 FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermistoa, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McNarj' Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS Certified correct - Geo iese President Schedule IV - RECK1FTS ONE Certified correct Geo. Wiese. President Schedule III Schedule IV Stonfield Meat Co. Hugh Smith, Owner 4 MgT Stanfield, Ore. CUSTOM CUTTING-CUTTING CURING Wholesale & Retail LOCKER MEAT Call WE GI 9-3633 DELIVER -in.,. nn 11 t"terlMn"mM---- e js," says Motor Trend magazine. Owner reports and fleet operator logs consistently show Falcon mileage figures of up to 30 miles per gallon with regular gas. oil Falcon goes 4,000 miles between Falcon is having the best first year any car ever had . . . over 250.000 already enld ninffl introduction . . . eoine at the record rate of 10,000 every week. What makes Falcon the world's most successful new car? Economy! To begin with, Falcon is Ameri ca's very lowest-priced 6-passenger car . . . $64 to $154 less than the other compacts. "Falcon delivers the best fuel economy of the three new compact 'Based on a comparison of manufacturtn' suggested retail deliitrtd prictt D -I . rViantrps rnst.s less to service. less to license and in most places, less to insure. Falcon saves you more and still gives you full room for 6 big people and all their luggage. Small wonder Falcon has become first fast! SO BEST COMPACT GAS MILEAGE LOWEST COMPACT PRICE FORD s m:st successful new ca SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER MVI MORE NOW DURING YOUR FORD DEALER'S TRADING FAIR, . . . BEST VAAwU&SI BSST TflUMSE&J BJEST SAVtMJXSJ