o 1 MCtrNtll GAZETTE TIMtt. TbuisdarJ jg gOCIAL J-APPENINGS OSCAR LUNDEUS CELEBRATE 50TH WEDDING ANNI VcKoAts t jui' . ft II... L'.,ntM t ICMO FALMATEEIt ... .....i Huir Lundell ri'l cbrated their 50th wedding annl- community church .crary Sunday noor ''"H LuruU.Uil w,re married 5 with a ifirden reception at their home at lone. The yard ' decorated wl,h gliders, umbrella, garden chairs. On the reception table were two compotes ft delphinium. Iris and roses. After the first piece of the four tiered cake, decorated with wedding bells and roses, was cut by Mr and Mm Lundell. the remainder wai served by Mrs Harland Lundell and Mrs Dale Lundell. assisted by Mrs Adon Itamlett and Mrs Raymond Lundell. Mrs Anna Llndstrom and Mra Mary Swanson poured the coffee and the punch was served by Mra Beulah Lundell and Stephen Llndstrom. Janet and Corliss Lundell had charge of the guest book and other assisting with the recep Hon were Mrs Lewis Halvorsen, Mra Marlon Talmcr, Mlaa Mary Brackett. Edward Lundell and Curtis Lundell. The Individual table were decorated In pink and purple i. ..iri. fi,,.i..r A larce bou- Willi J'H'n - quet of pink rosea was on a table ... ii i ii., k'i.ni cave the iic-v hum ... -. u...i,.n nt h si no honored UTHt un - - the Lundella at tne mommc .... 1. J.I.H i were nwinru June 1, 1910 at the hme of her parents, the late vi llenry Pet re near Rhea Siding on Willow creek. They have lived In Morrow county all their mar ried life, coming to lone from Rhea Siding February They have three sons. liar land In Boise. Idaho and Dale snd Kenneth In Oakland. Calif. They were all present with their families. Mrs Harland Lundell and children Janet. Corlisa and Curtis of Boise; Mrs Dale Lun dell and son Edward of Oak land. Others attending the reception from a distance were Mrs Alan Tom. Mrs Herman Biackett and daughter. Mary of Rufus; Mr and Mrs O B Spaulding. Mrs Henry Krebs. Mrs D Tatone. Mrs Sarah Keister. Mrs Ralph Phillips. Ar lington; Mrs Beulah Lundell. Norman Swanson and son Jerry. Wallace Lundell and children. Mrs Corrlgall. Mrs R L Brewster. Portland; Mr and Mrs Richard ..kiiiron. Pendleton; George Tatone u.- - - is J" M 1 Thar, are thousands of different Drugs in our Prescription Lob rid" "compounded Into Health-G.v.na Medicines, when your Doctor prescribes for You I It's Swimmin9 Time! SUMMER TIME NEEDS SWIM MASKS 98c To 2.98 SWIM FINS 1.98 To 3.95 SPECIAL win. Caps 59c REGULAR 98c BEACH TOWEL In Plastic Carrying Case 95 SNORKELS SNORKEL MASKS EAR PLUGS NOSE CLIPS BEACH BALLS WATER WINGS SUN TAN LOTIONS New Assortment SUN GLASSES from 29c Special-For Men, Gillette Right Guard Deodorant Regular 89c Value 69' Rebekahs-Odd fellows Plan Summer Picnic t.i.jv ifcrc n.t'jr.U-t and UHor were prewnt f f the tueftir.g f Suns Suud Ri rkh ,nlfc-e io M " '",,s' " ". June 3 n.i. !.!.- in ISeU-kah A-m- bly at Eugene, Mr Met le Kirk, Mis Esther Urrgtrom and Mrs R MiMurtry. gave their re port during the meeting. It was announced that the Oddfellows Itebekah picnic will be held at Cuuforth Tark, July 10. All Cldfellows. lUbekahs and their families are Invited to attend. Noble urand. Mrs P.ufu Piper, announced that the material for the conentln formal has ar rived at J C Penney Co and may be obtained by those Interested. Mrs Fred Thomas was the win ner of the penny drill and Mrs Plwr. Mrs !!' Quaekenbush and Mrs Mable Chaffee wero hostes ses for refreshments after the meeting. At that time. R G McMurtry showed slides of the Oddfellow' Home In Portland. The next meeting. June 17 will tie the last one until September 2. The quarterly birthday party will be held at the June 17 meeting. Father Of Year Feted At Potluck Dinner Last Saturday evening In All Saints' Episcopal parish house, the Morrow county Cow Belles i.f.,1 n not lurk dinner to honor the Morrow county Father of the Year, E Markham Baker or tone. He was sponsored by the fel lowship group of the Community r.hiirM-1 nl Inne. I Mri George Rugg, president of the Cow Belles, presented him with a gift or a tie ciasp nnu cuff links engraved with his initials. Barbecue Party Held On Tenth Birthday I Mrs fiene Hall gave a barbe cue party In honor of her son David's tenth birthday, at their Rhea creek ranch, last Sunday afternoon. I Guests to help David celebrate were, Bobby Dobbs, Timmy Loyd, Billy Stmkard, La ry Richmond, Ricky Gimbel, Steven rcuyjomi ir.ii ti Rawlins. Kit Anderson Chris Labhart. John Van Winkle, ihn Hull. Marie and Paul Van Marter, and Jimmy Jacobs of lone. I Baseball was played during the afternoon. Mrs Walter Ja cobs and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter assisted Mrs Hall. and Mrs Herman Havekost, Summervllle; Mrs Minnie Wil son, The Dalles; Melvln Allyn, Lexington; Mr and Mrs Joe Ta tone and family, Boardman; Miss Opal Brlggs, Mrs Anne Smouse, Mr and Mrs Ray Drake, Mr and Mrs Ben Anderson, Mr and Mrs John Bergstrom, Mr and Mrs Frank Parker, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Turner, Ileppncr and Mrs Dora Eagle, Oaksdale, Wash. The Lundells were honored at at family dinner last week. Holt '-Grant Wedding Held M Hermiston Luthei -i Church Bf ECH ALMATTti lirhtf Giai.t, daughter t4 Mr and Mr Jhn Grant t.f llermls Ion. ami llandd Mr and Mf CUrnw 111 luri wit married at the Firl Trinity Lutheran church In Her. mUton Saturday, June at w w ti m. with the Rev L M Wetter- kamp of Seattle tifficUtlng. T)ie bride's drvrt was tnlon or 4; an4 oer white Mtln. with chanel train. Her fingertip veil was hell In place with a crown of earU and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of pink res with white streamer. Some thlnir new was her gown, neck- lace and earrings; blue, a garter. and ienny In her tmoe. Judv Itodccs was tne mam 01 honor and the bridesmaids were Shirley Modlne. Donna Chllds and Eilei n Lhl. cousin or tne bride. Tbev wore mint green taffeta sheath dresses, with net over skirts and head pieces of white flowers and carried nosegayt of white carnations with green rib bons. Th randlellifhters were Louise Uhl. cousin of the bride, and Elaine Wolfe and they were dres sed In white dacron and cotton spring dresses with pink bows rtown the back and pinK ana white carnations on their wrists. Kathy Holtz. niece or tne eroom and Joannle Tiller were flower girls. They wore pink organdy with net oversKtris, witn nlnk and creen rosettes and car ried pink sweet peas In baskets. Elmer lloltz was best man tor his brother and ushers were Tom Klrkell, Rollo Crawford and John Grant. Gene Rietmann was the organ ist and Bobby Grant sang "The Lord's Prayer", accompanied by Mrs John Harmon: Judy Hodges sang "Now and Forever" and "The Wedding Trayer" and a quintet consisting of Sherry Koivisto, Alberta Royer. Alberta Standerfer, Bobby Grant and Rollie Harman sang "Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus." accom panied by Mrs Harmon. A reception followed in the basement of the church which was decorated with pink and white gladioli. The reception table was dec orated with pink and white car nations and white tapers. After the first piece of the wedding cake was cut by the bride and Kroom It was served by Mrs Her sey Hardin, aunt of the bride, and Gladys Brodzeller. Mrs Marion Hawkins, aunt of the bride, poured the coffee and Mrs L M Westerkamp, aunt of the bride, was at the punch bowl. Donna Weese had charge of the truest book and Glenna Bous- quet and Betty Sanders were In charge of the gifts. The mother of the bride and the groom's mother both wore blue dresses with white access ories with eorsaees of pink rose buds and white carnations. Fur her poinir awav the bride chose a blue suit with white and blue accessories and an orchid corsage. The couDle went to the Hawai ian Islands for their honeymoon, Joe Stewarts Given Farewell Dinner Sut.U. lUy 7i. ft.ctt.bei i4 xue Chfiii rhurth had a pot luck dlnnrr In hnuc 4 Mr and Mr J. Stewart, who are (raving Heppnrr to make thru henw In lUifway. whete be will t trln achuul superintendent. They had a program, which was a TliU U Your Uf" theme, depicting things the Stewarts had done In and for the church. Mr Stewart secured a man la build the parsonage, helped build a cabin fr the church at Cue. painting and laying tile In the church and both Mr and Mrs Stewart laught In the Bible school. Aprons were presented to the fUmrvarta mnd Linda, to remind them tt some of th odd one they uked at different occasions t the church. They were pre sented a barbecue aa going away gift from the member of the church. The committee In charge of the dinner were Mrs Theta Strat um, and Mrs Marcel! Jones. Birthday Luncheon Party Held Saturday At Epl scope! Church The annual blrihdiy lunrhcvn nd card party of AH &1M" rj.iM-i.pal rhurth was held Sat urday afternoon at the parlh There were fourtrt-n tables of bridge and five of pinochle, with Mr Wallace Wullf having high core In bridge and Mrs Eld-n Pudbrrg. second. In pinochle, Mrs Walter Bvket was high and Mr Clarence Johnson second. Mrs tklbert Wright received the door prUe. The parUh houe wag very colorful with flower of all colors .... email table and many bouquets of summer flowers around the room. n.ioicua for the afternoon were members of St Elizabeth's guild of the churcn. Mrs Van Marter Has High Score At Bridge Thursday night of last week. Mrs Jimmy Prock and Mrs Wayne Prock entertained with a dessert bridge at the home of Mrs Jimmy Frock. Mrs LaVerne Van Marter had high score for the evening. Mrs Herbert Hamilton was second and Mr Ray Boyce was low. Other guests were, Mra Mar shall Lovgren. Mrs Marlon Green, Mrs Glen Ward, Mrs Don Ben nett. Mrs Fred Gimbel. Mrs Alex Thompson. Mrs James Mallon. Mrs Pat O'Brien. Mrs Lowell Cribble. Mrs Bernard Marshall, Mrs Donald Pyle, and Mrs Rod erick Murray. after which they will be at home in lone, where the groom Is en gaged In wheat farming. Wedding Date Told By Miss Kay Sherer Mr and Mr Harold Sherer of lone are announcing the forth coming marriage of their daugh ter. Kay. to Wayne D Pierce of Redmond. The ceremony will be held Sat urday. June 18 at 2:00 p m In the Community church of lone with a reception following In the church basement All friends and relatives are cordially Invited. Dinner Party Honors Five Anniversaries A progressive dinner on Sat urday evening celebrated the u'MMine anniversaries during the week of Mr and Mrs Harry Bongers, Mr and Mrs Phil BiaK ney. Mr and Mrs Paul Koenlg. Mr and Mrs Tim Moore, and Mr and Mrs Harry ODonnell. Mr and Mrs Harry Vandelaar of Portland, house guests of the Bongers were also guests Soroptimists Tell Scholarship Winners Tt.e Kg-jUr rr.'-r.tiy H!-- meetirg c-f the SoropumNt Club of llcppnef was held Thur.iay nuoit al the Wagv.n Wheel. t was recommended and ap ir.rd Out Ihe h.-pltallty com inittee of Ihe club be enlarged lo three member, with more re pufvi.lbl!stlc. Mm Elaine S Crge. rhaltman (or ihe annual banquet, gave a report and appointed her com mittee. The banquet Is to b Saturday evening. June 6 at All Saints Episcopal parish house. The scholarships reel plent s were announced as Annette Jone and Sally I'dell for the cltiren ship scholarships and Jean Col lins received the college scholarship. Mrs Knox Presents ils In Recital Pupih Mrs Charles Knox presented her piano pupils In recital Tues day evening. May 31, at the Christian church. Pupils appearing were Jill Schmidt. Trlcla Farley. Nancy Cleveland, Greg Kreimeyer, Lynn Burkenbine. Verina French, Marsha Sowell and Karen Mc Curdy. Mrs Victor Kreimeyer was guest artists, appearing with Mr Knox In a duet. Refreshment were served by the mothers, after the recital. Dr. Darrel Martin Heppner Clinic Bldg. New Office Hours Mon. & Wed 8 to 3 Friday. 8 to 5 witilMIMMi,,,,,,,,M,MM,,mMMmH cfi III a wa1 MI-w4"f mvmnt waterproof Aadk-f-Mwtanl mnti-magnotit mninolnbtt mainMpnnf product of Lonyints-Wittnautr Thli Ii the year to bring Dod up-to-dats with ons of thet vlfra-modern watch a Wittnousr Aufomotle All -Proof. He'll be tnormoutly proud of its tmarl oppearartca, grateful for iti trustworthy rimkpinfl, ond glad that, al last, ht bat a watch that hs doew't havs fo pamper, let ut help you mek just the perfect selection. The pricei start at $49.? 5. Federol ton included. A. WITTNAUIt. AUTOMATIC AU-PtOOF. J 5 5. B. WiTTNAUII AUTOMATIC Ait-moo, sri.sa mt io9 m COflol. MOM m4 Ml r-Nitl PETERSON'S JEWELERS STCSE HOUES I TO S 1 - V COURT STREET MARKET 1 : .- 1 ' Ayr' PHONE 6-S643 DURKEE'S 1 SPECIALS TOR JUNE 10-11 FREE PARKING LARGE FREEZER JAR 4S MJB COFFEE 2bs. $1.37 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll EARLY CALIFORNIA CADET Ripe Pitted OLIVES 4i cans DM irink 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHI June Is Dairy Month MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE LB. ADC IIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllii ORANGEADE GRAPEADE 46 OZ. CAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl 2fe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIJ Grandma's Cookies ASSORTED VARIETIES 2 LG. BAGS 89C lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHIIHIIIIIilillllillli Lettuce head 10c are here again! LEMONS DOZ. 49C TOP QUALITY MEATS SWIFTS PREMIUM SLICED BACON 2 LB. PKG. $J19 NEW POTATOES NO, l's 10 LBS. 59C ASST'D LUNCH MEAT LB. 55C o