HtttHtM GAZETTE TIM ft. T1Mtay. im jl iw IONE School Notes Tte Mgh hl (Um r.tfi ?'.t Ir'l KM lay May 27 In the aMuflum mi If.p f.4faJiiT pn--rsm with I'M I I'n-.ert a na!rr of lU'.U MiMry. tJrlJttelideht. e l!.e )rr mirW tf aJ cere BUILDING SPECIALSg EUER 3-pc. Bath Set New low price on cast Iron tub, lavatory, basin, closet in. I scat Colors nn extra. I ZV 1st Quality Glass Lined Hot Wafer Heater S3 gaL cap 10-year war ranty. mad by Pioneer and Whit . iteel Shower Stall Range Hood. Kan, roppcrtone Vanity Medicine Cabinet arge size slid- fjn jc niT ilsm door s j j I Mile, tctUlttf tit the band. I the i!h!ii:c rsmrt f huh l-ne a.Lrtha.11 trim a second I ) In the li-urnan.rr.t. and if roifhii f ea W arid In different ariivtue Tt f.iKw ir . tU'!-M b-My f fleet ere lnta!!rd Jhn Sr...n prridert; Tm MMin. vice pie llel.t. .ri)fl Jept-n. frtat) ;ifrufi; l'brf) M'rf !, " ini.i ko-frtarv tirauter: Mail I K n M(.l'H. annual editor: Jen J Martin, paper editr; Judy Mr ean, Mf belle Mrtlin ami i-r aldlne M rran, rr.eetle.l-rs The farmer offuer Installed thrm and presented them with pin They ere Greg I,C)Vi, prei dent; Ifc.b AKir, vice president; Karen Lundell. secretary tree urer; Paula Barak, Annual cdl tor; Michelle MirTln. paper editor; and Mary Fmert. Bren da Tonwnd and Judy Morgan, cheerleader. Mis !:) iK'I l. senior class ad visor kh presented with a gift by rhll Emert. and Mr Hedman. freshman, advisor, wa prin ted a gift by Kathy Rea. raTftrW Tee Cup If Jatale las art The ! tup ia brim full tht -rk ad tHe main lrtfrcduM in It l.lrikti.ji Mt uC.hi(i f Mith th aJvrld blue klr and Maim vrttirr. our link us ihi il to ur th Kuifrf )k a ilr. if rup t th nt family. Thu t'U) int In th mrni Sunday nu'riilni rutr.jwtlt Ion ffe LaVrre Van Martyr Sr I'a) fi..fs. IVfjumii, Walt Jarttba. ( hnt Miuarri. rhll Mahiir', Judj; CattnUhael. Harry O'lun nrll, llrb Ukatrum. AmbriM Chajln. I'hll Blakni-y and Uiik Mi-ndor. Itay had buth low gruM and low nt mvre, Clint made he luncrtt drive vn no 6 and Van" wai clusrt to the pin on no 3. Sunday afternoon Bob and Suzanne Jcpucn were In charge f the organized (day whlrh waa two ball fourome. The part Tii.ini? awuidt were irlvrn to ner were hay Koblnnon and - . . . . . 1 1 . Mhith rntitld h-r to ttut frw lum h vlwrt by tha Withlnf WrIL Ikm fujjet the men's Sunday mrnittir (i n-.i-rtition and the ivuj.lra urganUnl play Sunday aftrrrtouna. Monument '66.95 $39.95 '29.95 J LUMBER 4x8x'i Sanded Plywood 4x8xVi" Sheathing 2x4 Stud. 8 ft long Flush Doors SABO T $265 C a. $395 the following by Gilbert Lujan (or 30 worda a minute. Tom Mar tin. Stephen Klley. Joe Palmer, Greg Leyva. Judy Morgan, Shar on Crabtree, Theresa Ksfeb, Lin da llelmblgner; and Bob Akers 10 words a minute, Michelle Mor rlnon, C-raldine a organ, Carol Ann Talmer, Fran.-la IUa. Um White. Evelyn .rpsen. Sherry Bnon: Marilyn Morgan, 45 words; for f0 words, faula Barak Karen Lundell, Dalene MrDon aid, Jean Martin; Charlene Jones CO word.-. BKikkeeplng awards were pre sented to Karen Lundell, Melvln Martin and Phil Emert. Senior achievement awards were given by Arnie Hodman to Melvln Martin, Linda Heimblg ner and Karen Lundell. A senior award in Journalism was given to Linda Helblgner by Mr Lujan. Mrs Earl McCabe, American Legion Auxiliary Americanism chairman, presented awards to Charlene Jones and Melvln Mar tin. Winners In a contest. Volley- MabogM Birch. Sen uPlball awards were presented by i"x4x8 Plyrensr. 11 981 Miss Reynolds to Mary Emert, sheet iBrenda Townsend, Judy Morgan, I HcEILING TILE at carload wholesale n Plain ft Decorator Dec. Acoustical 10' I3ca 1 AC I T ft Judy Morgan, Linda Helmblgner, Sharon Crab tree, Jean Martin, and Dalene McDonald. Charles Hudson presented ath letic awards to Melvln Martin, Francis Rea, John Swanson, Jack Raymond Ferguson, Suzanne Jep. son and CreMon Itoblnson. VI Unham and Bob Frlnk. "Van" and Doreen Jacobs, "Grib" and I. Dee and Walt Jactibs, Jayne Frlnk and Conley Lanham. VI By MARTHA MATTCSON Mrs L L Flowers left Friday fr Molalla to vlkit her folks as her father is very lit Mr and Mrs Steve Klnrald and Tom Haward Jr of Heppner vis iter! with friends here Saturday on their way to John Day and Canyon City. Mr and Mrs Herb Dipeland and family of Salem were here Saturday for a visit with her rother and family, the Stanley Boyers, The summer Bible school for children from aur years up will start May 3i at the Community church with Rev Thomas the leader. The school will run through Friday. June 10 except and Bob shot low gro score of fr Saturday and Sunday. There win be a program Friday even 31 and Grib and I had second low gross with a 35. Among those also seen on the course hunrtay were mid and Cathy Collins. Hael and Phil Ma honey, Eddie and Bev Gunder- son. Velma Glass and Bill Blake. OVERHEARD: . . . that "Judge" Carmlchael eagled no 8 and has been shooting Just a few strokes over par consistently this last week . . . that both Jayne Frlnk and Bill Blnke broke Into the hlrties Monday (Jayne with a 3G and Bill carded a 38) . . . that Raymond and Eddie both shot 31's this weekend . . . that Creston Robinson missed a hole one on no 3 by about 18 Inches . . . that Bob Frlnk's drive on no 8 was about five feet from the cup (now that's what you ould call a long straight drive) . . . that Paul Helnrlchs played his first game of golf this week end and shot a 42 . . . that arry had a little beo trouble Sunday morning (and the bees eren't In his bonnet) . . . that Phil Blakney looked pretty flashy In his bermudas. JJ BIRCH OR MAHOG. -C 4 PLYWOOD ft . . OAK L FLOORING No. 2 Shorts $105 M No. 2 Random $139 M Li ROOFING, SIDING V - Croov Canadian Cedar No. 1 Panel Shakes . . . $14.95 sq, Painted No. 2 shakes . . . $6.00 Unpalntsd No. 2 Shakes $1.95 ixlO Rustic Siding . . . $75 J 15 lb. FELT Roll $98 ALUMINUM WINDOWS SIZE LIST YOUR COST 2- 0x2-0 S22.4S $13.74 3- 0x2-0 24.42 15.74 3-0x3-0 27.57 16.95 3- 4x3-4 33.90 21.37 4- 0x4-2 39.91 24.99 5- 0x2-0 30.86 19.07 6- 0x3-0 38.92 24.36 DOORS WEPCO nil aluminum PB. HTTNQ BTOKM BOKEESf SOOB Be. S4S.80 Bay ths tout In town for only ALUMINUM ROOFING tit jr sq. (11ml Ud qauitlUM)J $2995 r.nlfir on thf ronr; Mnii. Crum, Bob Akers, Wayne Hams, da wpre tne Edde GundprsonSi Tom Martin, Joe Palmer. Bob th rnnJov t.9nhm. th w Rice, Roland Ekstrom and Greg .c,inff. tho nrihhi, Leyva. Fun gifts were presented fhc CUnt McQuarrlM and Susle the Phil Mahoneys, the Harry Ing to which all are Invited. Mr and Mrs Richard Martin and daughter have moved their trailer house here from Prlne vllle where he will work for the state forestry this summer. Hankie Cupper Is home for thi summer from school at JUa Grande. Mr and Mrs Ned Sweek and family of Heppner were here for the weekend visiting his mother Dflsla Sweek, his sister, Mr and Mrs George Cajxin. and her sis ter and family, the Ivan En- rights of Long Creek. Mr and Mrs Ansll Martin and sons of Prlnevllle were here for a week visiting their folks, Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson and the Henry Martins, Mrs June Hutchison, her father Joe Whltaker. Mr and Mrs David Hutchison, and Mrs Tony Hutch Ison drove to KInzua Sunday to meet Tony Hutchison when he got off work. They brought him here to visit over the holidays with his folks from Salt Lake City. Mr and Mrs Bill Howell and children of Spray have moved to the Frank Howell ranch on Wall Creek. Mr and Mrs Gustof Peterson and sons drove Mrs Cora Dens- ill Wrangler Ride Held At Dougherty Ranch H-f-rr Wjar.iltj Club mra U-rt rwt recently at the Jwy Uughmy ranch at Sand JIulU- fur a in potlutk dinner and an afternoon of rontrta. Wlnnrrs lUtrd fuf th day were: Polrbrnders. 13 years and un drr. Jim Barclay. flrt. Michelle Miller. rcond; Ruby Fulleton third. In the 13 to 17 rar old group. Cliff l.rrrn placed first Diane rulleton. fterund. B-ubby FetMh third In the senior div ision. B.b Steagalt was flrt. Ju Ycum second, Barbara Steagall thlnt Figure eight stake race: 13 and under, first Marcla Jones; second Carl Lueianl; and Ruby Fulleton. third. Ages 13 through 17. Mailene Fetach. first; Bobby retsch. second; and Tom Mar tin, third. Senior division winner was Rolce Fulleton; Bob Steagall. second; and Cornett Green third. Sack race winners among 13 years and under. Jim Barclay, first; Michelle Miller, second; Ruby Fulleton, third. Senior div ision winners. Barbara Steagall. first; Tom Martin, second; and Charlie Daly, third. Musical ropes. 12 and under, first. Marcla Jones; and second Becky Fulleton. Thirteen through 17 years, first, Marlene Fetsch second. Bobby Fetsch; and third, Diane Fulleton. Seniors. Cliff Adair, first; Bob Steagall, second and Barbara Steagall, third. winners in the barrel race, 12 and under, first. Jimmy Bar clay; second, Michelle Miller and third. John Lindsay. Thlr teen through 17, Diane Fulleton, first; Marlene Fetsch, second and Bobby Fetsch, third. Seniors, Cliff Adair, first; Barbara Steag all. second: and Bob Steagall, third. The winning bat relay team was made up of Bob Steagall Jerry fxjj:herty and Jim Steagall ';iiR2 mvoM ( litre Full tun. fcuu fuUHt-n and CUff Adair, Ui tr.r rs!f r-?- Cl:f Adair, first; ChaiUe la!. utd, and CnHt Green third. Jki.t rt'piiiS. f;'t il'n wlnnrfs were Tad Miller. ft; J!m Steagall. aeconJ; and B-'b .Stragall. third, Svond -ctlvn was won by Jim Steaall, firat; Cliff Adair. sund; and Cliff Grrrn, third. to Mr Hudson and Mr Hedman Lona White sang, "Twlxt Twelve Q'Donnells Jayne Frlnk the Bud more ,0 SoattIe whcre sne w and Twenty," accompanied by Collins', Bill Blake, Tony Mc- vislt a ncPncw More returnii ine senior cur0i r t 11 ft. 1 I ' ' rwa.i-n LU.iuui. llic 3 e II 1 o r rIlirn Mfl(f U11(,hw Trrll a. n.eyemeiu awara m sports- BonRO, La Verne Van Marter , Vel iniMMUii was prt-semta io rmi ma GlasSi the Dick Meadors and; ine oaseoau niumg a- th Phi, Rinknevs ward to Tom Martin! nr-lilpvn. I mpnt thl,.ti,- nwarHa (n The gal golfers playing in our Martin and Greg Leyva. These ladieS day C()mPetltion Tuesday wore nrranntoH hv Mr TT,.,lnn Lucille Peck, VI Lanham, who iweivod olfr ,nhnmoro Roberta Dougherty, Faye Ruhl r " I I t rir y-i i t t advisor from Wav Hams Kooinson, com iMorene, inez J tfnn,n. T T 1 TU If.l Grant Rlgby presented senior "V, " 1 nphlnvnmont nu.nrHa onH P-'"'. "ehier wreswiCK, Kum van arshlns to itoLhi-nn, nri w,nk,e- Maxlne Gray, Cathy Col Karen Lundell. He was presen- 1 , e , tH ,nh iff no .,i, New golf balls were given to hv Rnh RIpa ij-ucijic xor unving cioscsi iq me " o n.n m i One of the hichliehts of the K1" " " ' amy l"r naving ,,! ,,, tu -.,., i., iiif mosi sevens on ner score the 1960 annual to Mrs Franklin CardI a,ld Vi andf Fay,e tied fo Ely. The annual was dedicated ,pal;rln,g the st hol?f; tf TVtro n no .... ""u teacher in the lone schools. She has taught 17 consecutive vears David Rietmann home, the main In the trades here and Is now meal at the Berl Akers home the 4th grade teacher. She taught and ,ne Pnr,v and dessert at the 7V4 vears In different schools he. Kay Helmblgner home. Other fore teachine In lone. Paula mothers of the senior class as Barak made th nmsontntlnn slsted ng home to Canada. She has been visiting here with nieces Ruth Peterson and Cora Stubblefleld since March 24 when her sister, Louise Scott passed away. Mr and Mrs Tony Wyatt moved to Mitchell last week. Mrs Ellen Moore of Heppner came In Thursday for the holl-1 days with her relatives. Mr and Mrs Gerald Slocum was here from The Dalles for a week on business. Mr and Mrs Bill McCoy drove to Pendleton Friday on business. Jack Harris was in Portland for five days on business. Mr and Mrs Harry W Scott and son Robert spent the week end at Vale with his folks. Mr and Mrs Roger Howell of Portland spent the weekend here visiting relatives. Mrs June Hutchison drove to John Day the 23rd to meet Mr and Mrs David Hutchison of Salt Lake City. Mrs Wrilla Mae Jones O'Rourke and children, Mrs Wayne (Case) Jones and son of Enterprise were visiting friends and relatives this week. Mrs Moya Bllman drove to Long Creek Tuesday to attend the funeral services for her uncle, Delbert Williams. Clayton Sweek of Springfield came In for the weekend to Join his family who had come a week ago to visit her sister, Mrs Stella McCarty. Mrs Bill McCoy will leave Tuesday for California to visit her sister before they move to Alaska. Coupons Aid OSC'i Azalea House 31C2 Betty Cfwtker coupons rre gathered by th women cf nlonthe w-vt-n Morrow county t trnun units and prrwr.lrd to the girls of Aralri House f Ote Con State College, according to Lther Klrml. Morrow county cktensiun agent Azalea House, built by the rx tension women of Oregon In 13 IS. is a cooperative woman's residence hall on the Oregon State campus. It has a rapacity of M students who are recom mended by their county exten sion committee. County popula tion determines the quota of Azalea House' residents for each county. Motrow county girls who have resided In Azalea House Include Patsy and Janet Wright, and Carole Anne Anderson of Hep pner; Carlene Rhea, Echo; San dra Rhea. Echo has been recom mended for the house this fall. Betty Crocker coupons were collected by unit women all over the state to furnish silverware for the cooperative college home. lone Youth to Attend J E S S I JCrr.nrth Lnn fm trnJ trie iJ annual J E S S I fur t Uh i fcr,J ftf-i..n Stat CV: in" In (ral lis, June 13 u 1 The JESS! fuf jrilU l! I Irl4 l U'firU ii.lWj.-e at the .am li.f.e. T!.ee letters atand fur JuhU I" inrrra and Sticntuts Summer ntute and Is an rfJurt to broaden the student hoU'i mi that h-n d ll r.s are made about c dlege ir-j;ram ! careers they are made wt'h teCigenco. Cut!y changes are thus avoided. The students are grouvl In tiacs of about 21 members each, They are under the direction of the sjwlalut from the several sclent ims ana engineer department of the hct Institutes. Students from Oregon, Wash- Incton and California win at tend. Kenneth Lynn 1 a Junior In the lone high school and the m - a tie I aU Son 01 Mr ana lir Mnnrin Smouse. lie will stay In Weather- ford hall while at Oregon State College. Phone your news Items to 6-9223. AYERS PEST CONTROL TOR YOUR SPRAYING Trees. Yard and Grain 5 tor age; Resident and Commer cial Fogging. Clayton Aycrs Phone 6-9953 AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON DAY OR NIGHT 3-8422 Make Our Low Prices A Shopping Habit MARKET AND LOCKERS THOMAS S. AND MILDRED HOWELL 178 W. WILLOW HOME OWNED DEL MONTE 303 CANS SPINACH - PEAS W. K. OR CREAM CORN SLICED BEETS cans 2 Open nights till 8 Mon. & Frt Cllsan Store Only OPEN SUNDAY Mr Shockley awarded the class of 19(0 as the outstanding class. Phil Emert received the trophy. Afterwards dancing was en oyed with Mrs Noel Dobyns playing the electric organ. The seniors went to Seattle last weekend for their skip day. Those taking cars were Wayne Rietmann, Mr and Mrs Charles Jones, Mr and Mrs James Mon roe and Miss Ann Reynolds. While In Seattle they saw the movie, Ben Hur. T. . .1.. a juuy .morgan was chosen as princess for the Aqua Capers of Uermiston, Judy is a Junior In the lone high school, is a good swimmer and very active in ath letics and a I II club member. She Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan. The seniors enjoyed a progres sive dinner Saturday evening. They were served cocktails at the Gar Leyva home; salad at the SB KING BUILDING SUPPLY 8905 N. Vancouver A. 10301 N. E. GUsan St Portland, Oregon Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Fadded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton. Oregon rhone CR 6 3111 .. . - , - - . MORE NH3 PROFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia WE GIVE S Cr H GREEN STAMPS on 30 Day Accounts 8 ill Order your supply today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PNONE -72S IONE. OREGON Thomas 8umni, Arlington Phon 8-F-U NH3 NH3 i n nno JUD STANDBY ASSORTED 12 ox. Jars of Straw- berry, Bla c k b e r r y. Grape, Mixed Fruit or Crabapple Jelly. STOKELY'S RED SOUR PITTED CHERRIES PURE PORK i j i i PHONE 6-9922 I 4 Jars y 5 CANS $1.00 lbs. FRESH PRODUCE GREEN PEPPERS EA. CC LETTUCE O HEADS OCC 4 e TOMATOES LB. OffC MJ B COFFEE POUND QtxUsHOI AiL1.37 i ft MM SPECIALS FOR JUNE 3 & 4 4