Memorial Day Observed at lone By Legion Post ECHO FALMATCCR Memorial I'.iy ttji L,i,kmJ here nh a jf k'fm at the ath letic field .im.ffil t y h Amniivin Ixtiuii f-.t R-v l.d MaiKeni the il.f-, the mcrr.twr .f the j.t m-mlted with the I i w . !! m1kh, band l4tn! M-v.ral numbers led by Arr.le lledman; a ttrrath via llaiftl tn the nu m. rial j'laque. J,ev Ma.Kenrit save Uu Invo cation mill lenedu,iun. and !( w t la by C,vtf Kletmann. ILuval-iureale M-nln-i for the r.l.-r tla vnw held in the school cafeiorlum Sunday rven nj with lv I!ik1 MatKcnrie, iakttr tif th Community church, living the M-rmt.n; Father Heard. ator t.f the St William Cath tillc church cave the Invocation, the scripture reading and the benediction; the hlh school chorus sans. You'll Never Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . ft . t t.i ft rn fttniiiririi - - AH' r Ilie iel uy A!-" "! " .. . ft-. ... .......... .. . Dr trt lni the i pHi-Mii'Dat an ill lie tevt- i-il on the electric tian. Member 1 4 the senior are t.r anl Itia't-)-, IUrdd liietmann. MrUin Martin, Karen Lundell. Gregory char leu J.-ne. Linda lleimbigiit'r, Carol II) nd. Phillip I'mrrt. Maty Kniert. Kuell IM- t t. puula Barak. Barbara lUkir. Itobrrt Akcr and fltenda Tuwn wnd. The Has Jexratd wild l..akit i( red and white gladioli. Student fnm IX'K'K in La- Grande hum icr the weekend i-rt Bill Sailer. Dick LT.trom. Kay Sherer and Mardine Baker. Mrs Kktrum and daughter. Vlrkey, accompanied Mr fck- strm home. The Benson family have mov ed Into the Franklin Llndxtrom house on Third Street. one High Graduates xl ' i 1 1 1 1 ii r. o L in i l. lu i i V' i 111 II 111"' I mill I m TV Siiihh I iift..l. jBftftf"11"';- ' w ' 11,1 -i-----Mft"ft-" MaMMaMMMMMNMMMalaa it-1' j' i Lini ir- A ... . IONE HIGH SCHOOL graduates in the class of 1960 are top row from left to right. Karen Lundell. Undo Heimbigner. Brenda Townsend. Row two, Melvin Martin. Harold Rietmann. Phillip Emert Row three, Charlene Jones, Gregory Leyva. Robert Alters. n, (,. Russell Dolven. Mary Emert. Grant Rigby. Row five. Paula Barak, Carol Sue Hynd, Barbara Baker, NDTLH QUALITY TV & RADIO SALES & SERVICE QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES i Builders Supply 5 Melrin Melena Phone 8-7242 ranch Un tY .......i.. v.. ..n taaa liun in .ft. - . th tirlifla id " fir was unkmin. Tte Ut imcK as taile4 ItMm Lte. Baptiml Knlm er held for Brian I'aul Kletmann. stn c.f Mr and Mrs BUI Kletmann. -I the Community church Sunday u.i.h Krv R.d Msiken- lie. cfficUtlnc lted ty BotTt JepM-n . TtHe from here who left for Europe last creh on the Oregon G4od Will tur were Ralph Crum and Verner Troe!son. Krv snd Mrs K.-d MacKewie held a coffer hour Sunday rmm Inc at their home In honor Mr and Mrs Alfred elson. vr. who are leaving June by hlp ... . ii- mnniht tour of Kurotte. Hi parents. Mr and Mrs Alfred Nrlson Sr of Osk urove win with them . . . Mrs Getirgia Brewster ol iwt land Is vUUin her aaucnicr. Mrs Verner Troedson. Several from here attendea tne dedication t the Memorial Museum and Library In lleppner Sunday. Mr and Mrs Elmo McMillan of Salem spent the weekend with k.r mother. Mrs Mary Swanson, and other relatives. j E Guests at the Bill Rietmann ;S home Sunday were Mr and M(H Roy Hurst of Arlington ana ( nni.l Anderson and children Mr and Mrs Leo Crabtree ana , -children spent the weekend In j Spokane with relatives. " vv.x.ind euests at the home of Mr and Mrs Sam Esteb were 5 her children. Mr ana Mrs g Fletcher of Albany, Mrs cioin. Ptarkwoll and Mrs Mary Calendar of Salem and Mrs Carl Calkins of Otis. Joint Installation was neiu 01 - donDEE officers of the Maranama ciuo and the Naomi Circle of the FellowshlD was held at the Community church Wed- 5 noftuiav eveninc of last week with Rev Rod MacKenzie ln-E stalling officer. Mrs Walter Lor- ley. the present president 01 xne Naomi Circle, introduced the of- x ficera to be installed. They were s for the Maranatha club Mrs E Marlon Palmer, president; Mrs Milton Morgan, vice president; j and Mrs O L Lundell, secretary- : treasurer. For the Naomi urcie, g Mrs Gilbert Lujan, president; Mrs James Monroe, vice presl- s dent; Mrs Arnie Hedman, sec- , retary-treasurer and Mrs Charles Hudson, worship chairman. For the program, Marilyn Morgan played a piano solo and songs hv Sherrv Corley and ! Sue Townsend accompanied by E Arlpta McCabe. Rerresnmenis were served by members of the Naomi Circle. The HEC of Willows grange s mot nt thi home of Mrs Art E Dalzell Wednesday afternoon of S last week with Mrs Berl AKers s on-hostess. A dinner was served at noon to 16 members. At the business meeting conauciea oy s Tr Harvev Rine. chairman, it was reported that the club had E . . , ft . r t T .,nrl..l1 pepper lor sale, jvirs w u was presented witn a gut tor her 50th wedding anniversary. I Frank Halvorsen. son of Mr and Mrs Lewis Halvorsen, spent a couple of days last week In the Pioneer Memorial hospital with an acute attack of appen- g dicltis. E Rronria Tnwnspnd. daughter or Mr and Mrs Hershal Townsend s is a patient in the Pioneer Mem- E orial hospital. Is Relatives coming rrom a ais- tance to the Olive kngeiman l service last week were Mrs Zena Ewing and daughter, E and Miss Alice Nichoson 01 rorx- ,g land, Mrs Frank Lundell of Mil- E waukle; Mrs Mary Pfeiffer, Mrs Jack Luck and Mrs Charles Ca- hill of Pendleton; Mrs Fred Hall and Oeortre Newton of boutn Bend, Wash and Mrs Jalmer Kos kl of Vashon, Wash. Visitors at the Hugh Salter hnme river the weekend were Bill Salter of LaGrande and Mr and Mrs Gaylord Salter and fam ily of Athena. The Altar Society 01 m wu- liams church met at the home of Mrs Harold Snider Wednes day evening of last week, with Mrs Hugh Salter as co-hostess. After the business meeting a handkerchief shower was given in honor of Miss Ann Reynolds and Miss Barbara Deklotz. nrttta to remember: June 3 Last day of school and E community picnic 01 m , school with potluck dinner j at noon. ua 5 A Garden reception in E honor of the 50th wedding anniversary 01 nr ana nn Oscar Lundell at their home 2 to S p m. Relatives and friends are invited, fune 5 District 6 caucus meet ing of the Legion and Aux iliary at th Legion hall starting with a potluck din ner at 3:39 p m June 7 American Legion Aux iliary meeting la the after- Jum 7 City eeU I p m. Jae Maiaaeitve fUa Ui m t ttv Immm et Mu Kortoa fotam i 1 9 Jwe lOftStwdf " el tae Tepw club at lilt P m. Mm beta ore le brief bes let e book shower te the public library. June it Jaiuetteai la tae lt mmd 3b4 tee et WUlewi ftaage 1 1 I p Thr Tt.t-r Llik tlub i Riimhitlil ltrlrkah W' met at the hum f M Grif fith Friday eftrrnoun wi!h Mrs Vh. ralmaterr CO hte. At the busin mretinf n-nductrd by Mm CU-o Piake prrldrnt re rorts were glxen on the mtkrti In the Ion cemetery ry ,wn David Kletmann and rrporu were given on thr rlertlon day dinner by Mrs E K unneii. Games "were played after the meeting. Mr Drake received the prli. Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan attended the Elks State conven tion in Medford last week. Mr and Mrs Roy Llndstmrn and daughter. Christine, were Purtlrnd visitor last week. Mr and Mrs Wallace Matthews ct. I ttaiH l;a!.tr In I. Mr t Mi t'ry-.l Tt' : 4 i t':k in S.' ' .1 1 Uf.,.. J'.-e V til !. ta v '1 .e iir i Is ttnl e in u v 1 : : h.i u i..k i.rf t Mr i.d 1.4-n. e at M' l4il l.ictn.n X!i. link i..l -n I: t ti. if s !!:' , ii.!. .t tut ir !!.-f. M. Am I it. .!. 111 Ut Wrtk lt..l-U llr.i!i l Mllh the 1' ! Nv d l n l. ar Mi On. if :tt tniji.H and M r i f. llri Krr attrnded tt r 4 II Aluf.i.l tf x-wt ty nimittrc wi'ttii-n Ti--1j. My i'l t the ,. if Mi Kitulall Martin in t! e jrt a i n.i.u:il. Mr and Mi- Ile lUy rtan d home U( wrk fnm Lle. Vah Thrv wrre ix"-mj'4iacd hy their lUufif.ti-r, Mr Jhn Atn.irt'N-n and ihlhlsm . f, The Yacht tlub met at the home .f Mr and Mr IxvU llalv- otwn WtslnevUy rvriiirn: f l.t wk With Irptt-M-tttatlv rtum I'xho. llermUlon. IVndlctin. Ir ington and lone. Tiicrr wrte 2 preoent Glenn Campl-!l. -f Kilu. citnmiHl're tf thr club. conducted the bukiiu-iftS me-ting. Several door prizes were given. Mtrrxta CAtCTTC TIMti. Tiiley. Ie I. IM Itit.v-M n fm mhuH w W ,41iJ in t'. i: - ttwrm Jt .ftM K1V n t t-trl.nrrts iiiii.iH-ii Mli l.tlil ii Ml I- Malkf m Mi trtl.l.k liMin. Ml lU-i i V .t-'it o. Mi lltsklUI MHl ftH. m S. iiuiii Net.n. Mi llrill.tij,!!. Mi lui4 P kt aid Mi I'ul IVtlvMm. Kit i Mi IU I a'"! wrte lit.-I lat k t ih li..nir I hrl t.airtil, Mr and Ml (leu tlkt, lb TUmrr itu'tH t l.uieir ltn iTiia.e- t-ti Tlieir !. l It nr I. irniiin n i tt.r IHike fr a li.lnler VUlt. Mr 'd Mi Jame MtLarty !.d d4Uj;;t-r. VltgHsU. f lot land lt.t the wrrkmd at the rtm-t Itel.krr home. Mr Margaret Stt tf Oakland. Calif i vuiiing her MN and fiimtly, Mr and Mt lvltert l.mert. Mr and Mt lly Ball and Mr and Mr IK-Ilert Ball and fanv Ily ttf Iktatdman spent Memorial Itay at the Catl Akrr home. Mr Walter Swcwmn of Walla Walla wa a weekend guest at the !,ivld Kletmann home. KoIm-m Hubbard, miii of Mr i... r.) i k!tv s f Mr f-4 Iti (-t-tt liuum. w;:l !d ...t tn l'tetn jr,' tv' l-f i4 MiMtiiuti Jan in hiUti'W rd War. IVlnKi 11 li-t lt.c wrvketid t By 1 My '! Jtct M lale finll Jid.n ut An i.:rte i tisitiiig at if I'- Ky iHitM. ll ai.d Mi Ani.iri.?w tl tltildim will leave f-r Ahgrle thi Wk- Mr and Mi I'avt.l MtLr-4 and . t.tidie't l-lt live Weekend In lrll'll. Mih. Mr and Mi IU. hrd IVtrriK.ii ,4 CoTvaiU sjvr.t the weekend wult Mt and Ml Walter ivo n. Mr Vtcron U a brother itf Mr l.t'n. Mr and Mr Juhn Skuzeskt and children -f Nrtlnd and Mr and Mr Ted ivtetx.n and children of Arlington l"ent the Memorial weekend at the Henry ivtemtn home. Ld Buuhke wa a Portland visitor lat week. Cum) of Mr and Mrs William tUrrjit last Monday and Tues day were Mr and Mr Reiman t Corvalli. Mr Kelman I a cousin of Mr Bartatt. 1 .... . . .. s s.. a a anil uauiitviat f- - - - . -- - iaw I I 1 fern n h)m k a Psi mmiw I ma 1 b. 1 iifiaeiei srjiaaiiaaa rsr s WHOLE KERNEL CORN PEAS "GREEN BEANS AND CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS 1 cans Standby. 303's. Solid Pack TOMATOES 6 CANS $-100 CAN-A-POP 4 CANS 31c INSTANT SANKA, 4 OZ 83c 15 EARLY BIRD WM). SPECIAL! i wm FRIDAY ONLY! An EarW Bird for this special and arl No phone orders, you must come to the store. Llmltl BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE qfc. 59 VELVEETA 2 lb. loaf 79c BLUHILL MARGARINE 6 lbs. $ lillilPiipillilillll iiliii!!! I mliiUlll iiiiliiliB MJB COFFEE b.bc fjmliiiiiiiiii!ii:i mi wiiSiiiiiiiM HUNTS 2Va CANS WHOLE APRICOTS 3for 89c IMEAT DEPT. - PHONE 6-9288 SMOKED LB. fnUrX Bananas 2 lbs. 33c CABBAGE LB. gC Snoboy Crisp, Green 1 LOCAL CAULIFLOWER LB. JC U I III BEEF SHOULDER ROASTS .... LB. QC 85c SLICED BACON 2 LB. BOX $ 19 USDA Choice or Good SMOKED FRANKS 2 LB BAG Old Fashioned Swift's Premium CUSTOM CUTTING BEEF FOB LOCKER WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR FRI. 4 SAT- JUNE 3 4 4 Central Market rocery , eTMR PHONE 6-96M g E HEPPNEB S&H GREllt STAMPS