o HCffNta 0A2ETTC TlMtS. ThuiKlirf. Miy L 13' 1 ,. Riverside Band Presents Concert By MART LIE MARLOW The lclvrrU1 Mh aiiou barxl under the direction f Wolfgang Eiilmn irfTitl li fir! annual kprlnj; concert Tuoaday evening 't k. Following U the program: "S I II A. It B Hall. "Trr J..e. waltz", Wal.ltcuf.-I; .Sandra. Overt ure Ija; Triumphant, grand man-h", Jlerfurth; "Three Trrci novelty, M cNa u g It t o n, with pougla Shatturk at nar rator; "Klmlra-conciTt marrh". Abbott: "Zaratera M e x I c a n marrh". Cortina; "Ijondnnerry Air", IrUh tune; "Kentucky-lHno overture", Grundmnn; "Clarinets Allegro", CofleM, featuring the clarinet wttlun; "Efipana Span Ish waltz", Chabrler; "Lea Ter rIMes military marrh", Immell. The band will May at the Milton Freewater Pea Festival Saturday, May 7, There will be a nutrition spec lallst at the school Tuesday, May 10, to speak on nutritions, fads tj ajirfid the wrckrr.d ft the home of Mr and Mrs fugla CaSIff. Mr and Mis Paul Smith of t I'nlon urre weekend vNllors a th home f tlielr "n lit law and .laughter. Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe. Sunday. Mrs Thrie pre ented her mother a Iwautiful rake on the uradon of her 75th birthday, and several frlen called during the afternoon to ronfratulate her. Mrs Flokitle Coats. potmatrr, It In Klamath Falls this week to attend the state iMwtmaMcri convention. Mrs J.e Tafone, 3rd vle presl dent of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, was guest fcl-akrr Wednesday of last week at the Weston Saturday After noon Club In Weston. She also was a luncneon guest ai inc home of Mrs Carl Johnson there. Mayor and Mrs Joe Tatone at tended a dinner meeting of the League of Oregon Cities at the! Elks Club In Pendleton last Frl - w fib t . . r ' i , . i ia , Mr and Mrs Arroin Wthlon and Lexington News IssKtrrii em" j Mrs fcurene iawrr and child ly CELFHA JONES of vx Cru are .t:un Tte .Wlal club met at the h r.arents. Mr and Mrs W K hme f Mr and Mrs George : McMillan. I ! m P " " - children and Mr and Mrs Cecil Jones and daughter. Charlene. and Mr and Mm Pale Baker vt Lenlngton were among those at tending the wedding In Ileppner on Friday night of Judy Darniclle and Vic Crvshens. Mr and Mm Vlc Croshens are moving this week to the O W Cutsforth ranch where they will be employed. t'StS C AZOTE TIMES 0-AS.iin.ED ADS SCOTTISH DANCERS from Cayvill entertained ever ISO woman at the annual Homemakers Ftstlval last Friday at Htppner. The group entertained as part el the day-long program. and diets to the girls Interested. Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehlll. day night. Tatone gave his may Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe, Mr I or a report at the meeting and Mrs Guv Fertmson. Mrs Pfc Jim Newman, on leave Arthur Allen, Mrs Cecil Ilamll- from the U S Marine Corps at ton and Mrs W C. Seehnfer all attended Pomona Grange at Wll lows Grange at lone last Satur day. Those who attended the Home maker's Festival at Heppner last Friday Included Mrs Claud Wor den, Mrs Myron Watts, Mm Everett Daniels, Mrs Earl Brlggs, Mrs W G Seehafer, Mrs Algy Taylor, Mrs Guy Ferguson, Mrs G C Dolts, Mrs Walter Hayes and Mrs Rollins Bishop. Camp Pendleton, California, and his sister. Mm Oran Ward. Jr and children John and Jeannle of Gold Beach, were overnight visitors at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow, Monday Mrs Russell Miller and her daughter, Patty, were hostesses for a surprise birthday party In honor of Sandra Thorpe at their home last Friday evening. Guests Included Gary Whipple, Gary Brown lee, Bob of Irrigon, Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorje. Teresa Thorpe, Max Moore, Tod Hoffman and Irene Putts r,f Boardman. Irene Potts, Stivnn Mi-Coy, Paula Williams, Sylvia DeChand and Sandra Thorpe remained at the Miller home overnight for a slumber party. Mrs Harold RuMi and Mrs Emery Lyons were hostesses for the Ladles Aid Society of Com munity church at the church Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mrs Russell Miller was In charge of the missionary pro gram. Mrs Florence Root and Mrs Margaret Klitz will be hostesses for the next meeting. May 4. Mrs Karl Brlggs, Mrs W G Seehafer and Mrs Myron Watts attended a district meeting of the Mr and Mrs Robert Strutz went I Beeler, Tom to i flKimn, wasrt Sunday to at-1 Makln, Allyn Hobbs, Howard i TOPS clubs In Lcxlnnton lemi me lamma vaney ivennei iLamr, vivian icmpieton, uianeifirst of last week club dog show. Zlndell, Charla Makln, Sheryl Mr and Mrs Darrell Marlow I Wltherspoon, Elnoro Eppenbach, went to Portland Friday, return- Susan McCoy, Paula Williams, lng by way of Troutlake, Wash Sylvia DeChand and Jess Young 3tnmmmiiiiiiuiinmmtmnmnxixiutumimmmmxmnmnmn:ni:u:n:n:t I6th ANNUAL MILTON-FREEWATER PEA FESTIVAL May 5-6-7 DANCES BIG AUCTION, MAT S Kiddle Parad. 10 A.M. May 0 t Talent Show, 8 P.M. May 6 Grand Farad. 10 A.M. May 7 Big Circus. 1:30 P.M. May 7 CARNIVAL DAILY F re Jackpot Show May 7 xmtmumtmtmtmmmmtttmmnttmttuttmumwttmtmutmtttutmmut APR. 30 tr MAY 7 USSZSSEOZZZfZS; I NOW LIMITED TIME ONLY Mrs Ray Brown was honored on the occasion of her birthday with a surprise party Tuesday afternoon of last week. Present uore Mrs Walter Wyss, Mrs Ed Kuhn. Mrs Charles Anderegg, Mrs Henry Zivney, Mrs A R Fort ner, Mrs W G Seehafer and Mrs Earl Briggs. Mrs Wyss was hon ored on her birthday also. The afternoon was spent playing canasta. Mrs Charles Anderegg and Mrs Jack Flug were In Corvallls over the weekend for the Mothers Weekend at OSC, where Barbara Anderegg and Stevan Flug are students. Approximately 1800 mothers wore present. Bill L White of Frultland, Ida. has been hired as band director for Riverside high school and the Boardman grade school for next year, siaies jacK Mug, principal. Arkansas, Virginia, Wisconsin, and California. Over the last few centuries various methods of cutting diamonds have been developed. The brilliant cut. or the general type of cutting seen in the round diamonds today, uas Invented toward the end of the 17th century. The proportions and angles necessary to develop maximum brilliance were estab llshed In the early 20th century. The conventional round brilliant consists of 58 facets! Diamonds rre mentioned In the Bible as early as Exodus 28:18. For our game of the month we all had textbooks this time to refer to making It both easier and more accurate. Some -of the gems and minerals mentioned were: Aquamarine, emeralds, gallium, iron pyrlte, and Jade. Dr Wagner gave a talk on gold mentioning the various methods used In mining and extracting it and also the problems faced at this time by the government and miners regarding the present value of gold. Newspaper articles on this subject are becoming more numerous. A demonstration I t served at 7:30 p m. Games were j l) id with Lois Hunt win ning high and the pomedlene award going to Dean Hunt for the evening. Those present were. Mr and Mrs Johnnie Ledbelter, Mr and Mrs C C Jones and Mr and Mrs Dean Hunt nd the host and hostess. Marvin and Asa Way have re turned after a trip to Omsk. Washington where they visited relatives. Mr and Mrs O G Breeding at ended the Nettle Cannon fun eral services In Spray on Friday or last week. Mrs L K Ruhl returned home Sunday from a weekend In Cor vallls where she attended mother's weekend with her son and wife. Mr and Mn Skip Ruhl. Mr and Mm Skip Ruhl and Mr and Mm Duane Faurnler of Corvallls were recent callers at the L E Ruhl home. Mr and Mm Max Breeding are spending a few days In Portland. Mr and Mm Don Hatfield and family of Madras visited over the weekend at the Roy Martin home. George Tucker of Spokane and! friend Howard Gershlng of Ritz- ville, Wash were guests Sunday ax tne nome or Mr Tuckers sis ter. Mrs Bertha Hunt Mm Cora Allyn visited several days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Glenn Davis In Tumalo. Mr and Mm O G Breeding were Bend visitors last week. Mr and Mrs Bert Breeding and son Floys of Stanfield, and La ina Maynard and son of Cove, were Lexington callers Sunday Stanfield Meat Co. Hugh Smith. Own Mft, Stanfield. Ore. CUSTOM CtTTTINO-CUTTlNO CURING WbolMle & RlaU LOCKER MEAT Call CI 9 3C23 WE DELIVEH on gold panning was given and then a film taken by Dr Wagner of the sluicing method of gold recovery at Camp Carson mine was shown followed by two ex eel lent Bell Telephone films. The serving of refreshments conclud ed the evening's program. pA ft ft lr"'i Beautiful table lamps which bring you modern light for modern living Special Introductory Offer Yz PRICE only $15.95 each 2 for '30.00 This special offer available at any lamp dealer where you see this emblem. I lamps ROCK HOUND'S CORNER By BETTY WAGNER The evening of April 23 found us nil at the home of Dr and Mrs C M Wagner. Several of our members were awav on va- cation and w0 certainly missed them. Vice-president, Joe Bal trinus presided over the business meeting during which our cuests were welcomed, fair plans were again discussed, and an invi tation from The Dalles club to Join them on a rock hunt near Alaupin the following day was read to the group. Diamonds are the birthstone for April and Mrs Ruby Nichols gave us some verv interestins facts regarding this beautiful stone. A diamond is the only gemstone composed of a single clement ciystalized carbon. It possesses the highest index of refraction of any other ecm- stone. Tills means that more light Is reflected back to the eye irom the facets of a diamond than a similarly cut stone hav ing a lower index of refraction. Commonly it is colorless, but may be found in almost everv color. The vast majority of dia- monds marketed todav are of South African origin, although Borneo, Brazil, British Guiana. and Venezuela also produce diamonds and a few have been found in the United States in OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR WEED SPRAYING Contact at upstairs apt at 110 West Church St. Hppnr. Phon (co Ford's Tir Service) 6-9481 or 6-5515 I TABLE I LAMPS Beautiful table lamps which bring you modern light for modern living Special Introductory Offer Vz PRICE onl,$15.95 each to 2 for '30.00 SEE THEM NOW AT Case Furniture Co. SWING IT WOW-FOR JUST FORD FAIRLAfJEj ACT FAST... A au OFFER ENDS may 28 A MONTH Chosen by Edison Electric Institute as the LIGHT FOR LIVING LAMP, this attractive lamp stands 38 inches high, has a handsome ceramic base and beauti ful shade. You get three-way lighting, too . . . 50-200-250-watt bulb given free by your dealer with each lamp purchase. Your choice of three modern colors : Aquatex Sandtex White Jade Take advantage of this special half-price oiler right away! Get your LIGHT FOR LIVING LAMPS today! PACIFIC FOWJER Sz. LIGHT COMPANY A Mutvol tnvitmnt fund United INCOME Fund United SCIENCE Fund United CONTINENTAL Fund United ACCUMULATIVE Fund Fo Pnprmil mad kcWpnT licrrarare. wirtiour oM:tit ,u la uhJ Kitvi Tmu Adviittsi- MIM. WADDEtl & REED, INC Principal UnfwMn Omci Tntm Cout To Cut CONLEY LAN HAM Box 869 Heppner NAMS THIS DEAL IS FOR REAI...DRIVI IT HOMI TONICHTI Ott tht tig on that save$ lika tha amall onaa ...tha FORD FAIRLANE SILVER SPECIAL Chanca re wu'll more than cover the down pament with your present car. And with an above-average trade-in. your monthly paj-menti can be een le's- Jhee ermi-which may viry lightly with individual dealer' pricing o -...w,.,uuiuHiCr pohaej - include all carrying Colliu'on and Ciimnrcli.n.i,. ;, costs are also included for one year World' Moat Popular Car! Bt llr Utf AMERICA'S targes. ruurance FRD n 1959 . . . t..,-..lnfl 10eo.. te, BIQtftf Bly (ft YQUH JJQI SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER TODAY! -