10 lltrrNES CA2ETTT: TIMES. Thursday. Mar I. HMjCVUr.! 'UK 1 111 " trai tlve. dl-dt were at IDEAS OF STATE HOSPITAL CHANGE WITH VISIT TO INSTITUTION "I have lived In Morrow county ;i3 year and never went ma Ihe Ktern Orrcon hu .Hal" announce Mr Hurl Wat t-nlurj:-r. Tine t'y MtUm u..,man "I udi afrai.1 ana un u!H!nii t.. face the fart that omcd.y a loved one of mine would need their rare." ifpaiilns that IhU li the gen era! attitude felt by rnost ieople, Mr Velma Gla-. .Morrow cunty i.uhllr health DUV, urfced the women of the cw.nty extension committee and Marrow county atrt-nt. Esther Klrnl. to visit i ho Eastern OreEon state ho- Iltal In Pendleton, to promote iK-tliT understanding or me men tnl health uroblem. Eleven wo t.ien from th. county toured the hovj.ital on March 16. under the direction of Mrs vera c jonnson. head of the educational depart ment of the state Institution. The three hour tour Included Livestock Market ! Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 HermUton, Oregon Don Wink. Mgr. Res. HermUton JO 7-3111 frank Wink & Son Ownera h vUitatlon of all the women' ward; a "lUtenlnr In" en a lecture presented hy Pr Me Tcvler. to ItiMpltal aids on eb-e-trie and Innulln treatment; and a tour of the admission and treatment bulldlrn guided by Mnr Arthur PPt. li.V. ujervlr of ;nat department. lUdow are comment made by the Monow county women after the visit; Mr Howard Pettyjohn. 1I pner extension unit felt the trip to Eastern Oregon Mate hospital at Pendleton a very valuable tool In promoting undertnlln of the public in the mental health development. Seeing- the patients and learning how they nr.. cared for help to ie.-i.von me old fashioned fear of mental Ill ness." Mr Lincoln Nash, lleppner. "I was Impressed by the cleanli of the hospital and its pat ient who wore colorful dresses and not uniforms ns I had sup posed." Mrs Wlllard French. Pine City. Althoueh the hospital Is hope WkIv overcrowded they try for a cheerful atmosphere throun out by the use of flowers, potted plants, and canaries and para l.eets. (The flowers are crown in their own jjreenhouses). The dlnlm rooms are made more home-like by the use of small tables that sit four to six, rather than long Institutional tables. GflR AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON fdOO DAY OR NIGHT O'Oft&Z- I 8i ttla fUJ to kn-w that the liatii-nt c&n do o many :::: u -M UmJ-i;. One thing, they aliow them ihe u of the ward kltrhen to mix up a cake mix or other baking It nee m to me a (hallent'e ''' a" u u think ff i'h-v Jtople and remember hem wfh little thing uh a cake and rookie mli at var .iu time during th year " Mr Jhn Uergtrom. Ithea Creek, "I marvelled nt the many typos of entertainment for the patient. Each ward ha It own littl,. part lea either put on b (.taff member or urgantza-li.-ns frt m Pendleton or Mirroun dint; communities. One ward t ectllr.g ready fur a St Pat rick's party with a decorated shamrock tree. Urge parties and (liiirch service are given once a week In the auditorium. Televlhion is surely a help. There Is n set in each ward and wc found the women deeply en grossed In the afternoon serial programs. There was a piano in each ward recreation room. Jig saw puzzles alvt seemed to be popular." Mrs Warren McCoy. Irrlgon, "I felt a little uneasy when we iu-n tnnrincf the warils, but I soon found out that since the ii e of tranquilizers, the most disturbed patients seem almost as calm and happy as the others physical restraints arc used only f..r the patients protection a "ninst himself. We were told that restraints and tranquilizers r.r.. i!;i-d to calm the acute con- diiions until the patient is able to helD himself with the doc tor's direction to gain an Insight Into his own problems. Know thyself is the key to good mental health." Mrs Richard Waymire, Board- man extension unit and a reg istered nurse "I felt Dr Mc- Tcvler's lecture was more bene ficial to myself, as a short re fresher course. I know we an learned more about the therapy In spite of the technical terminology. With one out of 10 of our pop ulation receiving some type of assistance with mental prob lems and disturbances during their lifetime, It is important to publicize the attitude that the majority can be cured or adjus ted to society again without me dieval methods. I know that all of us will pass Monument News rno ed back to thrlr old home at Hamilton, afti-r selling their home en Deer Creek. They then tent a we-k tUHint relative and friend twfr wttling In their Hamilton borne llan.id Llniert drove A) Brown to Prlnell!e Monday to m,ft Mr Rruvin. who came horn after stiendlnff month In California, visited her lter and family. Verne McCarty and eon Don nle went to John Day Wedne dav on bukincts Mr and Mr Bb Burton ami . . . . , . - - i i , SPRING EARTHENWARE SALE 20 SAVINGS for two weeks only! Sale ends May 14th i N ;. :iiniiWirnlfrtii-n -in ivtf J Any piece. . . every pattern! PI TV K j-HMW tv : ' . .$ . f. f 1 L- . Humphreys Rexall Drugs loni? Ihe feelinir that I.T)SH I a BOfKi place to X hen neceary and there I hope for an afflic ted person, rather than antrer. despair and shame." Mr Georjje Currin. Lena. "The lecture on mental Illness by Dr McTcvler helped me to better understand the tour w took through the admissions and treatment bulldinc. (Thl Is a newer hulldlne and U very at tractive with Its pastel color schemes, polished wood, and newer furnlshlnc). We should all be made aware of how Im portant It Is to start treating mental Illness In It earliest staces. and that even children can become as mentally disturb ed as adults (There was a 13 year old Rlrl In the treatment building)." Mrs Bryce Keene. lone, "I feel very strongly that It Is up to the mothers of Eastern Oregon to work for more study on men tal health. Our units have taken the first step bv having Velma Class, county health nurse, ap pear at one of our meetings on the "Four things necessary for good mental health". We can surely strive to give these things to our children. I believe we should do all In our power to see that the out patient clinic of the EOSH be staffed so that children and adults of eastern Oregon have a tilace for psychiatric treat ment. At present Portland Is our closest place for such treatment. Miss Esther Kirmis, Morrow county extension agent "I felt our visit to Eastern Oregon state hospital was one of the most Informational afternoons I have spent. Our group was composed of women from all parts of the county. These women will surely be good ambassadors back to their countv In telling of the workings of this state hospital. I feel the sooner we can bring the topic of mental health Into our everyday conversation, the sooner we will see progress made In this field. I urge other organizations to tour the Eastern Oreeon state hospital to become better Informed." Meetings Started For Cattlemen and Auction Operators Slat and federal veterinarian are holding erie of mcctinj: with eastern Oregun county cattlemen Utlon. litter- rted Morkyard operator and other to explain new develop ment In Ihe cull and dry cow trace back program. Particular rmphai at the aerie, arranged in cooperation with county exter.lun agent, is ihe new program adopted up on recommendation of the state board of llvckiock auction mar ket. Thl board, an official ad lrv unit to the atate depart ment of agriculture, has recom mended tagging all cattle mov Inir through ktockyard with dual purpose Identification. Tti !ncle tac. now on ord and to be distributed later this spring, will serve both a official Identification in tne Bang a pro gram and a saleyard Identifi cation. Meetings were held at Med- ford. Klamath Falls. Lakevlew. Burns and Ontario the week or Aoril 1822: at Canyon City. Prlnevllle and Mitchell. April 25- 30. Other meetings scheduled: La pine, May 2; Baker, May 2; La Grande, May 3; Enterprise, May ... - m . I - ..ii. -a- Pxniinfnn Riav a: mauras. Cltv. Mrs t.eorge gave ' . to ,he hich school girl, on Girl. May 9; Heppner. May 10: The ..,; iju r.n what the 'Dalles. May 11 : woro. May a. un and Mi Glenn William and daughter drvv Id Juhn Day Thurdy vn buln. Harold L2f-pit tl Waynard Il.mllton went to lleppner Thurtday. The M M M Club held their regular meeting Thursday at the huine ol Mr Van KUttard. .N?xt meeting will be heU t the pearl Martin home. Mr Verne McCarty and on Donnie and Mr F-lmer Mtteun drove to Spray where they .pent the day vUltlng Mr Darrell De laney and Mr Betty Joyne. Mi I'smM Fergeron of John Day ipent Thurwlay here Uit in2 Mr Mamie Fergeraon, her mother In law. Tht-r wa a church parley held here Monday evening at Ihe church. There were npre- nt-ntattve from Mt crnon ana Dayville here to attend the meet- Ini.'- Jesse Allen and Lealie Holland of John Day and Mt Vernon were caller here Ut Friday on husl ness. June Hutchison went to Hep t.ner Saturday, taking her father. Joe Whitaker over for medical aid. The American Legion auxil iary unit no 118 of Monument had as dinner guests Tuesday. Mrs Delphene George of Eugene, nroslilent. Deoartment of Oregon and Mrs Edith Bartly of Prairie A. II. Auxiliary works for. She went on to Prlnevllle that evening for a meeting. Miss Is'icky Drees and Gary Ingall are the girl and boy named from Monument for Girls' State and Boys State. The Monument high school will hold Its banquet and prom Saturday night In the school cym. Mrs Stella McCarty took her daughter, Alene to John Day Tnursday for dental work. Mrs Frances Noland and child ren are here from Portland vis iting her folks. Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson. Bill Howell of Spray took his mother Mabel Howell and two nephews to Heppner Monday to Sce Clifford Howell who is In the hospital there. Mr and Mrs Ned Sweek and children of Heppner were here Sunday to visit his mother, Mr. Delsla Sweek and his sister and husband, Mr and Mrs George Capon. Mr and Mrs Richard Martin and daughter of Prlnevllle spent the weekend here visiting his folks, the Henry Martins. Johnnie and Judy Healy axe staying at the Ted Palmateer home in lone. Mrs Jack Kerr spent the week end in Portland visiting her hus band, who is employed there. Aitlnff Dr L E Bodenwelser state veterinarian, and Dr A G Beagle, federal veterinarian in charge in Oregon, with the series are Dr O J Halverson and Dr Kenneth Erlckson of the federal staff and Dr M R Woulfe, assis tant state veterinarian. Mis. Leon Graham arrived home Friday from Utah whr.-e she had been visiting relatives. ViMitlna with Mr and Mr Terry Blevins and Mr and Mrs Norbert Herschel is r n 1 1 1 1 p Rinvlns from Montana, brother of Mr Blevins and Mrs Herschel. I0NE School Notes The fallowing officer were rlnted in the fh001 nudeni body: Mark llalvor. president; Jo llalvorsen. vice pirsident; Cheryle Lundell, retary: It-beit Kmert. treauter; and cheer leader. Karn Ham. Suan Limbtrom. Marjorl Odnnor and France McLeod. The 8th grade clas went to .Mary hill museum Friday of lat wek. They were accompanied by Mr and Mr Donald Olm Mheid and Mr Walter Corley. Mr. Ciac Nickarton pnt th weekend In Bcaverton with her daughter and family, Mr and Mr Richard Haye and .he U now In Eugene with her Mn and daughter ln Uw. Mr and Mrs Francis Nickerson. BOATER'S BREAKFAST Sponsored By McNary Tacht Club Sunday, May 15 7 to 11 a. m. McNary Yacht Club Picnic grounds Hat Rock Park! All You Can Eat For $1.25 Public Invited FOLLETT MEAT CO. Htnnlston. Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS Hemonhoids Cured Painlessly By Non-Surgical Method The non-surgical, electronic method for the treatment of Hemorrhoid (Piles) devel oped by doctors at the Dean Clinic ha been so successful and permanent in nature that the following policy is offered their patient : "After all symp tom of Hemorrhoid . . . have subsided and the patient ha been discharged, if he should ever have a recurrence, all further treatment will be giv. en absolutely free." The Dean Clinic has been serving the Northwest for fifty years. Their treatment requires no hospitalization and does not employ drug or injection. Write today for a descrip tive booklet, your without obligation: The Dean Clinic, Chiropractic Physician, 2026 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Oregon. ADVERTISEMENT Ak Condi Uonlni-UraptratuiM mad to OfOV-tw tll-wMtlwr otmlMt r Sm Tm DlMn Short CMr Snow H wkw Sundiyt.BC-TV-tho Pt Boom Por Showroom wHkly . ABC-TV. - ----- i! tr m tr i W i Wi M Tiy shouldn't you be driving America's first-choice car right now? You couldn't do better by your family or your family budget-than to pick out one of Chevy'. 18 FRESH-MINTED MODELS, load up its VACATION-SIZED TRUNK and take off on one of those springtime trips Chevy so dearly loves. Once you're The Impala Convertible with Body by FUhtrl whisking along the highway, cushioned by FULL COIL SPRINGS at all four wheels, you'll have your own smooth-running account of why Chevy's Ws best seller. And right now when f ' """f beautiful buys are in full bloom r CM at your dealer's! CHEVROLET Sare right rune during the Spring Fever Selling Spree at your local authorkid Chevrolet dealer's FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY MAT 6. MAIN tH3T& i-$fXl t&Z&pX HEPPNER