MOIIOW COUWTT'I NlWIMf II Th fleppner CuMte, s-uUkahed !rvh SO. Java. TW Uppnr Tiaa stsbUafcad Kovwnbr Ml l77. UviUttr4 February IS, 1913 NIWfMMI FUIIIIHIII ASSOCIATION KOBCITT fCOAitO Editor and publish? GRJCTCHErt PLNLA.ND Ajuoetate rubltahet NATION Al rOITORIAl fublWwd Every Thursday and Lnterod at U Pua Offlo at Heppner, Oivfutt. Second CUm Mattet SutrrtpJon Rates: Morrow and Grant Cmtntfc MO) Year; LI (. ft 50 Year. SJngki CVpy 10 CenU. the county with virtually no re strict tun or guidance from ., VrU-i. h. fcJ !id Like (4 her dutrtct. w hav our problems and I am ronfl .i. ii! that If all voters In Ihli It's lim wmune p-lnted outlpoumy wouM becoms turtle TO THE EDITOR . To The Editor: NOTICE Of IKO IKI I00CCT MCETTNO In mrldnrr with the pro visions i'f lh "Iiral pudget Law" IORS 2!f3rfl to rl (31 notice It hereby given that the budget commlltere of lfeppnrr Rural Fire rtitit-ilnn DUtrtct Morrow County. Oregon, In com pllance with said law prepared and adopted on Mirth 31. ITt'A the budget estimates for the en suing ftwal year July 1. 10 to June 30 11, a set forth below, All person are hereby notified that on Friday, the 6th day of May. lfl at 8:fK) P. M In the OM Fellows Hall at Heppner, Oregon. ld budget eMImate may be discussed with the levy Ing board and any person sub JiTt to the pmjuisrd tax levy or levies will be heard In favor or against said proposals Virginia Wilkinson, chairman of Budget Committee. Everett lUrshman. Secretary of Budget Committer, CALL 10 BIOS 1 1).- in.i.r of .Sxil. C. theme Bids wU! b revived at the1 NMherly along quaitrr n-U..n office of the M'rrw County Weed Control District, First Nat lonal Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon until May 15. for supplying the following weed f lit ( lit., i.iiartit -. Mm rnon tn Sc-tlun 9 ami 16; thenre Fa'iterly along the Motion line tM-iArcn Sitifi 9 and 16 to the Section corner fdmmn to S. 9, in, 10 A 13. thence North chemicals, 1. 1.01O i-allons fMer typi ''" '" "t'f.n line U-tween 2.4 D In 30 csllon drum aire H 10 M 4 3 In the for vaso of handling. Stat type meanoer line or loiumoi iwver; of Later and pounds of arid per thenw Westerly along the meander line of Col. I'lver to in. present easterly tMiundary of gallon. 2. 3n0 rsllons Amine 24 n in an eaitnn rimm d fnr.Clty of tkar.lman or corner or ixt a. rx'c. n eaa of handling. State pound of acid per gallon. 3. 16 gallons spreader aticker material. Stat brand name and recommended amounts per 100 gallons water. 4. 300 pounds Amine Triozol. State percentage actual ATZ. S. 2txj gallons Trlchlsrobenzolc , or Polychlorobeimilc acid weed killer. Slate rounds active mat erial per gallon. Price ahould be quoted FO B. tima Harsnman, memoer or Heppner and at your place of Bungct i ommiiiee. i tu Hi nets. Lima Scott, Member of Budget I The Morrow County Weed Con Committee. trol Committee reserves the rluht v n a e a r . a & I t-rma jioyn, .-Mfmocr oi ouukci to reject any or all bld.i and Committee. accept only that product deemed runa ana tvpanse csumaisa to them to aatlhfy the roriulre Clasailicatton lor 1960-Bl ments. Bids mum be submitted "'"'C ... w in writing before May 15. 1900, Election oo.OO iu urther Information Is required Budget Publication 30.00 piCae contact the office of the Bonti tor ireasurcr iu.uu county Extension Agent. rostage I ravel ou.uu N c Anderson. Secretary r.iiiciK-mj ruuu i.wi Morrow County Weed uoruraci wnn way Committee of Heppner 5.700.00 Total 6.000.00 79c Summary of Estimated Expon- NOTICE OT THE OREGON ditures. ReceipU and Available HHET COMMISSION PUBUC Cash Balances and Tax Lar "GET MEETING Total Estimated NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Expenditures $6,000.00 that a public meeting will be Amount Necessary to held, pursuant to ORS Chapter Balance Budget 6,000.00 3'. the Oregon Wheat Commls Estimated amount of p'on Act, at the Pendleton Mem taxes that will not be orial Armory, Pendleton, Oregon, collected during the on May 17, 19W, from 1:30 p. m. fiscal year Including to 3:3o p. m. upon a proposed estimated rebate on budget for operation of the taxes 180.00 Wheat Commission during the Total estimated levy fiscal year July 1, I960 to June for the ensuing fiscal 30, 1961. year 6,180.00 At this meeting any producer Analysis of estimated tax levies! of -wheat In Oregon has a right Amount Inside 6 to be heard with respect to the limitation None proposed budget, n cony of Amount outside 6 which Is available for Inspection limitation $6,180.00 under reasonable circumstances Thomas J. Wells In the office of each County Ex Secretary 8-9c tension Agent In Oregon. For further information, con tact the Oregon Wheat Commls sion, Box 438, Pendleton, Oregon uatea this 15th day of April ATTEST: Paulen W. Kaseberg the NK T. 4 N.. Kange i'3 K. W. M, thence S along said city limits to SE cor ner of said Lot 5; thence West to the center of Sec. 8 In said township and range; thence South along the center line of Sec. 8 to point of beginning, all being In Morrow County, Oregon. The election will be held on the 19ih day of May. 1960. and all registered voters of the ter ritory proposed to be annexed are hereby Invited to vote upon the annexation of said territory to the City of Boardman. Polling places will be open from 8:00 o'clock In the morn ing until 10:00 o'clock in the morning of said day, Oregon Standard Time. The jiolllng place for snld election shall be at the office of Russell's Shell Station. Bernlce Kuhn City Recorder 811c that our M-f,M. prt.Mrm In this (lUiity are really the rull of a curiierstrated effort by the Nat lonal Ldutattun AlaUon to 'K ii:re elementary and secon uary public mi1. Complete MlaliKtlnn could simply mean direct Federal SuiwTVUlon and control. All this i In the name f brlter education for our hildreii and their trupaganU Ing Is so cleverly engineered thnt anyone fpptudng this step by Mep aorta ligation program, een at the lal level, might as well declare himself In favor of all evil and against all good, One step toward wlallMn In our schools was the pa.uage of Hie School District Iteorcanlaa- lion bill by the 1957 Legisla- (ure. It has had the effect only to confuse voters and Increase M-hool cokIb. thereby uncovering supposedly dire need for more Federal action. Nevertheless the School Dis rlct Reorganization Act has, at est. only very limited applica tion in this cour.ty. and one an hope that It will be repud Irmly Interested, we could take mre of our problems and our childen. It would be unwl to conclude that a Bureau In Vah intton could do It better. To permit a socialized achool system to be forced ujn us could re kuit In brainwashing of our children from which It might take a long time to recover. Don Turner Dear Sir: First, may we commend you for all the free publicity you do give to th churches of our county and especially for that you've given to us. Thank you we appreciate it There needs to be a small correction made In the last week's paper under the lone column, however. Somehow, we were mistakenly called the "lone Baptist Bible Church." Since we are a newly formed group and we've received several calls on It. We felt we ahould correct this. It la Just lone Bible Church. a non denominational group of Christians worshipping together KirrNEl GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. April lilKO mane the program work. The state and federal veterinarians have developed this method as a part of the state federal cooper ative Brucellous eradication pro gram to test cull and dry cows on the way to or during slaugh ter. ThU tct was recently sue- efcful!y used to recertify Benton county, Washington. By using litis method. 92 of on the ranch testing was eliminated. Watch for further Information on the meeting but mark it "must" meeting to attend. The meeting will b held at the Fair Annex building at 8 p m. "Government programs for ag rlculture for wheat" la the title of a bulletin recently published by Oregon State College that we hav heard many comments on by farmers who have taken the time to look It over. A well writ ten bulletin. It discusses possible solutions to the national wheat surplus problem. If you have not seen a copy of the bulletin, you can have one by writing or calling at the county agent's of flee. iled by the vote's in November land studying the Word of God. OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALI NOTICE COUNTY ZATION Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, May 9, 1960, the Board of Equalization of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the County Courthouse In Heppner, Oregon, to publicly ex amine the assessment rolls for said County of Morrow, for the year 1960, and to correct all errors In valuation, description, or qualities of land, lots or other property assessed by the asses sor. The ratio between assessed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pur suant to ORS 309.034 is 21 per cent. (The ratio determined by the Assessor pursuant to ORS 309.028 is 21 percent.) It shall be the duty of the persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. Petitions for adjustment of as sessments must be filed with the Board of Equalization not later than the Monday of the week following the first week that the Board is in session. Harry Dlnges, Assessor County of Morrow, Oregon 7-9c STAR THEATER Thurs.. Frl.. Sat- April 28. 29 30. 1,001 Arabian Knights Stjirrintr th nearsighted Mister Magoo and Aiaaain PLUS Tarzan The Apeman Denny Miller. Cesare Donova Joanna Barnes. Sua Moil Tuet, May I. 2. 9 A Summer Place Sandra Dee. Richard Egan Dorothy McGulre and others. Chairman Clancy Jean, Administrator NOTICE OF ANNEXATION Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the following described territory wmcn is proposed to be annexed to the City of Boardman, and said territory proposed to be an nexed is bounded and described as follows: Township 4 South, Ranee 25 L. V. M. Beginning at the Southeast corner or the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Sec tion 8, In said township and range; thence South along the center of the County Road to the quarter corner common to Sections 8 and 17, thence South along center line of said County Road to the center of Section 17; thence easterly along center line of Section 17 to the quarter corner common to Sections 17 and 16; thence easterly along the center line of Section 16 to NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, DATED April 6, 1960, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price here in set forth: Beginning at the corner of Lot 6, Block K, Royces Ad dltlon to the Town of Hard man, Morrow County, Ore gon, thence running east 52 feet, thence North 200 feet, thence West 52 feet, thence South 200 feet to the point of beginning, for the min imum price of $10.00. All of Lot 7, In Block 4. Mor row's Additions to the City of Heppner, Oregon, for the minimum price of $50.00. THEREFORE, I will on the 6th day of May, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Courthouse In Heppner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. Sheriff, Morrow County, C. J. D. Bauman Oregon By Lillian R. Sweek, Deputy 5 -8c w hen the issue will probably be on the ballot by Initiative petit ion Socialized education would ob vlate the need for school boards and local control. Observing some of the action of school hoards Illustrates why this soc iallzaiion process has progress ed so far as It has. for it spreads best where there Is confusion and uncertainty. The recently approved serial levy is. in my opinion, a poor solution to our classroom short ages. Perhaps as some say, it Is better than nothing. But why should the 1200 school children In this county be saddled with a mere "better than nothing" solution? In any event it will give one administrator approxl mately $500,000.00 to spread over We don't know how this hap pened but we'd appreciate It if a correction would be made. Thank you. Sincerely, Rev Mr and Mrs J W Riley Notice of Candidacy I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of clerk of Morrow County subject to the will of the Democratic voters of Morrow County at the Primary election. May 20, 1960. Thomas J. Wells 2-c (Pd. Adv.) Notice of Candidacy I hereby snnounee my can dtdacv to succeed myself for the office of county commlion- er subject to the will of the Republican voters of Morrow County at the Primary election Msy 20. llrtO. 7 Russell Miller l-(Pd Adv.l Notice of Candidacy I wish to announce that I will be a candidate to succeed my self for the orrice or tounty Treasurer, subject to the will of the Republican voters of Morrow County at the May 20th Primary election. . , , , Sylvia McDanlel SO Pd. Adv. Notice of Candidacy 1 hereby announce my candl- dacv to succeed myself for the office of Sheriff of Morrow Coun ty subject to the will of the ReDubllcan voters of Morrow Countv at the Primary election. May 20, 1960. u 4. v. aaumaa (Pd. Adv.) Notice of Candidacy I hereby announce my candi dacy to succeed myself for the office of County Clerk of Mor row County subject to the will of the Democratic voters of Mor row County at the Primary elec tion. Sadie Parrlsh 2 of the project. The City Council reserves the 0f the livestock operator, sales County Agent's News By NELS ANDERSON A call from Dr L E Boden- welser, state veterinarian on Monday of this week resulted In the scheduling of a meeting for Morrow County Livestock Growers for Tuesday evening, I May 10. This meeting, one of a series in the state win be lor the purpose for explaining the! new ly initiated cull and dry cow testing program which will pro vide the means for recertlflca- tlon of Brucellosis accredited counties. Explained at the meet ing, will be the responsibilities 1 vl-L IS St right to reject any or all bids and accept that bid deemed to satisfy the requirements of the City of Boardman. Bids must be submitted In writing before 8 p. m., April 30, 1960. CITY OF BOARDMAN Joseph M. Tatone, Mayor 7-8c vards and others Involved to BEST BUY IN TOWN! 3 hours of relaxation, 20c, 50c, 70c. Nearsighted Magoo and Alad din In full-length feature plus Tarzan. All in Technicolor. Star Theater, Thursday, Fri day, Saturday. INSURANCE TODAY! Doat risk Ik coitly tragdy ol a vicious hall storm without lh proltcllon ol Crop Hail Iniur. one. Com In today. C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE Phono 6-962S Box Heppner 611 CALL FOR BIDS The City of Boardman Is call ing for bids for the paving of certain streets in the City of Boardman as herein described: TWO SHOT LIGHT BITUMINOUS TREATMENT Newell Ave. from East City boundary Road to lone St. 1275 ft. x 21 ft. lone St. from Columbia River Highway to South boundary 825 ft. x 20 ft. Kennedy St. from Carty Ave. to Columbia River Highway 860 ft. x 18 ft. Dodd St. from Carty Ave. to Columbia River Highway 860 ft. 18 ft. 500 cu. yds. of reject for Level ing Course to smooth out exist- ng base material haul and J place. The County of Morrow will furnish all rock materials at a ortain pit within three miles tfiiiiiiiiy.iiii .Il':'-I'HI ! OPEN 24 HOURS - I N Dtotf iM(iM fflKttarmmmtu 4 Vw rOewieeil From where I sit ... Joe Marsh More Than Color Blind When It Comes to "Red "Red" DoUn has been f olnf to paintlns class at night at the hlf h school. They had an exhi bition and we all went to see what Red had done. Red's painting was one of the most beautiful there. We tared at It for the longest time, then all tgreed it was a paint ing of a field close to town, and that It showed a woman In the distance who looked a lot like Red's wife. We congratulated our artist on his work. Red smiled, thanked us all. and was quite happy. When he left. Slim Johnson noticed the title card br the painting. It read: "Storm Scene on The Lake" by Red Dolan. From where I sit, there are often occasions when we don't see what we're really $uppoeJ to see. Why sometimes we can't even rerocnlie intolerance when it roire along. For In stance. If yon besmdre roe the right to an rasional glass of beer, that's as Intolerant as If I denied you a glass of iced tea. Why don- we step bark and take another look at intoler ance and It for what It U n.. 3 -AUTOMATIC WASHERS -DRYERS -RUGWASHER -HAIR DRYERS ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT TIME SAVING Fri.-Sat.illay6-7 (Open For Business Mon., May 2) 11 FREE WASHES FREE BALLOONS DURING OUR GRAND OPENING Sunday at 4 and 6:30 10