Home Agent Chals With Your By tSTHtR X1KMU I find I Hit l month ahead t4 time hen I retummendrd In ltd column that ou uauh for another the TV re-n-tation In the aeries ef 'WOMAN- on The Troubled Trrn. Ii 1 ihHluliHl fur Atll from 2 to 3 T M In.tead it Manh 2 as I had thought. "Jane Wyatt, star of "Father Know IU-M". and mother tf 16 anl 22 year old on. Is hwtii for thU program In which Mew en mrri Bctttna Graham, 16 year old student at the Aulnfi ton Township high school. Just outside Philadelphia. By follow lng Benin on round of act ivities with young eople who are neither Juvenile delinquent nor "tvnlcal teen ace" carica ture. The program attempts to pin point lust why today a youtn aeem to live In a world of Ita own. cut off from parent and mature counselors at the time of life when understanding guidance I vital. At the program's close, mem bers of the White House Confer ence on children and youth sum up their findings and offer sug gestions to both parents and teenagers. JL i IONE School Notes Grant Rlgby, shop and science teacher In the high school, has received a scholarship from the National Science Foundation to the Pratt Institute In chemistry In Brooklyn, New York. The school is from July 11 to Aug 19. Paula Barak and Linda Helmblgner. seniors in the high school went to open house at the University of Oregon Med ical college in Portland April 9. They were shown the various parts in the college. They also went to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland. Grant Rigby and Mrs Jack Barak accompanied them. HU-.'.,ftlJVU V UNUSUAL DEW FOAM PLASTIC TOTE BAGS will decorated with plastic Howe,, at th. homemaker rotohP da.. .tartina May 3. Proie.slonal cak. decorating and texMe Minting will b. Included In th. Ire. instruction that U! being Sponsored by th. women member, ot th. Lexington Oil coopera twe.7ne He'rrin of Hollywood, shown in th. photo with sample, of th. tot. bag, will be in chaxg. ot th. cla. Monument News By MARTHA MATTESON Mr and Mrs George Stubble- field. Mr and Mrs Gus Peterson and Mrs Cora Denmark drove to John Day Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Richard Cox ol l2ee spent two or three tas over here on their ranch. Mr and Mrs Elmo Lewis have moved from John Day Into one of Lyle Van Dusen s houses nere. Fred Hanson. Verne McCarty and Harold Lippert have been hauling Hanson cattle irom me Flats down to Spray and over to Mitchell. Guests at the Verne McCarty home last weekend were his sis ter and husband, Mr and Mrs Darrell Dalaney and children of Spray. Rho B 1 e a K m a n, aiamey Musgrave and Jack Forrest help ed with spring branding at the Lynn Forrest ranch Thursday. Harold Lippert took a truck load of scrap Iron to Portland Tuesday. Mrs Vern McCarty and two sons. Robert Scott and Martha Matteson went to John Day Fri day on business. Doris Vinson. Laura Ann Vinson. Alene Reynolds. Thelma Williams and Mary Corley went to Pendleton Friday. Mr and Mrs Harold Kouens oi PonHiPtnn ho have purchased a lot from Boyers. were in Fri day with some things, getting ready to build a home. Mr and Mrs Gene Vaughn and children have moved into one of George Stlrritfs houses tm SPECIAL 3 -DAY SALE Hi M w Arrow French Cuff SHIRTS White And A Few Colors Assorted Collor Styles All Sixes 14!2-32 Through 17V2-35 Regular $5.00 To $7.95 Values Thursday Friday Saturday Only Potluck Dinner Held At Rauch Home Easter sivtoon relatives and friends gathered for a potluck dinner on Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs Henry Rauch. Those enjoying the day were Mr and Mrs Royce Putnam and son of Portland; Mr and Mrs Pine Thornburg and children, Lexington; Mr and Mrs John Hartman and children and Mr and Mrs Al Fetsch and family. In the evening they were join ed by Mr and Mrs Hank Rauch and five children of Echo. Mrs Van Marter Has High Score At Bridge Mrs William Sowell entertain ed the Kings Little Queens bridge club last Wednesday evening at her home. i Th quests were Mrs Willard Blake, Mrs Ilene Wyman, Mrs Pat O'Brien, Mrs Herb Hamilton, Mrs Paul Koente. Mrs C E Mc- Quarrle, Mrs James Norene, Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, Mrs Kicn arrl Mpador. Mrs Glen Ward, Mrs Harry O'Donnell and Mrs Jerry Daggett. I Mrs Van Marter held high score, Mrs Wyman was second high, Mrs Koenig low and Mrs Daggett received the traveling prize. ow to get the BEST SEED BUY , Evary man who'i r plantad ... Lmwi Ihit- Th.ra. alwavf I im l..d mix thar' bait for hit 'land. You can hv Jaeklin CaOaai mi ihm ifdt bail for ' youf land or mi iood ac cording, lo your County A...r. Handbook. k Scientifically Clean.d Highest Quolity k Reosonably Priced FAST DELIVERY Ordtrt proctuad and thippad iho tamo day racaivad. ORDER TODAY R PkwM WA -4J4t ( m mm k-hool U out. th-y have brousht fUl Swk hwn. Mr and Mr R Barrett and childien. i-achvr tn lit chx r now IHInij In th houw. Thtf MMM Club met t the of Wave Jji kn Thuri- day. The nest mating will at the home of Mr Van ftl-hard. A larw iunbr turmM out Wt-diKwl4y veilnfi for the U-tterman'a banquet held in the ftfinpe hall. Mr and Mm Max Justus if Fox vUited Sunday at the KU Kund home. Mr and Mm Jim Croker had as h.u cuent last we?K. hi m..ihrr. Mm Croker. hi iUter. Mla Frances Cn-ker and one of Ronnle't brother from Salem nd Vancouver, wash. Mr Croker atayed on for longer visit with her son ana lamuy. Jun Hutchlton droe t.eirce Kirk ta John Dav Monday mrn- Inn for mellcal aid. and he wa put In the hospital with pneumonia. Ruben Patter Installed a new electric stove and water heater last week for Mr and Mrs Ed Rounds. Mr and Mr Lllburn Hunt and hlldren of Lonu Creek spent Easter weekend here visiting friends and relative. J Mr and Mrs L J Matteson of Aliura, Calif i-nl the week end here with friend and rel atlve Mr Ida S hx-urn ha returned to her hum here, after spending two month at the home of her it-iufititrr, Mr Herh llnd at Cerll. W S Hunt of Wagontlre. Ore Con penl the werkend here vl lung hi relative and friend. Mr and Mr Ed Round drove to Bnd to spend Eater with th-lr an. M-lvln and family. .Mr Verne McCarty and two ff her aon. drm to Foaall Tlurblay on buUnena Rex- Thoma came over from Mt Vernon and held the morn ing sunrise meeting Sunday morning up on the hill. Then they gathered at the granee hall for the Easter breakfast. The Easter Sunday school ser vice and program ws conduc ted by Donald Maclnne. the Rev Thoma was back for the even ing services. There wa a large turnout for all the meetings and for the Easter rag hunt at 11:0 a m. Mr and Mrs Ansil Martin were over last week and left their small son with his grandparents. Mr and Mm IK-nry Martin. Mr and Mr Bob Holme drove to The Dalles Monday. Mr ii.d Mr Abe Gale and Ktrrittl CAZCTTC-TIMCS. Thursday. Apt 1 1 20. l0a rMIdren ot Calllomla Her up to pend Faster with her folk, th Wa ne laiher. Mr and Mr Even-U llowrll and Mr and Mi Frank Hwf wcie li. Fvil Saurd4' on ui ne. Mr and Mr lltf: rd llorll and ti.'.i went to h.p-nef Sat-iirday 'LADY BE GOOD' JUNIOR CLASS PLAY Heppncr High School APRIL 26 & 27 8:00 P. M. Adult 75c Student. SOc MULTIPURPOSE ROOM TteW;,..."-. FOR FOOD FISHING SEASON OPENS - STOCK UP NOW! VAN CAMPS 2'2 CANS PORK & BEAM WILSON'S MOR-PORK can 39c WILSON'S CHOPPED BEEF ... can 39c HI-GRADE VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 cans 35c Standby TUNA 4 cans $1 f or HALEY'S EteelE Stew 22 OZ. CAN AC lYiTn TV D mi yco SW ANSON'S Turksy. Chicken. Chopped Sirloin EA. 49c PRODUCE SPECIALS- RADISHES or Gr Omms bun. Crisp, Fresh Red LEAF LETTUCE bun. 15c POTATOES 10 lbs. 49c FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN ORANGE JUICE, 12 ox g For $ J00 PHONE 6-9288 2 LB. BAG U M Assorted LUNCH MEATS lb. 59c BONELESS PORK ROASTS lb. 49c FRESH FISH SPECIAL PRICES GOOD FRIDAY. SATURDAY. APRIL 22-23 Central Market & Grocery Wilson's Men's Wear Tb Csa f anal Sxrie i rt PHONE 6-K14 REPPNEB S4H CXEEJ STAMPS