n Dresimoking Classes To Ce Offered Here Mr Mr mil Cmy, Mr Kit hard Mr,l.r, aruj ! Frank Wlikin f)i trader frtin th Jli'l l'nrf etml.n urlt that l. tiirmakllii: trlntn lift werk. ir ffc-rin In Curulurt (tretmklng wurkthop In ll j.ner Marling Ainl U. accord Inj to Kkthrr Klrml. M rrt x county retention agent. The wurkkhop will U' i.jn to anyone ni is.vi to learn the basic print lid.- if trying Dur ing the workshop a cotton tl:rt will be mlt Good standard for a hievement nil in rotaMUhed and simplified methods atul de velupment of skill will he en couraed. The three Heppner wumrn have Just finUhed a four day dressmaking 1 workshop under the direction of Miss nildegarde ;irueien, .).", doming specialist. Elchteen women, representing in communities in Morrow coun ty, were trained. Women In Heppner (extension members a nl non e x t e n s I o n members! who are Interested In sewing are encouraged to avail themselves of this opjortunity by calling Mrs Merritt Gray, (telephone G 9G37) before April 11. If there are sufficient num ber of women interested, the training will be given. rroject leaders In other com munl'.es will be available for clmllnr iinr- hnti If ctlfflrlont Interest is shown. Con tacts'Phons your nsws Itema to 6-9228. r i -f i -. I j I " r I 1 d i THIS IS HOW you take la tbo fullness of a alow. demonstrate -k I Iyr-i IIM ISH -HP Mrs Louis Cat Ison. ions, as oi is Fi-n - country who took trolnln . lor Dmamakta 1 Ita H'ppaor tha past . m.m Uii Ha ward Crowsll ona Mrs Arthur Warren. Ion, who o!m took th training vndst Miss Hlldegords Strusfett OSC clothing spocioiuu should be made with the follow-, . . , Soroptimists Award lone: Mrs Arthur Warren and NeW DCnOICtrsnip Mrs Howard Crowd I: Rnea creek: Mrs Albert Wright and Mrs Myron Rill: I'ine City: Mrs Wcldon Witherrlte and Mrs Wil- lard French; Lena: Mrs Robert IJdle: Boardman: Mrs Nathan Thorpe and Mrs Earl McQuaw; Irrlgon: Mr Lnrry inhaad, Mrs L Hadwick and Mrs Celia Johnson. io5iraM m 11 (1 I C-yyf) FIPELJT, FEATURES Serious consequences can result from neglected ailments . . . Hav a check-up by your Doctor . . . Hav his Pres criptions filled Herel llttllMIMIII MMMMHMMMIHMIt IHItlllHf .IMMMtlMl II Helena Rubenstein SHAMPOO Now $ J50 Plastic bottle, $2.50 value. Coty, with Free Atomizer TOILET WATER $2 Plus Tax , , i i in i" i iniimiiiiii i hi mi " NEW TECHNIQUE Color-tone for hair. Lasts through many shampoos. , , mi ' CURADS, $1.12 VALUE 79' KF1M The SurontlmUt club f Hep- pner met last Thursday for a sack lunch at the home of the president, Mrs John rfelffer. The monthly business meet inc. which had been postponed because of program Interference, was held and a policy a dopted of giving any acholar khin awarded but not used, to some deserving girl already fur thering her education. There Is such a scholarship now that wasni usea in ijm and it has been awarded to Shirley Kononen. Mrs E E Gonty gave a report on the Easter Seal campaign. Former Heppner Girl Tells Engagement Mr and Mrs W E DavU. for merly of Heppner and now of Rf .1 Junction Cltv. announce the engaRement of their daughter. Nancy Ellen to Davia Alien Kribs, son of Mr and Mrs Lester Kribs of Bend. Both are students at Oregon State Colleee at Corvallls. The wedding will take place n June. Mrs Happold Wins High At Pinochle Mrs Robert Lowe was hostess for her pinochle club Friday af ternoon of last week. Guests were Mrs Fred Mankln, Mrs Walter Becket, Mrs Ben An derson. Mrs Orian Wright, Mrs Kenry Happold, Mrs Art Watkins and Mrs Earl Evans. Mrs Happold received high score for the afternoon, Mrs Wat kins was low and Mrs Ander son and Mrs Watkins received the double pinochle prize. Potluck Dinner Held At Episcopal Church A potluck dinner was held at All Saints' Episcopal church Friday evening, April 1 to wel come the Rev Jonas White of Central America. He showed slides of the coun try and spoke on Central Amer ica and the missionary work be ing done there. FCIC Agents Note Considerable Winter Kill in Area Winter kill has done exten sive damage to many acres of grain, principally barley, be tween The Dalles and Spokane, federal crop Insurance agents have reported, according to Pey ton R Winn of Weston, district supervisor. Damage has been found in r, i i TAG .rr..li Bourbon from Kentucky - 3 Nature's finest bourbon f-. - t m 7i5 crt. Vv"c'' A There i none uetrer. lCJ m M mtmu . i:u suu m t ..res er n.t.csh t-sr uEPS cowers ccv,r. u nx ViM. firman. C.iUUm. l tltU, VU."W Mrry wn Uit wf li r''" " Wwi. trgiMn an4 h' ,n tv, tn. Wlna irmldst that fivwri hno only until ltx 31 t qualify fr IVIC ffiH'' U L.l.nted btl-y Ir.lripnt.sl firmer cn pr.ttni thr. uh)y vu!n-fb!e te piantms i y tvn-i-tlrg their fr-.ti rn-p Intur.nr. a.ent wrM ntrnm m b oMaiiuHl fr'm o-ut-.ty rtter.kion agent. Reiewlng Ut r-p om- In th North t. Winn kM that many farmer w-te Indf-mnlflisl fur diuiith. !.'r r rrave moiture, fnt. !jf.t dlMae and animal damage, as well a combination of the IVrhap the mt dramatic mm f.lluro nmiin. under VX'XC khleiding was dwarf )t-Il.u lru In Unn county and several other Northwet area. Various tpe of grain failed to yield because of th virus which may well tie Number of Phone Increases Greatly In Heppner Area I-J J f er trlrj tunsr fr IinI a t il tf " I i ii January 1, ac mf.l.ntf ta figrt iiinuim-l Ihli wrrk ty raitfU- Trlphoiie Northrt manarr. D A Shi-tt. .s.'i. 1 aid the flr.t t t the er flurt- Intiudnt N) new phune j,l4(ts in r l.v In the Heppner am dust! j 199. ne t f the cxm pir.)'i t.ut-t ear locally. S.iue J'.V." Short ld. "the t.unitK-r ot telephone here ha miti'jx-il inure than half aain : It n-tun.Jy underline the trowih -t the rommunlty lte!f.' On January 1. Tactfic Tele phone Northwest M-r i-d tmut W3.ftl phone In C1H cummunl tie throughout Oregon. Ttie to l.i I rejircMnted a 27,SH gain over the ame date a year earlier. KXrmi OAZCTTt'TtMCS. Turd-T. pa T. IMfl Mr and Mr Haadr Utt m&4 dush!i-r rHurttrU Utt Friday fu mi a mofiih tup to Mtwluipi i.i iii hit i jirntiL Mr and Mi C R Uit of IUttlebur. ,Mil Ippl. U L ArtMJt. tha moit amontin' jak, red t-Kinled tin Techril r.l.i American ne o' fun iu-e the Kouk wuiW blowel up. ftar Ttieater, Sunday-Monday. Tuesday. rejvat litor until rewanh find etftH tlv counter measures. Ayers Pest Control FOR -INSECT OR RODENT TROUBLES -TERMITES or -CATTLE SPRAYING CALL Clayton Ayers-Ph. 6-9953 Shop For The Young Set AT ELMA'S APPAREL White Stag Sportswear Sis ) To 14 end 8ubtiu DrcsscS'Hats-Glovcs Purses OUTFIT THE YOUNG MAN FOR EASTER Sweaters - Trousers Shirts - Sox ARRIVING DAILY - NEW SPRING FASHIONS FOR MOTHER TOO! i CENTRAL MARKET SPECIALS FOR APRIL 8 4 9 FROZEN BRUSSELLS SPROUTS BROCCOLI SPEARS CAULIFLOWER BABY LIMAS YOUR CHOICE f SMmilHlHXIIHOtllHIIIMMMIMIttMUMMHtWHHIWIIIIMMi 95c PILLSBURY'S POUND 9c flMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMIII"l"l,""","T I SPRECKLES POWDERED SUGAR 1 Pound Packages 2 PKGS- 25c CARNATION POWDERED MILK 14 Qt Packags 98c HOODY'S PEANUT BUTTER 3 LB. JAR $J19 Bradley' French Apple And Blackberry FROZEN PIES EACH ZiaC 49' MJB TREE TEA 48 Bag Pkg. 67c pilMMMIMIIItllHIMIMMIIIIMMtlMlllltilllMMMMIMMMIMtllMMimm SAILOR - BAILOR SPONGES ea. $1.00 For Car Washing IMMIIMMHIIHMIMHfHIMMIIMIMIIItlHIHIMIHHIIMIMMMIM SPAGHETTI Cr MEAT BALLS can 49c Chef BoyardM IMIIIIHIIIIHIIMIMItlHIfNItMtMIHtMIMIIIIMIIIIIMIIMHIHHMHMMHItMMI M Ph. 6-8283 M ., ;-np3ried jU,An i en UL.i b v a ur f n tt o n Pom Chops lr $1 Asparagus lb. 19 PORK ROASTS lb. 38c Mt. Emily or Round-Op SKINLESS FRANKS lb. 49c PINK GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 49c CUBE STEAKS lb. 83c TOMATOES lb. 29c Good Selection Frh Fish Central Market Grocery HEPPNER SS.il GBZEN STAMPS PHONE 6-KM