Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1960)
o 1 TM turned rM, Mr ar.4 IT;...- I- .-'- .1 -. 5' t"r51. 1 o over The Tee Cup T IM U1 lACKit LAIHART Nwew v 'n L' ,h-lC Condition. e hd "-JlJf'u., f UUr. C. N- as .leaulM. aj c ,hy hfc4 lhe loet ret Kmmt, each grrrn hat elfiht J ,irf to 'I1, " IirSS & : hi lunch f,.m l-hrf Urb lirruv - - tmonji the maintainors and lm pruvcrs s--n working were, the CUnt MiJu'. ,Urry O'Dvti nclL Ld lfcnrntt. Walt JU. Bob fcnland. IVle Cannon, the Ld ScbIHU' l. Ji-uwn. the I'htl Mshonrys, I'hll BUknry. the B frlnki, Am brut- Chapln. Fannie Duhetty. the Lowell Grlbble. Bud Col lins end children. LaVcro Van Marur Sr. the Judk-c Carmlch aels and myself- WORK DAY WONDFJUNGS: ... ... J. -., after butlUinU a coropU-te new lee oft on .No 8 had had lime to go over and help Wt Cannon n k i.n ihiir No 4 hole a if !. and "Grlb" are still uff and ore a they were iun ...u i,.ht . . . how the "creW on No 9 evrt got the swamp ditch drained ao well . . . why Phil Blaknoy and I were the only ones working on our green (but we had seven small tpe helpers who JUKt loved digging In the sand) . . w ,ulu green no beautifully. rni -..ninu rlmlrman of the BUI . men's handicap committee, has in announce that 4l.iri u in . score sheet haa been placed In the bulletin board case at the hunw thrtr on UmUy.J .r ,nl dCMrf. Mr laWjfamtty ,mU. Mr and M. Sunlry lucr i - y Tur, .. . i.. luin Urn v per " .... tt.i Pwirr. W.Mrf and CturUe Wll Urn rr N! ,4 t'uUnr I W IkcUf5r. ( f if ,4 l' "'i) tun rttnnM M HW- (-mnrf m ,r JnBU"?JI 14 Many am! Mr Umer Mt- M,f !y rr.lrg at v,-e elrtf le,,n w jn p4y WVJnlay l,!L Arvui.4 n tuUnrt. , :- , J ! PM.vd llllundrv.t.iJ.hnl.y ""vr'.rd Mi l!rry Martin' ! wnel. Ilrry luj.r Mr ' ,ar over M him. l-nry U My- ar,,. tu ninnuw i ... . , i, uiJ.lntf Well fanie. LAMl-i DAY OUSfcllVATIONS: Cathy finding one of Cork golf . .11. i.iki In i. lain fcitnt In Lini.a .... - , the middle of the wmp on .o 5 and VI remarking i - t.rled aha (Hin t try to an it out" ICork usually anw... ball regardleta of where It lie . . . IX parnng .till nut ahootlng lo V" the R E A erecting lole on Ho 2 for our electric pump to be uel In Irrigating the course (and with all thU rommotl.n on the fairway there wire Mill nme -electrifying" drive made.) ATTXimONl Out kick off braklut acbaduled for April 3 baa been postponed untU further notice I I I Thata all the tee talk In the cup thla week ao by next tee time let a hoi the tea leafs will read more aunnlly. ANNOUNCEMENTS ST WILLIAMS CK01CH lone Iov Raymond Beard Sunday Masa. 9:15 m. course, for all golfing males to LT or cod CKtntC post their .core when fin hlng A"TWomngton. paatir .m ii i ----- m mil alfl It a rouna oi k4'- i very necessary for acorea to be posted as the fellows would like to start their handicap tourna ment as soon as possible and It takes at least five scores to es tablish a handicap. OVERHEARD: that Bill Blake and Bill Labhart played 18 holes of golf Friday morning before work . . . that Ed Bennett tied Judge In a round of golf (they both shot a 37) . . - that Inez Huffman was so delighted when i. ,i n -aatlful drive off No 4 tee (and made It across the creek) . . . that cy reruns certainly helped me Improve my game. I guess you could say that we separated the "golfers from the girls' Tuesday; as our ladles day (and mother nature was certain ly no lady this day) was almost literally blown away. The wind blown women were Faye Ruhl, Hester Creswick, Dee Grlbble, Ruth Van Winkle, Kay Anderson, VI Lanham, Cathy Collins, Cork Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Hennlston. Oregon Don Wink. Mgr. Res. Hexmiston JO 7-3111 Frank Wink & Sons Owners M FOLLETT MEAT CO. Henniiton, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6851 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS r ' Sunday acnooi, Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Kvenlng service 7:00 p m. Tuesday evening srvloe, 7: LEXINGTON CHUBCH OT CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a m. Worship 11:00 a m. FIRST BAPTIST CHUBCH lone Sunday school 10 a m. Service 11 a m. . nnr 7:00 d m. evening - Pr.ver meeting Wednesday 7:30 In the homes. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH ... ..miiu 9:15 a re. worsuip wi'.-, - -Sunday sehool. 9:15 a m every Sunday. . n i . hi,t iha sftoona ana 3ITH a - - fourth Sunday or tne monui. THE THE METHODIST CHURCH d.. A,,ctin Mrfihec. Pastor IvT V ' m . . ' . u a-dS n m. Mrs Tom Wells, Superintendent ,kin 11 -m a m Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7:00 p m. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worship services, 11:00 a m. Sunday sohool, 9:18 a m. CHURCH OF JtSUB CMIllIT OF LATTER-DAT SAIWTV AmMicoa Lgi hU ltlpth-'d meeting. ,n Sunday a,h,.,l at : lO.m Sacrament rvic m 11. .V) m. 10NE COMMUWITT CHURCH ( honh ho..l at J Morning worOitp at 11 A M. junior inch Pilgrim reUow rl.lp meeting at 3 P M. ' nlor IU2h nicrlm Fellow. ,h!r meeting at 7 P M. Choir practice. Monday at P M. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE p.,lert Whhrev. ur Sunday sehool 10 rn. Worship 11 rn. Na?arene younj -plei soc iety 7:X) p m. ,jV, n Kvenlng service. 7:300 P rn. Meeting In Seventh D..y Ad- venlli.t church. Everyone wel- come. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST C L Vorle. Pastor sturday services Sabbath school, 9 30 A M. Church service. 11:00 A M. "Quint Hour" radio broadcast vr EGO every Sunday, 8 P M r.t Pninharv radio broad- cut over EGO every Sunday, 9 P M. IONE BIBLE CHURCH R.v Jamee W Klley, paster Bible school 10 a ro. Classes for ail age. Church 11 a rn. ;"" " come. Youth Fellowship, o:au v Sunday. Good Atwi siud or of all churehea Mondays, 3:43. Bible stories, songs, game. Prayer meeung ana study, Thursday, 7:30 p m. All meetings are held In tne Riley residence on 2nd street. Irk- with hi wife l ine who has tfn 111 In the Jjt.n Dy h piial. Mr and Mr Gut Irterwn drove li ivrulleton t tle her 'mother. Mrs Annie Loul Stt in .t Anilionv B njii:iai. Mr and Mrs Al Brown accow anted her urtrstr ana iif. on ... m mm ... . ....I. t. . and Mr J ;.i.M-iy i mi-ir iwhw at M'!eMj. California. Alter iending a week there on bual- nei.. Mr Brown returneu nome, Mrs Brtiwn will Uit lmger. Mr and Mrs Di.k Mrtln and daughter Donna f PrlnevHIe upent Sunday here hlilng nil folks, the Henry Martins. C Holmes. Bob Ib lmi-t. Frank Kld.r. Arvella Hunt, babelle Neel trailed over 5X) head of cattle from the C Holmes ranch down the river, to the Deer Creek rnh of Bob Holmes. fl..i .tryrt If, Jiihfl Day Monday the 28th on busl- A number of the Legion and ... a i r.. C a Auxiliary arove to jonn uny i- : . .. .. In the W " f '. Fteea Let We i.... i',u and sun fWnny Mrrt ta Jahn Day Irtdsy on bus llr, thru Runny tye4 tf the virr-kend st the Te4 UDu home, coming home Sunday when they cm over t tt f r the dsy at the Cruket home i. , Mra P.otwrt Gef1un n.l two children ln lart Wed- nedy noon ff Portland for their tprtng vacatlrn. returning hme Sunday. Mrs Donald Matlnnea ana some of her children went to ?4l,.m on buines the middle uf the week. Mu Btty Obrut went to Tort land and Wheeler for her spring vicatlon. She returned Sunday .o resume her teaching at the high school. Mr and Mrs Al Brown has had it their company for the last in iav her brother and wife from Modesto, California. Mrs Helen Brown and Mrs Mary Du Bosch drove to Pendle ton Sunday to visit with Mr and Mrs Norman DuBoach, then Mrs Mable P.oach. who had visited a week there with her daughter and son ln law. came home with them. . . . Henry Martin and Harold cor a., ..Mti tfifi buiirni rrtarne4 ho" Wedrvr.1y ren le.g aftt-f Uitir.g r.e i,)t g rsr.Jsrentt. Rubrn PstArf. Walter Wll- turns. liner Ma"en ana Harry St he!j-4 !) J JUrrUltori pour cemei.t forms f -T bu:l llr.g M nl' Mr and Mr M-Mn Itowrww, and t sons and Mr ard Mr Rob Uslie and f hiwien w jent the spring arauon ' Ing here with their folks, the Ed Round and IUy Corks- Mr and Mm Connie Muirrw m Burns spent the weekend visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs George Sttrritt. alo Mr and Mrs rrl Barnard. Harry Sctt. F-lmet Matteson. Harold Upper! II Crnlngton. and Unnle HarrUh helped Ruben Patrer pour cement walls for his Lasement Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Karl Lout and children moved back Sunday from lluntsvllle. wan nr,- they lived the past year nu . hMr nd Mrs Conklln stayed at the Charles Roach ranch while Mable was In Pendleton week with her daughter, tnt Norman Du Bosch-t-v ( t m riuh met In the grange hall for tneir m rw- lirtla MXarty. JsupMat ktsfaum ni Msrth Msttesan. Mr and Mr hsn Smith and ihiidren nt the weekend at WU WalU WR reltie. Mr and M R- Wel4rmn ind f.iir thiidren of Portland lent a few da) last week H-iin-.g I er brother and family, the l.OS ITifnem Mr and Mr Drre Tarren and ihltdren and Wave Jfkaon Ar to lleppner Sunday taking Mr 5elyn Fsrrer.s U her home fter a lil r.ere n iin wj nd family. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLABiUnn) ADS ll'llllim l!l; iillaC) COLE'S Electric Motor Shop ... aa B.nltAn. Dlt. SeXgth 1 ..CT.iwtnnTTTt'Ttr;F.fJ FOR SEED CLEANING Cr TREATING CALL Harold Erwin Phone 6-5806 IONE NEWS llnnkrt from PaO 7) Mrs Clell Rea, Mrs Wate Craw ford, Mrs Arthur Crawford, and Mrs Delmer Crawiora. Ashley McCahe, small son of Mr and Mrs Alvln McCabe. is a patient in the Tloneer Mem orial hospital. Mrs Herbert Ekstrom Sr is 111 at her home. Mr Ellen Rleth was a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospital a couple of days last week. Her .nrrViinr. In-law. Mr Oil aim .vt,... -- nd Mrs F J Rleth of Harrington, Wash visited her and iurs arena CMeara over the weekend. The American Legion post hosts to a ban quet at Stefanl's Fine Foods Sat urday evening. The guests were the members' wives, members of the Auxiliary and husbands and friends. There were 49 present. This was followed by the an nual spring dance at the Legion hall with Rietmann's orchestra furnishing the music. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rv C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Commuaion. Sunday, 7;H0 a m. Famlly service, 10:00 a ro. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 10 a m and 10 a m an oiy day- . Inquirer's and conumiauo.. classes Tuesday, 7:30 p m in Rector's study. m - m catiirriava. Catechism classes for children st Reetor's study . ST PATRICK'S CHURCH lleppner Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 11 . m. Weekday Masss, 7:30 a m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a m. E Mrs daughter, couple week. Mr and Markham Baker and Manilnc snent a of days In Tortland last; Mr Milton Morcan ilt iiva - were Portland visitors last week. 7 Tl RANCH AERO OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR WEED SPRAYING Contact at up.tair. opt at 110 West Church SU Hpn Phone (c.'o Ford s Tue Serrlc.) 6 9481 or 6 5515 Your physician prescribes ex actly what you need to improvt your health ... and then your pharmacist compounds thi pre scription with absolute accuracy. In addition to this precision in carrying out the doctor's orders, your Rexall pharmacist offers you prompt, friendly, per sonalized service every time. Bring the next prescription your doctor gives you to YOUR K ft HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG The Preciiption Store S4H Green Stamps Heppner. Oregon DDIMADY FLECTION NOTICE Pursuont to the provision, of Section 249.350 Oregon Rev.sed Sta ut hereby given that at the Primary Nominating Election to be held n th . Voting precincts in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon May, I960, viz: May 20, 1960, the qualified electors of the Republican and tne Demo rati parties will vote their preference for candidates for President and vice President of the United States, and will choose their respective candidates for Federal, State, District and County offices, namely. President and Vice President- United States Senator Representative in Congress, 2nd Congressional District Secretary of State State Treasurer Attorney General State Senator. 16th Senatorial District Representative in Legislative Assembly, - 22nd Representative . uisrncr 1 County Commissioner 1 County County Clerk 1 Sheriff 1 County Treasurer 3 Port Commissioners aaa X A f f v tiffl Officers to be elected at said Primary nominating Election are a By the Republican Party 1 National Committeeman 1 National Committeewoman By the Democratic Party 1 National Committeman 1 National Committeewoman "larionai vuniiniiifcrTwiw m n.i .a a (do nAttineratic 10 Delegates to the Republican it ue.egu.. ' c" National Convention - State National Convention - State at Large at Large 8 Delegates to the Republican 8 Delegates to the Democratic National Conve n t i o n - 2nd National Conven ion - 2nd Congressional District Congressional District 9 County Precinct Committee- 9 County Precinct Committee- , men men 9 County Precinct Committee- 9 County Precinct Committee women omen . . .AC Also at a Special Election I. be held in the several yoting preencts .n sa.d County of McTow, State of Oregon, on M.y 20, 1960, all registered voters bemg quolif.ed to vote thereon: 1 Constitutional Amendment 1 Measure to establish a tax base for Port of Morrow Which said Election will be held at 8 A. M. and will continue until 8 P. M. of hat day. 9 DateJ this 31st jay of March, 1960. Crfi Parrish. County Clerk of Morrow County