i ntttniM ourrrt TiMti. n-. u. iwo'Advonce Ctntut " 7T 'Report Formi Now APPLICATIONS NOW DUE FOR 4 H B)in3 Diitributed SUMMER SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS Au-lUMiuiii fr H aummd i.ht l from 4 11 t." K1 v.ha have ir.n the nijulrcmeriU la tx rllnlU t( thU orur are trtie rerrvi-d now t th county erru tfllre. announce N C Andcron. county tl mton eent. To be tlli'lbl. U and mn.t hive reached their mi i.trih,(itf bv January 1. muil have complete at least two year 4 II club anj finished U project enrolled In th part current club year. T,irfv th QUold. Will h elected from amon R3 eligible when the BrpHfation deadline It reached. April 1. These boy and elrli will H'cnd eight day on the Oregon Stat Collet campu llvlrff and playing to gcthrr, attending class and otherwise carrying out their mot lo "to make the best better" Scholarship which pay living expense during the eight daya are provided, by organisation. Individual and group Interes ted In the 4 II club program. The Pine City extension unit again win the recognition of providing the firt 4 II summer nchoiil luhoIarshlD to be rccclv- rd In J0. These women have won this recognition for the pat five year. Trailing behind by only a few day In providing scholarship are the lone P-TA and Freddie Nelson, Lexington. r.murm that hav provided acholarshlps In the past will be contacted within the next two months by a scholarship com mittee composed of Marcel Jones, Heppner; E M Baker, lone; Gene Pierce, Heppner and Mrs Bernard Dohcrty, Lexington. Summer school selection com mittee members. Mrs Walter Corley and Lloyd Morgan, lone; Alfred Nelson, Jr, Lexington and Mrs George Luclanl, Echo will have the difficult Job of screen ing applications from the 83 rligible boys and girls after April 1. Applications which consist of the club members 4-11 perma nent record have been received from Penny Jones, Sandra Davis, Barbara Davis, Irrlgon; Dan Wardwcll, Martha Doherty and Kenneth Wright, Heppner; Mar ilyn Morgan and Arleta McCabe. lone and Beverly Davidson, Lex ington. The selection committee aivur.d acMttic cf t. ..-n t-r Inrludir f Iticrta com- pp!r4 and nMUt mad. ! ntratiun and other public pf-M-ntatlont. 4 II contest, tur. ramps snd summer "hu4 par. . i a. tlrfjatWn a : a icjp and 4 II recognition, Governor Sees Altai l-jt f . M ! X'mt.l iri im 1 1 uU'! n id fcou.li t wi:l b il:ttituud t th t utile IM k tu all oirtk(dd In IhU area, diUM u;-rvl"f H-.sr rr K I'.alnry. rVM M.oufrd tiJiy. Tt. aJtw i-rt Mm t a Itrw ret;U tiklr-' dcU wl-Uh I dklgtwl la irrd Up the firid rar.taui and fvld m avur ate stetutk I'UtrSfeuSk.n IM Hearing on School Budget Held Here Jkuwt so wfw, attended VV J.ci r.iU i-uf.u hear I: 4 tt ..Ktc4 evunty t., Vuieri. tut m major titr-i Uifsts m ril agalnat It .N'umrluul 4U-liw. rf irtcd by Urd rnmters and upr"-'rn4pfst Robert Van Hit Ttv svUl buildg fund M-ilal lr V cam In f -f dl- tUMlon. and It wi IM1 ot u..l,l rr iGralm Eligible . iDreitmoklng Slated For Reieol ond Loon ftt.d 4 II cMi.lng ldr are b Ir.g trained In the tlc prln -i, Im t t u-tttn at m tlir making I workshop at the Hep pnirf fair pavllluft on March 22. 23 and Tt, SO. ttwr ting ta fjthef Ktrml. Marrow county ienlon agent M!a llildrjard Sueufctt, ei irii.Km tluthlnrf kpnlalUt frun Ofrfiun state College I ronduc P:i,.w .. . (jiji,iju m year iw ivur j' " Continued uin !" 1 ,t im Uti tKe Mart tt the u UMsJ filf t(li, c.nttrurtlun iwnunwn - i- - irrtm will meet with JndutiUl 4.u to hu cnv gKrt the .n,4 finnrtal lc lr In th 1-! i. iril th trefon 5tury" and eplaln the advantage f in- duktry epamJing ma i-s:n i,. cumdv the crowing market in th Wert. Tl group left lat Saturday by plane for New York. He said the Hate dura not have ut money to spend far widespread advertlalng and pro motion, and cho the meth.l of going to a selected group of Industrialists to sell the state. Th rroun met Monday and Tuciay m New Tone, weones H.v in U'kthlnrtun D C. and today In Chicago. Preeeedln the public meeting about 40 area civic leaders and others met with the Governor at a dinner at Boardman. f peakerm. In addition to Governor Hatfield were J W Forrester, Jr. editor of the East Oregonltn; county tude- Oacar retetson: Holly Cor nell. of the Corvallis engineering firm of Cornell. Howiand. Hayes and Memflcld. which Is plan nlng the moving of the town of Boardman; and Herb West, exec utive secretary of the Inland Em pire Waterways Assn. Georee Wiess. chairman of the Port of Morrow Commission pre sided at both the meeting and the dinner. The entire program was arranged by the port commission. will choose delegates on the all $1 fine Justice and Municipal Court John Dean Graves, giving al cohol liquor to person under 21 years of age, $200 fine. Ellis Edward Ball, excessive motor noise, $10 fine. Alonzo Henderson, J O Hager, R Swcnson, C A Duvls. E A Westermyer, Dick Robinson, Ellis Pettyjohn. Charles rhegley, over- ime parking, lined $1 cacn. L II Case, parking police zone, c Chainigie-Over Time! TAKE OFF YOUR WINTER TREADS AND PUT ON SUMMER TIRES And Balance Those Wheels just $2 oo OR BALANCE ALL 4 FOR JUST $4 QO From Now Till March 31st REMEMBER family a chfr ta -mbl In- Mmatifn abut erh mrmU-r In advanre 4 the crnus tker" vMt, The dUtrki uKrvlr urges all rrkldrntt to fill out the form and hsve them ready far the cenu taker when they tart their round on April 1. Th advance rejwrt f m con tain een question about every -i'n In the houwhtdJ and six nuetttlona about the houM-hold duelling. Tie house hold Information akcd fr Is name, address, aex. cdr or rare, month and year of birth, whether married or single, and relatlonfthlp to head of the household. The Information re quired about the dwelling Is the number of rooms, cooking facu lties, plumbing. If rented or own ed At every fourth household, the census taker will seek the an swers to additional questions covering population and housing characteristics which are being asked of a 23 iercent sample of the nation's population. The namnl nonulatlon ouestlons In clude Inoulrles on country of birth, schooling, employment. In come, and related Items. The ad ditional housing questions relate to rent or value of dwelling, heating equipment, water sup ply, and other facilities and eouloment. The district supervisor pointed out that Information about In dividuals and their homes fur nished to the census bureau Is In the rounty. Th vui t-n the IniJi-rt and th serial levy will b held April 12. that If approved It wt!l provide ting the four day workshop In m ar fur fvur year to which each woman will make taught are the foundation for all eng. Good standards for a chlevement will b established and simplified methods and de vrlopment of skills will be en couraged. This workshop 1 the begin ning of a cycle of dressmaking wukho that will be conduc ts! vearlv. 19C1 will see dress making II and succeeding years wlil see such thing a sewing with plsida and stripes, and tall oring. Women attending the work shop Include: From Heppner: Mrs Kenneth Rattv. Mrs Merrltt Gray. Mrs Dirk Meador. Mrs Albert Wright Mrs Myron Rill. Mrs Kelihley Blak. Mrs Robert Riddle- and Mrs Wavel Wilkinson. From lone: Mrs Louis Carlson, Mrs L A McCabe. Mr Arthur Warren. Mrs Howard Crowell Mrs Herb Peterson. From Pine City: Mrs WUlard French and Mrs Weldon With errlte. From Irrleon: Mrs Larry Schaad. Mrs M E Had wick. Mrs F J Murtlshaw, and Mrs Cella Johnson. From Boardman: Mrs Earl Mc Quaw. First Notional Branch Reports Increase in Loans A record hleh spring bank fall deposit total wit revealed by Flrnt National Bank of Oregon uhm the atatevild bank report ed Its March 15. 10 statement of condition figures to the comp Iroller of the currency. Deposits of SH3C.50S.W3 were renoried. which tunned the pre vious spring mark by more than $2 million set on March 12. 1959. Loans for the 82 First National offices amounted to $130,316,922. an Increase of $19 million over a year ago. Both the deposits and loan totals are creater than any other bank In the state. The Heppner branch of First National reported March 15 de posits of $5,298,003 and loans totalling $3,995,341, according to J II Bedford, manager. At the same time he released comparable totals for the branch for th March 12, 1959 call for bank statements. On that date. deposits were $3,563,107 and loans were S3.414.935. The derjoslt and loan totals. up from the high level of a year aeo. are a good Illustration of th.. continuing vitality of the state's econ my." C B Stephen wheat and barley will be ellft tie to be arpt In storage another year under a ml prpgram hen the original loan or pur chai agreement esptres this year, the county ASC office an nounce. In addition. jrk ..;rrt re trtl loan which are already In rffect n ITA crop wheat and barley will be eligible to fee tended another ear. For storing grain under a re eat loan, a farmer my earn i.avmentS Which In ef fect help to pay the cost of new storage. Storage payments to farmer for the added year will b In line with the new storage .KM nhkh are negotiaiea iw u..n th eovernment and com- " m . .n-ti u-arehousemen to take effect July 1. 1900. i.,,t mnftdonfiai ..nrfer Federal n president ol the statcwiae law. Only statistical totals and.bank a,d; TPf averages are published. No 'ess activity Is reflected In bank ..... .... i ftoiii I u nii'n m 1 nil au iniaii' dividual person can be idcnti-i" ' . iiaiiv over a year ku. biiu rm ilea in iiuuuMieu reooris m , . , - ,, .. . , , census Information cannot be i " , ' V".', , " T used for regulation. Investiga tion, or taxation. Guest Leader Due For Christian Church Spiritual Crusade than last spring," he added. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients Herbert (Pete) Knox. Fossil: Jeanette Smith .Condon, dismissed: Ada Cannon Heppner. dismissed : Patricia . . . .... 'Graves. Heppner. dismissed: Ha- uaio anerwoou, pastor oi me, .. ij. T....J , ,. ... zel Easter, Heppner, dismissed; . . . ..... L Jesse Sinclair. Spray Patrlc ftiouesto, tuiu, win De tne uesi ... ,, r .. Sm th. Heppner. dismissed Ro inuiinr ni inn Mitriiiini i un i r i. " . . ' ... ..' bert Ferrel. Klnzua; Shirley Christian chih. Mi 29 to rT' nTEUsed": April 8. Rev Charles Knox, pastor, McGocc "'rSJ5 id ttnv Francos Smith, Condon; Eliza- The rS2.de will be preceeded W" !"? by three nights of friendly vis- prr' 'SwiiS itation by members of the con- ,Gr'ffln- "epnPnne;. p I ' Cunnlncham, Heppner Ellen " March 29 has been designated Rcl,h' Ione: Hazel Donart' K,n as "Welcome Dale Day" with a zua puuui'K atnner inai evening at . . ,6:30 for members and friends of College Students In I ,l..vk Cln..nn1 ..111 BM m . sneak each evenintr. Anril 3-8.MePPner h0f VaCOflOn at 7:30 and at the morning wor- shin hour Sundav. Anril 3 The visitor Is a graduate of Northwest Christian College, Eugene, and has served In pas torates in Sheridan and Dallas, Oregon; Modlca and Modesto, California. SQUARE DANCE JAMBOREE PLANNED The Oregon springtime square dance Jamboree will be held April 30 at the Umatilla high school gym, It was announced this week by the Blue Mountain Square Dance council, sponsors of the event. iAmonj? the college students home for the spring vacation are from Oregon State College, Helen Graham, Janice Reamer, Susie McQuarrle, David Cox, Gayle Cox. Mr and Mrs Skip Ruhl, Shirley Kononen, Dick Kononen, Carol Anne Anderson, Janet Wright; University of Oregon, Judie Brannon, Lance Tibbies, Marv Jo Stewart: Eastern Ore tron College. Jim Morris; Unlver sity of Oregon Medical School, Alice Faye Stewart E0C Band Slates Concerts in County A week-long 12 concert tour, scheduled bv the Eastern Ore gon college band gets under way today, and the group win put on concerts next week In Hep pner, lone and Boardman. Featured within the 50 mem ber Instrumental group will be the EOC dance band with Jo hanna Hardwlck, Baker, vocal soloist, and Beth and Ruth Combs, La Grande, and Marcla MacPherson, Union, vocal trio. "Begulne for Three" composed bv Harold L Klrklln. music dir ector for Baker schools, will be featured by the EOC trumpet trio. The erouo will perform in HeD- pner next Wednesday at the high school gym at 2:00 o clock, and Thursday at both lone and Boardman. ATTENDS BOARDMAN MEETING Anions those attending the meeting Thursday evening In Boardman to hear Governor Mark Hatfield speak were Mr and Mrs Harry Dinges, Mr and Mrs C J D Bauman. Mr and Mrs Oliver Creswick, Dr and Mrs L Tibbies and Larry. Mr and Mrs Clarence Rosewall. Mrs Con- ley Lanham, Mrs Allen Case, Mrs La Verne Van Marter, Mrs Elaine George, Mr and Mrs Paul Jones, p vv Mahonev. Gene Pierce. W C Collins, Mr and Mrs Al Lamb, O Turner, uon Turner, uscar Peterson. Gene Fereuson. Mr and Mrs Robert Penland and Neal, Mr and Mrs Fred Parrlsn and Fred Glmbel PARENTS Of DAUGHTER m nd Mrs Lawrence Jones t Roberta llannon) formerly of Heppner. are the prnts oi a nhtor. Valerie Linn, born March 19 at Pendleton. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs i uwnr Jones. lone, and Mr and Mr S D Wright of Heppner. She Joins two brother and a sister. Mh lomaa Tbomaoo. Mr Claude Graham and daughter, Helen returned home from Eug n Sundav. While there. Mr Thomson visited her daughter, Meredith, who Is now spending vacation in California. Bernlce and Bruce Thomson also accompanied them home after visiting their aunt and uncle In Vancouver. Mr and Mis A M Fergtson and two children were In Corvallis a few days tasi wets, visum. Mr and Mrs Harlan Denton of Prlneville were weekend visitors at the home of his sister and hmther In-law. Mr and Mrs Ray mond French and his motner Un Fdear Denton Mra tohn Pfalffer. Julia and inhnnv Pfeiffer. Beverly Blake Tom Drlscoll and Margaret Green were in The Dalles on Mnndav. Mr Stanley Holm of Mcrupm la here this week assisting in the office of Dr C M Wagner. Th Re and Mrs Bruce Spen rhtldren were In Toledo Wednesday through Saturday to visit Mrs Spencer's parents, tne Rev and Mrs Cliff Moynlhan. Mr and Mrs Cordon Pratt and their children were in Portland for spring vacation to visit their respective parents. Mrs Phil Blakney and child rpn and Marv Pierce were In Pendleton Thursday for the af ternoon. Mis Eddie Gunderson and son Douelas and Mrs Henry Hap noid left last Saturday for Port land where they visited several rtavs. Jack Sumner and Jay Sumner who both attend school at ObL are home this week for spring vacation. Clarence Johnson and Clint Agee were in Portland last week on business. Mr and Mrs Jim Barratt and Brenda and Janet of Corvallis were houseguests at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Blake Wednes day through Saturday. Mrs Bill Labhart and daughter. Laurie were in Pendleton Sun day to attend the wedding of Judith Folsom and Ladd McGow- an. I Mf 4 Mi BUI LUhh1 4 chUdten wtf In Mtnmuth l" lek tot etfl dat WUrg THt They returned ta lpfnt Saturday. Dr an4 Mi Jm daughter. Trcy were la Portland th flrt of the wrek on bulne and ! lo lt hi farrnU. Weakaad umU at tha Harry Bongei h-rr wrr Mr and Mr LJmer Bukkuhl of Tie Da!W Janice DtUcolI returned to lihuul In tW Friday, lief mother. Mr James Dr1lt ac ourr.pir.led her. Mr ad Mr Allan Cos ond Mr and Mr Matt Hughra at trn l-d a sale meeting and din rwr fr Shrrw In William In Pen dleton Friday evening. Mr end Mr Tron Anderson were In Walla Walla Tuesday t.f last week on butines. The Holy Nam Society met Thursday evening of lat week with about thirty men attending. The main diculon of the even- lng wa concerning a money raising campaign they are plan ning. rather Condon of Condon. Jack Herman of California and Lynn Huston of The Dalles were dinner guests Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mr Harry Bongers. Mr and Mi Robert Penland and son Neal were In Coot Bay over the weekend where they visited with Mr Tenland par ents. Mr and Mrs Roy NeaL Mr end Mrs Robert Van Houte and family were In Portland last week for the OEA conven tion and they also visited In Stayton. roR SEED CLEANING & TREATING CALL Harold Erwin Phone 6-5806 Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERT TUESDAY 12 NOON On U. a Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Henniston, Oregon Don Wink. Mgr. Res. Henniston JO 7-3111 Prank Wink & Sons Owners COLE'S Electric Motor Shop S. W. 23rd Pendleton. Ore. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim EXAMINER COMING A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Heppner Tues day, April 5 at the court house from 9:30 a m to 3;30 p m. IN PORTLAND HOSPITAL Norton Lundell. lone, had throat surgery Tuesday at the U of O Medical school hospital In Portland. His mother, Mrs E R Lundell is with him. Mr and Mrs Fred Butterfield visited the Don Hatfields of Mad ras over the weekend. ANY Passenger or Small Truck Tires - Only $1 PER MONTH Your Tire Specialist Headquarters Ford's Tire Service "Tour General Tire Dealer" K. Main Phone 6 941 "We Pay For Our Insurance By The Month!" Many young married people like, to avoid a heavy annual pre mium that cuts so heavily into rainy day reserve. Perhaps you would like to, too? CALL usr C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY 1 ' II MISTER R YOU'LL NEED THAT TRUCK SOON! LET US GET IT READY TO WORK! Spring here and there will soon be a dozen Jobs for your farm tmsk er pickup. It it ready to work the whole summerT Better bring it in today and let us give it a tuneup. or whatever it might need to get it ready to serve you. Our top mech anics and complete parts service will get you rolling in hmrrf end keep yea rolling all summer 1 SPECIAL FRI. & SAT. ONLY! Sf.00 GARraSEi TIME FOR A SPRING CLEAN UP TOU CANT DO IT TOURS ELF FOR A DOLLAR! Heppner Auto Safes, Inc. MAIN MAT STS. HEPPNER. ORE. PHONE 6-9152 FHOl.'E 6 9625 HEPPNER. OREGON BOX Cll