6 3 ytgriir"g,jsa?rn s SPECIAL 1 Only Motorola Stereo Hi-Fi Like New Black Wrought Iron With Cto Golden Record Library U L. r imjurena rrowi Our Price L. E. 2S1 Linden Way TURKEY'S 12 to 16 lb average, 49c lb. Peck's Grocery, Lex Ington. 34c FOR SALE Dl Caterpillar trac tor with cab, used only 3300 hours. E. W. Cardinal. Wasco, Thone CI 2 5571. 3 C FOR RENT Clean two bedroom duplex, stoves and water fur nished. Phone 6 9959. 2 tfc FOR SALE 2 year old bull, top quality, registered. Frank An derson, phone 6-5311. 2 4c FOR SALE Bulk seeds and onion sets. Cornett Green Feed. 5Mc FULLER BRUSH dealer for Hep pner area, Loren Bade, 420 N W Defense Way, Pendleton, phone CR 6-34G0. 46 tfc FOR RENT lame two bedroom house at 320 Aiken St, Hep-1 pner. Call Mabel Davidson, 7261. 50-tfc NATIONALLY ADVERTISED on Garroway's NBC TODAY Tel evision show. A profitable bus iness of your own. Credit a vallable. Car or panel truck necessary. Write to Watklns Products, Inc.. 3903 Brooklyn Avenue. Seattle 5. Washington for FREE information. 3-8c WANTED carpenter work, new construction or remo deling Free estimates, work guaran teed. Phone 6-9175. 3-5c DO YOU NEED Cabinet work. Interior decorating, or all around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. 19-tfc FOR RENT One bedroom apart ment, furnished, Includes water and garbage. Phone 6- 9723. 2-5c WHEAT TREATING, call Ilene Wvman. ohone 6-9G19. 50-tfc FOR RENT 1 bedroom furnish ed apartment. N D Bailey, phone 6-9491. 43-tfc ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, portables, electric and stand ards; sales, service and repair. Office equipment, office sup plies. Roscoe N. Allen, Milton Freewater, Ore. For service call HeoDner 6-9228. 33-34C RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned In vour home. Woo' or cotton Fast Service, Phone 6-9432. 46 tfc SINGER Sewing Machine Com pany representatives will be in Heppner area 1st and 3rd Wednesdays every month. Re pairs on all makes sewing ma chines and vacuum cleaners. Contact Mrs David Eckman, Heppner. phone 6-9101. 44-tfc Classified Rates 3c per word minimum 50c per insertion. Black face or caps, double rate Cards of Thanks SI .00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 5 p. m. Wednesday USED FARM EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 1S59 55W Baler WHyd Bale Tension $2500 Has baled less than 40 acres, new warranty 1957 55W Baler, Like New 52100 30 day warranty New Holland 78 Baler (String) $550 Better than average International Hay Rake on Rubber S295 Excellent condition John Deere No. 5 Mower, Hydraulic Cyl. $350 Like New Dearborn Arch Type Rake 5395 Good condition 10 Used Ford and Ferguson Tractors ' $695 up Completely reconditioned and painted 32' JD Grain augur with Hopper 5295 An SSOO item 12' Bulk Grain Box. like new $95 1947 Ford Flatbed with hoist .. 5650 2 speed, 8:25 tires, good condition 1952 Chev. Vj ton pickup - 4 speed, average 300 Gal. Trailer-mounted sprayer With 50 ft booms. Excellent condition Trades Accepted - Good Terms Available Free Delivery See us for the best in farm machinery' airl' Priced Umatilla Ford Tractor Co., Inc. VALUE Plover $99.95 Stand $10.00 $35.76 $144.70 $99.95 DICK Phone 6 !W20 FOR SALE OR RENT 3 bedroom house, double garage. 3 lots. In Lexington. Phone Tom Fair cloth. 3 8115. Lexington. 3 OUR BEST USED CAR BUYS 19M Pontlac Star Chief 2 door hardloD. lull power, one - f ' fHL'nnr 19.Y7 Bulck 4 door hardtop, full power, extra clean. 1957 Mercury, exceptionally rlian. 10rJ". Ilnir-b rln in',; f-hnt-rnit station wieon . USJ . v... " '1 , V-8 motor, exceptionally ermd condition. Excellent Hunting Jeeps 1955 International pickup, com rilntnlv TMHniii tinned. 1956 CMC Pickup, 18,500 actual miles. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIHE DEALER See the new 1900 FRIGIDAIRE FROST-FROOF REFRIGERATOR 13 cu. ft. mods! os low as H22 a wk TREMENDOUS SAVINGSI 2 FRIGIDAIRE CUSTOM IMPER IAL ELECTRIC RANGES (school plan ranges) Botn nave aouDie ovens and rotlsserie. inese are like new I FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac-Buick-Willys-GMC 40-tfff NEW LOAD OF ROOFING 90 lb roll; 105 lb stagger edge for old roofs; 215 lb 3-in-l; and 215 lb 3-in-l in new gray color. All bargain priced. Anderson's Builder's Supply, Heppner. l-3c LUMBER Good farm and ranch lumber at Stud Planer Phone 6-944o Heppner 45-47C FOR SALE 2 bedroom house in new location, large lot, Phone K.Q72K. 3-5c Ford Falcon Thunderblrd If you are planning on buying a car EVERETT KEITHLEY Wants to see you. Day phone 6-9152, nights phone 6-5342 3-tfc FOR SALE Coleman oil stove, practically new, $60. Phone 6 5385 3-4c SAND& GRAVEL delivered daily any amount, any time. Call lone 8-7277 or Umatilla 755 or 503 collect Sue Hams or Pete Hams. 30-tfc FOR RENT two bedroom unfur nished apartment Call Dick Meador, 6-9192. 32-tfc Jul dr i w rrarrt. cinva piitcUn. 6 K WUWW. pomvm (MM 9 to 5J0 M-Uay J; PJnf Jolnuo' pw I -,ltT,M with hlich. Phone complete with lone TIM. 31 53 p tfc FOR SALE-RegWtered yearling Hcrrford bull. Frank M Mon han. Condon. Dt'nklrk 4 5536. i-uc - TZTT '. SALK-10 by 44 13 Great V. V FOR Lakes 2 bedroom Ualler house. excellent condition, rnone o VvM after 5 p m. S3 tfc FOR RENT 3 bedroom ba 1" Lexington, fuu baenent, w baths, wired for waaha aoi4 dryer, newly rtdorto. George Hermann. Phone 3 09. 29tft iViu iill .frenh tUDDiy Of a v w - - ahruba. Cornett Green heea 2 3c USED Baldwin Acrosonic piano Sa-e S500. Terms to ault you Jack Mulllcan Planoa. Pendle- inn Oreeon. 2-3C SPECIALS 58" sheeting plywood 5133 M 4" sheeting plywood $120 M 516" sheeting $95 M. All hnv is srade CD Anderson's Builders Supply, Hep nnr. r"""- NOTICE Due to sale of property, Dolan Wrecking Co has only 40 days to vacate their location lor tne past 41 years at the corner of 8th and SE Belmont Sts, Portland, Ore. Sudden sale of property has found Dolans with a gigantic stock of new and used building materials, plumbing, pipe. lu tings, pumps, heating equip ment, power and hand tools, doors, windows, lumber, mould ins, class, kitchens, etc. So please come in and haul some things away, we are selling so cheaD it's more like giving It away. However we do It, we must move everything In 40 aays so get your share of the bargains. DOLAN WRECKING CO. 804 SE Belmont St Portland, Ore. 51-tfc FOR SALE 1948 Ford dual drive truck, good 825x20 tires. U1CK MaHor. ohone 6-9192. 2-3c vd citr milk powT f JU .JVAJ-. ..v. I . . is rnnn I Nels Anderson, pnone o aw a-jc LAWNMOWER and saw sharpen ing. N D Bailey, phone e-wai. 5-tfc NATIONALLY ADVERTISED on Garroway's NBC TODAY tele vision show. A profitable busi ness of your own. Credit avail able. Car or panel trucK nec essary. Write to Watklns Pro ducts Inc., 3903 Brooklyn Ave, Seattle 5, Wash, for free infor- matlon. 50-3c MAKE YOUR RUGS and carpeta look like new. Call Case Fur niture Co. for carpet cleaning service. 46tfe FOR APBUANCE REPAIR call or bring to Case Furniture Co. phone 6-9432. 5tfe FOR SALE A B Dick model 91 mimeograph machine. Good working order, just the thing mimeograph machine. Good lOr UU1 lliuilll I Phone 6-9642 or 6-5392. 2-3c FOR SALE Two bedroom house. hardwood floors, garage, run basement on Gale Street Call 6-9670. 38-tfc SPECIAL white lead house paint, $3.25 gallon; Aikya la tex white flat wall paint $4 gallon; 50 gal. water tanka $70. Anderson's Builders Supply, Hpnnner. l-3c I L CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends for the cards and flowers sent me during my stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital. I also want to thank the hospital staff for the excellent care given me. Ed Buschke 3-p CARD OF THANKS With deepest gratitude we ex tend this word of thanks for the many kind acts of sympathy ex pressed by our thoughtful friends. These kindnesses have meant much to us. The family of Roberta Ann Espy 3-p CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all our relatives and friends for the prayers, the gifts of food, the rards. the beautiful flowers and the many, many other acts of kindness that were exienoeu hi-eie us when we lost our loved one.,cnooi t . i n a nd for School fr Frank Munkers lman School, in and tor bcnooi Mr aifdMrs. Lwn.riJ Munkert thrre -ill b. h '! i ,iu. legal voters thereof the question. and famll 3p 'of establishing a serial tax levy' a $130,000 per year for a period -. . ....... M-nrr ...rs mmmftldn? July CARD OT THANKS I would like to lake this means to rps my sincere apprec latum to the many fnend ho nf card and fJowrr to roe during my recent hpltalutum. uiyai rarncr 3 c Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS vorirr IS HEREBY given k. ik ttndertlf ned has been . iftHl ' - ... w dulv appointed by the County Orj.on fy Court of tha State of Oregon for Morrow County, the administra tor of the eatate of JOHN HUGHES (also known as John L Hughea). Deceased, and all per sons having claims against the eetate of said deceased are here by required to present the same the underslzned at the law office of Joseph J. Nya. at Hep pner. Oregon with proper vouch ers duly verified as required by law within alx months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 25th of February, 196a L. D. SCRIVNER, Administrator 51JC NOTICEtO CREDITORS Notice U hereby given that the mrforslcnod has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, uiaie or uregon. Executrix of the estate of George M. Rlaknev. deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are horehv rraulred to present same with proper vouchers duly ver ified to the Executrix at tne or flee of Mahoney and Abrams, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 10th day of March, i960 Fa A. Blakney, Executrix 1-5C NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ORS 477.045, notice Is hereby elven that a public hearing will be held at the Cen tral Oreeon Division OHlce at John Day, Oregon, on April 12, 1960 at 10:00 A. M.. ana at tne stntP Headauarters Office at Prineville, on April 13, 1960, at m-nn A. M.. for the purpose of providing all owners of lands .nnnrtnn tv tn n ncnTti on matters pertaining to the bud ajl upwiiw"j -' . - . . . i MnMA.ra ronillriftn ifl flP. geung m iiiuw-;i iray me cosi oi ... ...1.1-1 4U and suppression wmnn mc boundaries of the Eastern Ore gon State Forest Protection Dis trict and for privately owned for est lands in Grant, Harney, De schutes, Jefferson, CrooK, uu- Ham, Morrow and Wheeler coun tins within the boundaries of the Deschutes, Ochoco, Malheur and Wallowa-Whitman National For- ests. A copy of this budget may be Inspected at the Central Ore gon Division Headquarters, Prineville, Oregon, nu me cen tral Oregon Division Headquart ers, John Day, Oregon. OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY D. L. PHIPPS, STATE FORESTER 3-4c wORROw COUNTY SCHOOL r"L,ICX - j CALL FOR BUS .... Sealed bids will De receiveu at the office of the District Sup erintendent of Schools of Mor row County at the county court house, Heppner, Oregon, for fur nishing and delivering the fol lowing school bus: 1 48 Passenger Bid opening, April 18, 1960, 2-00 P M. The school board re serves' the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any or all claims or technicalities. Spec ifinatlnns mav be acquired in the county courthouse office. Attest: Fredrick T. Martin Chairman Morrow County School Board Robert Van Houte, Superintendent Beverly Gunderson, Clerk 3-4c SCHOOL DISTRICT SERIAL TAX LEVY ELECTION NOTICE State of Oregon, County of Morrow) ss. School District No. R NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the school district serial tax levy election hereby called, to be held at the established school district polling places at Heppner Grade School. lone School, Boardman scnooi, irriguu , hnri, ard IIJN iructini5 tiuiMuii. unhir.g rauti'mmt. fultutuf, and ma- tcruW. f.r punhs-t f ami !te im-iormei,t, f. r Impwe ments to buiMine. It rr atcn Ite, t attorney, and other con nJ f.tr rihir kht buil.llne puriHii- In and fr ald school dltrlit The vote hall he by ballot. upn uhlrh khall the words -Serial Tax l-evy . . . Yen" and "Serial Tax Levy . . . No", and th voter Khali nl,ir a rruM X I between the words -Serial Tax, Levy" and the word "Yes", or between the word "N-riai i Lew", and the word "No" which ever Indicates hi choice The poll for the reception of the ballot rat for or aealnM said Serial Tax Levy will, on tald day and date and at the nlaee aforesaid, be owned at the hour of 2 n. m. and remain open until the hour of 8 p. m. of the same day. at which hour the same shall be closed the same snail oe ciMa. that the undersigned have been By order of the District School du,y appointed by the County Board of School District No. R L'rourt 0 ln0 Slate or Orecon for of Morrow County. Oregon, made this Hth day of March, A. V I960. Fredrick T. Martin. Chairman. District School Board. School District No. R 1, Morrow County, Oregon ATTEST: Beverly Gunderson. District Clerk 3 4c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the Executrix of the estate of WILLIAM F. MUNKERS (also known as Frank Munkers), Deceased and all persons having claims a gainst the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to pre sent the same to the under signed at the law office of Joseph J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore pon with oroner vouchers duly verified as required by law with in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first pu b 1 1 s h e d this 24th day of March. 1960. I Mary Edna Munkers, Executrix 3-7c USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 1958 Chevrolet Bel Alx 4 door. Turbogllde $2135 1958 Chevrolet Bis cay ne 2 door $1600 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon, 9 pass. Powergllde 3U50 1955 Ford Station Wagon. V8 $1250 1955 Chevrolet V-8 Belalre 4 door $1150 1954 Ford 4 door $650 1954 Chevrolet 2 door Del Ray coupe 70 1954 Chevrolet station wagon 9900 1953 Chevrolet 2 door, 6 cyL - 50 Trucks - Pickups 1957 CMC i ton pickup, radio, boater, 4 speed trans, beary duty bumper 9im 1955 Ford 4 wheel drive pickup Jisso 1951 Willys 4 wheel drive pickup $800 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. WmNt CAZtTTt TlMtt. NOTICE Cf FINAL ACCOUNT ! S. !, &.animan Siwl. NOTICE W lint E BY C.lVllN IrngM Jvhwl, Us'-nn M'1. That lh umlct.iird, MINNIE lUrdman Mh-I. In H VAl'GIIAN. t'M expcutm diuui, tr h putr- i4 ut the rtato if LFLIE L. MAT- mitimtf M the lgal wtrni if LOCK, drtwvl. ha fld l'h al 1!til1 the que(in f ln the County Court f the State ff rrein the tax l-vy fr th fl Oregon ft-r Mmw County her cal year l"V V" I r the a fin.l ,-.-., 1 1. ir ,J h-r aitmlnlstra. mount llmStst by ur1ifi 11, ar- - illoit if the rtate f aal4 de - ictamm tmi am cuf nru ..i - Iday the rth day if Aj.tll. l'H ! me nwr ii v w mi it iwi" . ..i t ,1- in ih r.mntvi Court IWm at the Court Hou at Heppner. Oicn as the time and place for heating objections to said final account and the settlement of said mtate ami all perwns halng ohjivtlons there, t.i are herrhv reoulred to file the same with, said court on or before the time fixed for said hearlnf. Datinl and flmt published this 21th day of March. TO ! Minnie B. Vaughan Executrix i Joseph J. Nya ( Attorney for Executrix 0- IP NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,BOT 9WVl vivrtrr i ururnY civin' T!wt wn a camu out four Morrow County, the admlnlstra- studied the stars ana now ro ten tors with the will annexed of directions. Four boys and the the estate of R. D. ALLSTOTT, Scout Master went on the ramp Deceased, and all persons having out. claims against the estate of said Wednesday. March 2. at our deceased are hereby required to regular Scout meeting we prac present the same to the under- Heej first aid. We practiced frac signed at the law office of Jo- turcs, sprains and cuts, seph J. Nya. at Heppner, Oregon, Tiay. March 8 five of the with proper vouchers duly ver- an(j the gcom master and lfled as required by law within assistant &ut master and Mr six months from the date of the McBrldc- went to Hermlston to first publication of this notice. ,helr g, ming. They have uiin-u auu i ii si ('uuiumu una 24th day of March. 1960 Dolly Allstott R. D. Allstott, Jr. Administrators with the will annexed 3-7c NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11, AR TICLE XL STATE CONSTITU. TION Notice is hereby elven that an election will be held In School District No. R l of Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, from 2:00 m. to 8:00 p. m. on April 12th, 1960, at Heppner Grade School, BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City f ! at mU rint kfoaar COUnCII Mtck SfaaUl Citixens having mcrtbws for rilitlon. clease brlncr them before the CounciL Ph. 6-9618 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales & Service 323 N. Main Ph $-897$ Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Bill Barratt Insurance Agent PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phone 6-9433 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-1213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon MAHONEY AND ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 r 4- Dr. L. D. Tibblet OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Bee. Ph. 6-9210 OIL Ph. 6-9616 MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswick Creswidc Mortuary Thursday. Hawh It 13 T tul XI. f the rontituii..it of ...fc.-., The irawn. for in f t e a I n C . Ad ditional TeaHier. IrMTr 1 Cot o Operation. Expanded Tranrjnauin iwn, wi'' ments In School lfottanj, Imw Tax tf of the Ditict The amount of tax. In rxre of the 6t limitation, ptoed to b le led for said fiscal year is $15(7310. Dated this 21th day of March. 1900- Attest: Beierly Cundenmn, District Clerk Frvdrick T. Martin. Chairman Board of Directors 34c weeks ago. We went about six miles out on the Jones property. We went on a five mile hike and in boys In troop 52. Wednesday. March 9 we prac ticed fainting and snake bites. We finished our meeting by playing garni and telling stor ies. Saturday. March 19, we will be going to Walla Walla to pass swimming merit badges and ad vancement to first class. Our new assistant Scout mas ter, Harry Jackson will be very good for the Job he has taken. Gary Howell, reporter USB GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Dr. Rob'tW.Pfeiffer Chiropractic Physldan Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phone $-9684 Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-925$, Res. 6-0620 The Heppner Clinic C M. WAGNER. M. D. D. J. BAYLINK. M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Ph., Day or Night 6-9114 If No Answer 6-9133 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry A Gift Goods Watches. Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch A Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE t CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed runeral Directors Phone 6-6600 Heppner. Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-8465 Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. INC TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-962S Box 611 Heppner. Oregon CLASSIFIED ADS list I960 for the purpose of con-1 V. 1461 N. First St. Herrr.lston. Ore. Ph. JO 7-6529 O