Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 24, 1960, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tk. rUppn C ZkbM Much IWW H'PPner e.ubll.h.d
Editor and Publisher
cnrrcucN tk.nla.nd
Asaorlat PubJUher
W All Hove a Port to Play
Governor lUtflelrf U.t Thumdsy fsve the
Mt.ple f.f Mrrw nd I'matllU counties a pretty
cmJl ffA of what they can expect h'PI"
to their counties within the f-.rahle future.
He didn't fcV that any big Industry will move
In to Ihc Boardman bombing range area next
week but he explained how Hip lan for a space
are Industrial fork i being carried out. and
what he. and the state department of planning
ami development hope and expect will come to
pass within ihe next few months or ers. Right
now, the Governor and 20 top Oregon Indus
trlallsts and business leaders are In th East
selling Morrow county and Oregon to the men
who will ultimately make the decisions to ex
pand their plants to manufacture products for
a growing West and a huge national defense
What the results of this tour will be, cannot
yit he known, but It Is a unique approach that
has created remarkable Interest among those who
have the say over business and Industry. We
can ee no reason why the tour wont bring
eventual result!.
The Governor made It plain that If Morrow
county is to get all possible benefits from the
coming development. It will have to get ready
for It ... Its people must cooperate In providing
,. WH,iy land at readable price. 1U
towns mut be r.dy to welcome wwromera and
mX ev.-ty f f rt to prvl'le them with f kilties
(? normal llvlnC. u.-h - r.ulr.e" to aupply
,d water supplies f-r their limes. a govern
m,.nt and a people who will welcome them and
mike every effort to see that they can move
hi and live a normal life. In ether words. Its our
f.h to ere ate mmrmiiiity feHlnR that will how a
;.r,,tive newcomer that "We want you to
rome live with us We're glJ ..u re here.
We think Governor Hatfield ohowed that he
and his ktate departments arc doing everything
possible to bring to this section of Oregon the
greatest development It has ever seen. But. ha
made It mlghtly plain that we. who I ve right
here on the scene, are going .to have to help him
carry the ball . . . we've got to show that wc
want such development and that were willing
to do everything we can to help It get established.
Heppner. and all other Morrow county com
munities, have plenty to offer to new comers
who can be attracted by such development. If
we make plans to rare for them, we w 111 get : our
share of new residents. If we don't. Umatilla.
Ilermlston. Pendleton and other nearby commun
ities will get the growth. They want It and
don't think for a minute that they nren't going
to fight to get it. t
Hatch 2 WO
Mrs Pay Ovlatt has received
the appointment to take tne cen
sus in north and south Heppner
voting precincts. ueorK ."
foe will handle the work t
Boardman and Irrlgon. wr wrr
. r oitrr rrtirrtn
What with spring here In in
low land, rnot people 'gure
. i trr,tv In the moun-
tains, but we are ' klln nd
will continue to no so wr
or three more weeks and longer
it mnw Is received. We
are skiing on the snow pack that
. 1 . a ,1, . t M
Boardman and Irrlgon. trs Th, i Ides the water running down
th. C Lmgren ha. rece ved the j V?ek 'now depth 1.
".mentor y - ,wo foH wllh at high
uf ... " But on wna
landing ! ! ! Thts shouu prove
InterwUlng at tne tmit-
,. ... .i th ara last Sunday.
Iiui. w
coming by tar and by plane to
enjoy the sport. 'ey
lired but much Impressed with
the area. Trobably will more
of them In the future.
Have heard several peopi u.
cussing the amount or energy
required for various activities
and here aw a few listings from
an authoritative aourcs-:
Sewing, writing ana uun.
in.M calories tr hour; piano
In Pght Mile.
That Heppner Is well organ
ized Is Indicated by the fact that
lodges, clubs, societies, as
...... i. mnA rovern mental
groups hav a part In the city a
Burton Peck of Lexington has
purchased a John fere tractor
from the Peoples Hardware com
pany. It B Rice of Lexington has
purchased a Case Eagle Tractor.
Among U of O students home
f,,r thn l-'ntir va ration are Ellis
Thomson and Marjorle Clark.
Chats With Your
Home Agent
Snow tvw? Is gran
ular which we call 'cnirn smm-'
and Is most enjoyable lor skupk
and the Ski Carnival this week-
c.'.n.u a M the temoerature
was plus 12 but wanned to 50
in the arternoon.
t, nniv ihlnff we can ay
about K Turner this week Is He
wasn't there."
i?ntMYtand a couple or per
slstant novice discovered tnai
l..a rwltlil till down the ski
tow backwards and In a sitting
position! Embarrassing isni
i?.-iwi,rt have come In that
V'.m la li.aminff to " . . - flot
through the air with the greatest
From The
County Agent's Office
At this tlmo of the year when
much seeding Is being done we
have calls at the office from
farmers who might have a little
extra seed left over or need a
few sacks to finish a Job. Many
times we can get farmers to
gether on these situations. At
present Carl Borgstrom, lone has
listed with us 16 or 18 sacks
of treated Flynn barley which
he had left over. We would be
happy to help get the long and
short together if you care to
check with us.
As things nhape up for the
first sale to be held with the
boars from the Oregon swine
testing station, Kenneth and
Kenneth Lynn Smouse, lone will
have four consignments. The
sale will be held at the Hermls
ton branch experiment station
on Saturday, April 2. Meeting
the feed efficiency and dally
gain qualifications the Smouses'
will sell one Palouse which
made an average dally gain of
1.62 pounds per day and three
Yorkshires with a 1.79; 1.82 and
1.54 gain. Approximately twenty
boars will be offered for sale
on that date.
weaner calves, selecting replace
ment heifers, artificial rumen
,h,u,.q trnre elements for range
cattle and a review of the new
cross breeding study using a
Charolals bull.
A few livestock men have In
dicated Interest In the livestock
field day which will be held at
the Squaw Butte-Harney experi
ment station on Monday, March
28. I am planning on attending
and would welcome a full car
load of cattlemen. Since the pro
gram will get under way at 10
a m Mnndav morning it will
be necessary to go over tho day
before. Included on tne program
s l
are reports on researcn wor
done In cancer eye in range cat
tie; antibiotics for weaner
calves; and more weight on
yearling feeders. O D Hotchklss,
Harney county rancher will re
port on tho recent Hawaiian beef
tour and Dr J C Miller, head of
the dairy and animal husbandry
department at Oregon State
College will speak on research
and the rancher. During the af
ternoon a tour of the beef cattle
research studies will be made
to see range calves wintered on
pelleted, wafered or chopped
madow hay, shelter for winter
ing calves, yeast in the ration of
As the weather warms up and
it appears that spring Is here
interest Is being shown oy a
number of people who would
ta stock Donds with trout.
This is the time of year to start
making arrangements to siock
private ponds. A dozen or muie
private trout farmers in Oregon
either have or ure hatching
present and future supplies of
trout. If you are one of the farm
ers planning to stock ponds this
spring, contacts should be made
with these growers now to make
future delivery arrangements.
The law requires a transporta
tion permit to move live fish
from one body of water to an
other. A farm pond field day is
scheduled for April 28 at which
time ponds stocked a year ago
will be sampled for available
fish food growth made. Arrange
ments are now being made to
stock ponds this day. Andy
...i I-- ...ILlllfo
Lanarorce, extension i . . , ...
specialist, Oregon State College ou,t
will be with us on tnar auy.
A new bulletin "M anaglng
Oregon Trout Ponds" is now a
vallable. It contains a lot of the
information that will answer
questions asked by those inter
ested in building and stocking
during 10"9 here in the county
r.nr..nts the costs of eight
farmers in various parts of the
county. Lowest cost per nusnei
of wheat was 87c; the highest
cost $1.43. Barley ranged from
a i.iw of SL" a ton to $51 a ton.
On Thursday and Friday of last
week an interesting two uays
was spent in a farm manage
ment conference. County agents
from the Columbia Basin spent
the best part of one day going
through this grain management
study made in Morrow county
with Manning Becker, extension
farm management spec i a 1 1 s t.
Each operation was analyzed as
I.-, nmilnctlon costs and the fac
tors which might attribute to a
low or high cost Itgure. rarm
management case studies on a
Sherman county wheat farm and
a Wasco county wheat, grass
production and cattle ranch were
worked out to determine inter
est on investment, labor and
management incomes. In both
of the cases decisions were be
ing made as to whether to grow
barley, put the land in Soil Bank
or seed clown grass and legumes
and go into more cattle.
Some time was spent on farm
leases and farm lease arrange
ments, what it costs to produce
beef and cattle prices required
to break even with barley or con
servation reserve alternatives.
Ponies of our crain manage
ment study are available at the
Last Wednesday, March
unniii vimmittw women;
tension unit representatives; Mrs
Velma Class, county health
nurse; and I visited the Eastern
Oregon State Hospital. Pendle-
t. ..... an Infnrm.ltl VP
ion. II Wits ijun.- - -
visit, to say the least. I've asked
each woman to write me her
reaction of this visit. I ll Include
them In a news story next week.
The visit was a part of the men
tal health study the units are
making this year.
Prnrrrnm nlannerS from each
I unit met In the Pine City school
I... r-i 1 ... !.,.,. I, 1Q tr 1.1V the
on rnuaj, ' '
groundwork for the lOGl home
economics program in the coun
ty. The first of these series of
program planning meetings was
held February 19 where we
agents presented the outlook for
the county in 19G1, In agriculture.
ter gains averaned uround two
pounds per day. Many of the
The final draft of the
utnriv of oroducine wheat
Monday afternoon I graded
and checked weights of the year
ling registered Hereford heifer
and bull calves on progeny test
at the Frank Anderson ranch.
Frank has culled his heifer herd
heavily this year and has some
outstanding heifers as replace
cost 'ments. Many graded 2 plus with
,, of ifn;t one trradtntr 1 minus.
n the program stuay or producm - - " ' 'h , tnov have not been
research work! barley is now available. This L ve, i tho ug they J
grain management siuuy mam?
Thurs.. FrU SoU March 24. 25.
Alan Ladd. Jean Arthur Va
u..fiin Rrandon DeWUdi
u..ii Rmnit.m Dewiiae
Jack Palance. PLUS
Science fiction produced in
Sun- Mon Tu-. March 27.
28. 29
Happy Anniversary
Mitzl Gaynor. David Ntven.
vVi 7600
...r .,.
Announcing two NEW anniversary gasolines
Royal 76 and 7600, the most powerful premium and regular
you can buy in the West. Drive in at the sign of the 76.
Whether your car uses a premium or regular
gasoline, you Know you'll get the Finest.
f 01 A. .
past 15 years.
famllv living, and youth pro
Thi Information was
then taken back to be discussed
In the units at their isiarcn mn-i
ings. The second meeting was a
...taiii-.in(T nf ideas and sug
gestions of needs and wants of
the women in the county.
Murle Scales, state extension
agent, met with the group at Its
second meeting. Fourteen sub
jects were chosen. These were
sent to the state extension office
for review by the specialists in
the fields of family living, home
management and equipment,
family finance, foods and nutrit
ion Hothlne. and recreation.
Thnir reommendatlons will be
studied by the county commit
in mv Th countv com
itx- ... '".' -
ntitu u-iii thpn make the final
choice of what projects will be
offered In 1961.
When this decision is made
we will release the titles of the
t . .it.io4 "Tho Sewettes" 4-H
club on Saturday, March 19. Mrs
Jack Healy and Mrs wiiuam
Heath are the leaders. This Is
a club of nine little girls, all In
their first year of clothing, ex
cept two.
After showing tnem tne mm-
Notice of Candidacy
dcy lo utx-tl tnywrif lur the
office if County Clerk of Mor
row County subject to the will
of the Democratic voters of Mor
row County at tne nimary rieo
Sadie ParrUh
Notice of Candidacy
i... nn,din mv candl-
dacy for the office of clerk of
Morrow County subject to the
will of the Democratic voters of
... ..., ntu ti tho Prlmarv
10 20 calories per nou, f - aiwtuw V"'"4 ",Vj
playing. 40-560 CP W. c.rpenio ..e.eeuon.
140-200 CPU; golfing. IM
CPU: swimming. 3i 7iw vi n.i
skllnc. 5t09W CPU: running.
1212 CPU-
Many akiers will be getting
... . . . . In (ho
a bcauurui sun
springtime while enjoying
winter time' spon.
L-. th.Hu of vou coming up
. VM ' " - .
for the carnival this Sunday, will
find that sunglasses anu
hats win oe in aiyie
a change In the weather. See
you then?
Thomas J. Wells
2-c tro. Aav.i
Mr and Mrs Paul Balslger of
The Dalles and Fred Balslger
and Mr and Mrs James Hen
dricks of White Salmon visited
relatives here Wednesday of last
Mr and Mrs Elbe Akers and
family spent a few days last
week in Portland.
Seaman and Mrs Fred Painter
of Bremerton. Wash spent a few
days last week with his sister
and family. Mr and Mrs Robert
Phone your news Items to 6-9228.
Notice of Candidacy
1 hereby announce my can
didacy to succeed myself for
the office of county commission
r subject to the wtU of the
Republican voters of Morrow
Countv at the Primary election
M,y i0. 1900.
l-(Pd Adv.)
Notice of Candidacy
1 wish to announce that I will
be a candidate to succeed my
Mlf for the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the will of
the Republican voters of Morrow
County at the May 20th Primary
election. McDanW
50 Pd. Adv.
Notice of Candidacy
I hereby announce my candi
dacy to succeed myself for the
office of Sheriff of Morrow Coun
ty subject to the will of the
Republican voters of Morrow
County at the Primary election.
May 20, 19C0.
' C. J. D. Bauman
(Pd. Adv.)
yearling bu s graded i plus wim ..b - ------
a fJw 1 minus individuals. Most strip on "Demonstrate the 4-H
all of the bulls made a 3 pound Way" we made a demonstration,
per day average gain. This herd outline on "How to Equip a Sew-1
I as. tnrough the use of top qual- ing Box". I hope we have a few
ity herd sires, selective mating budding demonstrators from this
and a program of culling, im- group. We need to strengthen!
. . a i ,k L.n, .i.ii ann rniinrv lair uiutiuu .
proved phenomauy uuimg mc wu. -. ' ' V. ' " tv
.I -, .,o Iwith more demonstrations. IV
Parrish Garage
Willow & Chase St.
Phone 6-5521
Mr CvMUofMK-lwptialwii mtf to "" 8 l (MWMHiliofil
"Hey, Sweetie, how'd you like a new Chevy?"
.:S:::i:v .,,,.-.-.:.-4:.
N ss " "The dealer's got just the model we want,
I Sweetie. Right color, right everything."
M "Oh, Freddie" (sigh) j
1 tit
iN vwn- "In fact he's got the biggest selection I ever saw.
No problem at all to find what you want."
. .-0f
"If' ant that V8 in it X I
- OfflL i 1 VC Been talking
vfc; sv
' J, P." ' -' . . it. uuu
about too. What an
engine that is."
"And deal!
Sweetie, wait'II
I tell you the
deal they've
offered me. This
is the time to
buy all right." ,
"Oh, Freddie" (sigh)
"Oh, Freddie" (sigh)
"Oh, Freddie" (sigh)
S3. u
t lPL S and huv It." ?
x H W-i5-J,Ja.S S
"Well, don't
t i
H1C1C. X 1CUUIC. J. ' N.-f
Go ahead
-,,-. at- sy k
-v."' S- ..." Sfc .A
AX x
L. ! At I if
. . ,
Impel Sport Sftiat
privc it it's fun-tastic! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
for economical transportation
Sunday at 4. 6 and 8.