FFA Chapter Gives Program at Boardman Grange ty WAIT LEE MARLOW The FA fh.j irr t.1 -f r-J.i-rit, Kurl Gar.lrUhrln. Who tiMef l Crrrnuwir. The Ut E' "s different !hM-a if Uuif im'tint. ulni: In lllu.tratintf. The t Uklns -art t-re: rhapter moiu. Ooff JVimrr; ujtIm1 farm ing. Alan Taylor and I'm Huff man; community htIi, IMrt Olw rmclrr and Jim Itrt.tht-ri; co c.-rati-n. Jim Miilr and 'John nie Tartlm; l.-adi-rhlp. Urure K.ith n.l Bill CooJ.y; earning and aavlne. Ba-H ft-Hcr and Steven Smith; conduct f meet- Long DUtance Natlon-Wlde Moving Service Mayflower Agent Padded Van PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Ti-ndlrton. Oregon Phone CR 6 3lll Ml. Th- flrl FFA hairr . a .. n..,lfu lull aihui'l 21 yrar in ana n. h-en called U' Buiwnun m..--... ..-.it iht rnr wl.cll ! i..mr if th l ..! ' (,. iiv-rlde new charter obtained. The chapter Imlted grange mrinlxTi to attend the annual state convention of in fFA which will be held In IVniM.m. March 1C 19. In honor of 4 II club ween. Joe Hay. county mtrnnlon agent. Hener, allowed lld- of the "Morrow of Morrow County." KMhcr Kirmls. cxtentdon aent. was the narrator. Hoy Mean. Mate grange dep uty. Iledmond. wa a guest at the meeting, and Mke briefly, reminding granger of the state rranee session to he held In l-tl-l. liaii werr J t u-i w i,-r)t:ni! the d.liit WW In vniieiun. n .nnouf.r-m-m wb nu- U that anyone lntrreirl In don .... .... - .i,,.,.M rwn- HermiMon. taH Mm IV ey West. jMH wat vi?ed t eml to the rhilarh!p Joan fellowship fund A -utrir !e auction hruught J3r. whUh will he wnt the rluhs TAItK 1-n.J.Ht to the Phil Ij t lrie fr meli"al M'- The club announced that It ha .rtf!if.s with stationery and calendar for ale. The nent meeting will be held at the home of Mr Joe Tatonc. March 22. Mr nd Mr IUlph Skoubo ..r. IK! for a nurtTlse dinner i their home recently In honor N.f the !th wivldlnc anniversary Hickory SUts Carnival Comn T MfP Well. !m- t in llrl j irr that i. t,..i it uin i. ki i' c kl area !t C'utd.th I'aiK on .San lay. V rttH of Marh In the rarly aner ri.m. At a k carnival a!mt n thing U UabU ta haj jte" tr.u.: thfr IreeeJ lrr Ivtl M) to kler cfawUr-.j thruugh truck Inner tube. And )u may -en m- an uphill tt' To add to the feHvltir. artUlpant will be wearing colorful cv lumn and the lanler the bet ter. All thow at the area the past wrekend wUh to thank the par- tie responsible for dulng out the anow above Shaw Creek road ure ma le driving a lot easier. We are aeelng more father tn ctimbti tin the hill among them Nate and Danny; O W and Gene tMom too; Kenny ana Steve: I-n and Cary: not to mention the mother and daughter. Livestock Market Cattle Hog Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON On U. a Highwny No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Hermlaton, Oregon Don Wink. Mgr. Res. Hermlstoo JO 7-3111 Frank Wink 4 Son Owner .. ... . I,,-.. 1-1.17 I . ... I U'niTi. Vnhn Joe Hay showed a film "Grass (Jnrr rliest were Mr and Mr I Cold." nob Thornhlll. Mr and Mr Rich- The meeting Mailed at G;30,ar, Wnymlre ami F.d Boothman. with potluck iupiM-r. Mr and Mrj Mr an(j jrs Rennle Lbe and Ruhseil Miller and Mrs flaud (uiL'hter of Wenatchee, Coat were hoM. W'ah. visited at the home of The irrance will o b e r V c nni, Mrs ri.iud Coats Thurs- Grange Sunday, March 27. ot ay m their way home from univ I. t.--" jl'nril.llio nim church as a group, with a k- vn(,r(, they visited at the home luck dinner to follow at the hall. rf ij,)V'S uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs ICussell Miller was hostess Mr, l)no Cox. c'ox Is a nephew fnr th Home Economics c lub of I - Tro ront. Greenfield Grange at her home Mr nn,j Mr, Harold Marlow Wednesday afternoon of laM an, little daurrhtcr Anita, of La- week, with Mrs Claud Coats as nli w,.n. overnifht visitors eo. hostess. Luncheon was served ,v, home of Mar low's par- at 12:30. Guests were Mrs Rollin ;(.nH Mr an, Mrs Frank Mar Bishop and Mrs Effie Miller. (rtVi Tuesday niht of last wwk. Tentative plans were made for vima Glass, county nurse, piiiiiiiiiM iEieH;lSE;i;e 5 TOI'S Club at the home oi irs s Glen Carpenter. El The Riverside hiph school band under the direction of Wolfgang Edelmann presented a I program of music to a good sized erowd Tuesday nfternoon of last E week, at which time they wore their new uniiorms. rmnmuii is the program: "Zaca Tecas", i Mexican march; "Servlci S March": "Tres Jolie" waltz 5 "Sandra Overture"; "The Three 2 Trees", with Douglas Shattuck as 2 narrator: "Les Terribles", French 2 march; "Londonderry Air "Kentucky 1800": "In ve rear 2 till", march: "Concert March 2 Elmlra." 5 1 Students of Riverside high 2 school and the Boardman grade sehool will have a spring va 2 eat ion March 1G-18 while the 2 teachers attend the state OEA convention in Portland. El Weekend visitors at the home Some aMer thunder ! im Hwt 3 f " --JpJ U,wth, but at -Urtjt mafh 2 e .... t H-' ;?r hrf wnt I K Turner of J MiUcr they were U'tting ut of the new now. Frm the hot- In th www !t Iwk a If ome.ne from duwn i . .. ... I,. ft taking It I lar.o way nnm v 'home with them for etra moU ture. Lo. al kl talent will be on the movie arrren at the net meet ing t the club to be held In Lexington city hall March 22. S IS NEAR! SEE US FOR YOUR 2-4-D NEEDS daughtem Tarn and Casey were weekend visitor In KennewlcK. Wash at the home of Mr and Mr Marlon Morlan. Mr and Mm Ralph Skoubo were Sunday via- llors at the Morlan home. Mr and Mrs Delbert Houston, La Grande, are visiting at the home of Mr Houston' parent. Mr and Mr Leo Pott. Janet Moe. Kennewlck. Wash wa a weekend visitor ai me home of her uncle and aunt. Mr and Mm Charles Hlguera. Mr and Mr Frank Marlow and son Darrell went to La Grande Sunday to visit the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mr Harold Marlow. Mrs Guy Hodge was a patient In Good Shepherd hospital In Hermlston last week with pneu monia. Mr and Mrs Walter Hayes went to Portland Friday to visit at the home of their son-in-law and daunhter. Mr and Mr John Baldino. returning home Saturday. Ebuy hay. dpactiipp a 6 - f SM I D A III seed now Lowest Pricei en Cer tified BIueTag Seed! Order New d MICI IXAMPLES: c-t I T. I9.f Alt!. . $ 00 I T. l4k AU.IU . . (t-00 IT. Alt Fic . . . 1 00 I T. C'tt1 Wkt'ii .... 400 I T. Int. Wk(t9'i . 7J 00 I.T. M.tkr lrnaril .... IT. 00 FAST DELIVERY Ot4tt fnnu4 mm tHpp mm 4wt '4n4. bftrf Jclli wlitMr ! CHI' tcmiicd far yof yur nd climt cMIol. p m, Skirt, tkatrt and kit lr.tr , rated Jtttj te lotted. Sow BfU C aittlnjf on O W hc4 in the riw Um tU-f d. Heard wveral fellow on top !.f the hill Sunday dlculng iUnt. One of the frJlowi Mid the gave up hi wife, another ' ff.t un whlkev. and another aid anything wa fine o long a It didn't Interfere with hi kiing. The Bunhke'i were obwrving thu rIou Itetu of M rcjulp mcltt we I red and Ue In ptrp aiatlun for Hiking thrlr akl de junr.cr.t next year. Save fri-m going to Walla Walla. Seeral new face were noticed on the l"e Sunday. Including Fred Pointer of Con alii and hi fih truck. Truik didn't make It t.p the hill but Fred did veral time. See you next Sunday on the lull. m ' b ja & ' k v 9 m - 1 IO SALE on germicides When it comes to solving farm sanitation problems, nothing beats Standard Germicides end Disinfectants. S. O. Super Germit Cresylic Solution, Chevron Dip and Disinfectant, and Chevron Poultry House Spray help you keep poultry and livestock healthy and in good condition. Right now you can save money on these top-quaiity f , . . . I. products, inert i tuTt uuiuum you take delivery belore April 30th. For ony Standard Oil product, call L.E.(Ed)Dlck.Heppner, Ph 6-9633 L.F.(Peck)Leother.Ione Fh8-7123 standard; w i GREEN STAMPS ;wa. On All PnrrhnQP; of Mr and Mrs Zoarl Gllk,sllie iven un an rurcnases vpre GillesI)le.s brothcr and s1s. Paid Within 30 Days ter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wilbur Gillespie of Entiat, Wash. Other visitors were Mr and Mrs Vern Willkle of Priest Rapids, Wash Ask your oppllcator to charge your 2-4-D to your account and the S 4 H Green Stamp will be saved for you. visitors at the home of their son . S o,,fi H;uic7hter-in-aw. Mr and TO SERVE YOU BEIItK M Don Downey. W. have added a new .erv.ee. Look far the announcement and M Bl II and In this paper. Thank to our many wonaoriui xrienas xor wt,re weekend visitors at me homes or tneir parents, iir aim S Mrs Nathan Thorpe and Mr and . : nr.a Mrs Ernest uucrmuiui. Thorpe and Connie remained here for the week. 1 Mrs Claud Coats and Mrs Glen Carpenter went to Heppner last 5 Friday to attend the funeral of R D Allstott. Mr and Mrs Wayne Kuhn and H making this possible. PAUL G. PETTYJOHN Shell OH Products Farm Chemicals lone, Oregon Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllliilillillillllllili Straight Bourbon from Kentucky . ......... jmr W we m mm ar mLJ. mmm m (mmm, mm of OnfniTDgJ 5 i ...lei First National help you enjoy It! Vnn'll enlov Oregon's wonderful way of living more - - w when your money is safe in a First National Bank checking account. You feel secure in the knowledge your cash can't be lost or stolen, yet it's always handy ready to use. Yotfr checks are personalized free, and it's a com fort to know that there is a convenient First National Branch nearby, wherever you are in Oregon. Open your checking account now, at the bank that serves more Oregon people than any other helpful, friendly First National Bank of Oregon. - V Get acquainted with . . . J. H. "Jack" Bedford If you hoven't met him olreody, you'll enjoy knowing your First Notionol Branch Manager. Hi year of experience in banking can be helpful in doiens of ways. Drop in soon. Let First Notionol's "Personal Interest" banking help you enjoy the Oregon way of living! c , ri I Nature's finest bourbon QTlLr MY BANK' POM OV1R 600.000 ORIOON PEOPLE! THE CIO HERMITACE CO.. ICU-SVIUI. at. C!STR:BUT0 BY NATIONAL DiST:ilRS PSCCUCTS CO FAY. Si FS0CF THI HIST NATIONAL IAN K CF C5E5CN PORTi AND