-O- e mtintn oazxttc ttmei. TWioy. wtti it. 10 IONE SUNDAY SCHOOL HEARS OF RESULTS OF ITS FOREIGN DONATIONS Bf ECHO f ALMATCCR Ihavo brought mU.- fti.J Mr Fredrick Martin ut lone f(id to thuh1 t-f pn-I In received a letter from tha Iltatfr ! trt country Blung with gtcaily rtJt nc In Quito. K-ualor.. improving the quality tf the South America thanking she and poultry. The chhk wrnt to afrt her class In the !n t'ommun If y church schitol. Mrs Martin was teacher ot the Interme diate Sunday school class In 1950 ami they sent $3 to the Heifer PrtiJ't-t for baby chicks. The letter said: Dear Donor: Please excuse the delay In writ ing but until recently Heifer Pro ject hasn't had a representative In Ecuador. Heifer Project along with the people of Ecuador want to thank you wholeheartedly for your kind gift. The baby rhlrka you were no generous to do nate are In the hands of the needy, worthy people all over Ecuador. These chick Justice and Municipal Court Shlrlce Ann Raines, no opcr ators license, $10 fine. La Verne Van Marter, Sr, fall. ure to drive to the right, $23 fine. Raymond Dean Schoonover. no motor vehicle license, $10 fine. Rose Marie Patterson, violation basic rule, $25 fine. Morris M McCarl, pleaded not guilty to charge of reckless driv ing, trial later. Joe J Wilson, no motor vehicle license, $10 fine. Darrell Lee Looney, excessive noise, $3 fine. Tom Campbell, Merrltt Gray, June Bellenbrock, La Verne Van Marter, Sr, Mrs Elmer Moe, Wayne Prork, Vern Evans, Har old Erwln, Frank L Mooney, overtime parking, $1 fine each. Gordon O'Brien, parking on sidewalk, $1 fine. f .1 .. 1 T "," " -1 1 1 i j i f i s v i r cultural school, rolwlon farm needy farmer. Indian, etc, A jjimkI example of ure of the ihltk donation wouM te tfiat of Cuenca. a mountain of VMi Inhabitants. The people of Cuen ra hal fr )ear drpcndi-d on weaving anl exporting "Panama hats" to the U S. Hy 1'JM many of the people were on the erge of starvation due to the fart that Japanese and Italian weav ing machine techniques had so lowered the cost of weaving of hat, that the Ecuadorian hand 1 dfl'f va-wa" w - f jau vi UiMj v Uil HOSPITAL NEWS New Arrival To Mr and Mrs Arthur Pankcy, Kinzua, a 6 lb 12 oz boy born March 10, named Larry Leo. Patients Joyce Phegley, Hep pner, dismissed; Frank Munkers, Lexington (deceased); Henry Ober, Spray, dismissed; Donlta Griffith, Condon, dismissed; Elizabeth Snow, Spray, dismiss ed; Emily Smith, Condon; Arthur Stcfanl, lone, dismissed; Ger trude Mayes, Kinzua; William Faucett, Kinzua, dismissed; Frances Kay Gemoets, Condon, dismissed; Nettie Thorpe, Hep pner, dismissed; Wlllard Wll helm, Jr, Heppner, dismissed. compete. The next year Project stalled mas shipment to Cuenca and In 4 years time (today) the poultry business ha definitely replaced the "Panama hats" business as the means of livelihood. I hope you will always remem ber Heifer Project and the work these chicks are doing In Ecu ador In your thought and pray ers. I would also like to remind you that Heifer Project has start ed a project similar to that of Cuenca In Haiti. I hope some of you will want to help again In the worthy project. Best wishes, Donald Schultz. The members of the Inter mediate class then, who are now In the high school class, are Phil Emert Jr, Marilyn Morgan, Melvln Martin, Kenneth Smouse Jr, Jean Martin, Judy Morgan, Francis Rea. Ann Baker, Lona White, Karen Lundell. Jo Ann Turner, Linda Helmblgner, Bob Akers, Bob Rice and Sharon Crabtree. Mrs Martin was their teacher. At the time they sent $13 to Taiwan, Formosa for bees and the $25 to Cuecna for chicks, (25 cents a chick). The amount was raised by special offering each Sunday In the class and they were sponsored by the late Rev Sconce of Hermiston who talked on the Holy Land. "The Morrowi" T!!$ County 4 H Story "Tie M-i f c 4 II Imt' t"JJ in tvlofrd slide 14 county 4 II .1!v!Ur U tttrtSnf t U puMidty aid M filtering 4 II wk. cfurdlPf t Father KirrnU. Mrrw county etenUn asent With the crU-brtl'n tt Nat tonal 4 11 Huh Werk, March i 12. the Idea came ta thr county fUnulort stiff to show typical 4 II family In Mifruw county Slide f 4 II activities In the county, taken over a number fef )ear by N C Anderson, county agent, were put together and 1 try mi woven around them. nv call our 4 II family th "Mrru f Morrow County, explained Ml KJrmls. "Our narrator are Marvin Morrow, are 11 and Mildred Morrow, age 15 both member of tha Wll- Hrni nit with a group o! Morrow county women on March 14 to gtvo them preliminary loloimatlon on ru? making. araui on Walla Walla TV. ot a recent t.len.lon oppwanco. Mrs H"m ttmtty. Connie and Mrni wot with a group ol Morrow county women on March Dougla Anderson. 4 II members rxjrtray tht two Morrow children on a tape recording which Is played with th showing of the slides. Such things as Ml projects available, meetings, tours, cum mer school, camp, and fairs are Mr and Mrs Harry Bongors and family went to The Dalles on Friday, returning on Sunday by way of Condon. Mr and Mrs Jeff Carter and four sons of Tayctte, Idaho were visitors Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Penland. Soroptimists Aid Easter Seal Drive Members of the Soroptlmlst Club of Heppner met Friday evening at the home of Mrs E E Gonty to stuff envelopes of ma terial for the Easter Seal cam paign. Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority Is taking charge of the campaign for the lone district and Mrs Buster Rands for Boardman. Mrs Gonty Is county chairman. SOWARDS HAVE GRANDSON Secrets of Rug Making Explained At Extension Meeting "Itugmaklni; is not something you decide to do on the spur of the moment, stated Mrs hwlng llvnd. Cecil. "It takes about a year to gather the necessary ma terials before you can even think of beginning." Mrs Hynd made this and many other comments on rugmaklng when she met with a group of Interested women In Morrow county at the Pine City school house on Monday, March 14. to glve them preliminary In structions on hooked and braid ed nis. The meeting was sponsored by the Morrow county extension service, according to Esther Kir mis. county agent. As a veteran rug maker. Mrs Hynd suggested that a beginner In the rue making business mlht start with a hooked rug first as loss skill I? needed to produce a rug In which an In dividual could take pride. She demonstrated an automatic hooked rug needle which puts the wool strips Into the rug back ing with machine gun precision. The rug Instructor explained that braided rugs tako more technique and also knowledge of color nnd design to bring a- bout a worthwhile floor cover ing. She demonstrated the tech nique of braiding with the use of braiders, the selections of colors and design, and gave the women' Information where they might obtain this equipment and materials. "I'm a firm believer in using wool for all rugs", concluded Mrs Hynd, "I feci that the material j you use in your rugs should surely be worth the time you spend In making a rug. It's Just Many Top Barnctt Cattle Go On Block Next Monday Stockmen from all over the "n '0UCh ou hl itory- northwest are expected to at-1 It was shown. In connection tend an important polled Here-1 with National 4 II Club Week, at ford sale In GlSliam county next the Boardman grange, Rhea Monday, March 21. Creek Grange, and tha Chamber I An Tlrrwf ta-tw aatlH tstat n lof Commerce. It Is hoped that Mr ar.4 Mrs M WhHramlth W I0KDAT lft Wednesday fj MUngham. t, $l -atjUk' Caih- innr n-dinner in niawwif "' ' 1 ,,,1, tr fi lawn Waafclncton t panif!pt In W! f)lurrh .j u.t ii.u.g u u-e ww t:::-i..:n ;nulk, f, ra,Mka day Ernie op-rated Barnett Polled Hereford Ranches at Clem and Boardman, will wll MO lots of cows, calves, bred and ojen heifers, range bulls and herd 'all communities may be visited with the program In the near future. lone 4 II members along with agents Anderson, Klrmls and bulls. Also up for sale will be Hay appeared before the lone several prize-winning bulls. In-1 r-TA on March s to explain tne eluding BUR Gold Paladin, KPIProJects available under the 4 II Gold Colonel 1st and BUR Gold Program. Mrs L. A Mccabe and Lamplighter. The latter two anl- Mrs Louis Carlson. 4-H leaders. mals are Jointly owned by Bar- staged a style show at the con- nett and Joyce Livestock Co., elusion or me program 10 inus- Nampa. Idaho. Around 300 head of polled Herefords are Included In the sale, said Barnett. Louie Barnett, a brother, will sell 60 lots In a complete dispersion sale. Barnett said he is closing out his entire Boardman operation. Ills herdsman, Ronald Haas, has resigned. The Gilliam breeder will keep about 50 females on the Clem ranch. Sale will begin at 11 A M, and lunch will be served on the grounds. Barnett ranch Is five miles southeast of the 23-mlle post 00 the Arlington-Condon highway. trate results of a 411 clothing club. Many clubs around the county put up window displays during the past week to Inform the pub lic of Oregon's worthwhile youth work. Local Air Force Man At Conventions Word has been received by Mr and Mrs Ernie Winchester, that I their son Lowell Turner has been SPECIAL PROGRAM PLANNED FOR ELKS A special evening's program has been planned for members of the Heppner Elks lodge on Thursday, March 24. It will In clude a baked ham stag dinner and special entertainment In the lodge room. Following the meet ing, films of upland game and the Patterson -Johannson fight will be shown. WOLFFS HAVE GIRL Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff are parents of a 5 lb 13 oz girl born March 14 at St Anthony's hos one otner son live years 01a Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Soward of Heppner. c NOW 7 13 FOR PER MONTH Mr and Mrs Vern Greenhalgh, are parents of a son born March 9 at Memphis, Tenn. They have ,jk(, purrhasing a rug, you get what you pay for!" The women decided to spend the summer In securing mater ials and equipment and will meet again with Mrs Hynd in jthe fall to start their rugs. I Mrs Hynd, well-known rancher wife of Cecil and Uklah, has been In groat demand to teach her rug making skill. Just re cently she appeared on the Lou Frost show, a ladies program of the Walla Walla TV station. I Women who attended the Morrow county preliminary meeting on rug making Inclu ded: Mrs Edna Turner, Mrs Martha Van Scholack, Mrs Gene Ferguson, Mrs Evelyn Farrens, Mrs Albert Wright, Mrs Orian Wright and Mrs Jasper Myers, Heppner; Mrs Hurl Wattenbur gor, Echo; Mrs Wlllard French, Echo; Mrs Garry Tullis, Mrs Omar Riotrnann and Mrs Clell Rea, lone. elected vice president of the pitai ln Pendleton. She has been Lindbergh squadron, Arnold Air named Kathleen Ann. VJ ANY 2 PASSENGER OR SMALL TRUCK TIRES Society. Mr Turner flew last week to Seattle to attend a con vention for the Arnold Air Soc iety and also to Edward Air Force Base in California. While there he and several other cadets took a conducted tour of the base. He will leave the latter part of April to attend a week-long Dr and Mrs Robert Haylor and daughter Martha of Coos Bay were visiting the first of the week at the home of Dr and Mrs E K Schaffitz. Mr and Mrs Glenn Seaerdahl and Karen of Prinevllle visited over the weekend with her par Miami. rnnvnnflon u-MM, ,HM K l,M en,S- Mr and M W C SSS .....v., ..... vy. in , , . ,, Mr and Mrs C A Ruggles. Sun day guests also at the C A Rug gles home were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Jack Fastabend and family of 'Richland, Wash. Mr and Mrs Boyd Darby of ington city hall Tuesday, March Seattle and Mrs V E Paddock Winter Sports Club To Talk Carnival "Winter in Sun Valley" a ski movie, will be shown at the Lex FOR $ 10.00 PER MONTH GET THEM NOW PAY WHILE DRIVING ALL SIZES Ford's Tire Service "Your General Tire Dealer" N. Main Phone 6 9481 SAGE RIDERS SET JACKPOT PLAYDAY A Jackpot playday will be held March 20 at 1pm by the Uma tilla Sage Riders at their arena grounds on the Hermlston-Uma-tllla highway. Mrs M N Kirk, club vice president, states that all riders of other clubs will be welcome to participate. A small entry fee on each game will be divided among the top winners in the event. j 22 at 8 p m when the new ski club will meet. The story Is es tablished against a backdrop of winter sports and a holiday at mosphere. A threatened triangle is disolved by ski lessons to In sure a happy ending. Business to come before the club will be a discussion and radoption of by-laws. Plans for a ski carnival will be disclosed All interested in skiing are in vited to attend. STATION BREAKIN NETS EXACTLY NOTHING mm Howell's Union Station on Lin den way was broken Into some time early Sunday morning, but the would-be burglar apparently was either scared away or couldn't find avnthing he wanted. j The front door of the station was jimmied and then kicked j open, but as far as can be de j termined by the owner, nothing j of any consequence is missing. and grandson Steve Walker of Sweet Home were weekend guests of the James and Floyd Wilhelm families Dr and Mrs Robert Pfeiffer and daughter Carolyn will be ln Eugene Friday and Saturday to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs Carl R Pfeiffer. Dr Pfelffer's office will be closed on those days. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Phone your news items to 6-9228.! FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermiston. Orogon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McN'ary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS COLE'S Electric Motor Shop S. W. 23rd Pendleton, Or. RANG RQ OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR WEED SPRAYING Contact ot upstair opt at 110 Wet Church SC Heppoor. J C IVr.r.ry Co tur. All farmrf aMM-U!ra tf tha Mr. Including Krlth Imu. a Mm Ileppnet Penney manerr. now at luher, at aspen ed la ukt part In the &penlr.f . Whitesmith tot k wrf manage ment ct tha IJejpnr Pan nay tora lait rar. Mr Cloud Ciabaa and Mr Jrrw Thomson left Tuesday fur Con all! her they will visit with their daughter. Helen Gra ham and Meredith Thomson, From there they HI go to Fug- en to vUlt at tha noma of Mr Graham'a daughter and aon In law. Mr and Mrs Bernard Da mon. On tha return trip they will pick up Helen Graham In Cor- vallla Mhera the attend Oregon Stata College and bring her home for Spring vacation. I Sunday at !- rhurvh'a new r Uh hll un Jne str-t. Mr and Mr Foul Totiay mi family tf llrrmUnm llted Sun dv at the Church of Jeu Christ t.f Latter Day Saint In Heppner. Mr Furrey U a member vi ma tUthopric In the HermUton Ward. Hi! JT I J MT4KT MONEY no 1 r F V f GOAFTZR ll FcADlNQ WE ADS, WTHS NEWSPAPER. ITttV.I LAST 2 DAYS gDon't miss the boat cash in on our anniversary bargains , REPEAT SELLOUT! STETSON M ELM AC D innerware 8 decorated d i n n a r plates, 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8 decorated salad plates, 8 soup bowls, 1 sugar bowl'n cover, 1 14-inch platter, 1 divided veg etable bowl, 1 creamer, I round vegetable bowL Quality melamino din nerwarel 46 Pes., for 8- fol 99 SET 1 iii.iiiiiwiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij'iiiP'iiiiiiiiiii'i!! distinctive Olympia's distinctive good taste makes every round a pleasure! Active Westerners find that Olympia's re liable quality and distinctive character matches their own thirst for perfection. One of the world's few naturally perfect brewing waters makes the difference. This is why we say. ."ffs the Water BEER 4' " '-.i"'-. , .; ,' fhZ' K s . ' . -if B--ii Co . 0.' --p.. Wj -O'.y 'S tlllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll c