Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1960)
10- HUtHt GAXETTETWtt. Thursday. Hare If, lone News (Coattnuad Iron fay 7) nd timer IVtmen. Mr Omar rUetmann. vie chairman of the VUmtr Mem orial Ju.iiial auxiliary, U chair man t the !Ud CroM drive In th city of !-no and Mrt Hay Durnt tt U chairman of the t'rlve In the rural area. N-w bk aJUtl to tho lone publk library are: The Quick Rli-h Fox. Tave; Jullut Caetur, Cunthrr; Touchdown for Tommy, ChrUtophrr; Lincoln and lus la. KHldy: The Swamp Fox. Ilulbrook; Just Off Fifth. Begner; Th Stfarsfcrr One In Nw Hut land. Ikiwoue; Cor4'f of iU and Cr.i, CuiU)i J Gidti fklgn, Jhn and Crl flrar.L The l"t two Wfre (,'lvt-n by the June Garden ilub. Ml o. unint of th It.-adir' fig!.i Con-d-niMMl booki wire alvj ad ltl Mi-rrl!i-t Jjit.t. Mlllrni Crawford and Maum-n Md:ui-1 Twill. IKO'wcif fli. !.! wiilt thf rtt-t tion uf W-rttrf and U.llt.rl- Tf.i-fcP w.-r made by the Miriam tlrfle The Ntul rlttle ril 3 bur t;f ty tf be u4.J ty U.l.d.tft t f mU'ranl fatr.Ui- near Furrt Groxe. Tlana fur the fatter breakfakt w-f made. Tlie Naomi Circle will lake tare of the table and Mr Marlon Palmer. Mr Carry Mr CI.II V.v and Mr gott i.fH-i.t Friday r.lht wlthi"""u crawiora if aj'oiiitfd Jdmt I'almateer to lu lu her ii-l-i ,ru dinner committee, Mm rrJuin .Martin, jwr w U tain- li.-II. Mr liho ralmatrer. Mrt Mury Suauaon and Mrt Milton Mra Smeu lad clurfe (4 th uett prewnt were Mrt prot'tam- iinj; part Pubint nd Mtt Norman who ,Ju Mary &nuii. Mm Milton Moron. Mn AJfre-1 .V on. Mrt Kl! Bureyn, Mrt Arthur Crawford and Mrt Baker. Phone your aewt Itetnt t I tJBl ton. Mrt pooynt I doc prtic. Natd Nel rerrlved the Your trip to PORTLAND will he complete only if you hae lunch or dinner at l A ari-'-' " A highlight of any visit to Portland.. a must for your next trip. (AM tTANXWKD tux nincM on bkwdwav CA t nii. roartAitu oatoott A WMT1IW HOTK. -brate lirr lOih birthday. Mr and Mr Kenneth Turner and daughter of Ileppner ar spending a few d.i at the home of her parent, Mr and Mr hind Swanson. Mr Turner la helping Mr Sw-anvut put up uime rraln bln. Garden Club Meet The lone Harden club mealing tin held at the home of Mrt Echo Palmateer Tuesday after noon. March 8. Mra Fdlth Nit ho on and Mm Franre piper were the hostesses. Mr V'ern Ihxlget of Ilermliiton, president elect of the lilue Mountain dKlrlct. wa present and gave a talk. Her, daughter, Judy, a atudent at thei L'nlverHity of Oregon, accompan ied her. She gave two vocal solo, j At the huslnens meeting conduc-j ted by Mrs Fredrick Martin, pres-1 Ident, further plans were made for the district convention to he held at the grange hall. April 20. Petitions are being circulated to put the billboard control on the ballot this fall. Mrs Piper and Mrs Martin gave Idea on home gardens. Mrs LawTence Jones received the door prize. Maranothat Lay Plan The Maranalha club meeting was held at the home of Mrs Alfred Nelson Jr, Wednesday afternoon, March 9 with Mrs Kenneth Smouse as co-hostess. Mrs E Markham Baker, presi- dent, gave readings on Lent. At the business meeting It was re ported that 5 tablecloths and 12 dust cloths were sent to the Rocky Mountain college In Bil lings, Montana. Mrs Rod Mac- Kenzle reported that layettes In t K - lt. . - - Telephone men wearing headset aren't too un usual a t ight in our bus iness. This man, for In stance, makes final checks on newly Install ed phones to make sure they're ready to use. Our Ileppner customers may never have occasion to see a deskman at work. But they can rest as sured he Is always on duty ready to track down any sign of trouble on your lino and help keep your tele phono a service you can count on. 11 r1l ' li fiiitn nn iimii . it nil iii iimul COAL f r' T"."V V.-Hin Iliiiii1iniiuuw MMH s""lTSSSS'8!i . The last place you might expect to find coal is in your telephone. But it's there, all right. In each telephone mouth piece there are tiny coal granules that change voice waves into leaves of electric current. Phone people are very particular about this coal they get a special, handpicked anthra cite from Pennsylvania. First, it's crushed, ground, sifted and sorted. Next, it's washed, rinsed, dried, tested for cleanliness and roasted 2 hours at temperatures up to 20$S9 F. Then ifs cooled, tested again, and stored for six months before it's used. Sound complicated? Yes! But it's just one of the ways we work to make your tele phone more dependable more valuable to you. r ; V. f Birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occa sions for family and friends seem always to be popping up. Much as we'd like to, we often can't be there in person to deliver best wishes. And that's when a long distance call can mean so much. If you've received a call on a special day from someone far away, you know what I mean. It's an exciting visit for everyone gathered 'round. The cost is low even lower station-to-station and after 6 p.m. Next time, why cot "be there" with a long distance telephone call. Pacific TtUphon Northwest 1 J.l Morgan on the dihwahlng com mittee. A clean up of the church will I held the lt week In April. A Mother Daughter tea wa UIm UfcM-d. the date to he decide! later. At the April meet ing e.rtlon of ofricer will be held, Mr Echo Falmateer. Mr Walter Dobyn and Mr Wate Crawford were elected on the nominating committee. The ded ication of the Women' Gift hfixeu will be held In AprIL OflR AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON o.4)A DAY OR NIGHT $mQ&blLGm o Q Q ttty Tet fti Ust For Us hi fMwsf imU m ) '"t w u it T" i?i?tz2 irm w 4 fytny r- ca " C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY FHONI l-KaS UZttSlK ORECON 10X II dfeffirii Emm Ctenfeis I NOW SERVING MORROW AND GILLIAM COUNTIES For More Profit Per Acre From Wheat Land... WECOWIS ffSS PAUL PETTYJOHN mgmH. AS A PARTNER ,N Ekstrom Farm Chemicals HAS l THE II EQUIPMENT I Use Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia Take the amount of nitrogen that soil tests show you need for your wheat land. Then fig ure how many fewer pounds of the 82 nitrogen in Thillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia will be re quired to fertilize your grain, compared to other less concentrated nitrogen fertilizers. Now, add this big advantage to the higher yields you can get with Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia and you'll see these benefits mean more profit per acre for you. But that's not all. This S2 nitrogen encour ages deep, strong root systems that resist winter kill, and enables your plants to use more avail able moisture. For more profit per acre from your wheat land, use Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia. ORDER. YOUR SUPPLY TODAY HERBERT EKSTROM, JR. MANAGER THOMAS SUMMERS AGENT FOR ARLINGTON AREA PAUL TEWS AGENT FOR IONE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS LATEST & BEST FOR APPLYING AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Why Waste Your Nitrogen Dollars ON MINERALS YOU MAY NOT NEED? Soil Samples Analyzed By The Laboratory of Pendleton Grain Growers, Will Show You What Your Soil Needs To Bring You Greatest Profits. Tl X. PUoIr Herb Ekstrom, Jr. HOME OWNED AND OPERATED Ph. 8-72S9 Paul Pettyjohn, Ph. 8-7254 IONE, OREGON