SI hs te Morrow C u n h? To dayfe-BouJ . . .Tomorrow's Leaders , . . .Tori 04) Humphreys Rexall Drug Heppner Elmo's Dress Shop Heppner Heppner Auto Parts Heppner Phil's Pharmacy Phil Blakney, owner Red Cr White Grocery Heppner Western Auto Store Heppner Wilson's Men's Wear Heppner Moyer's Cafe Heppner Turner, Van Marter Cr Bryant Insurance-Real Estate Peterson's Jewelers Heppner Court Street Market Heppner Fullcton Chevrolet Co. Heppner Gilliam Cr Bisbcc Hardware Heppner The observance of National 4-H Club Week, March 5 through 12, is an opportunity to salute the more than 350 4-H Boys and Girls in Morrow county who are taking important strides toward finer citizenship. Whether it be learning better care and operation of farm equip ment or mastering a homemaking skill, 4-H members acquire initiative, responsibility and leadership. We commend them for their dedication to the fourfold devel opment of Head, Heart, Hands and Health through the 4-H Program. THIS TRIBUTE TO 4-H CLUB WORK IS SPONSORED BY THESE FRIENDS OF 4-H t Gonty's Shoes Appliances Heppae Thomson Bros. Grocery Heppnei Case Furniture Co. Heppner Farley Motor Company Heppner Heppner Branch First National Bank Oi Oregon Heppner Auto Safes, Inc. Ford Falcon Thunderbted Bank Of Eastern Oregon Heppner-Ione-Arlington Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Heppner Haskell Cr Haskett, Inc. Heppner Lott's Electric Heppner Lois' Beauty Shop Heppner L. E. Dick Heppner Cornctt Green Feed Heppner Jack's Chevron Station Jack Vaa WlnWa Heppner Jeanne's Beauty Shop Heppnei Heppner Cleaners Phone 6-9441 Wagon Wheel Cafe Heppnei Central Market Cr Grocery Heppnei Heppner Hardware Cr Electric Loral Parke Heppner Gazette-Times Morrow County's Newspcrpei Akers Motor Service lone Standard Oil Distributor Peck Leathers Bristow's Market lone Hicks Market lone Paul Pettyjohn Company Shell Distributor. Ion Jordan Elevator Company lono Rietmonn's Hardware Isse O'Connor's Insurance Agency lone MeJena's Builders Supply lone Stefani's, Fine Foods tone texfngton Oil Co-op Lexingtott Gene's Chevron Station Lexingioa Padberg Machinery Lexington Lexington Pastime Lexington Lexington Implement Co. Lexington Lexington Cafe Lexington Morrow County Grain Growers Lexington Peck's Grocery Lexington