Mental Health Subject of Talk At lone P-TA Bf fctHO MLMATEER Dr David J Baylin.k of Heppner gave i talk on Mental Health In (hltdrcn and adult at the P TA meeting Wednesday even Inc. Feb 10. He explained many torma pertaining to mental Ill ness and also suggested aeveral bk to read. Mm Itobert Jep. sen had charge of the program, At the business meeting con- duited by Mr Norman Nelson, president, the Invocation was given by Rev James Riley and the flag aalute by all. The 4th grade and the 10th grades had the highest percentage of par ents present. Refreshments were served from tables decoratd In the St Valentine theme. The com mittee consisted of Mrs L F Leathers. Mrs Holtz. Mrs Harold Snider. Mrs James Riley, and Mrs Edison Morgan. Jtt Booms Explain! rreccding the P-TA meeting, Captain Roy MacDonald of the 538th F I S, Larson Air Force Base, Moses Lake, Wash and Pilot of the F104 Jet plane gave a talk to a large group explaining the sonic boom. He told what the boom was, how It acted etc. He stated that Jet operations are carried out at al titudes of 20,000 ft or above and that the normal high cruising speed of Jot aircraft coupled with high altitude operations make it possible for an aircraft to be considerable distance away from the scene of the boom it creates. The Air Force Is providing 24 hour a day, 365 days a year pro tection of the country. Captain MacDonald was In troduced by Mayor Charles O Connor. lie had on display a model 104 Jet and explained all the parts. Also he had a pressur ized suit, a helmet, gloves and spurs worn by the airmen. The lone Garden club was held at the home of Mrs Fred rick Martin Tuesday afternoon, Feb 9 with Mrs O L Lundell as co-hostess. For the program, John Rawlins, a Junior gardner mem ber, gave a very Interesting talk on birds. He gave descriptions of the Rufous humming bird, the Oregon towhee, the bullocks or-1 lole and the starling and also hoed pictures cf these bird. At the business meeting con ducted by Mrt Martin, president Plans were made for the Blue Mountain convention to be held here April M In Willows grang hall. There will be a session I the morning and afternoon with a luncheon at noon served by the II C C of the grange. The follow Ing were apolnted on commit tev for the convention: recep lion. Mrs Etta Hoot on. Mrs YVtl liam IUvUIit. Mrs Edith Nlch OMun ana .Mrs Jianin; regis tatlons. Mrs Ralph Crum. Mrs O L Lundell. Mrs A 11 Merle k entertainment and program, Mrs Ernest Heliker and Mrs Rawlins decorations, Mrs Elbe Akers. Mrs Phil Emert, Mrs Crum, Mrs Fran ces Piper and Mrs Anna M Ball the coffee hour, Mrs Walter Dob yns. Mrs Carl Borgstrom. Mrs Anna Llndstrom and Mrs Law rente Jones: favors and door prizes, Mrs Edith Nlchoson. Mrs Emert and Mrs Martin; dinner, Mrs Lundell and Mrs Heliker, The club voted to change the club's flower to the chrysanthe mum instead of the snapdragon. 190 wheat corsages have been made by members for the lunch eon at the state convention In Pendleton In June. An article on the 12th Night was given to the club by Mr and Mrs Grant Rlgby. The book, "Corsages of Pods and Cones" was placed on the club shelf In the public library. Mrs Rawlins received the door prize. The Maranatha club met at the home of Mrs O L Lundell Wednesday afternoon, Feb 10 with Mrs Anna Llndstrom as co- hostess. Mrs E Markham Baker, president, opened the meeting with a scripture reading. The club decided to send $10 to Ja pan to purchase 3 Bibles for missionary work there. They will also send 5 table cloths and 12 dust cloths to the Rock Mountain College In Billings Mont This Is for the Women's Gift project A film strip on the Woman's Gift was shown by Mrs Alfred Nelson and Mrs Fredrick Martin. Mrs Omar Rletmann received the door prize. OWNED AND' OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN Will Be Back Again this year with two airplnw to assist the farmers of this area with their spraying problems. Tl tudy meeting of the Topic rluh was held at the home of Mr Mabel Cotter Friday after sh 13 with Mrs Victor Rletmann and Mr Dvd Bker . mhAiiniri The business meeting was conducted by Mrs K-..rmn Klin. rresiacni. WW th neram. Mrs Victor BJet mann reviewed the life of Gwen Brlstow and Mrs Baker reviewed the b-k "Cells Garth" ty ir" Brlstow. The next club meeting in h Murrh ll at the home of Mn Charles Carlson, uuesia a ----- . . n..,l I h mna were Mrs RMmmn. Mrs Charles Doherty, and Mrs Paul Tews and aaugn tor Natalie. Mrs Walter Jacobs enienamea it.. hrMc. club at her nome Thursday evening of last week. Those receiving prlxes were Mrs LaVerne Van Marter. hign; airs Ray Boyce, 2nd high; Mrs Pete r.nnon low and Mrs ueimer rvauford. traveling prize. Mrs Lawrence Jones returnea recently from a two week's trip in th Hawaiian isianas. anr was accompanied by her sister, Mrs Clarice Gregory of Portland. While there they visited all the Interesting places on the Island and also went to the Islands of Hawaii and Kauai. They made the trip by plane. Those from here wno auenaea the Rebckah card party In Hep- pner Saturday evening were Mr and Mrs David rueimann, mr and Mrs Omar Rletmann, wrs Cecil Thome and Earl Morgan. Mr and Mrs Carl Calkins 01 Otis were visitors at tne aam Esteb home last week. They woTa on meir way ui Walla. Mrs Calkins Is a daugh ter of Mrs Esteb. Dennis Swanson will report lor rralnln? at the Lackiana Air Force Base In San Antonio, Texas March 23. From there he will to Spence Air Force Base in Georgia. He and Mrs swan- son will leave nere uunu March 12. He Is the son of Mr and Mrs Garland Swanson and Graduate of the lone high A$-r i' w j vr if Y I HEPPNEH OAIETTE TIMES. Thursday february It. 1160 T his son. Kenny Lynn, and Miss MarUine Baker home. Kenny Lynn and Mardlne were Morvow county delegates there In "Know Your Stale Government" confer ence. Mr and Mr Donald Unnell (Continued on fog 10) AT LUTHERAN MEETING Dignitaries of the Spokane conference of the Northwestern district of the American Lutheran cnurcn who attended meeting, rob I and 10 in Heppner are, seated, left to riant The Rev C L Grub. Genesee, Idaho, conference secretary; The Rev John L Brielhl Nyssa, chairman of the Spokane confer nee) Dr S C Slelkes. Portland, president of the Northwestern district of the American Lutheran church. Standing: The Rev John Bydgren, pastor of the host churches. Hope Lutheran and Valby of Ions; the Rev E V Stlme. Seattle, dean of the Lutheran Bible Institute; end the Rev Paul Varner. columous. unio, oi American Lutheran church headquarters. (Melby Photo) NOTICE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS A large percentage of personal property owners In the County hare failed to file th.U 19S9 personal property re turns. It Is possible that filing the return can slip the mind very easily. THE DEADLINE IS MARCH 1 19S0. Oregon kwp ytde that any taxpayer who lolls to file a return j withtn the time fined thereto or as extended by the Assessor 5HAU. BE SUBJECT TO A PENALTY. Tour County Assessor does not wish to charge this ad ditional Penalty on any taxpayer. t ntana in the mall now. Horry Dinges County Assessor school and Portland University. Mr and Mrs Richard Rea and daughter, Donna, left for Port land last week where Mr Rea resumed his work again. He has been doing work here and their daughter, Donna, has been stay ins at the home of her grand parents, Mr and Mrs Clell Rea and at the Lewis Halvorsen home. Mr and Mrs Ralph Crum left for Portland Monday to spend a few days. Mrs Charlotte Shuey is staying with the Crum child ren. Dates to remember! Feb 20 American Legion junior auxiliary girls meeting at the Joe Garrsland home at ii j To Our Customers- 1:30 p m. Feb 21 Willows grange meeting in the afternoon with pot luck dinner around noon, A United States IFTE student In Japan will give a talk for the program. Feb 24 Naomi Circle meeting at the Community church at 8 P M. Toys will bo brought and renewed for migrant children near Forest Grove. Feb 26 Three Links club of Bunch grass Bebekah lodge at the home of Mrs Adon Hamlett at 2 p m. The afternoon Great Decision study meeting will be held each Monday at the home of Mrs Fan nie Griffith at 1:30 P M and the evening group will meet each Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the home of Rev and Mrs Rod Mac- Kenzie. Relatives who came from a distance to attend the John Hughes funeral included Ronald Hughes, Dublon, Idaho; Mrs Ed Burns, Blackfoot, Idaho; Ole King of Umatilla and Bill King of Corvalli. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan and Earl Morgan made a trip to Port land last week. Guests last week at the Ken neth Smouse home were Mrs Anne Smouse of Heppner and Mrs Richard Baker and daugh ters, Deborah and Martha, of Corvallis. Kenneth Smouse made a trip to Salem last week and brought tor SEED CLEANING & TREATING CALL Harold Erwin Phono 6-5806 Our Sincere Appreciation Next Monday. Thomas Howell will tak. over operation of Heppner Market and we will ond six years of its operation, and 30 years of operation by the Bur kenblne family. For your continued patronage of a home owned business for those many years w. are truly gratefuL and we offer a sincere "Thank You" for being such fine customers. We know you will appreciate the service -and quality merchandise your new owners of Heppner Market will continue to offer. Heppner Market Loyd & Christina. Burkenbine Tl i " ' " 1 "" ' S 1 3 S s s c I have purchased the Heppner Market from Mr and Mrs Loyd Burkenbine and will take over operation of the store on Monday, February 22 under the new name of ECONOMY MARKET AND LOCKERS As we must vacate our former meat market location in Central Market, all locker customers must be moved to our new store at least by March 1 . i We want to express our appreciation to all our cus tomers for their continued patronage of our Meat Mar ket and extend a sincere invitation to visit us in our new store where, in addition to a meat market and lock ers, we will offer a complete grocery service. THOMAS S. HOWELL THE NEW OWNER OF s s 23 BRAND NEW Q0 Looking For A Garage To Call Their Own END OF WINTER In Just a few weeks, wonderful, wonderful Spring when nearly everybody will be wanting a new Ford. But don't wait buy now when prices are the lowest of the entire yearl There'ro plenty of cars, but frankly not enough buyers. So bundle yourself up drY and warm and hurry down. You 11 save enough for an extra big vacation this year. NEW FORD FALCON As Low As $195.00 Down $59.95 A Month iconoiiiy Market & Lockers HEPPNER Heppner ales. Inc. FOHD MAY & MAIN STS. FALCON THUNDEBBIRD HEPPNER PHONE 6-9152 178 W. WILLOW