:rauimnmni:uu::;i:arn;:Tt:nu:n:ranmnrm:zn:nri::ni Social Happenings Jotcphln Thompeoa, Social lUpoiUi aaiia::m::a:::::::::::::::::mu::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n:::::::n::n:::tTn:::n Degree of Honor Installs Officers Tuesday Evening Installation nd Initiation was held last Tuesday evening at the Christian church for the Do gre of Honor lodge no 20. Mrs Clara B Gortson, National CommtttYwoman and state dir ector was Installing officer. She vn assisted by Mm Nora Neill. past president; Mrs Mabel Chaf fee and Mrs Alice Lutrell, vice presidents. Installing ushprs were Marilyn Bergstrom and Mrs Mary Mc Murtry. The following officers were In stalled; president, Mrs Alice Soward; past president, Mrs Trudy Casebeer; vice president, Mrs Eleanor Gonty; 2nd vice 7'resldent, Mrs Evelyn Hicks; financial secretary, Mrs Ida Far ra; treasurer, Mrs Mary Bryant; usher, Mrs Born Ice Nash; assis tant usher, Mrs Mary Bryant; In ner watch, Mrs Mildred Padberg; outer watch, Mrs Adelle Wright; pianist, Mrs Oma Cox; left assis tant. Mrs Alice Luttrell; right assistant, Mrs Nora Neill; color bearer, Mrs Ellen Moore; coun sellor to president, Mrs Mary McMurtry; trustee, Lincoln Nash; auditor, Mrs Ruth Berg strom. and Mrs Theta Stratton; ritual counsellor, Mrs Martha King. Mrs Evelyn Hicks and Billy Mahan were initiated at this meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 9 at the Christian church. Sans Souci Rebekahs Meet Friday Night On February 5. Sans Soud Ke bekah lodge no M. met with noble grand. Mrs Itufus Piper presiding. There were 31 mem bers and two lsitors present. Also there were 12 past nobl grands present. Mrs Earl Soward submitted her resignation as recording sec retary, due to the burden of other duties. Mrs Merle Kirk, district deputy president, presented Mrs Joe Daniels a certificate for unvvrit- ten work. It was announced the Triple Link club will hold its annual Valentine card party on Feb ruary 13 at 8:00 p m. Bridge and pinochle will be played. Mrs Roy Quackenhush re ceived the penny drill prize. Refreshments after the meet ing were served by Mrs Robert Van Houte, Mrs Frank Payne and Mrs Joe Daniels. The next meeting will be Feb ruary 13 at s:oo p m. Mrs Nelson Speaks To Extension Unit The Rhea Creek extension unit met for an all day meeting at the home of Mrs John Bergstrom in Heppner, Wednesday, Feb ruary 3. A potluck luncheon was en Joyed by eight members. The coming Festival plans for April 29 are progressing. In the afternoon, Mrs Norman Nelson presented a very inter esting lecture about A C W W. Mrs Nelson showed slides of the rural women's homos in some of the 34 countries representing A C W W. At each extension meeting a dutch auction is held for fund raising. The club always meets every first Wednesday in each month and anyone is welcome to come. Miss Margaret Virginia Barber and Gary Warren Jones. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs Charles Tendarvls. Dallas, and Delbert Barber, Richfield, Washington. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr and Mrs Paul Jones. For her wedding the bride wore a street length sheath dress of pastel blue lace over blue nc,t.-,v PVPnino nf last Week, in ,salln' W in. uu. u ' . u ,. rit, Idecorated with seed pearls and Out Of Town Guest Feted At Party Mrs LaVeme Van Marter en tertained with a card party Wed- MR AND MRS CART JONES (Margaret Virginia Barber), married recently at th homt of Mr and Mrt Paul oa of Heppntr. (Mtlbv Photo) JONES-BARBER WEDDING VOWS READ RECENTLY AT PAUL JONES HOME An aftenoon ceremony, Jan- bride and groom. uary 30, at z:30, at ine i-aui i The nrtoe is a ijkw graouaie oi Jones home united In Marriage, y.gj jjjgh school at Hood River and Is employed by the Neighbors of Woodcraft In Port- Coming Events H id cry, Feb 12 Ruth thapt n 32. OES. Monday, Feb IS Chamber of commerce, noon at Wagon Wheel Rainbow for CliU. Clki bridge tournament American Legion. Tuetday. Teb 16 St Monica's guild. Eikt pinochle tournament Wednesday. Feb 17 Willow e lodge no 66. IOOr. Thursday, Feb 18 SoroptimUta. noon at Wagon WheeL Elks, itag dinner. Friday Feb IS Sane Soucl Re- bekah lodge. Saturday. Teb 20 Elks annual. Lodge. 2 pm; card party for women. 2 pm; social hour. 5 to 6 p m; dinner to I p m; eaudevlll show I and 9 pm; dance. 10 p m. .... HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thurtday. February . IMS land. The groom Is a 1957 graduate of Heppner high school and is attending Northwest Technical Institute In Portland, and will graduate March 2. Following the honeymoon in Eastern Oregon they are making their home In Portland. Out of town guests attending the wedding were Mr and Mrs lone Sorority Works On Copper Pictures The Beta Omega chapter of Epsllon Sigma Alpha met at the lone Legion hall the evening of February' 3. At the business meeting, final plans were made on the candy sale. It was voted to collect for the Heart Fund. For the educational program, copper pictures were worked on. led by Mrs Maxlne Cox. The members will again work on pic tures Feb 17. The hostesses were Mrs Rosetta Palmateer, Mrs Irene Leathers and Mrs Eulenna Cor-ley. The guests were Mrs Fritz Cutsforth. Mrs Jimmy Prock, Mrs Ray Boyce, Mrs Herb Ekstrom, Mrs Carl Thorpe, Mrs Bob Jep sen, Mrs Gene Hall, Mrs James Norcnc, Mrs Alex Thompson, Mrs Wayne Prock, and Mrs Matt Hughes. High score in bridge was held by Mrs Thompson, with second high going to Mrs Hall. In pin ochle, Mrs Cutsforth won the high prize. Mrs Keeling Hostess For Luncheon Party A luncheon was nonor oi nor siMer, iirs v.y nam, i . . . w,r hat u-Mt the wedding were Mr ana Mrs ...ui, ih,o HaiKThfo rhinestones. Her hat was a wnite i rM., ...... . eatln netal shano with veil to nanci, iui.jt vi.kt.i oiiu is here visiting from "vermore. a J PJ'" h erie ie Jn Blake of Portland. Mrs fnlifnrn . matcn, ana ner accessories were tt,.i,,. anA fr Knnnth , ...Li,. CKa Ad a Km murtT .j.ww.a .w.w . 1 , . ..W. t .tfJ T1,o ouncta uoro Mrs Fr ill : uiir. - vj- . u m. .. iuiiuil-uii nxs kivi-ii v i u- of pink rosebuds and white garbTr of RichHe d M s nesday af,ernoon of last WN stephanotis. I ,,rSf, nil bV Mrs Kenneth Keeling at her Ted Johnson, Mr and Mrs Neal noe" , mT.ii . J ,i,.v,.Q, n.,1, Mrs Keeling s guests were Mrs Ncilson and daughters Linda i i ah j and Janet of Pendleton and the ' Tr' i SS g Rev Charles Graybeal and and Mrs Paul Koen'g- daughter, Marda and son Alan Mrs Darcel Moore of Vancouv er. Washington, cousin of the bride, was matron of honor, in a champagne colored shantung suit with lavender accessories and wore a pink rosebud and white carnation corsage. The best man was Jon Blake of Portland. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Charles Graybeal of Grandview, Washington, an uncle of the groom, and the bride was given In marriage by her father. Pink and white decorations a no-host luncheon was given were used throughout the rooms, in honor of Mrs Stan Holm who with a large bouquet of white was hero lor rne wec'K irom stock ana neamer anu pnm car Mrs Holm Honored At Luncheon Friday Friday afternoon of last week Dean Gilman Speaks To Mothers Club On Juvenile Problems The Heppner Mothers cluti met at the home of sirs Klmer Schmidt on Monday evening. February 1. with Mrs John Ityd gren as co hostess. The annual dinner w ill be held at Stefan!' In lone on February 1.1 All will meet first at the Ken Keeling residence at 6.00 p m. Hospital hostev.es . for Feb ruary are Mrs L L Robbing and Mrs Ralph Richmond. Dean Gilman, Heppner chief of police, gave an Informative talk on Juvenile problems. An Interesting question and answer erliKj followed. tluests at the meeting were Mrs D M Whitesmith and Mrs Charles Knox. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Clem Stockard on March 7. The roll call will be an exchange of cookie and candy recipes. Mrs Ayers Entertains At Coffee Hour Mrs Earl Ayers entertained with a coffee hour Thursday morning at her home. Those attending were Mrs Paul Koenlg, Mrs Harry Bongers and Mrs Phil Blakney. Mrs Wright Has High Score In Pinochle Mrs Orlsn Wright was hostess for her plnothle club last FrIJay afternoon at the home of Mrs Robert Lowe. Those attending were Mrs Fred Mankln. Mrs Henry Hap- pold. Mrs Ben Anderson. Mrs Walter Becket. Mrs Earl Evans. Mrs Ambrose Chapln and Mrs Lowe. High for the afternoon was won oy Mrs vtrigni. i Mrs Happold and double pin ochle was won by Mrs Lowe and Mrs Becket. Mrs Gribble Hostess For Bridge Club Mrs Lowell Gribble entertain ed the Whats Trumps bridge club last Wednesday afternoon at a salad luncheon. Guests were Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mrs E K Schaffltz. Mrs P W Mahoney. Mrs Oliver Crcs wick, Mrs Mervln Leonard. Mrs Dick Wilkinson. Mrs Clarence Rosewall. Mrs Gene Ferguson. Mrs L D Tibbies. Mrs Earl Blake and Mrs James Thomson. Mrs Gene Ferguson held high m score lor the aiternoon, jirs Schaffitz was second high, Mrs Thomson, third and Mrs Cres wick low. trntrnntsmmmtsmmnst St. Albin's Guild Spaghetti Dinner SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 SERVED 1 TO 5 P. M. EPISCOPAL PARISH HALL wtmt8 of Grandview. Maupm. Those attending were Mrs Glenn Smith, Mrs Merritt Gray, nations predominate. A reception followed the wed ding with Mrs Kenneth Hooker Mrs Riley Munkers, Mrs Howard of Echo, an aunt of the bride, Pettyjohn, Mrs Bud Collins, Mrs in charge of the punch bowl and Jack Van Winkle Roy Gardner. and Mrs Le- mm during FEBRUARY only! 1 Mrs Floyd Jones, an aunt of the groom, in charge of the cof fee. The wedding cake was five tiered topped with a miniature OES Social Club Met Saturday Afternoon The Social Club of Ruth chap ter no 32, OES, met Saturday afternoon at the Masonic temple. Mrs Frank Turner held high score in bridge and In pinochle Mrs John Lane was high. Mrs Tom Wells received the door prize. Mrs Paul Jones and Mrs Oliver Creswick were hostesses for the afternoon. CONGRATULATIONS to the Boy Scouts of America on their 50th Anniversary. The Star Theater. Each piece gorgeously repjated in quadruple Sliverpiare oy Silt No reason to apologize for th. looki pRCES of yoor worn .Overwore, precioo. ARTICU antiques and heirloom, when you can pr,jH PjttfierS 6 33 have them repaired and reploted to 7 55 original beauty at .uh law pr,t... " S Take advantage of this timely sale fllst( ROWlj by bringing your worn .il.er .n pgts H.95 TODAY. ... . 1t BC degordle.. of their .ondrt.o- . . - Water PltdiefS H whether ..l.er. copper, gold or n.ckel Jrjyj ftt SQ. ill.) .... 7 troph.e, churchwore, etc. . . . U them for ...imote. "T FEBRUARY mm COMPLETE MAPLE COLONIAL STYLE Living Room Group THIS SET INCLUDES DAVENO CLUB CHAIR ROCKING CHAIR STEP TABLE COFFEE TABLE TABLE LAMP FLOOR LAMP We are offering this very special complete living room group at a very special price. An attractive matching maple finish set with long-wearing tapestry covering. Buy the entire group and SAVE I If Purchased Separately $329.50 ALL FOR JUST (o)50 I ' 1 1 Y0M 70TAL MOD MAXWELL HOUSE lib. JJima(50 3 for B PILLSBURY FLOUR 25 LB. BAG STANDBY 46 OZ. PINEAPPLE AND GRAPEFRUIT Dc $489 Bradley's Apple, Cherry. Blackberry IES 2 for 89c BOOTH 1 LB. BREADED SHRIMP PKG. ggC MINUTE MAID 12 OZ. ORANGE JUICE 2 CANS 85 FRESH PRODUCE U. S. NO. 1 NETTED GEM WHITE NEW POTATOES LB. gC FANCY RED ROME APPLES BOX $g00 ARIZONA WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 8 lb. bag 49c SPECIALS FOR FEBRUARY 12-13 Central Market & Grocery PETER5UN o JEWELERS Case Furniture Co. HEPPNER S&H GREEN STAMPS PHONE S-9614